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. :. .. �,. . :�. <br /> _.� <br /> _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ <br /> � ^ <br /> . . ..�_. . .�.-_„F�: �_:�, ::. <br /> ,��-:-ra. �.__ ,� .. .�:,�u:..s,ai..;��,_...,_.,.,.�v- - <br /> 93- �0314�3 �' ''�� ; <br /> ,$�a�� - 4 <br /> _ .,;'_i? aot penonnliy Ilable on tha Note or under tAb Iked ot 7twt.and (c)agrca�hat Lender and my othu Borrower b;?,°�, <br /> �,;.�.�:.: .,--_ <br /> � °' herounda ma7r cgree to ertuid,modity focbear,or matce any other acwmmodatlom�vlth regeM to the term�of th� ,,�, .( ,s� ,� <br /> �' Dad ot7tuat or the Note,wlthout that Qortowet�consent end althout rcieaiing that Bortower or modlfying th�Dad - -j'-, ° <br /> ( '�' l� ._ <br /> �a��i ot7Yust a�W thet Uotrowor'�Intecest In the Property. ��5j,��`� ��,,e�, <br />--,�;a;;F:}� 1T. tloitoa�8tcept tor�nY notttt rcqutttd under applkebte law to be glren In enother mamwr,l�l any notla to -. � <br /> r��-., Bortower provWed!or in this Deed ot Trutt�hali be gtren b�delhsdag it a by maUlcg cuch ootice by ttrt�fled mnll � �n ." .�, __ <br /> nEdrcssed to Bortower at tha Property Addreu or at�uch othec addreu m Bo�rower msy dsignate by notice to Lender r �,��,y' <br /> � -^� ¢f prorlded hcnin,and(b)eny noHoe to Lender tha�l ba giren by cetHifed mall to Lender't addrcsf statcd he[eln or to �'�k'�°.,1� k � <br /> �ii such othec addrcu at Lender mey dalgnete by notlee ro Borrowu m prorided hercin.Any notice prorlded foe In thif �r } <br /> ,_��.j lJUd otTrust thdl be dwmcd to hara been glven ro Bortower or Lender whm glven In the menner dalgnated herolm + _ �'�*x�� <br /> ;v� 13. Goremfoa iow�SoTen6Wq.Yhe ctate and local lavn applica6le to thb Deed of Trust�hell be the lew�of the Fr� r .��u s <br /> judsdictlon In which the Properry b Iceated.7f�c Porcgoing cmtenw+hdl nol Ilmtt the epplicabllity ot Fedetal Iaw to °,�t , " ' <br /> '"�s 's' th�Dad of 1Yust. In the erent that any prorislon or dnuae of thu Dad ot 7Ywt or ihe Note aoafliMS with tppllcable �'' ; .� � . <br /> t�!ic luw,:uch mnflict ahNl not aQect other provlslom otthl�Dad of Trust or the Note which wn be glren eHxt wlthout the � > i:, �++�° � <br /> f � wntllaing prorlsioa,md to thb end the prorislons of�hb Docd otl7ust and the Note are dulared to be urerabie.At ,� ,xE; +�' '� <br /> �. u:M httdn."costi'."expenses"arvl'Y�tomeyd fw"(ndude ell�ums m the ertent not prohfblted by epplkabte law or " _�.- � �' � <br /> -�-;� Ifmited hereln. ' �y- . .. <br /> � +{ 10. Borroxer'�Copy.Bortower�hdl be fumbhed e mnformed mpy of the Note aad of thb Deed of Trust at the +..f�t�{'"fr -- <br /> �,"z NmeofexccuNonoraRerruorAatlonhereoE +'- -:'" :- <br /> ��- 1S. RehabWlatbu Loao Agrament.Bortower�hdl Po�flll ell of Borrowed�obligations under any home cehabilita- � ��'. �' " � <br /> i;�%��`,�1 i �t .. <br /> ,.,:.+�r��s tlon,ImproremenR Tepair ur othet loan igrament whlch Bortower enteo into with Lender.Lender,at Lender'�opUon. _•,;r}_x_x s.::; <br /> .,y�� may rcqulro 6artower to e:ecute and ddirer to a fortn accepable to Lendea an assignment of eny righb. r _�,- - <br /> t , claims or defcnsa whieh BortoMer may Aevs agalnst parties who supply labor,matednla or servlas im m�nection with .Y}-,�:�.'