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- <br /> . � .4r✓i �.����-.—..r e' , .y4.r. .' . . � ... .. . :� _�s7.M.'��l`�=�"" _ _ <br /> � � . . .. �� •. •�••. ,� � . ,. x .,"•.�'�._41--' <br /> � . .. 9 io.�i9 . . � �.A� � <br /> ! � pKiod�dwt t.aid�r nqut�w. �n. i�wrno.carier provcdMV+Ue ww�.c..lru a aw�rn by ia,Nwr.�e w twMNrf ` <br /> �pprovd wMkb idl aot M u�on�by wW�MW. If s�w�o+w�r hW lo aw�i�l�in a�w�ys M�eelb��4ow..Lrr a�►.�t „ <br /> � LwrNr1�optiai;obt�incov�ro pw�ct l.�i�1�ri� dr Ara�pee_ ty M�oa,rd�noa wkh p�rytwth 7. .__ <br /> A!4�pol�cle�ea��ee+rels e�!!b� to L!�d�t�nA d�l1 l��kde e�d e!Y!!e, L!��e . <br /> ' :��a',��:i�k�� '�5:�:�.d::�„r�:�..��L:..,�:.�'.�s,l.css�'��!!i�:Fx';�""••��:��. —:—�-'_ <br /> � �P�P�iwu and�w�l natkea. In tha event ot lon�.Bamwar ah�ll qw pnon�pt nodoa a d�e iiwirMa onbr aNd <br /> l.a►der. I.ender m�►y maloo ponaf otlou If not m�d�P��Y bY�'�• <br /> unlea Le�der n,d Ba�rower ahe�wlie apae in wettins,iu�unuue ooeed•�hd!be appiied a n�toraion ur ropk ot <br /> v� <br /> thePro�eny dun� if the reatonuion ar r�ep�fr i�ecaot�micaily te�rle uid Lenda�s eecudty i� ►wt kwerod U 1be <br /> n�pxui _on ae re�i k uot 000�xnically teastbk ar LenderL�eavlty would be k+re+bd. the imue�a�ce prooeed�tbdl be <br /> �ppUed to tho wms�oaured by thi:Security 1ta�umau�whether or not thea due.wNh any exce:s pid w Hanuwet. U <br /> � Bnr�owar Rb�ardorw tha Property. or das not answer wkhin 30 days a notice fra�t l.e�ckr tb�t tha ina�r�nce cirrjer b�t <br /> � offend w satilo�cWm.t1�en 1.ender may oollect the inwrar�ce pnceed:. l.ender m�y use the p�ooeub w or natero <br /> � the Praperty m ro pay suau�eeurcd by this Secudty Inatn�meM.whether cx not tha�due.'!'he 34d�Y Pu� �di^'�► <br /> t6e aotico�given. , <br /> Unless Lender end Bomower oth�rwlso agroe in wrltjng,any a lication af p�aceat�la principsd.alwll not extend a� <br /> Iwstpona tUp due dak of the monthlY P$Y�nts.�efert�ed to in parag�is 1 and 2 or chanRa tha amoua�'of�ih�paY�!u• � . <br /> R , .: ,.r <br /> �1��P�B�Ph 21�tlie Propertyr.i$.acqNired by Leiider.Borrowcr�a right to,pny�i�surAnce palkiae�suid.pmoce�ed �reA <br /> n n <br /> I fiam damage to the Property prlar tu tha acqulsi�lon�hnlips�c to l:etuiar a ihe oxtQ�of the sume�eecw+ed'by�4 5eai� ,� � ' -. <br /> Lwtilanent irpmadiatoly. ai,to theacquiaiNan. ' , . � <br /> ' 6. Occuppricy► �Noa, 1 N�intenAnce and'Protection ot Ihe Propertyi Bnrr'ower*s Lo�n App N c a t b ai <br /> j ImueboW�. Borrower rhaU accupy.oatoblish.and ucc the Property as Borrowerti princip�i necfdence wlihin cixty d�ya�Her <br /> the eaecutian of thia Security Imuument and ciwll continue to occupy�he Prope�ty iw 8ormwarB principd rc�idenoa for u <br /> leaet aio ye+u riter tho dwto of occupwrcy. unless I.ender ahenvlse aRrees in wdti�y, whkh concent chall not bo <br /> unreasonably wlthheld.or unles�extmuoting circumstances eaist which rue beyond Bomnwerb control. Borrower�h�ll rwt <br /> dwtroy.dwnaga or imprir the Propaty.�Ilow the�ny to deteri�xate.or commit w�1e on the P�operty. Borrnwer�F�ell <br /> i be in dofiult if�ny forfefturo ac�fon or pracoedin�.w ther civfl or cdmirwl,Ir bc�un Uut in Lendert�ood t�ith Jud�u <br /> ; could trsult in farfel�uro of thc Propeny or dhervvi�e mate�lally imprir �he Ikn cis�ed by this S�curity In�ttument a <br /> � Landerti iecudty in�eres�. I3�mower m�y curr such a defAUlt and provided inpar�roph c�win�the actian <br /> or proceodfn�a ba di�mfrrod with r rulin��hp�,in I,cnder�►�aud f�lth detemdnutiun,procludes forfeituro at�ho 8ort�uwert <br /> intcrc�t fn�he Propeny or olhet mato:ial impwfmicn� uP�he Urn crra�ed hy �hi�3ocudiy Inatrumont or Londerti Rocurlty <br /> intcrcW. Borrowcr�h�ll al�c► bo in dafault iP Bom�wcr. duriap tho luiut oppUe+uian prucenr, ��vc materi�lly filie or <br /> in�ccuroto infomu�tion w auuementr�o l.ender(ar fpiled to�m�vido I.eixier with any motorlQl infomutian)in cautiection wilh <br /> �he lan evidenced by ihe Nde, includin�, but nat limiled to. rcp rexenta�ionA