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, . T�_ <br /> �,:.: , ,,�: <br /> , . _ ,,,. <br /> i�Hp ��V���4.r' � � � �.������ <br /> condcmnatlon or oihcr�uking of uny pan of tho convcyunao Im Ilou of condcmna�ton.eio,here6y st'signed end <br /> chall ba pald w Lendcr. ` . - <br /> In thc evem at a toto! �aklny of iho Rapeny.�ha proaaaAx�hnlLbo applied to ihe auma sccvrcd tiy�his�ocudly _ <br /> lnswmenb whe�hcr or na�hen Aue,wlth•nny oxsdu ppid In Qortower. In the evrnt o(o ppnial taking"pf,4�.p�pp�ny In <br /> �vhlch iM foir m�rket valua of�ho Property Immadllllniy Uofaro t6a takinp le oquul ro or grcater thon�ha emoum of tfio sume -. <br /> secured by thla 9avdty Inatmmcnt Immafimnl9 hefnro�ho mMlnp,unlaea IIartoner and l.ender oiM1erni:o agrcc in wdting. <br /> �iw�um�eecmxd 6y thla 9ecudry Inummcm ehnlf 6e rodnced�y�ha amnuni,of tha prrceeas muhipqeA by me following <br /> frectlon: (a)�ho�mal emoum of tlie�ums�ceurud immodimaly bofuro thn taYing,divided by @)Ihc fair merkN valua ot�ho <br /> Propeny Immedi¢tely 6oforo lhe Ioking. Any bn6mn dmll bo ppld tn Uomower. In tAe evem of a partial taking ot�ho <br /> Propcny In whkh tlw tair ma�ket valuo of the fhopcay immodinmly 6ctoro�hc uking ia lcss ihen ihc nmounl of�he sums - <br /> caured immedlefely beforo �Iro teking, unlvsx Uurto�vor ond LcnAar o�hanvix ogree in wdting or unlese applicablo I�w `�� <br /> atherwim provldc�,tho procetda Rhall be eppllad ro tho�amw cecumd by thix Securiry Instmment whwlKr or irot�he sunn aro _. <br /> then due. <br /> if iho Propeny b ebandoned 6y Oorta�ver,or IP,o0ar nntluc by Lendar m-Dortowenhat the condcmnor offen ro make <br /> en:wnM or acttlo e clefm fnr damagoa,6nrrawcr fnlin tn rocpond lo Lcndur wiihin 30 day�atrer�he dau ihc nmiec ia given, — <br /> Lender is nuthodzed m collec�enA�pply tho procccdx,at�ilx optinn,el�6ar�v maore�lon or repair of�Iw Pmpeny or to ilw -- <br /> sum+�ecurcd by thl�Secudty Insnument,whe�her or nul flnm dim. <br /> Unless Lender ond portower otharwlce egrco In wdllnp,uny applica�lan of procceds to pdnelpnl shall not eatend or � <br /> posipono the duc daic of tho momhly paymonu rchrted�o In pnmymphx I nnd�2 archnnge Ihe nmauN of such paymenta. <br /> 11. Borro�rer Not Relea+edt For6enrnnce 8y Lcndor N�d�n Y�alvcr. Hzrension of �he lime toT paymem or - <br /> modiflcat(on of nmonlratlon of the cums Recurcd by Ails Rocnd�y Inntumont pramed by Lender io nny:uceeasor in intercat -� <br /> of Dortowcr chall na opereto to rcleau�hc IIobllily af�im odpinni 6artowcr or Oorrowerk succcaxorx in intercst.Lemler _. <br /> :hall not 6ercq ulrcd to commenco procecdings ngnimt-eny succoxsor in ime¢ct or rcPose to ex�end time for paymem or <br /> o�herwiu modify omortlm�lon of the aums cecumd 6y thiti 8audty In+numcnt by rcason of eny demnnd mnde by�hc original — <br /> Bamwer or Borrowcrb aucscsson In fmoms�. Any fnrheorancu by Lcnder in exercieing ony righi or rcmeAy ahall not be e <br /> weiver of or prcclude thc excmiu of ony dght or mmcdy. = <br /> Ib 8uccessoro end Assigna Oound;Jalnt and 8ererel LIabIll�yi Caalgnen. The covenants nnd agrecments of�hi� <br /> Securi�y Inamment shell bind nnd 6enclit Ihe�nccesson und ncdgiu of l.ender ond Dorrower,xnbJect to Ihe provislon.