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_Ci � ---T'�----- . � • �..- .T xL . <br /> e.n�w,.cc�s -� - , . . �—. 'S�ti»Y�1�?11jhOWK:1+(1�►�'1�l�+�%?�;SY+fS. ::�:fi�... .`.fJj_-_.'._.-r,.,,,�-�,• -- <br /> -- .. • • , - .�. • , �,. . . _.;•�..�.t�i: _--- <br /> ' , •,�. . ,. ..__ <br /> --- �, � ��1- �� . . .;��.,. <br /> I�M asey�ta rdo�rt�eatl boAw�e tde d da i�i�opirtr P�nwrt b an►p�wr d,ris a�YM4!a� ;'�=_�.. <br /> ' �ec��ar N)�ot a�rq�med enlb�dn�thb Sacarlty Lwtw�Ae�� 't1�►�oo�ftiair�n qMt l�ot�ahrrr: ty� :. . <br /> pqa tander�[l �anu w�i� MoW��e A�e w�dar U�N �atlty l�ewt aed i�'itoM�it w�ooiiM�W , ..�-. <br /> _ —.—, . <br /> — — -- - ----- _. ooareed:;(bl.cs�n►sL"oYii�of�o,�afii�rs���wr+��lfeY��������_ •_-- <br /> .• Ia�aono►i,-i�ac7-t��bu�t uot Ilaai�eQ i'o.r�,iMd(ti�bTe I�otiA�yY'Ieet:�m ta�moe�w��n a�t�ioet mq-�won�oqr- . <br /> ,eyu�m�e�c a�e ua�ora�s��►�c�,tx�oabrw r�a tn me rr�a�y ana�a�o�xya�upqo��+ �. <br /> aws .ecwau by ada Secatty [�a�awrreat �h.0 aaatLwe unch�ed. upob re�a�anenc by �anowrr. �is�r <br /> h�rr�eal�nd t�+e oblipaions�ea�red l�aeby�hall cenu�it�tblty e(tadive�it w�oadw�im 6�d aoc�M. ila�rar.d� <br /> ri�ht w�t�> not�pply ia t1a case of�oceientiao uader parq�i►y7. . • <br /> , 1!. lgda�o�ei�d I�SenfoK. '!rie Nate or ap�d� io�ee�eu tn the Nqe ( wkh thi�SeoMtity , <br /> launanaitl ut��6a wM a�e a more dma�hout pior nodoe to aB na1i�rer. A s�le rruy rowlt�cl�e In d�e mtity <br /> ��(Itt�owa u�ttib" Savlaa")that cdlecu monthly aprmeats dae t�der tbe ATale�nQ ddt Sa�dty Inmumeat. '11�ene dw� . <br /> nay be aoe or raae cb�a d d�e Lan Servloer nnrel�ted w�ale of tde Note. If thpd L�ah�nae ot the L.a�a BeRVloer. <br /> BarovMer wiU be given writoen notioo af the ch�n=e in�ooa�d�nca wUh p�r�b 14�bove md�ppllcabla I�w. 'llia notioe . <br /> wW st�ue d�e mme�od�s d the aew Lo�a Saviar�pd Ibe�ddnes�oo p�y�eeat��noul�6e aide. 7b�mfla wW <br /> dw ao�ia any wher bd'omatian�qai�+ed bY�pp)k�6b l�w. . <br /> 2�. ll��+�dwt l4rb�l�oa. Bareawer�6W not cause or pamit the prorenoe.we.d1�Pou1�� mle�e atwy <br /> llwrdow Subqances oa ot in tbe Propaly. Barawer slall not do�na albw anyone el�e w du�anyddq��e�i d�e <br /> Property d�at i�in v1olWon aP any Bnvi�onmaNal l.�w. 71ee precedir�two�axa��hall not�pply to the pe�enoe�tur.a <br /> ad�aula wet�toym�iin�ta�nce�dd�e Ntopetty. Sub�apoes thu�re ia►�I�Y r000p�i�ed q b��ppeoprlMs b pomW <br /> Banow�dWl P�PUY iive l.aider wripen notice ot ny invaaiption�cWm.dern�hd.lawwlt a odier�ctioa by�uy <br /> _ govanmmtal or�epd�tory��mcy ar prlv�te puty involvio� tlie Propaty�nd any H�uraidoui Su6wMOe at Bnvi�on�ap�l <br /> — - Gw ot whkh Bonower ha �cwaJ krwwlaf�e. It Borrower le�m. or i� notitied by any �arnueru�l or �uWay <br /> a�iry�that�ny rcmoval ar otlKt nanedluion of�ny IW�ridous Sub�W�oe afYecd�ti�a P�opaAy i�nacawy.Bonowar <br /> �P�P�Y qke dl rooestuy n�nedial actloas in ac�ordanco wlth Bt►vimnmau�)l.�w. <br /> M used in thii pu�grnph 20."H�ardous Su6�tanocs"re tt�ose wbstanoes defined a toxic a haz�Noua sub�t�noa b�r <br /> 8nv�nnmawl and the fdbwLig substanoes: gasolira,icarosera.od�er fl�dmuMc or matc pamlwm p��ic <br /> paticides�u�d tietbicides. voladk solvents,mued�ls conWntng asbeatot or fonnaldd�yde.�nd rndio�ctive mptet'ids. At <br /> USC�W(�l�i Q�ti�t�l ZII�°EIIY�IOfUlldl[YI I,.�W"Ti1E�114�lfjd�I I�Wi�Itd IIYYa Of Ib0 jlll�i�00 WIICIE t�1C P10pEf[�I�i IOGtOd <br /> ttat relate to Ma1tL..s�fety a environmental piotecdon. <br /> NON-LJWIFORM COV6NANTS. Bomnwer�nd Lender fwlher covenant and a�rce u fallowa: ' <br /> 21. Accderatton;Re■edics. l,eader 9baU�ive�ofM�e to Borrower p�lor to weoeleratla��dbwlq Borrower'� <br /> breacb o�w'covens�t or aQeemeat in t64 Saurlt�Inatrumeot(but not p�lor to aaderaflo� a�der p�a�r�ph 17 <br /> odeso applicab{e law provlde�afherwise). The notici stWl spect�ys (a)t6e deholli(b)f6e a�iion reqdred to core fhe <br /> - �lt;(t)�dss�srat!ps tliaa 39 da's�rea� t!x datt tLe �o!!ce b�tren to BQrro�et,hY wbkl�!!