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--'�-^.�..,-_- __ _.__ _ F�. . . . s :t;.; :���Yii��v:yr�twr,:?��ii• ;?:.:•_�=�z-_—y•-. <br /> ` ' . ' ... • ' . -ae�+�.vi�.i�-�� � �/�i.;�-_-_ <br /> i� <br /> a ��i.'�- <br /> �oraMr 4iciy d��t�1�hopMtY•or Ior oo�vAr�a ir liw of aaM�daR��w M�11pr�M�AMf . :� �`.`. <br /> - - -'=- -- - - - --- . ., <br /> ��i�i �iw��i�orl���a�tl�PropNCy.�M�pot�i i�U b��IMd b dNr wir�a�f ii�lM��f► ., �� <br /> _ is��t..�■ir��� i�wi��!t��a.w w�rp�w�. ia�fi:r�+�t_yi��-■�W�r!ti�.�i� --- --....' <br /> �h�fiir a�wlfiiZ wAN m�Plap�ety�al�ely ata�e a�tiu�a quo a a�pw�mm ns woo�c ar�.wa�- - .. <br /> �wed by thh 3�aritY I�trnaM intnl�Wely bataro tAe t�lciiy�mle�s Baeqwer and Lead�er atll�wl�e ynee M w�leM�. . . <br /> �w pMr eecrted bp dd�S�arity d�wwa�nt�bdl Ae roJ��oed 11y�he�enowit d du nwldplM/by dN d1oM'iy <br /> �w <br /> tr�,ctbn: c��d�•wrd.moWne ot d�e wrn.Mcunea jr�anedt�oe�y bCl�e dre ntins�di yy ro)d�e r�lr nMebet vaJr d d� <br /> !lop�ty b„mbWoty baYa.d�e aki�. M►y ed�oe�u bo pw�o ea�owe� In th..ra,t oY.prtid�of',As . <br /> �In wh�Ch th�t�ir nwkd v�lue d d�e Pe�o�y inrn�di��r bRan dee udda�Is laa dwn the�aioait o��b wa� <br /> iinm�direly bfae the lakin�, unlest BarnMror�!l.��d� olhee�►�Le yree in writfaR or w�a�pplksbM law <br /> o�r1�e prorid�d�e p�oc�M��bdl b�applied w the su��ecuwd by tl�ia S�cWelry Irowaneot wi�h�cr not d�e w��ne . <br /> �U die Property b�bmdonod by Bonower.ot te�nwla by La�der ro Barrower�h�t d�e coadenmor of re�w ro�lce <br /> �n�nvard or ieule�cWm ta�d�aru�a.Bamu�vet fdl�m rcapood w Le�fer within 30 doyr�fler the due the nolico i��iivea. <br /> I.eiddr 4 autkaiud to colloct and qiply tho p�oceed�,u W aptiai.either w ratonNon a rvplr�tbe Propaty a w d�e <br /> wm��ecurod by thi�Sxuriry in�hutnenl.whetAer ar not then due. <br /> Unksa Lender and Borrower a�lKr�vi�e �roo in wdting.�ny�pplicadan of pocoeds to pri�rcipd�Uall aa eute�d or <br /> poppoim the due dato of dio nsonthly p�ymcnts rcfemed to in psca�capl�s t sad 2 or chen�es the amount of euch p�ymenn. <br /> 11, l�aero�r� Nat R�Ma�ed; Forban�oe By Leader Nat • Walrer. Extrnsion ot the time fa payment a . <br /> moditic�tion of�urattlz�tlon of 1be wms eocwad by this Security Guuument gnntod by L.cnder to�ny wcce�aor!n inte�r�t <br /> oi 8on�ower�haU not opernte w rekaua the li�billry of the arl�iml Borrower or Borrowerk succeesors!n intarast.Lenaer <br /> �II uot��myuired" m coa�mence practedi�egs a�dnst eny succ�s�x in inter+est or rofuse to e:tend tima ta paymmt ar . <br /> athawire �d3fy wno�ation of thc sums cecwed by this Secudty lnstrument by rcaso�of any demand mede by the aig�a! <br /> Bartowu or Bortowul�wcee�ora in interect. My forbearcAnce by l.ander io axa�ci�any�iQht or rariedy sh�U not be• <br /> w�iver of or proclude tho exercise of any d�ht or remedy. <br /> 12 Suocaoors�nd Aalpu Bouad;JWat wd Several UsblUtyt Ca�aers. The covenant�And�rxment�of Ws <br /> Security Inwrumau stull bind and beneft die succeswrs nnd assigna of Laider aml Borruwer,subjoct to the provlsions af <br /> pang�aph 17, Barowerk coven�nu�and egroements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-�igne thia Socurity <br /> Inttrummt but das nat eaecute the Note: (�)ie co-signing thin Security inswment only to mortgago,gr�nt and convey t4�t <br /> Barowa�s intenst in the Property undor the terme af thls Securiry Instrumen� (b)is not pereonally obligated w psy�he sums <br /> �ecrrod by thfc Security Insuunxnr and(c)pgrces that Lender and eny othcr Bomowcr may Agru w extend,modify.foibear <br /> ar malca any ac�wnuriodations with �Qard to the tarmr of this Securi[y lastrurnent or the Note wlthout dwt Bamwerl� <br /> voosa�rt. <br /> . • 13. Lan Chw�es. If the loan securcd by this Securiry lnswment fs aubjecs to A law which sets maximum low� <br /> aha8cs,�utd I��ai Iuw jn Puiolly Litc'�Eii'dtv�60 tlWi i�iiii2i�Si OT oiliEi IoBii Chaig2S C81ICCiCd ai i8�3C COIICCi��S�Oi1 <br /> wld�tho loan