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. . -,�: �_ <br /> � . . �t5a�sk�+�`r"`"-'�=�r s:�v..�r�. ., ... �L.tiY rwt�r�..�-_- _ <br /> . , ,,> <br /> '' - . .. ' '. ' ' ; .,- <br /> _ �, ilr/ ���d � ' + � <br /> ., 0110�0�00 Or Of�ICf fYti�0��1�1 O���lO�Mty�Oi"fOt CO�Y��IIW rl�0�0���N��i� <br /> . .Wa a�.a e�i.eea�r, <br /> " � L d�e av�eat d r 1ad aki�{d 4M haprtr�t�i �hll ��apyNsd w � wai�J�►�► IMt �, � " .'' <br /> ----- _-_� _ __. Lsii�_w�_v��wi��1��_fi�cvi w Ba..�r.._�.�.n%,i�i�i�� . +i����---- - <br /> �acn me rm n�vawa or a�r�openy mm��mwtery ae�av me aW�q u�a�o ar pea�ms�n�amomrartarmr . .. - -- <br /> �ecured by dds 3acudty IaKnunaU irrunediMely befora the uk3n$.unlas$on�ower�ud i.ender ad�errvita�pae ia wrido�. <br /> die swa:�ecurod by dds Secu�ty in�buipent tbdl be nd�ced by d�e dnoimt ot tbep�o rywklplkd by d�e tdloM4y <br /> fr�ctian: (a)Ihe Wnl unount d t6e sums�x�ued immediwtely befdt the hkin��divitbd�)tla fair nwket vdae d W <br /> Aopeity inur�adl�uely before Ila tduny. Any bdanoa�ll be paid w B�xrowa. 1n �he even�of a psudidt�k�o�of t3�o <br /> F4oQetty Lt which the fair m�utet vdua of tho Plopaty�ruaedWely befae Wa ukin� i�kst than tde�aaour�t d the a� <br /> ' securod imtnediately befaro the t�king.unlest Barrower�ad l.ender othe�wi�e�ee 1n writin�or unle�a applicable I��r _•.,r;. :,. �����:: <br /> otherwlso.provldes.tda prooee�k slWl be appllod lo die w�teaxpd by Ihis Secwi[y Iawu�uoat wiktlia v►aot tYe twat;�ma.''r. �± <br /> the�.Sduu�i; .. . . . ._;; '.;�, . , ..;c'''::,:.. <br /> - �',If 1f��!rupe�ty i�abruidanal by Bomower�or if,+�Ra ao�i �►y,Lender to Bonower d�t tbe ooademnar otfota'llo m�►kb,t. ''�"��::,�:,;` <br /> iin:dward or��ettk�cWtn for d�ma�es,Bomower fails to r�o�to Leader vv�thin 30 dtys aflu the dMa the notic.!ia�ir�r�r►i '� <br /> Lo�ider,'I��.�u'd�orized to collect md�pply the�voce�rlt.u iu opdan,ei�6er w oatarqion a�ir of die P�apaty or w d�a <br /> su�:4aQuied by this Sectuky Instruman,whetha ar not d�ai due. <br /> Uploss Lender�nd Bamwer otl�eawlee a�roe ln writi�. �ny on ot p�ocaeds w priacipl ai�U not extead a <br /> - postpone die due dnte of'the monthly pe+ynxnta mferred to in par�grn�2 aclunge the araru of w�ch paya�. <br /> Il. 8orrower Not ReleMedi 1�brbe�aNCe �y Leaaer Na a WaWer. &t�e�uton oi the limo far p�yma�e ar <br /> modific�tion of anfortf�don ot the tumt�ocwed by Ihi�Saaldty Gut�w»ent�{ranDed by LeMer w�ny wcaswr in lntetest <br /> of Borrower�hall not opente W nbae the Ilability o!Ihc ori�inal Barowu a Bamower�aucoasas in intero�t.L.a�der <br /> :full na bercq uirod a oomma�co pr�ovee�din�s�g�nst ny suooeuo�in interdt a roflue to exbnd dn�e for p�yment or <br /> - dherwfse mod fi'y�morlizulon of the aum��ecurcd by thie Saud Inshument by maan d�ny demvd made by the ori�in�i <br /> Borrower a BomnwerY�ucceuors in intereM. My forbearmnx�y L.cnder in exa�cWn�my ri�ht or ramody�hdl aot be• <br /> wdver of or pnxludo the aace+cib of�ny d�ht or rornedy. <br /> 12. Sucaa�on�d Assl{na�w�dt Jolul u�d 5tver�l i.4Wlltyi Co-aiNa� The covonanu�nd�yneema�u ot�hi� <br /> Security lnrtrument�II Wnd ond ber�etit tho wcce�on wnd acci�ns oi Lender md Bartower,subjoct to the proviaioua of <br /> par��nph 17. Borrowenc�ovenRnu And a4rcetnentr sfWi bc jolnt uid�ever�l.Any Barower who co-si�ns thi� Saw�iry <br /> 1 nt but doa not oaxulo tho Nao: (�)is co-�ignin�Ihis Securlty Inurumrnt only w mort�qe.