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_���_ ____ _ ___ >-r�^�a• «.e ... _ .,,,,,•e . ,...;. . :. . „�z �•y��-r—..1: <br /> ' - ' �� A .- <br /> . �pr�nu ray►ao lo�pr a�nq�ired.�t!�apdoa or�.eaaer�it.wey�r.ia�.�oe oowrar ci�a dn.s�Qo�eK�+for r.p�io� <br /> �1 twndr nqaira)p'ovfdd b�r�e iew�'rr�MP�'�d bY�.�r��'+�pi�b�oouw w�1�w!i�u�aWu�d. to�eta�r i�1 pMe► <br /> ir�ti trqpinid a sd�.Natp�p iwn�os i�d��o povld��Iw�raKw.wdil tM nq�lr�wt irt MIt�1 <br /> i�w�wa rai is#ooadroa witY aa�r w�i�MS�rmA�b�errN+o Darowrr�ad lraidre er app�ticabla{�w: �� <br /> !1.f�tiw [adir de ia�et aoay a�i�nrroe��r1tW rpoa�ed l�otiow ot 1h�ap�tY.l�odr itll�rs - <br /> �oea�vee eotlae at d�e dme ot or prioe!o�e inpiotioa�pecifyint nMOn�bl�awe!oe tbr i�tlon. <br /> i�.Ca�/�tloa. 'lUs prooeed�ot ury arvsnd a clden tor d�ai�dltect or oo�equa�tW. ia oaaiecNoo wN6 oq► <br /> aaedNnaMio�a cdbr a�ida�of�uy pat cf the Pmpaty.a Por ooawY��lieu ot aoad�uio�doo►an iwubY a�d atl <br /> dWl ba p1c1 m I�ade�. <br /> w 1be avm�at.�oul aran�or tMe�mp�e�y.aie pooeea�.IWI 6e.ppuea eo ehe wms,eauea by u�f.saauiey r�nma�nt, . <br /> whaher or na then due� whb�oy exaa�p�W w Bono�or.In the event of�p�rti�!ttld�ot the Pro��ty in wfildi die fWr <br /> mukat vdue of the Plnpaty immedi�tely beforo tdo atki�i�a�ual w or�naiter tb�n tha aa�uual af the wm��eairod by tbia <br /> Security I�imieedi�Wy 6efaro tbe t�ldna.unle�Barower�nd Lenda att�vvf�e a�ao in writfn�.tbe wau�ea�rad by <br /> thi�Seauity launn�eat sluil be rcduoed by tho �noutu of the pma�eds mWdpBod by tbe following ftacxion: (y tho wW <br /> unount of tlie sum sa��+ed iauaediuely.bofore the pJcfnQ.dlvkled by(b)tha fiir muket vvue of 1be Propaty immadi�tely <br /> befae the taking.Any bnl�aoe ihall be pwid to Homower. In the avent of�parti�l qking of the Propaty W whicd tbo fair <br /> nadcet vdue of tbe Praperty i�na�edWely beforo tbo talcin� b Iw ttun the amauat of ehe sum+�sacured immediat�ly befone tl�e <br /> t�ldn�.udw Bonovver�od La�der othe�vvlae�g�ae tn wri�ing or uateu q�pNcabk I�w otherwi�e p�ovides.tbe piroaeeat i�Y <br /> be�ppiied ro We s�ns ienued,�y c�ais Secu�ity In�uncnt whether or not the wms a�e then due. <br /> lf tLe Piaporry is obandoned�by HcKSawer.or if.afler mNoa by Lender to Bornnwu thu ehe oo�danooit dfe�to m�ke an <br /> awad a�dle a claia for d�nu�gas. Bomnwer fdls to�spond w Lader within 30 d�ya dter Ihe d�e Wo notica u�irea. <br /> I.ades is ivatlwrl�zed to oollect aad apply We Its apt�oa,either to nxtombn or rep�ir of the�nopaty ar w da auus <br /> �cured by tlds Secueity Iasuuma►t,whether or iwt Ihe�due. — <br /> Udas Lcxla aqd Bomuwer adierwlsa�gnee in wrltiag.�ny applic�tlon of pmceeds to pincipd thdl not attead or <br /> potl�K the due date oP the mont6ty payannts referrod to in paragraphe 1 ud 1 or chpage the amount of such p�ymente. <br /> ' • 11.Bc+�o�ver Na1 Rdease�=Fo�l�rance By I,endes�Not�W�Iver.Bxteneton of the time for p�yment or modificaarn <br /> af v►wRitakion of Ihe sums secured by this Sxurity Iasdum�t gn�ntad by Lender to a�r suoo�sor in inter�est of Borrower�hall <br /> not operote to nlaso tla liAbiliry of the original Bon+nwu or Borrower's sucoessors in lnte�est. Lender al�ll not be requi�+ed to <br /> oommakx ptucaedin�a�gairot aay utooes.gor in inte�t or�1Lse to extend Hme for paya�ent or othenvise awdify�on <br /> of�he swps sa:urod by ttiie Savrity �nt by �son uf ony denwnd n�de by the original Botmwer or Bomower's <br /> wooessorr in lnterest. My forbe�r�noe by Laider In ezerci�ing my ri�ht or�medy sh�ll rat be a wajvar of or precluda the <br /> wurcise of a�ry right ornmedy. <br /> I2,Sua+uwor4 and A�Ig� Bawd;JoM�t a�W Sevgal IJobWty; Ca�eigoas. 