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'93� 1��2 -- <br /> , period�that Lender requtra. 7t�e insuronce certler provlding tlw in:umnce eholl bo chosen by Qorrowcr�u cct to I.cnEe�b <br /> epprovel xfitcb shell not ba unrcasonnbiy wichheld. It Bomower feila ta melnuln rnvcmga doacd6ed a6ova, der mny,ct <br /> Lenderh optlon,obuin wvemse ro protcet Lender6 righro in�he Propeny m e000rdanco wltb pnra8roph 7. _ . . . . . <br /> , All insurAnce policia�nd rcnaweh�hell bo eceeplable�o Lcnder nnd shell Includo a anndard mortge�a clause. I.cadcr -- <br /> nAeU heve�he righua hold�he polic�m end rcnewah. If Lendtt roqulma,Bortower shall promptly glvo to Ltnder eli rtcolpli °—•------ �--- <br /> ot peld prcmiuma end rcnewnl notia�. (n�he ovent of los�,Bortowcr�huil gtve pmmp�notice co�ha Inwronca carticr and <br /> Lendcr. Lendsr may meko proof of lox+if not m�de promptly by Aortowcr. <br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othenviae agrce In wriling,insu�ance proceed�ahell 6o upplled lo ros�arolion ot rcpulr o/ <br /> the�rty damaged, 3t�he rcstomtlon or rcpnir M cmnomimtly kssible end Lendorb ecendty is noi Iciwncd. It iho ---��--- <br />_ restaret on a rcpair b not economically feasible or LenderY seeadry would bo Ieasened, iho Insurnnca D�ed�shnll 60 ` ..__:...:;.. -..�.. <br /> epplied�o the sum�securcd by�hie Security Inswmcnt,�vhether or not then duc,wli6 any cxcese pnld to portower. U ___ <br /> Borrower abandona�he Propeny,or dou not amwer wit6ln 30 daye e notica from Lender �hot�he Imurunw wnlor ha� -- � � <br /> offercA to aettlo e el�im,then Le�er may coita[tho(naurence proaeda Lender may uu tho prooeeda io rc�nir or mttoro <br /> �Ix Propeny or to py curm■ecmed by thia Secudry Instrument,whe�he�or no�ihen due. 7Lo 3Uday poriod wlll begin when "'�"�- <br /> �he no0m ia given. --.°._. . . <br /> Unless Lender and Horrower othenvix agrce in writing,eny ap Ilcation of pmcads ro pnncipoi �hall not oA�end or - -- _-- <br /> pactpone�he duo date of the monthly paymenu rcferred to in pamgmpRs I end 2 or chenge tha emount o(�ho pn onU. If <br /> nnder paregnph 21 �he Propeny ia ecquired by Lender,Bortowerl dght to eny insumnce policies end p�roetdting —' <br /> from damege to the Propeny priar�o ihe xcquki�ion sAall pass to Lender to the oxtont of[ho xum�cecnrcd by�hle Sceurity <br /> Instrumcnt immediately prior to�hc acquisition. <br /> 6. Oaupancy, Preaervation, Matntenence nnd Protettlon ot the Properlyt 6orrower4 I.aen Appilcutlan� <br /> l.enseholda. Bortmrer xheli«cupy,esmblixh,end use�he Propeny as Borrowerb pdnc{pel residenco wi�hin nizty dayR aRer — <br /> the execwion of Ihis Security Inawment xnd sAall continua to occupy the Propeny es Borrowerti principal rcaidenca for at <br /> least one year nRer�he dere of xcupency, unless Lender otherwise agrca In writing, whith consenl ehall nol bo <br /> nnrensanably�vithh�id,or nnless extenuatins cimumstanees exist which arc 6oyond Bortowsrk cantml. Bortower shall not =__.- �- <br /> destroy,damese or impxir tAc Property,allow�hc Pmperty to deteriorote,or commit wasta on�he Propeny. Bortowcr ehell —�-�- - <br /> be in defeult if eny foReiturc anfon or proceeding,whether civil or cdminal,i:begun ihot in Lenderh good faith Judgment =___ <br /> could result in foReimre o(the Propeny or oiherwixe mmedaily impnir �he flen crcated by ihh Secudty Inx�mmen� or �,��L. <br /> Lender4 xcurity intereat. Borrower may curc such a defeult end minstata as provided in paragraph IA,by couxing lho a¢Hon . <br /> or proceeding ro be dismisud wi�h n mling the6 in Lenderh good fei�h determinetion,prceludea forfehurc of�ho Donowc�ti ����_-.