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_ .�� - . _ .. .. .. .. ._. <br />, � � ;:,�;-: <br /> ;.,;: <br />_ 93- �,o�� � ---- <br /> af sal�end the eate,InctudinD the pqyment oithe 1lrusteeb fcee aetuaity Irtcurtcd,not to exsad �tVO �of <br /> the prluctQaI amounf ot the note ot Ih�Qmo of t6e declaretion of detaWf,end reasonu6la ettoraeys'f a�yumitted <br /> by len;(0)to aU cum�secured by�AU 8ecwlty Iastrrment�and(c)any excea+W t�e peraon or peraoro tegni�y entitled . <br /> to tt, <br /> �3. Reconve�encc. Upon paymcnt of ell sums securcd by�hi�Sccudry tnswmsn6 Lendtt eheil requa�71u�tca ro — <br /> r000nrey tho Propcny and shell surtender tAli Secudty lnstrumem end ell no�ca ovidencing dcbt scwred by thb Seculity <br />- [nstrvmrnt to 7YuMee. 7tustee�halt rcconvey�he Property without wertanty arA without chvge to�he pemon or persons --� <br /> legal1y enutled�o it Such person ar persons ehall pay any rccordetion eos�e. - <br /> 33. BubsGluto 7Fustce. Lender,et ita op�ion,may from eime to time removo 7Yuata anA eDW��t a mcceasorputtw ro � �- <br /> eny 7lusteo appoiuted hercunder by en insuumeat rccoNed in ihe munty in which this Secudry Imtrumene is rcco[ded. -;--�� - <br />� Wlthout wmeyancn of Ihe Property,the eueaswr Ws1a shall cucceM to etl llw[illo.power ond dutln eonkrted upon - - -- <br /> 7Fusteo heroln uM by eppIiceble law. --� --- - <br /> 2A. Request tor Notices. Borrower requu�e that copia of�ho noNce�of defeult md�alo be cent�o OorrowerY addres� <br /> whtch la�he Nopeny Addras. -� -- <br /> tS. Rldere to qils Security[nstrument. if one or moro rldwa are executed by Bo�rower and rccorded toge�her with <br /> �hli Security[nsuumen6�he covenanu�ma sgreemenu of each such rider sha116e incorporated Into and ehall unmA and — <br /> eupplement�he rnvenants end agrecmm�i of thia Secudry Inswman as if thu riderte)wero e part of�hi�Secudry Inswmene __ .._.__--- <br />- [Q�eckappliublebox(ca)1 - . ... .. . . <br />. �A�us�able Ratc Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Pamily Rlder -- <br />- �Gwduated Paymcnt Rider �Plenned Unit Devclopment Rider �Biweekly Paymmt Ridcr --- <br /> �Balloon Rider �Rete Improvement Ridcr �Second Homo Ridw �_,_,_ <br /> �Olha(s)[xPa��YI —...._-. <br /> �Y SIUNtNO➢OLOW,Bortower accepts nnd egrees ta�he tertns and covenanta mntained in Ihis Security Instrmnent <br /> and in eny riderta)executed 6y Oorroxer end rccordea with i6 -- <br /> tN��G Sl ""�^-"_ �� /'� �,(J�s � (ScaU �_ <br /> ROBENT D �A�R -eormr<r °°--. <br /> SM!aS S!