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.� _. ___ ..___.—. .__._ __ _. . —____.–_ �— _ . � .-�.r"'A " v •. <br /> �_�_ " , �,�� . .r;;;,-�`--^ <br />� �. it�wr�K l�ry �+Me�. Do�ro�rw�Ai�l lwp Ih� l�+►wra�t �ow �aciMlo� o�IwwA�t�wM/Ml�� , • <br /> l�wy b�weMd yale�t ioM by An.Wwd�imh�drd MMNn 11�1�'�undrd aow��' �nd�br aelMr 1rwd�._J�t�ill/il� <br /> Aood�cr lfo�q.�lN�;Ibt irMch L�dR r�pin�i�wrxio�,71�larw�na#�1 b�e�inuiad fa 1bt�oww�ad l�oot IIw�lM� <br />� �t l.nii�n�bw..nw io.nno.anir poviiNo�u.�,nnno..u�u b.dw.e.b�r sa�mo,uar wl�a eo�.�.a���.�norr . <br /> „ w�11i i�livt�fYiilibiu�i�j►Wfi�ii�1. �QiFfvii�ii�i iD iiiisi'iii�6 Guirir"�i f�iiu'"'�ia� fiiMY���i'i �r i��!�'111!i c ,; <br /> ap6oe�o6i�L covee�e to pnbct 1�eedor'��I�b le 8�e Prupaty i4.i000id��with prty�h 7. <br /> All i�uraMOe�oli�ie�aad raiew�s�lwll 6r aooe�Me w I,end��nd dwll include a wad�rd ax�t�e cLiu�e. I�ar�d�r <br /> i�ll h�w die ri�t to hold tbe pdida�nd ra�la.It Ladar t+�qtira�Barowe�da�U p�omply�ive w L�ender aU noe�ptt o[ <br /> P�A�arm ud r+me.wrd notEa�.U the event ef Mys.Qorm�er sludl ave pronipt nolioe ro the ieuannoe ewrk�ind i�a�der. <br /> L,wdi�m�y m�k�e pao[of k,u it mR m�de p�ompUY bY 8�m�*. <br /> Urea Ladee�nd Wrrnw�otUawBM�p�ee in wrl��InswMnoe poceedi�hrl!be pipUed ta roitonNoe or reqir ot'Ibe ' <br /> Pnopaty d�royad.lf the roKarMion ar nepdr is ec000rdplly te�sible and[.enda't�e�vrit�is not leaened.lf the roKoatfon or <br /> �ep�lr b aot eoononda�lly Caaible or La�der'��ecurity wauld be leaaa�ed.We inau�noe proeeed�slqlf be�pplled ta the wms <br /> �ea�red by thb Seeurlty f�rxnt. wl�aber or not d�at due�wlth wy ezca�paW to Borrnwu. U Barower�doo� tbe <br /> Profimty.or doa aot unwer�ritliln 30 day�a notlee from I.aKler thM tdc Inw�r�ae carrkr hu offded to�ettle�cWm�tha� <br />: I�ender dyy oollect tue inwnnce prnoeecl�. i.ender may we the p�noeeds w rep�ir or rato�e the Propaty or to p�y turos <br />. �eourod by this Securky Imtrum�aN.whether or not tl�en duo.The 30-d�y period wlll be�in whon the notioe i�Qiven. <br /> Unle�Laider md Barrowe�etherwl�e a�nee in writ[ng, �p►y applicaNen ef proceeda to�►rinaipN�hdl na extaid or <br /> poqpono the due date ot tha a�onlhlY P�Y��refatod to in p�u�g�phs 1 aM 2 ar clunge thse amount of the p�yma�.If <br />; under p�n�r�ph 21 Il�e Pnnpotty i��oquired by l.end�x.Barower'�riQh�t w aay iawanoe po8da aM prcoeeds ro�ultia�fi�oaa <br />� d�nr�e w tbe�opetty pdor to tbe ac�ulsitioa�U pm w I.etde.�to 1Me eauaM of tfie wn��ea�rad by thlt Security Inpn�aaeot <br /> i�nadiMdy prior w die�oqui�itlon. <br /> 6.Oocop��.Pra�avatloa�Malsteo�ooe�od Proteetloo d tl�e Prupee�r:B�trower's I,o�n Applk�tio�:LeMeMoldr. <br /> Bonower slull aaarpy. �ahbN� wo the Prope�iy as Borrower's pdncipal t�.sidence within�ixty d�ys�Rer d�o oxewulo�of <br /> thi�Security Irntmanent�nd ahall candnue w occupy the}fioperty�s Bmr�ower's princip�l rcsidence for u lea�t a�e yar a�Rer <br /> the d�te of oxwpu�cy, uda�L,eader ahenvi�e�roa in wrldn�.which ooroent�twll not be u�mea�on�bly wlth6eld. or wVas <br /> e�ctenu�tin� ciraumtu�oa exist which aro beyond Borrower'� wntrol. Borrower �11 not datmy, dams�e or Imp�ir the <br /> Pmperty. albw the Pnopa�ty:o det�rlorate.or oommlt wa�te on the Prope�ty. Botrower ahall6e in detault iP any forfeituro <br /> •ctbn or pr0000di�,whdher aiv11 or criminal. ia begun that in Lender'c good faith judgment could result in forfdture of tAe <br /> Property or othav►�i�e rnuedally lmpair the Uen created by tbis Secur�ry Insuument or I.ender's security intaeu.Bomowa rnry <br /> curo wch a default and pmv[ded in poragraph ausing the action or proceeding to be diamleced wlth a rulia� <br />� th�t� in Lender's�004 fiith detart�in�tion. procludes forfeitu�e of the Borrower's intemt i�the Property or other rtuterW <br />� ;II�iiii2iis 8�t=i8 IIf1i i72aYcO t3y i�'it5 Si3Ci1PI� IliStiiliii2tii Gl'L21f�Ei�fi 62Ciii�[j� 3iiiCiZSI. Baisower �t�ii �ica be in detwit if <br /> Rorrowu,during the laan application pracess,gave irwterlally fal se or innonu�te infomwtion or atatements to L,ender(or fiilad <br /> to provide[.ender wilh any rn�ted�l inforn�ation)ln connection wi�h Ur,loan evidenced by the Note. including.but not limited <br /> W.repn�r�ion�oonxming Barrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residenoe. IP lhia Sxurity L�strument is on a <br /> lea.cehold, 8orrower �hall comply wilh all the provisions of Ihe lesse. if Borrower acqui�ea fee dde w the Property. tbe <br /> leasehold and the fee dNe ahall not mr.rge ualess Isndcr agroes w the merger in wrfting. <br /> 7.Pnotec�lou ot[.ender'�Rtght�in Ibe Propa�ty.lf Borrower f�ils to perform the covenents end ag�ecments oontained in <br /> this Secur�ty there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as s <br /> proceading in bankruptcy,probau,for cor�demnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or r�egulations)��Iten[.ender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Proper[y and Lender's rights in the Prope�ty. Lender's actions moy <br />� include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appeadng in oourt. paying <br /> a�soneble attomeys'fxs and entcring on the Penperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take acUan urder thir parq{rapf+ <br /> 7,i,ender das not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.erder under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by thls <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to other terms of payment. these amounts shall bear inter+est from the <br /> dete of disbursement ot the Note rate and shall be payable. with i�terest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcquesting <br /> paymen�. <br /> 8.Mortg�ge Iruarnnce.lf Lender requirod mortgage insurunce as a condition af mnking the loan secured by thls Sauriry <br /> Inctrument. Borrower ahall pay 1he premiums required to nwintain the morigage insurance in effect. If. for any re,ason, the <br /> mortgage insurance coveflge rcquired by l.ender lapses or ceases to 6e in effect, Borrower shall puy the prcmlums rc�uirod to <br /> obtain coverage substantiWly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost subs�untiully equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurenre previously in effect. from an alternate mortgege insur�er epproved by L.ender. !f — <br /> subatantially equivalent mortgage insurance wverage is not availwble. Bnrrower shull pay to L.ender each month a sum equat to — <br /> one-twelflh of the yearly mortgage insurnnce premfum being peid by Horrower when the insurcince covemge lapsed or ceasod to <br /> be in effect.Lender wfll aocept, use and netain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3028 9/80 - <br /> Mp�3 0�6 <br /> r <br /> F' <br /> fr'�„^'^+�-�.�t 1'�'^�+-?�iywl�i ' , •±•ry�Y ,�� � •i <br /> !i q .j � t�rv � ("��: I4 1 i �r. .)��. �.� �• • �{ �'x..• i' ��i , • f:C�f{,, <br /> _ }, �V � . i_�S. '.d tr?i��'t. -r�r ,4,,•. . �r�:,�p�<� .�/X..,:4f�!;��'"..e,.� �� ,- �� ra <br /> ., l4t}��f ' ��.rj't . -'. (�t;.il � � .. .i ( t•: - F. 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