�_��:�%: <br /> ��t ;' Improremrnt�m�detotheProperty. � ' :?5�� +r_�, <br /> � .l 16.'Mnster of Ihe Properly or�Bznefldal[nlerctt lo Borrowea If nIl or any pert of the Propeny or any interat . <br /> - in It is wid or transhned(or it a bendcial in�erut in Bortower is rold or transftrctd and Horrower(f not a newrel jt� i(��s �,rcl;:� <br />�;:A.;';-;� person)�vithom Lender'a prior wdtttn consent,Lender may,at h�opqon,rcquire immediate paymtnt in NII of all �;;'}::'��..�;�,r;;;1-_ <br /> `"''"�` aums�aured 6Y�hte Deed of Tru:e.However,this opdon shatl oot 6e exerctsed by Lender It exuclso G DrohlbRed by (.�[':>�;;-;<<�:f�;�i;+ <br /> : Poderal law es of tbe date of�his Dud of Trusi. -_ : ti} �- <br /> _ �;�% If Lender exercisa thi�option, Lender ahall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The naice shell provlde e ' '� _' <br /> � <br /> ;_.i•':'�� pedoA oi not Iw than 30 dnya hom the dett the notke is delivered or mailed withfn which Horrower must pay aIl aums �,;E,�_,.t.;r r_�.: <br /> �� , :ecured by thle Iked otTrvet.If Borrower talle to pny these svm+pri�r�o�Ae expirartnn nf�hi.perlM,LmAer mxy u --;? t�4� "- <br /> tnvoke any remedies permitted by this Deed of Trus�wt�hout Nrther noqtt or demand on Dorcower. ' �� - ��3�f�'� <br /> , ..� ;�.s; Nor+-UNiroaM Oovrx+,vm.Bo�romr and Lendu f�rther corenant und egree es foliows: c�� �_ � - <br /> i'-.-- 27. A�kf:tlmi Ree.d�.E:C p t ae pro�l�dln L`-'++�r 0 i`h Ib lertol�'�.MC Derto!�rt!L�tt�h 9f�7 S51ta�! >4 �' ��•�;� <br />.�:?:;,:�'. � m��temwtotBoaowerinWNDaddTrmt,lncladinyltorroxer'�tallaretopry,bytheeodofl0calwdudiy�du+ (•�}�..:�;-+.. x"..- <br /> J�--' 'c�; they w duq uq sum��ecarsd by tEL Dad of Trmt,Lender pdor W ucelentloo�6il1 ahe noHn to Bortoxsr r S .t,•;. r � .'� <br /> i- ' -� yro+lded In Pu�;nph 14 hereot tpecit�in8+(q t6�bracht 1711M utlon rcqalrtd w cure�uc6 brcach�(3)a date,not i i`�� �i�' :: <br /> . i:`�; Icu than YO d�6om t6�date�he nouce�m�lied ro Uorroxsr,by w61c6 tuch breach mmt Ix cund�and(4)thst �i. �` ' <br /> �•-"t_• �::5\`'�,.. <br /> _ �,:'� tailore to cure toc6 breacb on a beforo the date�pecl�al lo tM noHce may mult In uaienllon ot tht iumf�ecvrod 6� _. � � , ..... <br /> �6b Dad of 7tost�nd�de ot t6e Properry.T6�noUee�hdl twther Inlorm Borsoxer of Ihe d66t to rcN�tate dter -s�� , ' <br /> ��:�`.•;'�s x� �ooelentlon�ad�he d�6t ro brin;�coort acNon ro uarl th�nonti4twce ot�detadl or to�ot6u defeote ot Borrower ��-'.t-?'� •.��f•"-� <br /> - h ,..,,..;...; .�F . . <br />�`'r�.-:;.: �,-; <br />;, _�,.,,;,..: w ucelentloa�nd We.II th�bnach b oot cured o0 or hetom Iht date ipeclfied In t6e notla,Leoder,nt LendrrY �, . <br /> ,,.-q opuon,mq declue dl ot iM mm��ecured b�t6b Dad ot 7Ymt to b Immediikly du��nd paJabH vlthout(uA6er __- , ���� ._ <br /> &m�ad�ed my Imoke�6e power o[�do md aoy othu nmedle�pumined bl�pPliabb law.Leodsr�bdl M endqed -•;�„y"'-,4:,;; <br /> �.. .,'`�,�, to mllal dl naonabb w�b ud exprma Incaered in punuing Ihe remedla prodded In thl�pmgep617�Indadla;. �:"�"p.P;-.:, .4. .. . <br /> � ;' : � , <br /> � .�?"(i,.• butnoHimltedlo,reaweabh�ttom�p'fea. . . . .��_ <br /> , II�h�power of ul�4lnwked,'hwtee�hall record�nollce of dehnit In exch munry N which t6e Properp a wm� ���+-5��t�;� , <br /> _'��_._a.-ti�'� put thereo[b taated�nd�6�1 mdl mpia ot�ueh no8oe In Ihe manaa p�acribed br�ppllea6l�Itw ro Bonoxu�nd .� � ,'':�- <br /> � �r - to 16e other penon�procribed b��ppilabte I�w.Aha the lapce ot wch Ome u may M aqalrtd by applicable lar, �,� -.- . <br /> � 1Yastee�h�ll yln pabllc nofice ot�ile lo�h�penow�nd In tLe manner pracdbed by�ppllcabie taw.Trmtee,wHLoat t r�{�, � <br /> �l` demmd on Botroxery�6d1 ull ifi�Proptrty�t poblic�¢etlou to Ihe hlghat blddet�t the Ilm��ad pltce�ud mdet tbo � {i . <br /> � - '? te�dai;eaud In the noqca of�d�lo one or moro parceb�nd In mch order u Y4wtoe ma�determin.YYmta ma7 � �....,.