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. � . ' . [ i ♦. , sl.{�..� %i'�l(��,�aY�.-__� � ,�. ..__ <br /> � �� . . . � ' - . f^-1 �', ��'IIF,��F��v•"�' _ <br /> � ����rM����DM Of���w��011��/M�►�M������� �- . <br /> � f1DM Q ��1� ��t 0� 1M1 pOpMly. Nl ll��� MIa ��OY �� r10 � fOr� ��,� . <br /> _ <br /> hiuurr+M.t.�►q ot d�.tlayors M r��d a i.�Yis s.w�hy Lrd+so�t r Mr•lMoNeey.� . ' . <br /> ' 1QItRG�OOtiBNkl�'!'i dnR ioe�r r i�allibi-ri�atdM MeM�i�w�lr�aoir�i�•iii�1w tfi�M ii���t�i. <br /> qii�ry i�'i: r�".y�wi,�i iw.i ia�i ii i f i�i.—�y�G tii��..".'�.�!�i'�vf teeoi'�. �t1+Rrrtt��?P�. _ __— <br /> i1�1���r�i ti�W�Pl�lf ty��i�!U��10 Qi�,�1��►�Of l� � - - ----- <br /> 71�s aBC�JRRY UisTRl1MBNT oorabiaa uni�ana oa►ao�w�tar artiotil we ad nos�rrdto�avv�u�IWMd <br /> variWoti by jdei�dialno to oo�a wdtam rewrky►iart�aadt aoverint rod P�upeetY• � <br /> I�IIPOKM C'bVBNAM'3.BMeower�nd I.GMe►trwerr�nt ud�e�ea�s tollowa: • <br /> l. llil�t at P11�ir1�si 1�� �M�ynwat �M LiMtt Clrr�. eato�ar shrll P��Y P�Y �due 11s � <br /> pria4ipd o�aud lntaat oa U�e debt evidp�oed bY tUe Nate ad aay ptep�yme�M ad late d�er due under tbe Nota. <br /> 2.PY�dr ke TixN a�d Ler�rs�ct. Subject to�pplim�bte U�w or to a writron Maiver by l.ader.Bonu�r�Il pqy od <br /> l�enda�un d�e d�y nwnddy p�ymeoq a�e due urdcr the Ndte.undl tha Note i�paid in 1W1.�sam("Fu�")tor:(a)!'�Y� ., <br /> •nd saaanarts Mhich m�y�aia pdoriry over this Sea�dty InstnunaN u�lien an the Prope�ty;(b)Y�Y��P�Y� <br /> or g�ouM raMs on Uie Propaty.if any:(a)Yari9 hu+�d ur PmpertY inwnunce promiumr.(d)Yeuly f lood imuraooe proa�ttun. <br /> if�ny:(e)Yarly mort�e insur�noe protniums�if aay: and(��nX wms p�yabb by Boncw�a W I.ender� in�000rd�noe writ6 <br /> the prcwlsioas of p�rngt�pfi 8, in liw of the p�yn�nt of mort�e ira�uaoc�o p�minimR.1'1�e ikaat�re c�lled'B�aow Itant.' <br /> La�4rr nny. at�oy tLne, cdlax aad Intd Fw�da in an amouot oot w oxcood tUe mucitnum atoouat a ieoder for a fedaaY�r <br /> reloted moAgage tao mq roq�ire tor Borrower's acmw a000uat uada the tedcrai Rea1 Bshte Satidoent Pmoedw�a Act ot <br /> 1974 a anteaded froa�taae w time. 12 U.S.C.Sectioa 2601 et se�q.('RBSPA'). unlas a�wlikr Inr tMt�p�plia ta t6e FLiod� <br /> teu a les�a�aount. If so.Landar may,a�t�ny Gua.oollect�ad hold Fuoda in an amount not w exoeed the le�er amouot. <br /> I.arler may estimate the a�ooud oi Fu,d�due on tho b�.vix of�unnqi dw�aad rc�woiwbla ertim�tex of a�peAdiWrea af 1W�e <br /> ' B�c�w Itca�or otl�erwiic in�000�d�noc with applicabk Inw. <br /> 'It�o Funda �Iwli bc held ia m institution whosa dq�oaits aro insurod by A fodeial aga�cy. instrumentaliry. or e�uity <br /> (including l.a�der.if L,ender is wch�n institutioa)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply ti�e Funda w pay the <br /> Esc�w Iteaw. l.ender riwy not cl�rge Bort�awer for holding and apptylag tho Funda.annually a�wlyzing the escrow accaw�t.or <br /> verifying the Fscrow Itema.unless i.endcr�pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pera�its L�nder w mAke such <br /> a chArgo. However.Lender may roquina&►rrower to pay a one-time charge for An independent rem7 estato tax�porting xrvke <br /> wed by L,ender in cormeetion with tbic loan. unlesa epplicAble Iaw provides otherwlac. Unless un AgneemeAt is mtle or <br /> applicabla law ra�uirea interest w be paid. l.ender