��s�t!�!x <br />= cured;aad(d)that talluro to curc the dePwult on or bePore tbe date specifkd i�tbe notice may result io sc�eleratlo�a� <br /> tLe snnre secared by thts Security Iastrumeat aad eale of tNe Property. The notla shall fwrther I�ora�Bw�rower o� <br /> - tbe rl�ht to retnsUte aRer�cceleratloo nnd 16e rlght to bring a cou�t actlon to assert 16e nomexislena ot a default or <br /> - any otlur detenae o�Borrower to�crelemtbn aad sale. It t6e detnult Lv not cured o0 or betore 16e d�te specflkd io <br /> ,.�, tUe aotice,Leader at ita optbn mry requke immedlate ppyrnmt tn full of All su�secured by,Wls 9ecu�lty Inslrua�ent <br /> without�artber demaod aad may invoke the power ot sak aad any other remedks permltted by qppllcable Ipw <br /> Lender elwll be eatltkd to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuiag the remedks proWded in fbl$purAgrpp6 21, <br /> iacluding,but nM limlted t0.reasonabk attorneys'fees and arosts ot titk evidence. <br /> lt the power ot sale Is Invoked,71�ustee sball reeord n noUce of detault(n each couaty tn w6kh Any paM of the <br /> Property le located And shnN mall coples o�such noNee in the manner prescrfbed by appUcabk I�w to Burrower aad to <br /> — - t6e other persons prescribed bq applico6le I�w After the dme requked by applkwbk I�w,'IMustee aball give publk <br /> nodce of sale to the persona and in tAe manner rescrlbed by sppllcable law 1Fustee,without demand oo Borrower. <br /> ahall sell the Property�t prblic nuctbn to tbe h�ghest bidder wt the time and plaa smd under the terms desi�Qawted io <br /> the notke of s�le in one or more pucels and In any order 1lrsstec determines. 'I�ustec mAy postpone s�le ot all or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pubNc aonouncement At the time and place ot any prevbusly scheduled sWe. Lender or ifs <br /> desi�aa mAy purchASe the Property wt pny s�le. <br /> Upon receipt ot payment of Ihe price bid,7�usfee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Fustee's deed conveying the <br /> {�� Property. The recitals in the'11�ustee'�s deed shall be prin� tacie evidence ot Ihe trutb of the sletements made therein. <br /> �s't' 7lrustce ahall apply the proceeds of i6e sale in the Pollowing order: la)to all costs and ezpenses ot etercicia�the power <br /> �;,. <br />�h <br />`� i . <br /> —?�YLYAy <br /> - ---�!�f,�: <br />__��—„:�'r.l�j� <br /> , , � <br /> __ 'r �,�+1`,'�y* ` tib��i <br /> �.S.;F:�;' :`r�'.�'i. Fbrm 30lB 9l90 lpuRr S aj6 pugeJl <br /> ��,.tt� ,:..-. .1 <br /> �.f•..:"!s',i't. <br /> _:.1: <br /> '` . .., . : . _..__ _ _ <br /> - _i'�n:._ . . . - ,. ` - . .. -,�"^-M:R�7R.^�'pr"-r4►A� <br /> - __—__ `A�y�y�.�.. . . • . - .. �1 .S 44 '-'M'N.��, I ���v�_i�l�.e�7�.4 WYl�l.jn�1�'JiCier'ti <br /> v <br /> "_ <br /> ' Y'� <br />.� yre�• . <br /> -. � � .. . . . ^�' <br /> _ � . • . ,i. .- o , � .. :�—...J`i4. . .. . <br /> . •�.r..�;�L� <br /> _ 4b.....-. �)r' <br /> �tL� _t_ � .. . .... ll__._ J C e <br /> - ' e . ..� ' . .• . .� .. . ,.. ��. ��y,�.�y..•O YYID1F=mm—�: <br /> _C ..•_ _._ ____..._ ._•._. _ � . ___' ... �a'1�19�t.�i' 'PJi]W�l��.� .£�[iv�e�w�-.ti�ll../�i�._ � <br /> _.��e�-.�...._...- � . -:- Y... _=:._:....�.� . __._ _._ __._. ___ _"..__ ._ ____.__. �___"_._.___ ___- "...- _ . _ ____ v ,�-. . -�- .-� -� • . - ..-..���� ., <br /> ' ��`5-�''.�.1J .r`� r� y ,t.•- . • . . - � . . ..0 ' �• J .. <br />.� �' .[ d:d�Lru�Flci.:�: .... . , �.� -' .. - � . . .� <br />_� � --���-�' i t r': � -_" . .. . .. - . . . . <br /> � <br /> . . <br /> " _ <br /> �.__ <br /> ?.{��:1FF�7�r `, � . . <br /> --...,.. . __�___._�_�.r^xit`'--.' .t7u t.�.' . . . - '• - � '' . . . . � ' , U ,"" • . . .. <br />_- _ __�_._ __".'�:'-:•I.']aY''.�'^S.�_ " ' '_ ' �. . . ,. . . � . 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