exaed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan chuge shall be reduced by the amount neceasary to reduce <br /> the charge w the permitted limlt;and(b)any sums already collected from Bomower whtch exceeded permitt0d limbs will be <br /> refunded to Borrower. L.ender mey choose to make this refund by nducing tho prinoipal owed under the Note or by m�ing a <br /> dirat payment to Borrower. If a rofund�duces principal,the reduotion will be trcated as a partisl prcpayment withouc eny <br /> prepaymont charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Nodcee. Any noticc to Borrower provided for in this Security Insarument shaU be given by delivering it or by <br /> mdling it by fi�st class mail unless applicable!aw requi�s use of another method.The notice sh�ll be directed to the Prope�ty <br /> Address or eny other eddress Borrower desfgnates by notice to Lender. Any naice to Lender shell be given by firat class <br /> m�il to Lender's address stated hercin or any aher addresa Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice providod for <br /> in�his Security Instrument chall be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> P�1S�Governing Law; Severnbllfty. This Secudty Inswment shall be govemed by federal law sind Ihe law of the <br /> jurlsdtction in which the Property is locuted. In the event that any provision or cluuse of this Security Inswment or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable luw,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> be given effxt without the conflicting provision. 7b[his end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note aro <br /> dalared to be sevcrable. <br /> 16. Bon'ower's Copy. Borrower sholl be given one confortned copy of the N�te ond oi this Security Inswment. <br /> 17. 'Ihnskr ot the PropeHy or A Beneflcis�l Interest in Borrower. If ull or any pan of thc Propeny or eny interest in <br /> lt ia sold or aanaferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bomower is sold or tmn�ferted und Borrower is not a natural person) <br /> wi�hout L.ender�s prior written consent,Lender may,a� i1s op�ion,reyuire immediutc payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> this Securlty lnstrument. However,this option shAll nw be exereised by Lender if exercisc is prohibited by federel law as of <br /> thedateof this Secur�ty[nstrument. <br /> If Lender eaer�cises this option.I.ender shall give Borrower nwice of accelemtion. TI�notice shall provide a pedod of <br /> nd less than 30 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ull sums secured by thia <br /> Security In�tn�ment. lf Borrower fnils to ps�y the,e sums prior to the expiration of this perfod, Lender rn�y invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Inslrument without fuAher notice or dnmund on Bortnwer. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstute. If Borrower meets cerlain canditians, Boirower shull hAVe the right to have <br /> enforccment of this Security Instrument discontinucd nt any time priur to�he earlier of: (u)S days(or such other period as <br /> Singb F.imlly••F�anle M�e/Pteddle Moc UNIFOItM INR'1'ItUMF.NT••Unifam Covenanm 9l�Y Ipagr 4 nje pagrs) <br /> , <br /> ------- ... ,.'_E°�° '--- -7:;�:1Ayii¢::(1`�'l':�, rs�'.i'}�16�5�'�„+;�j�'�±''•/l,L��j'�fP,s„��:a�(�'.L��, � , u.e..�.y <br /> - _ .-��'� � . .5.�,- , .� ' _ . . . <br /> .� _v,1": . �: . . . - • ' . .0 ' . -�..:r_ � ' .. . -. i . <br /> 1 1 <br /> "_ -c . . : . . . . - � . . i . . . <br /> -.- .".�..,.._yy._.�„ � :.�tni%.. - ' . ,..-. - ' .- n.. �, 'A.b u'�`������:� h�i, iS.J�.�Yi 3 _. <br /> �,�i_.�o.. r_�.�.�. � �:.1_:lfl+�Y.•Ji:a_:�'����{��l��" T���ijL�.1���1V�e,�...�.t��Yd�.�.—'--'-- <br /> �-__"' ' <br /> :�.[.�.{� �: �: . . . . ._ _____ - -__-_T . __ -___-_ - -� � . _ . _ __ .__._ <br /> - �_r �S�h!'��..� y"Ii- , ,( �� � � A{trY.�� �wr'Y�Y►''�,�i i.•.:sr•.. ._ ....''�w ..��',.��e. .- <br /> �rr•V�-�?�-J.��:.iii�. 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