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.r,..r�a.�:..r�i:eelLi .— - '- ' . • ` .- <br /> --.__.. — — � '�'. 'lYi���1�0 Of a��N�'1�V jOf'r0�. I�V�Qr Of 1�10�+��1I�M�r'�I�t�!1� <br /> � i�aW o�uim�teQn�ad <ar it i b��fci�l ida+at In son�uvr�ir�oid or trmfarod a�d R�t�mwec b aot�a �+rp�nl p�irx�o)�vldw�t <br /> � I.a�d�t's piar wduoa oonent� L.ender mq� M ia aption. lmnedl�t�e payment in Adi ot df �nar �by tld� <br /> � d�Ia�trtimeot.Hovre,war.ti�option tl�ll aot be�a�ca�d�/�i.e�der it e�l�e L p�obibited by fidM1!�w ar at 1h�dM� <br /> Secutity t�a�wp�nt. <br /> • It[.ae0er e�a�cUa tNs apdon.l.ader siwll ve Hortovver aodoe of aaele�oa.Tho aotioo,ldip�uvido a�kxt Gt aot <br /> lea tlun 30 dryi hom tha d�te the notloe is del�va+ed ar m�i{ed Mithin whkfi Harrower muk py all wer�ewred by thir � <br /> 8aa�lty Iawvma�t, If Banowcr faiu w pay ttiaa sunu prior m the oxplratfon ot thi�p�iod�Laxla twy fnvake p►y ranedia <br /> �yr thi�Sxudt�r�In�Krument witbaut fbrd�er notiae or deaund�nn Borrow�er. <br /> �1�. �orrower's Ryl�t W Rd�e. if Horrower meeb oaWa oonditlons� Bon�nwa dWl t�ve the riQht w hava <br /> �ofmtianait of thie Sear(ty Iwtnemaa dla�wWauod u my dma prior w tbe arlia of: (�)3 d�y�(or eucb a�lier period� <br /> applipble bw av+y specltY for refraWaneat) befwe aale of�pa Pro�aty Pnnu�nt to any powa of�le aoiwined in tbL <br /> s�y u�a�„n,aa;«ro��r or��ua��ro��as seaur�ty��.Tho�e condidoro o�e that Bonuwer:fa)p�y� <br /> I.aida dl�wro which then would bo due utder d�s Searity taurun�ant aud the Nota w if no�ooelcr�tion h�d occurrod: (b) <br /> aues ay defiWt of sny otl�er cove�unts or a�roanents;(c)Po all e�cpenKS iacurrod in enforcin�this Secu�ity Inqnunp�t, <br /> including,but aot licnited�cnvble�ttoma�ra' faea:md(d�takes wch actian aa[.aider nwy r�u�onably roquine W aswne <br /> tlut the lien of thie Saeurity Iastrument. L�s in the Property and Borrower's obtigation to p�y tt�e ew�u sa�rod by <br /> t6is Soc.vrity lnauuma�t �ll contUwe ua��Upon rei�utatearient by Borrower. thia Security Inatrument �nd the <br /> abligtdo�u�ecured I�enby e1�a11�in 1WIy efl'a�tive a�if no aooeleration hd oxumed.Howcver.thia rl�ht w rointtwte rludl <br /> � not�pp1�+in tbe c�se of aoocta�atioo under p�nigraph l�. <br /> - 1!. 5�Ie d Not� Cbae�e of LoRS Srrvicer. The Note or �paRlel intetest ir�Ihe N�►te (together w11h this $xur�ty <br /> L�struwea�)mq be s�old one or more tim�s without prior�otica to Borrower.A sale may rcsult in a chango in the endty(known <br /> aq tho" Savioer")th�t ooliocts monthlY PpYments due under the NMe and this Sxurity Insuument.Thei+e aleo may ba one <br /> • ar mae du�es of the Serviar unrelated to a sak of the Note.if tbere is a change of the Lo�n Serviar.Botrower will bo <br /> given rrrlpm mtioe of�he elunge in aa;ordanoe wit6 Qarag�ap614 abnvo and opplicable aw.The notice wili ctate the�wno aad <br /> --- - addies�of the new Lan Servictr and the addt�ess to whkh pwymema �bould be roade.The notloe will al�to cotKain any dher <br /> - iotor�tion requitod by applicable 1aw. <br /> 20. llaa��+doos Sub�taocw. Borrower siwll not cause or permit Ihe prcsenoe. use. disposal. star�ga. or ielease of any � , <br /> - Haza�doua Substances on or in ihe Property. Borrower shail not do. nor allow enyone else to do. anything affbctin8 � <br /> -- Property tl�at ia in violatlon af any Environmenwl Law. The pneceding two sentences aAall notepp1y to Ihe prese�roe,use, ar <br /> atorage on the Pm�erty of snwll yuantities of Hazandous Subswnoes thAt are generally reaognized w be appropriate to nornwl <br /> �aidaNial uses and to maintentu�ce of the Pt+operry. <br /> _ — Borrower sliall promptly give Le�der written notioe of eny investigation. claim, denwnd.lawsuit or other actibn by any <br /> govenunental or�guletoryagency or prlvate pany involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Emimnn�ental <br /> - of wliich Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leams.or