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=�;'1c�_.14�a�7, . � :in, ,y . _ , _ . .- . . .., .. .i� . . _ .. �' '_ ' ._,._ <br /> �_ , , 93���o�: � . <br /> , . <br /> . pdoar m�c L,�od�nquin�.. TM.bwunoo.o�erier paNld�q�tbe�ce.b.0 bs cho.en by earowrr a�...arr <br /> ipp[o�vd wLie��Adl R4�bp l�y w1dlh01d. IT BIinDlwr hW b�1lWN�In deutibd ab0'r���L�ir aQ4�4- -- .-- <br /> I.wlert ap�io�,hbt�faoova�e b pW�ct I�Idlrti t�hl�LI d!s!N p�rD ty ill�cc�ol+d�MM�plu�l�h 7. - - <br /> --- - - -- -- - Att f�r�.ca F�ci�aod r�sa�v��S!!bc a�eble to LrAda ast�els�1�e s et�rd cL�. L� - - <br /> _- -- _ _ -- , _. ..---=-�---.;�Ik�S���t�..,..�,..'"i^' <br /> a�u�aa�tnv rtpit co nad ma poiicies a�d ioo�►+w, u.���w w......w - ..t� <br /> ofp�i�promtums Rnd�enaw�l notba. ta the ovant of bsr.�onowex�IuU�ive pronipc oodce b die in�nno�c�eri�r rd <br /> L�i�er. Lendrr ra�y m.k�s proaf ot lan if not m�de pronq�tlY bY Ba�ro�►'er <br /> Unka L,ender and Bamwer atherwise�ree in wrltin�.faau�tce��xnceedr�iWl be�ppUed ro rouontian or trpdr oP <br /> MePr�p�ty if the�+ataadon ar ropair 1�eco�omiaiUy ibb atd Lendert��ecurity i� not Icciencd. U cba <br /> a�t ion-or r is not ec,aton►ically faufble a IaWery�ecutity wadd be bwened.the iasww�oe p�ocaeds�11 be <br /> apptiea w a�e wms�arrod by this securicy tn�inunau. wbaher or aa d�due.wm��ny exoa� w Eano,Mer. U <br /> Banowa ib�ndan tho Property� ar daa not�nswer within 30 dny��notke from Lender tbu tbe inwrmoe esnier b� <br /> offend w teWe a claim.tha�L.ender�ruy collect thn inairnava pmceeds. l,ender m�y u�s d�p�ocaeds W or tataro <br /> tNe Property«to p�y wa,.�eewea by thi�securicy L�awnent,wnethar«aot d�a aue. �n�e 30�a.y period be�iu whe" <br /> t6e aotjce�given. <br /> Unkss LenJer and Banower othetwiso agroe in writln�.�ay lleadon of procads co principal etnU not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the manthly�ymenta rofened to in p�a�1�nd 2 or change the anaint of the pyn�q Il <br /> wider paragraph 21 the L acquiced by Lendu.Bomowerh dght to aay ina�rance poUcia and pmveeda raW�daB <br /> from damage to thc Pmpe�or to the acquisttiun�Il p�s to L.ender to rhe exta►t of the awns recwad bY this Saa�rity <br /> InWCUmeat itnmodlately prior to t5ie wyuisiflon. <br /> 6. OCCfIJ1iOC� PI'i!lrV�f�00� M�AtlII�IICE �!I Pf+Ofl�f1011 0� fAE PrOptrtyi BOf7'OWlr�i LO/0 Applicatluni <br /> I.aaehoWc Borrower�wll occupy�espbliih.and use�he Prope�ty as Bomnwerk pdnclpal residenoc vrldtia�iuty�aft� <br /> - tUe exeeudon of this Secuiity Instniment and ehell eoaNnue to oceupy the Prnperry�c Horrowah prinefpal�+eside for at <br /> - kavt one ycar after We date of occupancy, unkss Lender otherwfee ag�s in wridng, which cansent shall not 6e <br /> wueasanably withhetd.or unlesa extenuating circumstences exist which aro beyand Borrower�contml. liortower shal!not <br /> destroy.damage ar impair the Propeny.allow the Prope�ty to deteriorate.or commit woste on the Roperty. Borrowec sh�ll <br /> be ln default if any forfeituro acrion or proceoding.wdether civil or begun that in Lender's goad fnith judgment <br /> __--ti�__ -___�_ could result In forfelture of the Property ar otherwisc matcriaUy impair the 8en cj+eated by�hia Sa�uriry Iaawmeat or <br /> = Lender s aecudty iotenes� Bomowcr may cure such a default and provided in parognph causing tho xdon <br /> _ or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling l.ender�s guod faith det�mmin�tion,prccludd forfeiture of the Bom►werk <br /> - inte�est in the Property or other mater�al impai�ment of the lien cneated by ihia Securlty Insmer►xnt or L.enderh security <br /> inte�st. Botrower shall also be in default if Bomower. during tho loan applicatlon process. gave materiaUy faLce or <br /> inaccuraa infortnalon or swtementa to Lender(ar f�iled to pmvide I..ender wlth any material i�fomw�on)in connectian with <br /> � 1he loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited to, representations conceming Bomowerk occupancy of the� <br /> - Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall camply with all the pravisions . <br /> _ oi ihe Ieaae. If SurruwCr wx�ui�as fix iitle to ihe Property,tha feasetwld utid shc fcc iiile s!