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. �._�;.,,�-..:. �.—;��.�: �- <br /> �.�',ra - -- – °-- -- <br /> --- '�� 93a '�p�� == - <br /> :<�� <br /> '°T"';� ItBartower p�FunA�to Leoder,tho FunA��hall be hetd In an Imtitutlon the dcposib or naounp of whlrfi aro ____ <br />�,;r'° InsuredorguarantcedbynPedereior�taroegency(IncludingLenderlflanAeN��uehenlnstputlonl.Lendcethallappty <br />' r t a� the FunOi to pty ald tuca,aueumenb,lnsurance prcmlums aad ground rena,Lendse m�y not chuge tor co holding <br />",,;,;";�"� �nd appiying 1ho I'und�,cndyzing wld eccowt or vetitying end compiling�atd usasmentt end 611b,unias LenEee <br />_=,�`� p�ys Qortowu interat on the Fuadt nnd eppliabk ian permp�Lender ro meko wch e charge.Rorrowu end I.enQer i <br /> s,t -.�;� map aga in aripng at the time of eiautlon of th�DeM ot7�ust thet tntereit on the Funds�hai1 be pald to HoROwer. . <br /> �5�� �nd unless cuch egrument U made or nppllubte law requltc�cuch Intttat to be pald,Lender�hdl not be requited <br /> to pay 13o[[owet any Interest or earningf on the Fundt.Lendet�he11 glre to BortoHer, wlthout charge.en anaual <br /> t�+�A�� �ccountlng of the Fund�ehowing credtu nnd dtblp ro the Fund�and the purposo tor which eatA deblt to the Fundf aas " ° <br /> "'�` }-� made.TheFuodsaropledgeda+eddiHoneleecudtyforthemmstecuredbyfhbDadot7tust __. <br /> ��� If the emount of the Fund�held by Lender,togethcr wlth tho Poture monthiy lnsmllmentc of Punds payable pdm to �- <br /> _ �,; tha dua datn+otlaxa, premfum�and groued rent:,abail oxcted thc amount cequlrcd to pay eaid � <br /> 1��'rq�"3� texe�,aucamenti,in3urantt premium�and ground ronti u they fNl due,euch e:ow�hell be,nt Uortoxxr'�option, � , _ <br /> �u�r� elther promptty ropaid to Bortower or crodttod to Oorcoxez on monthiy Instalimenu of Fund�.If the tmount of tht Li-- <br /> -�;e; PUnds heid by Londec chall not be sutiiclent to psy ta:a,usessmenb,Insurnncn premium+and ground[enb aa they fall � . <br /> --'.,=,_,`�_� due.Borrouer ihell pay to Lender any amount necessery to make up ihe defidoncY In one or mote paymCnis ef Lendet _��f�: <br /> ay }t. mny«quirc. - <br /> ,r� ���,� Upon paymrnt In PoII of nll�ums tecuted by thv Deed of Trurt.Lender eAtll promptly mfund to Bortowor tny <br /> Funds held by Lender. [f undcr paragreph 17 heceof the Pcoperty 1�told or the Pcoperty Is oNernite acquired by �' '� <br /> eo <br /> �E��'� Lender,Lender;hell appiy,no leter than immWlatdy pdor to Ihe�ale of the Ptopeny or Its acqubiHon by Lender.any �� - <br /> �mx��� Funds hcld by Lenderat tho time of applicxtion e�nctedit+galnst�he eum�sceured by thb Dxd oiTruta �' <br /> � i,r�� 3. Applka8on o[Patmmb. Unlas applicable law pmvldu othe�wise,all ptymenU reccived by Lender under �,�;' ' <br /> '� :�� ihe Nom and paragraph+1 and 2 hmeof ihall be applfed by Lendet tktt in pa�ment of amountt payeblo to Lender by �',�_ <br /> ^} -N�i� 6ortoxerunderpuagraph2heceof,lhentoMtecestpayableontheNote,endtheneothepdncip�loftheNota ■ �! <br /> � 4.Pr1or Mortg�a wd Oadr of Tiwq Charea� Uew.Uortower shnit perfortn elI of Bortnwei i obligations `" �- <br />::.:r�tfR_ �€F�=� <br />:!.._•,,,;_1>�r;;, undor my mortgage,dced of wst or mher:audty egreemmt rAth a Ilen whlch hta pdoriry mer this