�.. <br /> -t`l. ; po�lpon��de ot dl or aoy p�ml of th� Pmperry bl Public�anomammt et 1Le Itme�ud p�ce of�a�pmdamu i . 1�.�• 7�y-.. <br /> ' �'� ceLedaled�da Lenderor I.eoder•�dalenee mq�puchase�6e Properry�t�ny�ile. <br /> `��i::',�"4<: Upon �ecelpt ot pqment ot Poe pda bld.1Ymtoe�hall deil•er!o We punhuu 1Yo�teeY deed moreyln;the <br />�•';,'="''':`".. Pmpery wid.lfie reeiroia lo tE�'IYwueY deed ihdl be pAma fule eddenn ot We hath ot t6e�tatmen�made � ��?." • . - <br />�-�-`�;�?�d?�. Ihercln.7tusta dull aPP�y Ihe procad�ot Ihe�de In tLe folloMny orden(a)to dl reuooible ca6 and e:pema of the �� �- <br /> :.-: .... , . <br />�-"��-`..i�`.: �dq�ocluNag,6ulnotllmitedW,TwtceStceaacNdlyloturredotoolmorclbui ....... ..°laofthegroutale � '-. ' �. <br /> _ �`;;t:��; pda,rcuonable nttomep'&a�nd casb ot 80e e.ldeoat @I w dl mm��ecured b��hb Dad ot7Ywry�nd Ie)�6e ei- t . <br />���r,;;;ir±.-. ouhlten�,tothepenonorpenonflcgdlywtltlWWercto. ; ,.. - <br />- -,"��""-+� 19. Qorroxrr'� Right fo ReWLte.Notwithst�ndtng Lender's ncceleretion o(the sums seeured by thu Dad of r <br /> --,:r:y;:� . <br /> - Trust.due to Boaower'c breach,Bortower:hell have�he right to heve eny prottedings begun by Lender to enfom this , <br /> ' `s"�-�-' Deed of Trust dlsmNinuW at an Nme dor to the eatlier to occur ot 0I the fiflh da beforc the aale of the Pro n ' <br />,_'.�'r�iN._[i"� Y P Y P� Y <br /> _ _ punuant ro the power ot sele mntnined in this Deed ot Trust or(ii)eniry of a judgment rnforcing�his Dad of Trust if: <br /> - ;.s;t'ti (e)BortoHer ptri 4nder ell sums which would be�hen due under this Decd o(Tm:i end the Nou�iad no acceleretion <br /> ;��?�'"%.�'�-%� oceurred;@)Dortower cure�dl breaehes of any other wvenmt:or agraments of Borrower contained in this Dad of : <br />,�:.f -'�-'��� Twp (d Bortower payt nil rwsonable e:pensc� lncurred by Lender and Trustce In mPorcing the eorenant: and • <br /> r,"::.°�•.� <br />�=-n.:[�'<c.• a¢tamenb of Qorrower contalned in this Dood of Trust aad in enforcing 4nder'o nnd Trusta i remcdics m provided in <br />� - -''`%`i� paragraph 17 Aercof,including,but not Iimitod to.reasoneble eftomep'tas:and(d)13ortowcr tekc�sueh action ss ; <br /> i +��.� LenEer may reasonabty rcqulrc to assura that the Iien of this Dud of 7'rust, 4ndcr i intercst In the Property and , <br /> � - 6ortoHerY obligulon ro paythesumi saurcd by thls Deod ot'hust�he11 ccnqnue unimpaired.Upon meh paymem and <br /> ''���' cure bY Bortowtr.thb Dad of 7tust md the obligations sceured hercby shell[emafn in Poll torce and effxt a�it no � <br /> ����%-`���' eooelewtionhadoccurrcd. � � <br />-�-:ic;�,:;;. 19. Anl�mmt ot Rwb� Appolntmml ot Rcaher� I,xader In Pafaflon. As additlonel secudty hereunder, : '' <br /> -;;;'�--�,-;?� o�rtower heceDp essigm to Lender tAe rcnta of the Property,provided that 6ortoxsr�hdl.pdor to acteleretlon under � � <br /> S'' -. patagraph 17 hcrtafor abaodonmmt ofthe Property,hare the Nght ro mlleet and reh!r wch rcnu as thq become due �� � <br /> i1°} aadpay�ble. <br /> 71pon nootleratlon u�u pua�aph 17 hercof or ebandomnent of the Property,Lendea In agent or by �e'� <br /> Judiclall�eppototod m�eirer ihill ba w110cd ro toter upon,take poucuion of end manage the Prope�nnd to mileet � � <br /> 71 E . <br />- �_ _:,,� .-- - -- - - . —'_n��.:.. ._ .. <br />