�rant�nd convay thet <br /> Bo�wcr�intere�t in�he Fropeny wider Ihe terms of Ibia Socuriry Inatrument: (b)is not peRaully obli�ued to pay the wm� <br /> eecurcd by thir Sccud�y Inurument��t1A(C)A�f+OES[I1U I.p1lILK YIIA aily dMtt BOROWCf f11�Y ajlllG f0�SXfL'fld,madify.forbeu <br /> or make �ny �ccommodatfotu with re�ard to Ne �amt oi thi�Securlty Inawment or fhe Note without that Banowerlt <br /> cansent. <br /> 13. Lo�ia CbarQaw If the lan securod by thls Securfty Insqvment is subject to a law which�eta rtwximum Ioan <br /> chnrges.�nd shai!aw!s ffna!!y!nsespretsd so slias sl:e inis�st oz ottser lo�s zlsasgse sa�ar to bs s�!lezsed In coneect� <br /> - with 1he loan exceed the pertnined limlts,then: (A) any sach loan clwrge shell be rc,cluced by tiie amount necxssary to roduoe <br />�, the churge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums alrcady collected from Horrower which excoeded pem�itted timits will be' <br /> r�efunded to Homower. Lender may choose to mal�e this refund by reducing the principil owed under�he Note or by nwlcing a <br /> � direct payment to Borrow¢c If u ref�.nd rcduces principal, the reduction w1116e u�eatai as A pwtial pnepsyment without any <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> id. Noticea Any �wtice to Borrower provided for in this Secudty Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first cluss mail unkss applicable law r+equires use of another method.The notice shall be dirxtod to the Properiy <br /> Addreqs ar any other addrcss Bornower de�ignates by ndice to Lender. My nodce w Lender ahall 6e given by fust claas <br /> mail to Lender�s address steted herein or any other address Lender designates by notia to Borrower.Any natice provided for <br /> -;�• in this Security Instrumenl shdl be dcemed to have ban given to Bomower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> _ .— paragrupfi. <br /> ' ' 1S. Goveroing LAw;Severability. 'Ihis Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the <br /> �^'� jurisdiclion in which the Propeny is locnted. In Ihe event that any provision or clause of this Secudty Instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts wi�h applicable law, such conFlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> ' + be given effect without the canflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of�his Security Inswment and the Note arc <br /> = declared to be severnble. <br /> 16. llorrower's Copy. Barower shall be given one conformed capy of the Note ar�d of this Security Insttument. <br /> '�' 17. 