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; :; , <br /> . . . _ . � � . __ 1„yf- -� r ?�.- --- <br /> . ... . . . . '-.�•s �•:''�:�'. ;"i <br /> 1�l�ED OF TIt�Ji�T � �� _� -- - <br /> 77itSD[iBDOPTRUSTbmndethb........ 6th................A�,yoi....�.�..............� `T <br /> W.63.omongthe7tustor. Jewos.H..WebD.and.JudltttA��.BaEb�.huerl�and.sad.s+,i�+a......�...... � "° <br /> .. ....................... Nenln"Barrower"L... . ..... .. . ... <br /> ................... .. .. . .... ...... <br /> .,.AaAtteX.R..Lv.RSa....................................... Nca�n '7twtea"b wdthe BenefiS�uY�_ <br /> ...CnrpaYatel.CraAS.¢.COxDOeatl.aa.......................:......... .scorpor•NenmBanitWoa4 - - <br /> esisttogunder�hela�nof ...HacYland,... .. ......�.............................. - <br /> whose aAAccs�u....T633.Ceas.8tseeC..Omaha..d6.6811A............. .. . ... .. ....... — <br /> ................................................................... (hercin"Lender'7. -_ <br /> BptIROtiYER,in mmlderatlon ot the lndebtednesf hereln rccited ead the tcust Auein creetcd,IcrorxtDiy gpntt _ <br /> snd mnray+ to 7tusta, in uust, wttfi poaer ot�ale. Ihe tdlowing descri6ed propetty IacatrA In tho County ot <br /> ...An]1....................................SmceotNebreska: "°_=- <br /> Lot Tblreean (13), in Baee 8acond Bubdivleion in 8ection Fourtean (lq), <br /> TowaeAlp Sleven (11) North, tiange Nina (9) Heee of the 6eh P.H., Iiall County <br /> Nnbtaskn <br /> A <br />_ � � � r I � � . _ <br /> � . <br /> � .� _ _ <br /> � s � � � � t <br /> � n , tq n N � —__— <br /> \�^ W _� <br /> (��/ � :i � <br /> tJ - � ~ � � � --�.v��r__ <br /> E U ' o � _ !—, O ___":__,. <br />_ � � iv . .. _ � �' � �} � ^� �_. <br /> '�'ilat'- . <br /> (J '2.:.._�. <br /> i . •� � ' � W e� ��.iii�r,_ <br />"i C c-• ..." W $ :��iu:::�.., <br />_ <br /> _ " y' wr ? '�3!iL;.":"- <br /> 1a <br />- �rhleh has�he oddreu of .......353J.Andtee.Ave......Gc�od.IaJw�d..�............................. (1 ,,; i ._; <br />, iuH��i iai \ �,� :�,,.. <br /> Ncbrask�.....6Q�Q�................lhercln"ProperryAddras"): ��' '=- - <br />= �t�ux� f Y;�J; ;� <br /> - TOGEf11ER wl�h ail thc impmremmts now or herea4er «ected on the property, and all cuement:. rights. U �#� v�:__ <br />- eppurtenantts and rent:(subjccl howerer to Ihe righls�nd authoddes gircn he�ein Io Lender ro wllal snd appiy cuch M s -; r <br />�� rcnts).ell of which shell be deemcd [o bc and remafn s part ot the property mvered by this Deed of Tru:h�nd all of "�'•� �. ._- <br />= thc foregoing, together with said propcny (or the leauhold cstate if th6 Decd of Trust is on � IeasehoW) ere z�yj`�r•_,__ <br /> = AereinaRer rckrced to as the"Property"; �?t�;' - <br /> - TO SECURE to Lender the rcpayment of the indebtednets eridenccd by Oortower s note dated.144X.6 n 1993.... y}� <br />' ..and ertensions and renewala thercof(hercin"Note'7,in the pdncipal sum of � r+.� <br /> - U.S.S ....58,078.93.................with intercst thercon,providing tor monthly Instolimcntsof pdndpal end y { �, <br />�- Intercst.wl�hthebalanceoflheindebtednecs.ltnotsoonerpa{d.dueandpayableon..M6Y.15..2AA8..........; �:��� <br /> _ the payment of all other sums,with imerest ihercon,adranttd in ectord�ncc hcmrith to proteM the secur ity o f t h i s q�_s <br />= Dttd of 77ush and ihe performance af the corenents and ogrcements of Bortower hercin conqined. i- :r ' - <br />�_ �orcower corenants ihat Borrowcr is lawfully sefsed of thc cstetc hercby mnreyed and has the dght to grant and 'S�= _; r• ' <br /> wnvey the Properly.and thet the Property is unmeumbercd,except tor encumbranas of tecord. Borrower corenants ; r . <br /> - that Borcoxer asttants end tdll dcttnd generally the title to the Property against all claimf and demands.subJecl to •;��` _ <br />-- encumbrences of mcord. '>, ai,;' <br />..= UnIFORM COVFt+aHi3.Qortower and Lender corenent and agree as follows: -� � � - <br />= 1. Pa)mwt ot Prfeeipil and Inkraa Borrower fhell promptly pay �vhen due the prindpal and interest `" "" <br /> IndrLtranm evWcncod br the Note end latc chuacs as Droridcd In thc Nota �'�'�i�i�'�?"'�• <br />-: 2. L'�ndr tor 7h:a oad Imnraaa.SubJoct io applleable law or a wrinen wafrer by Lender,Dotro�ver fl�all pay to : <br /> LenEer on tho day montAly pnymenb of principel and Intcrc:t arc payable under thc Notc. until the Note is paid � ; <br />- In NII,o eum(htreln"Ponds')equ¢t ro one-twelRT of the ycarly re:es nnd aucssments(tnduding condominlum and �-; , , <br />� planned unit devclopmcot asussmenb,if nny)which may attain pdoAty orer thle Dood of 7Yust,end ground remi on '., � <br />- tne Propeny.�f any.plu�ono-twelRh ot yearly prcmlum instailmmtc for Aaznrd Insurance,pius or.atwelfth of y�eady -_,--;�, <br />.- prcmfuro Imtnlimeott for mortgage Insurentt,if any,nil as rcawnably cstimated Inidaliy end trom time ro tlme by p:•;�;^__ <br />--- LenQer on tAe bast�of assessments and bWs anE rcasonable atimata thereof.Qortover shdl not be obll a[ed to m�te ;'��i';���. <br />- mchpaymenlfofFLnG�toLenderrotheextcntthntBo�ro�vttmake�euchpayment�rothoAolderofepdormongageor '��`;s�-�,�':,-�:;- <br /> d.,,'v,,� .. . <br /> decd of trust Itwch holder b nn Insdtutlonal lender. :�p.;�,�:. <br /> _ NEBRIiBitN orm 2ss�e aw� .-`�-���;. <br /> 'i�''� f <br />_ ;iu. , • v,3,=�<< <br /> �n�;�:,-;.,' <br />