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ji . . . <br />`� 93- �o�a <br /> T0081HHR W179I all lhe Improvemenu now on c�ruflcr crceted on Ihe Property,end ell casemenle.uppurlcnanea, <br /> md flxturo�now or herrafter�pan of�he prope�ty. All rcplecemenn and addttton��hetl afso bo corcred by this Secudty ' <br /> "" Iniuument. Ali otNa torcgoing la refertcd ro In Nfi Secudry Insnument e+tho'Property." <br /> �'� BORROWBR COVHNAM'S Uut Iiortower ii Iawfully aised of�he eatate hereby rnnreyed and Aes the dghl to�bnt - <br />���g and convey Ne Property end�hat tAe Praperty la unencumbcred,exapt for cnrnmbmnaa ot raord. Bortower wuranu and <br /> — wtll deknd generally Ne�tle�o the Property egainst�I elelm�end demand�,subJect ro eny encumbranma ot rccord. <br />::;;� 7f1i9 SL'CURITY INS7RUMCNf combinen uniform covenenu Por na0onal nw and non•unitom� coveronls wlth �. <br /> _ Ilmlted vetlotloro by)urlediction ro consHmk a imiform eecudty inswment wvcring real propeny. . . <br />--:��i UNIFORMCOVEIVANfS. BortowerendLenduoovenantandagrwaefoliows: _. <br /> - 1. Poymenl oI Prindpel and Inteeecq Prepeyment and Lata CAergw. 6ortower chaii promptly pay whcn duo Itw - � <br />-.':;� pdncip�I of and intuat on�he debt eddenad by tho Note end any pRpayment end lew eAarga due under�he Nole. <br /> 2. FUnda tar 7�cw end Inaurcnce. SubJcet�o appItuble law ona a wdiren wafrer by Lender.Bo�rowu+hall pay�o <br /> Lender on�ha day mon�hly paymem�ara due under�he Note,undl�he Note 6 paid in Poil,n cwn("Phnds")for.(e)yearly <br /> rana end auos�menn which may e�Wn pdodry over thU Seadty Inswment a a licn on tAe Propeny;@)yeerly leasehotd <br />-,_;,�' paymxnu or ground rents on �lee Propcny, if any: (e) yearly hazard or p�operty insurena premiumr, (d)yearly flood <br />:_.';� Iniumna promiuma, it eny; (e) yeuiy mortgaga Insurenco premfuma, It eny; and(�eny eums payable by Oortowcr ro <br /> Lenda,in accordence with�he p�ovisions of peragwph 8,in liw of thepayment of mortgege insuranoe prcmiume. 'Riaso <br />;:'rj Iteme are celled"Hscrow Itertu." Lendei may,at eny tlmo,collea and hold PWWa in en�mount nm�o exaed�he maximum <br />-- emount a lender for n federalty alatW mongege Iwn mey requirc Por Bonower1 escrow eccount under the Rderel Reel <br />-:�v, Psteta SUtlement Pracedurca Act of 1974 as ameiuded trom flme ro time.l2 U.S.C.�9.601 et uq.('RESPA"),unlw enothu <br /> 1 law tha[appliee to the F4nds sero a leuer emount. If m.Lender may,et eny Hmq collat and hold Pond�in an amount no�to <br /> � exceed �he laur emount. I.endu may atimam Na amoun[ot flmds due on t�e basia of wrtcnt deta and rtasonable <br />:�:��1 esdmata otexpendtmrc�ot tuturo Escrow Leme or otAenvix in eceordance with eppliaLle lew. <br />`�-?'± lfic PunN ahali 6o Acld in an innitmion whnu deposiu ere tmured by a hde�ai agency.insUUmenteliry,or emily _. <br />�.;�;;� (including Lender,if Lender ia auch m instimrioN or ln eny Fedcrel Home Lonn Bank. Lenda ahell epply the Amdt to pey <br /> �he Bacrow I�ema. Lender mny not eharge Boirower tor holding end e�plying the F1nds,ennuelly annlyzin;Ne eauow <br />����.� account,or ve�ifying Ihe Eacrow Uems, unksa Lender paye Rortower mrerut on �he Wnds end applicable bw permtu <br />�_;;`;,i Lender to meke such a charge. However.I.ender mry reyuirc Bortower ro p�y a one-qme charge for an independent real <br />-,. eataro tu rcporting cervia used dy lender im m�natlon witA�hB loan,unless�pplicable lew providea o�herwlu. Unlm�en <br />'x`� �gramcnt la mede or oppticable lew requires interest ro be paid,Lender shall not be requtred m pay 6ortower eny interut or -- <br /> �;�� eam(ng�on thc Pond:. Bortower end Lender may egra in writlng,howevcr,�hat tntemst�hall ba pald on the Pund�. Lender _ <br /> chall give�o Bortower,wiihout chaae,ai ennual aaounting of�he f§mde,elwwing crcdita end debin�o the FLnd�and the <br />��`Y.�1 puryose for whkh each debie ro the Wnds xros made. 'fhe Mnda ere pledged u edditlonnl security for all cums cecurcd by <br />�-_'._;;� �hi�3eturity Inswmep[. <br />__;,.� If the Rmd� held by Lende�exceed the emwnu permitted lo be held by epplicable law, Lenda ehall eeeount to <br /> liortower Por the exau Ponds in xccordantt with the requircments of eppliuble law. If the■moum of�he Hmd�held by <br />:�'�;a Lenw'^:st u:;tlm:i:fmt:ufliet.r.t io pay��Euro�ltem:=�Ixn due.L�^.