ahall not bc roquire�w pay Borrawer any interesf.or eAmiuge on t4e Fwdc. <br /> Bomower and I.ender may agree in w�idng.however.ttwt interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender sl�all give W Borrowu. <br /> wlthout cluirge,an annyal accounting of the Fwwls. showing credits and debits to the Fwids and the putpost fdr which e� <br /> rleMi ta ihe Funds was m�de.Ti�e Twncfs are pledged ac addii3aria:secur,ty far�!!wsns sa:utt�b�il�fs Security lssal�sstse�s. <br /> !f the Fu�ds held by I..ender exceed the arnounts permitted to be held by applicable law. I.ender shall a�cauat to Botrower � _ <br /> for the excess Funds in accordsulce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heW by i.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bomower in such case Borrower <br /> sMAll pay to Lender the amaunt neces�ary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shell makc up thc deficiency in no more th�tt <br /> twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sde discretion. <br /> Upon paymant in full of all sums secured by this Secur�ty Insuument, Lender shell promptly �+efund to Borrower any <br />' �unds held by I.ender. If,under psvugreph 21, i,ender shall acquire or sell the Property,I.cnder,prior to the arquisition or sale <br /> ,oi the PropeKy,shall apply eny Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as e credit egainst the wtns secured by <br /> tbi�Security Instnrment. <br /> 3.Applicallon ot Pnymente.Unless uppliceble law provides otherwise,all payments rereiv�d by L.ender under peragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shell bo appNad:first, to any prcpayment charges due under thc Note; sacond,to amounts payeble under paragraph 2; <br /> interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any Iate cherges due under the Note. _ <br /> 4.Clwrges; Uens.Bomower shAll pay all tazex,assessments, charges, fines und impositions attributable to the Property <br /> which may attafn priority over this Security[nstrument. and les►sehold paymenu or ground rents, if any. Horrawer shall pay <br /> thae obligstions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy <br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish lo l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower mAkes�hese payments directly, Horrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Bormwer shall promptty discherge any lien which has priority over this Seeurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br />� wrfting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in e manner acceptable to[.ender; (b)contests in good feith the lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of�he lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfurtory to Le�xler subordinating the lien to <br /> this Secu�ity instrument.If Lender determines that any pan of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Seturity Instrument,L.ender may give Bormwer A notice identifying the lien.&►rn►wer shull sutisfy the lien or take one ur <br /> nwne of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Fwm 3028 9/00 _ <br />� Pp�2 016 <br /> wrni �r�n�'��+{�q�y� <br /> -i���� -- . . _ _ . jr _. <br /> __.rrf� ._ . <br /> = ��� ., .. � "� �� V~ � �� �` � Si1'�'•f�i 1 r �Irr'V _..{,• 4R{Qi .:-�:'. 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