11u covenaats aad sgroemmt� of Ihls <br /> Security UJStiumeN sholl biod and benetit the succe.gsoB ard aasigns of i,eider and Bocrowe�, aubject to the provisions of <br /> �wngraph 17. Bomower's covenants ancl ag�oementa sludl be jai�t sud several. My &►rrawer who co-signa thie 5eca�ity <br /> Instmment but doa �wt euecute the Note: (a)ie co-signing this Secudty instmment only to mortgage. grant And convey ttwt <br /> Borrowa'a iate�st in the Praperty under the terms of this Securiry Instrumenr, (b)is not personally obligated w psy Ihe sums <br /> cecurod by tBis Security Iastrument;and(c)agrees Ihat Lende�and any other Borrower mey agra to extend. modify.forix�r or <br /> maloe any aceomnwdatfons with regard to the terms of tbi�Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrowu's oonsent. <br /> 13.Loaa Cla�eo. If�he loan securod by this Security lnsnument is aubJoct to a low which sets maximum loan ch�ea. - <br /> and that Isw is�inally interp�ted so that the interest or other loan charges oollected or to be collected in connoctfon wlth the <br /> lopn exoeod Ihe permitted Iimits,then: (a)any such taan charge shali be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce the chuge <br /> � to the pertniued limit;and(b)any sums already collected from eorrower which exeaeded permittod limits will be refunded w <br /> Botrower. L.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the prfncipal owod �nder the Note or by malc�ng a diroct <br /> �payment to 8omower. If a refLnd reduoes principal. the reduction will bo treated as e partial PrepaYment wfthout:a�► <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.NotkYS.My notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mafl unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The notjce shell be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other eddress 8orrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lendcr shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's Address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notia provldod for in thjs ' <br /> Secudty lastrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Bortower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing I.�w= Severabllity. This Savrity Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> Juriadiction in which the Property is located. in the event thet any provisian or clause of this Security InstrumeM or the Note <br /> conflicts with applkable law,such conflict shall not affea other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect wiU�ont the mnflicting provlsion. To this erd the provisions of this Securiry[nstn�ment and�he Note are declued _ <br /> to be severabk. _ <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confornud copy of the Nute und of lhis Security Instniment. = <br /> Form 3026 YI80 __.. <br /> v.�a oi e <br /> x' <br /> `�._.��,��.�;-,ra-,y.a.� .n�rg:;p1a'""a�,"�""'��!".f�' . ;;;Si"•:``.�. .. � t' �� �4 jR�'�'' 5�' . <br /> _=d,'�'iv"'�• � ;I`�'�'7 �.��.tj��, . . �. ';';L4t�17�:adf�.ilLl1� �` �;L,� stT�if}L'�I.a.:-i: +li`�L� _�;t.C.!�.. .` . <br /> :i �!� ..�' �. .. � S �Y <br /> � } - . • '�•{•: i ._ ,w 1 ' . 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