+of --. <br /> pamgmph 17. Borrou�enc�ovenum.nnd ngrcemente■hnll bo Jolm and xevsrnl.Any 6ortower who casigns thia Seeurity <br /> Inswmeni bue dce�no�ezecuro�he Noie: (m�Ais Securily In:wmem only w mongage,grnnt end convey�hat - <br /> Borrowerb imcrcat In thc Propcny undcr�hc icm�+o!ihia Saudty Insuumcnr. (6)i�not perconnlly obligavA to pny�he suma _�� <br /> securcd by this Secudty InsuameN;and(c)ngrce��hnt l.ender nnd any o�her portower mny agrce ro exrcnd,madiry,forbenr _, <br /> or make eny accammadatianx wiih rcgord to ihe tem�x of�hie Sernd�y Instrumem or iha NOIC w11I1041 IAflt BOilOWGf�f <br /> rnnsent. _ <br /> 13. Loan Chergea. If the loan cecund by thix Saudiy In.imment Ix su6jeci ro n I�w which�s maximum laen <br /> chargea,end that luw I�Mally Iniery m�ed so�hu��he Imena�or oihor loon ch�rgei collecitd or�0 6e collmed im m�nec�ion __. <br /> wf�h�he loon exacd�he pertniucd Ilmitx,�hen: GU nny xuch lonn churge ahall he reduced by the nmount neaasnry�o rednce — <br /> iho cho�{c io ihc pcm�iital Iimii:aml ibi any wnn u(mnJf�olicdcd fmm Bum�wcr vnich cncaJcJp�rtniiicd iimiin w'�ii nc =. <br /> rctunded to Dorrower. Lender mny chooxe tu muke�hic rcPond hy mduch�g�he princiqd owed under the Noie or hy moking n <br /> dircct payment to Bortower. If u refund rcducea pdncipnl,ihe rcductinn wlil he ircnted m o pnniul prcpaymcnt whha�i any _. <br /> prcpnyment chnrgc undcr thc No�c. -- <br /> ]0. Noticea. Any notiw m Uorm�vcr pmvlAcJ !nr in�hl:Sand�y Inqmmem ehull Sc givcn by Jelivcring h or by -- <br /> mniling it by firs�clacs mail unless applfcnble low mqaimx ux of nnmher nuih�xl.lhe noifa Fhnll be dirccted to�Ae Propeny = <br />� Addmss or ony other xddmxs Borrower dexignmex hy no�ice�o Lender. Any ndice io Lender x6nil be given by fint clasa ` <br />� mail lo Lenderk addmu xm�ed hercin or m�y mher ndJmn Lender de+lgna�e•hy nmi�e�n I3ormwer. Any no�ice pmvided for _ <br /> in ihix Seeurity Inumment shnll Ae deemed m hnve Iken piven io Romnver �v l.ender when given as pmvided in ihis -` <br /> P�Sreph. ; <br />�. IS. Ooverning La�v; Sererablifly. This Sccuriry Inumnum .hnll 6c pavemcJ by kdeml Imv und �he law ot ihe = <br /> jurisdialan in which�he Ropcny Is IMOrcd. In ihe evem ihot uny ptuvf.i�m nr cl�u�c of ihf:Security Insuument or�he No�e " <br />� conflicu wi�h npplicable Imv,xuch can0ict shall mm�ffec�atlur pnwi�inn�nf�hi.Saari�y In+uumem or�he No�e�vhich cnn `- <br /> be given efkci ai�hom �ho couliiciing pruvi.iun. Tu this c�M�he provhinn� of�hi�5ecuri�y In.irvmem nnJ ihe Now uc - <br /> declered w he xevemble. -- <br /> IG 6orro�ver'a Copy. Borroxenhnll 6e givcn nnc amfonneJ mpy nf ihc Na�r mid af�hi+Sccurity Ins�mmem. _- <br /> 17. 