Deed of Trust, �.,,�;._;�, <br /> i�,;i- including Borrower'e covenanh to make paymenti when due. Borrower sheil poy or cause to be paid all ta:a, w . <br /> "` , - eueuments end other cherges,fines and impositlons atMbuteble ro the Property ahtch ma�atteln e pdority over this &'€v«� <br /> �,�r {� Deed of 7tust,and Ieasehoid payments or ground renti,if�ny. ; i <br /> - ,t},:,.,^: S. Huaid lncanua.Bortower shall keep the improvemcnh now exlsting or hereafter erccttd on the Properry �_^;,_:" <br />-`��°?i,�'.j: Insurcd against loss by iirc,hezerds Included wlthin the term"e:tended coverege".and such otM1er haurds as Lender ' �•�� <br /> �c-u_e Caa ;-; <br /> .��,, mapttqutxandlnsuch¢mountsandforeuchpedodaeeLendermnyrequirc. , <br /> „�f 7be insurance carcier providing the Insurenee shdl Fe chosen by Bortower subjeM to approval by Lender,providad. Q ,�, <br />�-;-4�`:�FV{<1;� that�uoh epproral shdl not be unreasonably wilhheld.All Insunnce policia and rrnewals thtrcot shall be in a torm '!';o;:�.- <br /> (y�YAj_ eCttpt6Ule to Lendei and ahdl inciude a stendard modgage clause in farui ui nnd ii� n Wiffi:c.2pt:b'.a t:.[:..^.E:i. � .. <br /> ..,�,}�7yr. Lender�hall hnve the dght to hold the policles and renswals thereof,subJect ro the term�otany mortgage,dccd of tmst �1�: <br /> ����'%'���7! orothersecudtyagreementwithellenwhichhmpdodtyorerthqDcedotTrust. ����,_;- <br /> In�heerrntofloss.8onoxxnhallgirapmmptnoHCerotheinsurancecarricrandLenda.4ndermaym�keproof ,�+rr-. <br /> �l f`{�'; oFlossifnotmedepromptiybyBortower. ' . <br /> - If the Propeny is abundoned by Borcower,or it Bortower tdl3 to mpond to Lender nithfn 30 dayi from the date �j=i='� <br /> '�?f��= notice Is meiled by Lcnder to Qorrower Ihat the insurencc carder offerc ro acttle a claim Cor Insurenca beneflts,Lender is t ; <br /> ._ ,fr,tr authodzed to collect end apply the insurena prxeed: et Lender's opNon either to rcstontlon or repair of the �„ '- <br /> `� s� ;� Property or to che cums secured by this Decd otTru:6 �'f - <br /> --,` 'i. 6.F�wtmtlon md Mdnten�ncc of Propertp LeuehotM� Condomininms� Phnned Unit Derdopmmb. Bon <br />-��-"'"��ii� rower shell keep the Propeny In goad repair and shall not commit waste or permit impalrmen�or detcdomtlon of the ��,;i-�� <br />-��'�;'�5�%y ProperryandshallcomQlywi�htheprovisionsotanyleascifthis•Dadof7m�tlsonaleasehold.lfth�DadofTrurtb �:"•�:' <br /> ::�s��l,"r "q"' <br />.;,,...,.,,;; on a unit in e condominium or e plenned unit derelopmem,6ortower shall pedorm all of Borroxror s obligu{oro under �f__:.-.; <br /> Z�r, Ihe dalaratlon or rnrenants creating or govcming Ihe condominlum or plann�d unft devrlopmen6 the bplewt�nd � , <br /> �,w �: rcgulatlonsofthecondominiumorplannedunitdevelopmenLandconstimmtdocumenis. � <br /> � �t���- 7. PmtceNon o[LenderY SecurltyJf Borrower fails m pedorm the corenanu and egreementz conteined In this � <br /> ' ,*��t i Deed otTrust,or ff nny acUon or proceeding is rnmmeneed whieh msterially efta�s Lender s Interest in the Property. 1 <br />._¢�:;�,.�� Ihen Lender,at Lender's opllon,upon notice to Borrower,may make such appenrantts,diabune:uch sums,including �,__._ <br /> � '�'L reasoneble ettorneys tees.and take such actlon es is neceuary to protect Lender s Inreres6 It Lender roquired mongage �� �� <br /> _ _i??; <br /> e.;����;�t� InsuranceasernndlNonofinekingtheloansecuredbythbDeedotTrust.Borcowenhellpaytheprcmiumsrequlredto ,.,y.