is n�tiii�d by eny governmentAl or reguluory�t <br /> _ - any ranov�l or other rcmediatfon af any Hazw�dous Substance affxting 1he PropeRy ia t�eoessory,Bomower shall promptly t�e <br /> - -- all nocessuy rcmedial qctions in acr.ardance wlth Envlronmental Law. <br /> --- As used in U�fs paragraph 20. "H�rdous Subsfanas" are those subsfences defined ea toxic or huerdous substences by <br /> •?:•., Emironrnental L..ow aad the following subs�ances: gasoline. �erosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products� waic <br /> ��= p�sticides end herbicides.volatile solvents,matedals containing asbestos or fornuldehyde,and radioactive materiels.As used in <br /> ��, this paragraph 20, "Bnvironmental Law" means federal Iwws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ttwt <br /> _ relue to hwlth,safety or environmental protection. <br /> _. NON-UNIFORM COV�NAMI'S. Borrower and Lender furthercovenant and ugree as follows: <br /> 21. Aaaleradoni Rr.modies. I.ender sh�l1 give notice to Borrower prior to acceleradon following Bon�ower's bre�cb <br /> ot wny covenant or agreement In this Secu�ity Instrument (but not prlor to accelerallon under p6 17 unle�v <br /> wpplic�We Iww previ�k.w otl�erMise).The notice ahall specifys (a)the default=(b)the actlon requi to cure the det'ault; <br /> � (c)a date,not less than 30 dAys from the�iate the nottce is given to Borrower, by whicb the dePaWt must be cw+ed;apd <br />_:�.�R. (d)ti�t tWlarc lo cure tde det'AWt on or betore the date specit7ed In tde notice may �rsult in acaderatba of tbe sums <br /> .D.. >;i! secured 6y this Securlty Instn�ment and sale oP the Property. The aotice slwll further intorm Bomower of the ri�ht to <br /> �� •4.�. reinsUte aher aoceleratton and tl�e rlght to bring a court actlon to assert the non�xtateace ot a defaWt or aoy atha� <br />- defense ot Borrower to accekration and sele. i[the detault is not cured on or betore the dote speci�Ied In the notict, <br /> �-- un�, at i4e option,may require immediate payment in�ull ot all sums socured by this Security G�stnunent rvithout <br /> : • ,,,...��; . tu�tlxr demand a�d may invoke the power of sple and wny other remedles permitted by Appiicable law.I.eader shall be = <br /> �• endtlal to collect�II incurred in pursuMg the rcmedies provided in Ihis ps��grnph 21,including,but not i[mited - <br /> �s�. to,reasoaable ottorneys'fees and cost�ot title evldence. <br /> ' w•'�:�r -.'• If thepo wer of s�le is invoked� Trustee shall rernrd a notice of defaWt in each rnunty in whkh any part of the = <br /> �,.�:�"' � Property Is I�cated apd stwll meil rnples ot such notice In the monner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower and to <br /> ���" � � tde ot6er persong prescribed by applicable low.AfYer the time required by�pplicable law,Trustee slwll give pubik notke <br /> '� . `'•:*''"`• ot sale to the persons and in the monner prescribed by appUcAble IAw•. Trustee. without demand on Borrower, sdall sdl =. <br /> ''` the Property W publte nuMton to the highest bidder at lhe time and pl�ce�nd under the terms designated in the aottce ot <br /> , _ sole la oae or more p�rcels ar�d in any order Truslee determines.Trustee moy postpone sale of all ar anyparcel of the <br /> ��F•j�-�;.�ry�' putrlwse tUe Pr+operty at any sale t at Ihe dme and ploce of any previously scheduled snle. Lender or its deslQnee mpy <br /> � �: �� - <br /> - �., -. <br /> 'r �.,.,,.• • _ <br /> ::{J;j��`,t'.°?:r RII,1'3QZ� ��� <br /> /. F�_�Y'i"�t'.•I,�� ��- <br /> ;`�,' �l'.''i� �� Pp�6 0l 8 _ <br /> �;tt id;r�.=�. <br />.-l;l�.}t T'! "'�t;'('�:_ ;� . - <br /> Nl,r� 1. ' - . li �. <br /> �t}��`.' �' ' �: <br /> �'� 1�ti(' �j5:., 1 , .NdYi A:'. ... ..v. ...i`�Y ... . � . , * , . <br /> . � ' � '.S � ��r`' ,.., � �i� • . . . �: ,aT. .._ : �� - �N.:i"I�:�.-. <br /> . ' <br /> _,f . . � . . . . . . . <br /> 1 f . 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