�!f tsat�e anlass l.t�a agstss <br />- ' �' to the merger in writing. <br /> 7. Protecdon at Lender's R(ghts ia the Property. If Borrower fails w perform the covenants end agraments <br /> containod in this Secudty Instrument, or there is a Iegal proceeding thet may aigniflcantly affect L.ender's rights in the <br /> - Propeny(such as a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate.for condemnat�on or forfeituro or to enfarce laws or regulations),ttkn <br /> I���, Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the velue of the Property and Lender�s rights in the PropeRy. <br /> . l.ender's actions muy include paying any sums secured by a Nen which has prioriry over this Saudty Insttument,appearing <br /> in court,pnying reasoneble attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make repsirs.Althaugh Lender may take acNon <br /> under this pnragraph 7,L,ender does not have.o do so. <br /> My umounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall bec4me additional debt of Bomower secured by thic <br /> �"� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agnee to other tcrms of pnyment,these amounu shell bear interest from the <br /> , , ��. , dute of disbursement at�he Note rate and shell be payable,with intercst,upon notia from L.ender to Borrower cequesting _ <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender rcquired mortgage insurunce us a condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> , ';r�;. Security Instrument, Borrowcr xhall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurencc in effect. If,for eny <br /> reason. the mortgage insurunce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effat, Borrower shall pay the <br /> ,�:r,-�.,., premiums required to obtain covernge subs�antially equivolent to the mortguge Insurunce proviously in effect, at a cost <br /> substantially eyuivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage <br /> . ,,;i;��'_'''' insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insuronce coverpge is not nvailnble,Borrower shall pay to <br /> ''k'?� .". . Lender euch month u sum equal to onc-twelflh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when thc <br /> �':,�. •. .,• insurnnce caverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will nccept,use und�etuin these payments us n loss reserve in lieu <br /> � ,r�:itq;':,:,,: of mortgnge insuronce. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be required,ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> '°�;���. � covemge(in the nmount and for the periad thut Lender requires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender ogain becomes <br /> - � •-�� .�" � nvnilable und is obtained.Borrower shnll pay the premiums required to mAintnin mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a = <br /> �� �..�..���, � loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordunce with nny written agreement between Borrower <br />__y� '°s"�"'•��'� nnd Lender or applicable luw. <br /> �.��.;a�:,-•• -' 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may muke reasonable entries upon und inspections of the Propeny. Lender shall <br /> ' � ''' '� ' give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to an inspection specifying renson�ble cause for the inspection. <br /> � .�:�},:;:;.` � 10. Condemn�tioa. The proceeds of any nward or claim for damuges,direct or consequential,in connection with any <br /> � ,�.,: . <br /> - Single F'amily--Flmnk M�dFYeddk Mac UNIFYIRM IN5TRUMh:NT••Unffo�m Cwenams 9/90 fpape 3 nJ6 poRtt! <br /> .•.:+,�. ° 4kM Wea&�le�Par.Ioc.■ <br /> ToOedsCa16180089PY0Y30►A%B167Y1•1131 -- <br /> � Y•:sL:d.,. _ ' ��i � <br /> ., , <br /> � �.�;i . ,. . f� <br />= -t�, h ��.;�,;;:u. . } _._ �J �y -; <br /> �(.��.(j: Y 3�i`i�»'• :tyy�y)si�y�t"�� . SM �1Ye�Ih-�n .`�• - - ^. . ..�-:ALYh1pf.+r�'y� . . .. �T .4��L'��. :�{�"�V <br /> 1 /j.}:r-i,e. :�:..�1..•� " . � '�' . 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