'llransfer ot the Property or a Benefki�l lnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of�he PropMy or any intereat in <br /> �'��J;� it is sold or transferred(or if a benePcial interes� in Bomower is sold or transferted and Hortower is nat a natural person) <br />_� without Lender'.s prior wrinen co�sent,l.ender muy,at its option,requirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> " - ,� this Security Instrument. However,�his option shall noc bt exereised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> ��,—�---�-4-�= If Lender exereises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleratian. 7he notice shall provide a period of <br /> - �=�:`,,; not less Ihan 30 days from�he d�te�he notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> ="i���� Security Instrument. If 8orrower fuils to puy thesc sumti prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any <br />' `� � '�=`::::�.- ��' ' remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withau�t anher noticc or demand on Borrowcr. <br />-�' ' '�`�"`'' 18. Borrower's Rigbt to Relnstote. If Borrower rrieets certain conditions, Borrower shall huve the right to have <br /> s`����` enforcement of this Securily Instrument discontinueJ at any�ime prior to the eurlier of: (a)5 duys(or such other pedod as <br /> � �'�"����'��'� � SIn kFamil Fqn�feMadFrtddfelMatUNIFURNINtiTRUM�NT-UNformCovean�a lI90 f ge0. 6 <br /> :^t�Y,�._.. 8 Y-- Pa � a+Resl <br /> ..w,:,�'�.� , <br /> - - — ------ .. , .. . .�'� , � . ..!4*�5n¢tj+"�r��� ."�'",�.�'S—�'..'i: �y - -� .. . .- . �- <br /> _ .�.ra���' e:+t.1'0_+r,ti . . _ , .. •. . , d" ��,J"OT7��i��`��'� �'L�C���� ,_ <br /> : ' . . �`- . . _ �a. <br />�.� ._ - . „ , . . � . <br />__ ..... . . . . . , , . .. .. . <br /> . �� . .. , . - . ... .. . . ,•,� Y . A� �I <br /> *fa�..::s:•1� � .•�:__ . �.��i��l'1+��`-rl�a��set:ik�i:�as:Er ��5�.�,w:i�'�° <br />� - �e�ss�r•.�..,,, - -- . .r _ .._ - :.._- - o---.-.-_ ._-.. -- --�--. -.--�—---�----- ------.-.-�--- .__--�r-,�=T.e7r?�.isu7rf-c-T���+..r�3- , a .m. .� -.-_..-tr�-�. _�_.._,�.o..� <br />_+,� �• -�.-."�Ae"Y`sit "` "5 . , ,. : ' . . <br /> ��;�y�b• �. , . . � .. <br /> ___ w A`-:JI l•.; „ - .. . . . . . ' - <br /> .._._������ p w�!�`�y_��`'�yI!"F•f I .. . . . � . .. . ' . .. ^" '. ' <br /> _-�iYl�[til�T�1aJW.ay'' p . . ".���1., . • '. . .. <br /> �^�-�1.:_ .. <br /> �:������JW.V'.���^'.. . . u .� ., . <br /> �C�"�' . �. . . <br /> __ +m.-r��--_ .emrA'..v . � � . . �� . � . u <br /> �`11Cx.• . . _ . o <br /> � � . . ' yrta..._. . . � _ .. <br /> V4i.n . � . , � " . " <br /> 'it ��'�i��. . _. . � . . .� � . �y.�.�y�u�h � <br /> --- _— ." . . . . • - -. .:.,�-t�v" ,�.� . � . -.,.�.e.. . <br /> . <br /> - <br /> .. .. .. �c . . t '-"ydw <br /> . . . -... <br /> _ - � <br /> t . _ . � > . <br /> ___ _ � <br />-- .tiF'"_4`�ae�,.( , ., ' � . . .�:e• �., . .. <br /> .�. ., <br /> . ... <br /> ..Llu3c- M!'� � - .. . . <br /> . . . <br /> •�� � i ,. . <br /> .: . �, .. <br /> ' � � , <br /> �t f �t- <br /> .f�4r t - _. .__ . . . _ ' . `� . . . - <br />