7Yunsfer of ihe Property or u I3enefictnl Intcrext in Nurrnucr. Ihdl or my p:m nf die Pmpcny or nny intcrcst in __ <br /> it is sold or tmnskrted(ar if a beneficial imere.� in fiorm�rer h xild nr imn.femd nnd Ikirm�ver i•mm�namnl persoN - <br /> �vilhout Lenderk prior written consenL Lender muy.nt i�s npiian,rcyuin immeJia�r paymem in PoII uf nll sums secured by = <br /> this Security tnxtmment. Hmvever,ihis optiun+hull nui he exemiud hy LcnJer if e�eni.c i.pmhibi�ed by fedeml law os of =- <br /> �hc dau o(�hia Security Inxwment. - <br /> If Lender ezemuea this ap�ion.Lender shall give Dortu�rer nnFce nf naclenGnu. llx noiice.Imll provide o period of - <br /> not lest�hnn 30 doys(rom�he dare�he noti�r is Jelivemd ar muileJ�rilhin x hich Itnrmx cr mu.t pay ull•mnr secumd by Ihis =�.-: <br /> Securi�y Inxuumem. It Bo�romcr foils to p�y ihc�c +unu prin: io�hc expimu�.n of�bi.�ri�d, I.cndcr nwy invokc uny <br /> . rcmedies permined by�his Security Instmment�vi�liom funherna�ice or demunJ un Nanooer. <br /> 18. Oorro�rerb Right fo Relnstate. If Rnrmacr mce�.cennin rondivan.. 8nnnucr •hail havc �he righl ro harc _. <br /> en(orcemrm n(Ihix Securily Inslrumenl dixmminued ol nny Iime prior lu Ilx andi.r nL• �a�}day.�or+uch ntlter period as - <br /> • Sinpkl�mdr..fannieA6eh'redElr�lxCiIFONf11]tiTNI\lY:\I'n.rnam. 1.W �rvxr1../nryxa� <br /> � .. ;:.. <br /> !�� � 1"�4��7'P� 3-Y-__ . .:.w ) .�� �� ._2- t F.�76l�.T�bTiz�F".__p(JqETi;�. n i f�a-< . <br /> � < e�.1}Slr'�� � _ � t� �� `� � r h \vt� � ' f -. ,��. b r � 1 i - ,}ir i . <br /> �� .4 � z Fu, <br /> ` '"}``'�1�St'A�t�,t,��l�z4r ti F'"�7�4 �tj�i 't a• ��'� _ r � � ;� � :,,��� ' <br /> Y �A ��-•..t L t C .� 1:- .r t <br /> '�5�f� S[� F��,�y��t�Js'.� � K_ye`1�..r � L . .i .r t � .f_� i .. 1t -t.`-"' ._ <br /> A.4�i1,%y��S� �T��_da�iVSC..�iat� ,:f. F:�4 ' 1 ; lY' . �'Ri. �- .� ..n . ln i.��b"_-_: <br /> � •`xp'�YirC "{/,��l'/�'_7ks f }� r r _ 3i_. _ ._� _..r1 . �- Y. . ,.�i ,�. ti. <br /> T' � E���ff "�iq�),/{,��j�r���7�tJ + 4 ? -YF e S . -4Nlr: _ . . l� .1 nA� � . ' � '1 � r :} (7 <br /> � - - ..hK� �Z�'i �.'ikJ'�,`. � `,� 't..-� �u- i i.e - f i-'A't �'lr�`{ � e -,T ��`4(� 6 •� <br /> ' I t -1�is�?s' �. � ' �:. r .')v <br /> �ri .�. Y -.yiy f ♦ � ' �y✓ 44 1 c ..� x { -L � - i <br /> r - 4 i �!�(.,i('Sty. r T ___;r ' t -:r_� n -�1_ v >s `,'r r_ { �fi - -_ c )� . <br /> � � v k 'j�T t }} s f u -ri ,. �- . <br /> l�w�� � "� . (S�� - " .t�y - Jt ) + . r �� �. r r� � tY : <br /> > - �7 . � i Y l .p \I t�t� � n-f � t . ./ � <br /> Y--.-L .)q- i i i rit� � . � bl �� F� . Y' .r �li A�� - n '.S <br /> ��j -t�°Frf " i v ilir{� ti.. _�'ku ir.y' . � i-[ � �tr i . � S _ ��)i�� � �} ; 'cf : <br /> v rf�Fif iG�tu��: � .., t 1 . _r � � . � y` _ . E VI�� � iL� L -..1 ) <br /> x� �hV�l} ���j�/G.�1 t��.+ 'Lk'�3'c+-fi �! ._� t '�•rt91?) � t?�'f/f � IV � .v� ��F .t!! {�! f-+n <br /> �.@?�'.� .�. ��'rtk.Uur�.�� vtt hi'�:.� . _ . . .. . ,..� �,,, ,''�. � ; v = _. ..:7 � .,,>.. . <br /> �., <br />