�udt;Num!!er_ 472-82-8774 —=- <br /> — ��� Bcal) °---. <br /> JAH L JASPEli -ea,m,e. -:. <br /> Socinl Securliy Numlur_ 469-04'9881 �F��r-_-=_'- <br /> r�:�_,=;. <br /> STA1E OP NCDRASKA, µy,�, County sa: F -�' 4 <br /> pF3'S ay '... <br /> On thi� 12Eh doy of �y, �983 .6efom me,tl�e undersigned,e Noury Public � N�ur_ _-� <br /> dulywmmissionedandqualifiedtorsaidcoumy.personallycamc ROBEF►T D JASPER At� JAMIE L .1IISPER �`cl�o}��q <br /> MlSBMD MD WIfE .ta mc kno�m ta bc�hc �";���r,#y« '- <br /> identiwl persons(s)whose nxme(s) nrc subscdbed ro the Porcgoing insm�ment nnd ncknu�vledged�he execmion themot ro � r � <br /> �;:•r; ._� <br /> bc �1E�p volumory nct and decd. :if;,',',r`-,_ <br /> Wfineas my hnnd nnd notnriul scal ot �$I,Na in seld muniy,Ihc +;-^:z.;�_„� <br /> dereafoRSxiA. R%i'•;�,:_._ <br /> My Commiasi t .`'s � <br /> � ML KOtMrduu o�It6ruu A � �{c:� .. <br /> .�.Y 3�� 18$ ROBEfliALREE Na+pPublk r� �. <br /> p�p�gahy��jQ ESTFORRECONVEVANCE 1�^.:,;.vf`h�--- <br /> T07RUST[E. � f` '` - <br /> The undersigned is�he holder of�he note or notes securcd by ihia tked of lFus�. Seid note or notee,[ogetAer with ell �xf'�' '- <br /> other fndebtedness xcurcd by�his Deed of'Ihs�,hme 6cen paid in WII. You am hercby dircetcd ro cancel seid note or no�es t ';` .�, <br /> and thia Deed of 7}usL which orc delirercd hettby,and ro reconvey,wiihout wartanry,all�he es�ate now held by you under --��' - <br /> . thta Deed of 71ust to the percon or persons Icgally emiticd themro. -'�i�S?""'%-��=:- <br /> S;t:i•r.;��-.. <br /> ��:ral;,;�;,. <br /> Datc: - _ f�,fi:ri:. : <br /> � Farm101B 1N0 fpaArOnfbpoRnl �'�'i��='Y" <br /> � �tii.:s :`ri: <br /> $;?-yj+F�°i���, <br /> r rrSr ''*�§r� 1 s r�'?�N+L:S3- Ft�p�i��.rr�n.�'��aq��sr°,r=--�r�v-�-��r� `�a� .K�r i <br /> __ ��f .� /� u� i• tn �1T �� fi a � l��, . v_ � i� r ' `5 �i y � Y �t <br /> -i�.' � 'tJ�> S�',r i' {?f4'r,.,FV` ,f �� 1 rtn R�.. J 1 1� t�i� � �[�v�y.X>n 'i_ i � i f <br /> . ir} } �1 tsf.�ti �f t _ - r 't'5 �'}y.i '�♦�. z _ 1 - r) -- ?�S�t� � � �t F ! v� <br /> N � �- � �SnN� ���,� L1 `i,� -. � ''Jrl ��i is i�� �S?f�a"i � _ Lte ��_ � �.u� � iSli , �1 <br /> i g <br /> _., . . �v(�� . _-�1 �� ,.--.;.,5 v "s� � �'�S�ru3'7T. . � a f -, t. c -..�,� � , <br /> � '-}y � /�� . •�i '�T�SI�.�: .F r ��(:� k> .1.. .-1.�1.> �r �,_�: � � t y,.. .iZ� . . i�S_ Ji ni ' _ <br /> .�. . j�n � ' ._ _ . _ Y f _� f I' i� ,.. 'l a i_ 2"�.' f t "'_"r 1 .. _-- � J J �. <br /> � • 7�t � s hff� 7' . _t� f i h~� S L^ �� '���i -- tJ.t�2 . f C t'ii y <br /> �-ts Y I � h -- . Y .1 '.'i.s 1 t + �S `+5`" Cf.i' `�-� <`� - s Y <br /> � 1� `��'fy� -x � r�.. i� J� i[� t. c �� .- � «! � �. t� a -i� ) �� -1'^1� 't t [l1�e11 <br /> -?3�Y� ' r �.'__�C`�"��-,�ri4•a��ii•.J4r.'asti 'ti+�.' o � r_M r . -.H i '�- 3"i u --r����fy'h ��i �'� � < ' <br /> a,s*� ,<t �.'�'� .iiu-._a_'KSnx . .f.- . 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