-� <br /> INCrca� in the Propeny ur o�her mntedal imp�irtnent of ihe lien crce�ed by �his Securiry Imwment or Lenderh�ecuriry �`�';9}' <br /> interea�. Bortower shnll eim be in defnult if Borro.vec daring thc loan applicatlan process,aave maledully tnlao o� �""':�:. <br /> inaccure�e informn�ian or atatementa ro Lender(or failed ro provide Lender whh nny ma�edal InPomutlon)In conneciion wi�h f"'+�!---- <br /> �he loan evidenced by the Na�e, including, 6m mt limited to, mprcunla8om coneeming Botrowerl�accapnncy of Ihe �.j'=:_; <br /> Propeny as n princip�l rcsidence. If�his Securi�y Instiument ia on n leo.uhold.Borrowerahall comply wtih ell the provlsiom +rr�:. <br /> of the leaae. 1(Bortower acqufrci fee tidc m�he Ropeny,Ihe leauhold ond thc kc iitle xheli not mergo unless Lender ugrcca ��_'�� . <br /> to Ihe mcrger in wdling. �'y,;;`� <br /> Z f'�otectlon of l.enticr'e Itighie In t�e Yropeny. II itormwer laiis io pedorm �ho mvenome end ogmemcros ° ��`-"`-°--°' <br /> comeined In �hia Securit Inxuumen4 or�hem Is a Ie al raceedin thnt me si nificami nflacl l.enderk rl hla in ihe :<r.��� ---. <br /> Y 6 P 8 Y 8 Y 8 �f. st,�: <br /> Ropeny(euch nx x proceeding in 6onkmpicy,pro6ate,Por candemnmion or toRoimm or m enforct lowx or rcgnlaAons),then -.�':��;-._ <br /> Lcndcr mny do and pay far whatever is neceasary to pmteci�he vnluc of tltc Propcny und l.enAort dglns In �ho Pmpcny. '�»-;:�:� � <br /> l.enderh uctiom may mclude paying uny sums secumd by n lien which has priomy over�hle Securrty Inswmem,oppendng i>;��{�.;i.i.w�' <br /> in coun. a in reason¢ble m�ome i&es nnd cmcrin on ihe Ra n �m m�Ae m ain.Althau h Lender mu �eke nctiun �,e.��•.';u�.+:` <br /> PY F Y 8 P� Y P C Y � .1;:.:_.4��., . <br /> under this p�mgmph 7.Lender doeR no�hnve to do w. "1rt�,'%�uic'^�..:_� <br /> Any amoums dixbureed hy Lender under ihix parngmph 7.hall become addi�iunal deb� o(6ortoaror securcJ 6y �his ��;�-�;i','�:-� <br /> Sccurh Ins�mmenl. Unlecs Pnrrowcr und Lendcra rcc tu o�hcr�crtn.c nf n mcn4 thcsc nmountsilw�ll lxm Inlcrcs�from�he "��^'i,.'��""'� <br /> Y 8 PY '�r}1t,�i_-��fC�_.._ <br /> date of disbursemem u� the Nore nne unJ nhnll be payable,wi�h imeres6 upnn no�ice Gom Lender to Duvmver rcyue.�ing • ��;.,,.�._;_;= <br /> paymcnt. '��'.%�,r�51;>tti;t,�?_. <br /> '4'�._�,:::' <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuwnce. If Lender rcyuimd mnngage in+amnce u.n candi�ion nf muking ihe Iwn cecurcd by thi• �ri��,-:• ,•`:.,�,:;_„-, <br /> Securi�y Insimmen6 6onmver shnll pny the preminm.rcqnimd m mnintnin �he mnngnge imamnce In e(fec�. If,for nny 15 ';�� ,�4 -' <br /> reawn. �he mortgege insumnce covemge reyuind by 4ender L�px. ur cence. �u he in efTec6 Rorroo�er xhnll pny Ihe .- 4,,y��!r„--: <br /> prcmiums rcquired �o obinin mvemge .uMmmially equivnlem m ihe munFuge inwrance p�eriau+ly in efkc4 m n cu.� :;'vr�[..:�•�`;�?.;;.._. <br /> eubs�nminlly npdvolem�u ihe�roi� �0 6nm�wer of�he mm�gnFe inxumnce in effeci,fmm un ohemnie mnngnge �`�:yY'�•i: ' <br /> insnrcr n rored b Lender. If mb.laminll e�uivulenl man n r inaufunce co�rm e i,nni uvnil�ble,dnrmwer�hnll w lo "� "��+';;`'�'tf'-"`- <br /> PP Y Y 1 8 F Y I Y '::s�.',: 7;_- <br /> Lenda wch mumh a sum cyunl w onrnrclfih af�hc yendy mangogc irouran.r prcmimn iking paiJ 6y Bumnrer when�hc '���;�j3il:<., '"c.:- <br /> insumnce coverage laptied nr ceaxd Io M in eRen. Lender a�ill occepL uu nnJ rcmin iheti paymem+a.u loas rcserve in lieu dt-+'-4., .