�mey=o nniif;Ho.�rcaxr in writing,and.In - <br />��.:� mch cau Borco�ver shnll pay to Lender Ihe amoun[necec�ary ro make uP Ihe deficiency. Rortower shell make up the _ <br /> defidency in no moro than Iwelve monthly paymenu,e�Lenderh mle diecretion. <br />_._.',� Uponpe ynwnt in PoII of all sums aecurcd by Ihis Securiry Instmmem,Lender shall promp0y rcfund lo IIortower nny _ <br /> Pond�held by Lendee If,under qwareph 21,Lender ahail acquirc or cell the Aopeny.Lendu,pdor m the acquisiHon or <br />= - uIe of the hopcey,ahall epply eny Rmds held by Lender at�he ume of acquisitlon or sale n n crWit egainst�he aum� _- <br />.�c;v .e�:ureJ by tl�is Stcwity Inatrumenl. - <br />��-�`? 3. Applieetion ot Pnymentx Unlcu eppliceblc law provide: o�herwise, all payments rccefvcd by Lender under °-�� <br />-;;j paregrepha I end 2 shall be epplied:fint,to my�rcpayment charges duc undcr thc Note:seeond,to amounla pay�ble under Y_; <br />-��+ paregraph 2;thiM,to interest due:lounh,to pdnc pal due:and lazt,to nny late charges due under the Noic. <br />�-=:i� 4. CAergea; Llens. Oonower shell pay all mxes, asxssmenu, charge�, finen anA impositiom attribuubie ro �he ` <br />-".V Ropeny whleh may anain pdodty over this Sceurity Instrumen6 end leazehold paymem.or araund rcnts,if any. Uorto�ver ��- <br />;;:� �he11 pay these obligations in the mmner provided in parograph 2,or if not pafd in�hat mxnner,Bortower shell pay�hem on �:;: <br />::._,� time direclly lo the person o�ved paymem. Bortowcr ahell promptly Pomish to Lender nll naitts of emoums to 6e paid under - <br /> - �his pangroph. lf Bortower makes these payments dircetly.Bonoo�er shall pmmp�ly tumish to Lender rcttip�s evidenting -- <br /> "�'+_ �he paymema. _- <br />�""' 6olroxer ahell promqly dischvge eny lien which haz prioriiy over this Securny InswnMnt uNeas Uortower.U)egrr.ta - <br />���:;i in wri�ing ro the payment of�he ublig�iion securcd by the Iien in a manner accep�able eo Lender,(b)conteala in good feith ihe = <br />-:{a lien by.or defenda against entorcement of�he Iien inJegel proceWings which in�he Lenderl opinion opea�e ro prevent the ° <br />-i�:;:� enfarcemenl oi�ht Ilen;or(c)�cures from ihe holder of ihc lien en egrcemem setia(ectory to Lender snbordinetina�he lien i�- <br />__;;� �o�hla Secudty InsWment. If Le�Wer decermines that any pan nf�he Propeny is subjeci�o e lien which may attein priority __ <br /> -= ovc�Ihit Sccurity Instmment,Lendcr may give Borrowcr n noticc identifying the Ifen. Borto��rr shall ae�isfy the litn or�ekc = <br />;,�„� onc or morc oi the actlons ut fonh a6ovc withln 10 deys of thc giving of noticc. <br /> -_ S. Harard or Property Insunnce. Oortowcr shall kecp�hc improvcments now cxis�ing on c�rcaf�cr cra�ed on thc , <br />--'.e Property insured egainst loss by firc,Aazerds included within the tertn'extwded coverage"and any o�her hazaNs,including <br />��`. floode or flooding,for whieh Lender rcquirc: insurance. This insurance ahall be maintained In the amounts end for�he <br />=;f� <br />-::_� ` <br />..°_� famJ07E L90 �panl.J6paxu <br /> :� <br />';'� _ <br />-_A _ <br />,,,.� <br /> `'�°°_�si�i-��_�i9�- �x_1!} _ 'ti t�hfi .1' �aU iLf J3- >sltzlwt . Arsi "`tr `. ,. ��?-�.�� i <br /> '�" . . y. . - � T1 'J ! - ! +1 [ i St <br /> i ' t.r ..�y� � - . f � 2wi� L1 tt 1-. � . ) 4' � � <br /> t,(� i_.ij�". - F t � � t�i�r � - _ 1 . " i � - i� ✓ <br /> S)_2Vrre.�L��t� r,' Ti _� -,t�> - S � a ' a .1 e � , �- ' ; � - 1� � '+"� <br /> 11" ^� F , <br /> - �"�✓ ' e �V� .'> � .-�'; t -.n —;,1. <br /> � Y ds -., rl r ,. " x . j fl --r'�i'�� 71 4 � t � �� �. Y - � � �1 � <br /> .'1" ocu rf- . i N l �e'23 #�� _ �.r`Y y, �t J � __.� �4 -.s, t , ia�,C- , }?'4� <br /> �i' a t �? _ �, i � � - � - e i 1 _ ��- - 1 � % <br /> '' v � _4 y__ + - � .v � : ' S � �'' 1 r ; f _4 <br /> � � - } 1 i}J� v } -.�ziF if -ie flt - r„f - tiJ'f i !i � � r � S � } <br /> . �� . s2 - - ..1j . . � Z � . s f � <br /> ._ .; t'i� __- ___, y � ` �. r '`4� Y ' Tr��lnt4t . . �tl : 3 -_f1 F <br /> fl5 � 4Tl � G t _ {� r � 4 1 - . • � � <br /> 4 t t S -t i �f t 3 ?i1� (_ i S• �s it �}�i. � � � .I 4 r s j'I! }, <br /> � . . .. - . , ( �'(, o - :h� , „ . 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