concemin� Borrowerti aceup�y of tho <br /> Property ar R princippl�+eridcnco, If thix Securi�y In�ln�ment iR an o Icusehold.Bomnwer�hnll comply with�111he provi�lo►u <br /> oP tiie IeAre. lf Borrowe�acquin�fce title w�he�leucehaid and Ihe fee titlo�hall not mer�e wdeso Lender a� <br /> W tf�o merger in wri�ing. <br /> 7. Protectlop ot Lender's RlQhfa in the Property. If Borrower fails to perFam thc covenants and agroementa • <br /> conwined in this Sxurity Instrumrnt, or there is n legal proceeding that may significontly uffect L.enderk rights in the <br /> PropeRy(such es a proce�eding in bankn�ptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiturc ar w enforce Inws or rcgultuions),then <br /> ' Lender may do and pay for wliatever is necessary to protect�he value of Ihe Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. <br /> Lenderi�actions may include paying uny suma secured by a lien which ha.g priority over�his Secu�ity Insnumen�,appeuing <br /> in court,paying reasonable attameys'Pees and entaring on the Propeny to make rcpaira.Although Lender may take action <br /> under this pnragrnph 7.l.ender daes not have to do so. <br /> My umounts disbu�ed by Lender under this parogroph 7 .hall bcYOme additianu!debt of Bortower secured by thls <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower ar►d Lender�gree�o aher terms of payment.these amaunts shall bear iate�est from tix <br /> dsrte of disbursement at the Nae rate and sfuiil be payable, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requeating <br /> pnyment. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making the loan sccured by this <br />- Security Instrument,Borrawer shall puy the premiums required to m:�intain the mortgage insurance in effec�. If,for any <br />== reason, the mortgage inxurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses ur cea�es to 6e in effect. Borrower shall pay the <br /> premiums reyuired to obtain coveruge substantially eyuivAlent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost <br /> substantially equivaknt to the cost to Borrowee of�he mortgugc insurance previously in effect,from nn alternate mo�tgage <br /> insuror approved by Lender. [f subslantially equivulent monguge insurnnce coverage is not avuilable.Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender each month a sum eyuul to one-tweliih of ihe yesuly murtg�ge insurvnce premium being paid by Bo.�rower when the <br /> insurance covemge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retliin these payments us a bss reserve in lieu <br /> of mongAge insurance. Loss re�erve puyment.muy no longer be reyuired,at the option of Lender,if mortgege insuranice <br /> coverage(in the amoun�end for the period thnt LenJer reyuire+)provided by nn insurer approved by Lender ngain becomes <br /> avAilable and is obtained.Borrower shnll puy the prcmiums reyuired to muintain mongnge insurnnre in eflect,or to provide a <br /> loss reaerve,unti!the requirement for mortguge insurance accorduncc wiih:►ny written ngrcement between Borrower - <br /> and l,ender or applicable law. <br />= 9. laspeclion. l.ender or its ugent muy muke rensonuble entricx upon und inspeclions of Ihe Property. Lender ahall <br />= give Borrower no�ice at the time of or prior io un inxpectiun tipccifying rcusonnblc cuuse for the inspectian. _ <br /> 10. Condemnalion. The proceeds of nny awanl or cluim fur dumuges,direc�c�r ri�nseyuen�iul,in connection with nny <br /> 5ingle FnmNy-•MLnnle M�e/h�eddle Moc UNIFUItM INtiTRUMF:N7'••Unilo�m Covenums 919D �pugr d njo po�esl <br /> iinn►t�►ee uwmne Faw..�ec.■ <br />- To Qider Wy:I�BODbJP9�B3 0 PA7(Et&T91•1 131 = <br /> .- Ge;2G`,+�'_ _...-- . ........- �.----. .-..-_-.��—_.�. _ . ., -. <br /> ir � tf <br /> ��}yy��;vt.ti.:�:'1{4.( . . ' . " . `�' � ,1.... '�^WI• . 'i�l ••.•`.�kiYJNf�..w•ti' i..:. <br /> � �.L�y. W! � -',} ' . .a. <..._v��iShYl.����'r�lds�• . '� <br /> _y.s�'ti,-a'd�n._-,% , . . , . . - .. . _ �_ -. _ . . 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