��jr,�;�: <br /> of mongxge in�umnce. laxc re.crve paymenn may nn innger Ir myui�ed.nt�Ge opiinn af L.�xirr. if m�mgnge i�uurnnce �-1 r�� +...� <br /> covemtee(in�Iw nmcunl nnd for the periuJ�ha�Lcndcr rcynircc)pravidcA by an in+anr npprovavl by l.cnder npain bccnmc� - -•'� ae,�+t�,y-.. <br /> uvailabie and is oMaiced.Uarm�.�cr+hxll � �hc mminms rc�uired U�muinlnim m�n�a c inwnnm in cfkiY,or Iu irovidC n �--4;}�.'�g�,'�--���_• <br /> P•Y P 1 6F 1 ..� �-..:.. . <br /> losx rcscrve,uNil Ihe rcyuircmcm for man@age immm�cc enJs m aaord�ncc�.iih un��x�rincn;�grccmcnt Mtwccn Burra�vcr �j;�i;y:�;:{�;C�'.ri�.: <br /> and Lenderor o liable law. !:;' �"'°=+���1"`�.` <br /> Pr , '�f• ::,°�..; •,.:,, . <br /> 9. Inapatlon. Lender or il.agem may mskc rcn.anahle emric.n�xai and in.�at�inro nf ih.Pn>peny. Lcndcr.hnll :r:5.;�.�..�...,::--.., <br /> give Bonower nolice aUhe time of or prinr In un in,peclinn.pea•ifying rea.nnaM1ie rau.e fnr�he in.peclinn. ::'.�;�.,`,:�. °. . <br /> 10. ConAcmnel(on. Thc pnxrcd.n(:my award nr clnim fnr dmm�gc..direri or cnnuyn¢�nnneclion«iih nny ��''7-..,*:�,�-"�i„�.: <br /> �.�a..:;i'•r'' ', <br /> SmgletamilY-FbnnieABeAiedAir}faeCiIFOHl11]ATNIfIF.]T-lna.vmC�..aunn 9A0 �ryiqe,t.inry�ro ( 5...i y .(�,� <br /> ^�,..l".4',:��.�' <br /> UuWn&�m�l'anilrc� - .�+ . <br /> To��(�IIL005'D17AOlA\��Nal-IIT ,-�1 '. <br /> .��i••};i I;`���•i <br /> t' ��. <br /> - . t�� Ftf_.° . 1 . - _ . .. .. ' , ' i � t L �ti� f � � <br /> { i� �, <br /> �5 , F<l�'�}+� r- * - A '�fr�� y � t� ,.�1b'��r*rt �_�! _+ ���i�f/ r .i . � *- � `' f T : ri + �. � . <br /> �f-t..(� r A'� ��5 - }j {��r/J: �'S '� .'�1!t� � il -. Z�Sr1SY'?� Y� � :f t . r s� � � _- J � i -��s <br /> � t �n{Yt � tf�� �Zt�,it ��I t. tfiA . -ti. � -..- . .�. , � _ !L <br /> >> - " -� f�3'a � � - �kc�i4� .��t�iC-.< .. .,r� i} r � � . �� - i.,. �m r-. r�- - <br /> r ii fi.}. /' , � � _ 1'�'i: v _� b �:U f 1�1. I ..t 1 .� 4 ; cy. } <br /> ...�M1$ .J.. �r..�4�Svn. ._� IcC L.:�.e�.+: � .-i! 1 .. <br /> �j' ?�._� }�-- - ti� ,� t t �. i.rY � _-._ �'L�,'S rti l�.t- .f`t i-: _i t z- T' t � - h � n' i j1 _ <br /> �ll\ � r-� < r�.. � 4�i t - '`l(,� � � r�a j 2t '�=s� r Y �-- �r � n A i i � r. t� .� - �. <br /> �4 Y�;�i �2J.��` '���� h `�t i� Z .� i1�-�� �1 i}�I .F �� . •/tiF�15 � �. s }� � 1 � �ti ;� ' ,i � . { .. <br /> ., _ ar S? � . � . {f�r+ �z'� L . Y � - , 1 a .r i .rt� t_ , <br /> " .{ +�.jP}<��! i �l � T t f � ��1}' r i -r v -rcL L 34� . �J L� �_ �� <br /> � � '+� .31 d f r1�' t -- �' k?1}jI [ys<� n : rt -� ±' va � - ' � - + ' <br /> + �f � ;�k��SZ�` L t1��h�.t5 r} 1 iS7 � �f�$'`�hTG��� 3J�+�� 1 i�j rA -6t i � - ' Y . � t � � ��' J <br /> �a ;� l5 S,. , , txlJi� di �ri � � f�� sur•, e : ; r -i . _ v e, . + � .- � '- <br /> . tit t ! F'< c r 5)7i } �i �4. 1{� > .� . � j y. �. �, <br /> 1 - y� 4� � Y ��i����� iS �M1-. 1.r���i "' f '� ll�,� t -_ `ti �i--t� ��.1 - � Y � ♦.. . <br /> �- t r z M . � v "rii 1 7rr'��i F'} vic - � - t� i � 3v .� ee <br /> �t, `?r �5 .:;i.,in� . �"w-�K. m�. i{---�-E--air�+c--'"� rx !`�t7�--�rh-,-Ii-r-�v�r 1�A'�--roF'�, �k� r t ��=trL.+2._:i ,� <br /> 4ito 1 �^ �+sr 1 13..).y '{!�; �.�� 7�� �i }a��t`xi sJ�r.� y+ r'��s J �� ,s {t � �b � ' �4iv; <br /> �.�z . _ , �� : V . $f'..Pn . J., rn�_ . .e�... . �. . . .. � .rl'nl�.., i.I` .. ` .� ,C ..Y.7` � . •P, it� . , <br />