-� <br /> - ` -� malnteln such Insurantt In eRect until such�ime as the rcquircment tor such Insurante terminares In accord�nce with �y��'� <br /> �++ ' Uortowcr's and Lender s wrftten agreement or applicabk law. [3, ' <br /> c'��•;!'{���� Any amounts disbuned by Lcnder punuent to this paragraph 7,with imerat thereon. at the Note rate. chall F;.r,-� <br /> S�i � bewme nddition�I {ndebtednas of Borro�rer securcd by this Deed of Trust. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to ��` - <br /> ,',;�'���, other tcrms ot peymenA such amounts shell be payable upon notice Gom Lender to Borrower requesting payment ; <br /> � <br /> .�,r_�cY: � <br /> .,t� � thetwLNothingeontdnedlnthisperxgroph7sha11requimLendertoincuranye:penseortakeanyact3onhectunder. +isn` <br /> } ��t�� 8. Inopeeilon. Lender mey make or enuse to be madt reasonable emries upon and Inspections of the Property. ' <br /> prorided tAat Lender ehall give Borrower notice prior �o eny such impection specifying reasonable uuse therefor <br /> ��� i relatcd to Lcnder f tntcrest In the Propeny. �, <br /> t�t ��� 9. Condemnotton.'the proceeds ot any�ward or claim for or ronsequmtial,in connection with ��,i. <br /> i;• any rnndemnallon or othtt Wking of�he Property,or p�rt thereof, nr for conveyanee in Ileu of rnndemnaflon.are }s_` <br /> ' `.' hetcby attl�ed and shdl bc p�id ro Lender,subject to the ttrms of any mortgage.dttd of tru:t or othcr securiry•agrea . <br /> 3 h_i� ment vkh a Ilen whlch haz pdodry rner this Dccd of Trust. <br /> ,+{- - ;� 10. Borrowu Not Relwed{ Porbeemntt 0� leader Na e Wehcr. Eztmsion of the �ime for payment or t�,,°:_ <br /> ...MItw�L.o.J�.mvfbaNnnnffh�u�mamrnmrlAvthklLwANbnctmnneMhvle�ertnnnvmcre[sorinintexstof E <br /> - r Qorroatt chell not operate to tclease,in any manner,the�labtlity of the oNgind Borrower and Bottower's cucasson in ti <br /> �a�'..� lntetest.Lender chall not be rcquircd to mmmence proceedingi agatnst tuch tuccusor o�rcPoie ro e:tend tlme for pay- { � <br /> „ '':�_� mmt or otfitm�se modity amonlzation of the wm+saurcd by this Dad of Tru�t by rca:on of eny demand mode by thc <br /> odgintl Bortowet and Bortoxer't cw.eeuon in Interest.Any[orbearantt by Lt�er i�exercising any dgAt or rcmcdy ` -� <br /> � � :__ <br /> � -,,_,� hereunder,or oNernlse nttorded by applicable law.�hell not be a wairu of or pcalude the aercise of any mch dght or t ."- <br /> ,,,;, rcmedy. � <br /> ��t 11. Soa�etfon m9 Ndgu Qo�dt lolnt �nd S�rerd WDWq1 Co•ftgnan. 'Ihe mrenantt and egreements t .� <br /> T �- hcreln conteletd�hall bind,end tht dgh4 hcreueder�hail inurc to.the rcspecNre successon and aulgns of Lender ond <br /> +1�- Qomos�e6 tubkN to the provblom of puagaph 16 hecaof.All corenant�and�grcement�of Bortower shell be joint end ' <br /> �',�4` iev¢ral,Any portmvcr nAo co•slgm thb Dced of lYuit,but Cces not e:ecute the Nota(el b co•signing this Dccd of Trust b'•.:: -� <br /> oeiy ro graet and conrcy that 6ortower'�intecctt In the Property to 7Yustce undcr the tertro of this Deed of Trus6(bl is { -;� <br /> � � �� -- - - -- � _ <br />