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� . . <br /> ��;:y:b�l,�� . 1�� .. _ w ; . <br /> � Q s <br /> PsY��f'ao lon�ct be e�eq�dred.�t the aptiaa of I�edar.U tnbet�e lea�r�o��ra�a(in tLe aewMat rd�tar t�t p�iod <br /> tb�t Lu+der tequin+�)pro�vidad by�n inuroc apPro�ved bY l�der�pia beooan�avaihbb aid b obpiin�d.Doeowa��W11ip� <br /> dre pna�duao�rapiwd lo�intda mat�e irawnooe in io provid�a IoM raa've.w�W the requtrm�w�t Iot a�oel��t , - <br /> ia►�ar a�d�M s000id�nae w�tb�ny�rritpn apaemeac bet�veea Boem+r�iod l,rodar or�p�plicrb�e l�w. <br /> !.l�etle�. Lat�kr or Gt yeot niW aarlce r�e�roarbb aMrie�upoo aod irr�pectbo�of tbe Propaty.Lrndir�Mll�iw <br /> — — -- �„.��_,ti,.�.r..�t.w�i.�r t.►�w iw;�rNnn+�peeil�rin�rwo�l�own for tl�larp�ctioa. .—_ _ -- <br /> 10.Ca�da�wsNon.'['t�e prooeed�of aay awiu+d ot cldm tor dena�a�. dlroet or oauoqua�tld. ia canection witb+MS► <br /> ooManmtion or atl�cr talcin�oP�uyr p�et aF tba Prope�ty. ar fa oomeyaaoe In li�u of oondemnMioo.�re betebi►wiined�d <br /> �!1 ba paid to l�end�u. <br /> /n tue eve�t of a total takin�of Ihe Praperty.tho p0000d�sb�ll be�pplied to the wms socurad by tMs Savrity iniuuuwn, <br /> whether or not thza due. wIW�ny exc�ss paid w Bomower. In tthe evau of a putEal tddn�of the Prapaty ia which t6e fiir <br /> market vdue of tho Proparty lmmodi�tely befon�ho t�king i�equal to or�ter th�n Ihe amount of the aas�aa�rod by thi� <br /> Socurity Insauma�t i�ely 6aforc tbe t�icinR.unless Borrowu and I..eMer otbenvfso agnee in wriNn�.tha wm��ecu�d bY <br /> thie Secu�ity instrumrnt ciwll bo roduced by the amou�t of 1ho proaed�multiplied by the fdlowing fi�tion: U) � � <br /> anwunt oP tlie sums sauind immedWety beforo Ihe tAtcing, divlded by (b)tt�o fdr muket v�luo of�he Pnnparty immediatdY <br /> befoce the ukin�. Any b�iwioe�hall be p�id w Hornawer. Ia tUe event of a putinl tAking of the Property in which ILe folr <br /> muket v�lue of ihe Property immedWely beforo the taking is lesa Uun the amount of the sums:ecurod immodi�tely beforo�he <br /> takiog. unless Borrower and I.erder olherwise agroe in writiqg or nnless�pplicable law athewise p+nvldea. ti�te procaod��IWI <br /> . be appliad W the wa�secutnd by�hi�Security Instr�u�ent whetha�a-aot the sum4�re tlKn dux. <br /> lf the PnaQaRg is�budoned by Bornower.or if,after ootioe by Lender to Botrowtr�hat the ooadaanor offera to arolce�n <br /> awand a aettle�claim for domoges, Barro�fails w nxpord w Lenda within 30 dqys +ifte�the dtte t1�e�atlae ja Qiven. <br /> -_ -�-.....----- lxnder is aWtwrir.ed w collc+ct ar�l apply the procced.e,�t iu option.e,�her w�rontioa ar repwir of tdo Propetty or w tho wm� <br /> �--- -= securtd by tMis Security lnstcument. whether or not ihen due. <br /> -_ --__=--- � �, Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwisc agrcc ia writing. onY apPlication of procxeds to principal shell not eatad or <br /> poctpane the due date of the monlhly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 wid 2 or change thc amount of such payma�ts. <br /> � 11.Borrower Not Rel�Forbearance By IRader Nat a W�iver.Extension of the time for payment or modific�tion <br /> _= of wmo�aization of the sums securod by this Security Instrument grant�+d by Gender to any successor in intercst of Borrower sh�ll <br /> not oper�te�o release the liability of the originel Borrower or Borrawer's successors in interost. Lender shall not be requirod to <br /> '�F vommenx procadings ageinst any successor in ioterest or refuse to eatend�ime for payment or otherwise modify artwNzatlon <br /> -_`:�,��` of the sums secured by thia Security insttument by reason of any demanc� made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> 1= succescors in interest.Any forbeuance by l.ender in eaercising any dght ar remody shall not be a w�iver of or proclude the <br />_-�:" ,:,.� exercise of any dgbt or remedy. <br /> =:y} - --�___ 12. Sikvx�►rs and Assi� Bound; Joiat and Several Lia6111ty:Co-sl�ners. 7'he covenants and ogrecments of this <br />-.�� . � Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisiona of <br /> ''' � paragraph 17. Barrower's covenants and agreem�nts shall be joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-sigas this Security - <br /> '�`'� Instrument but does not ezecute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Secudty Instcument only to mortgage, grant and convey thet <br /> ��:• . <br /> Horrawer's interest in�he Properly under the terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay e sums <br />". securer]by this Securiry Tnstrument;and(c)agrees thnt I.ender und Any ather Bonower may agree to extend. modify,fafiear or <br /> ' �; .= make any uccommodAtions with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instniment or the Nae wi�hout that Borrower's consent. <br /> -•• 13.I.oAn Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets muaimum luan charges. <br /> "'" and that law is finally interpreted so that the intcrest or other loan churges callected or to be collected in connection with the <br />-�`_ ••��. yy loan exaeed the permitted limits.�hen: (al any such loan ch�rge shull be reduced by the mnaunt necessary to reduce the charge <br /> '� •��>';.•'' '� ta the permitted limit:arxi(b)am• sums ulreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limita will be refunded to <br /> s�•- <br /> �' ' ��' "�" Borrower. LenJcr muy chaosc to make this rcfund by reducing thc principal uwed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> .i� `,4"�,i�'i� <br /> . '• payment t� Bormwer. If a refund reduces principnl, the reductian will be treuted as a partial prepayment without any _ <br />_ , f'�'�:"f�'�'.•'�""� prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> - �':�.�'� 14.NMices. Any naire to Borrowcr pravidcd for in thi�Security Instrument shull be given by dclivering it or by maiUng <br /> . � 4� . <br /> ���y�'::'. ' it by firu class ms►il unlecs upplKUble Inw reyuires use of another melhod.The notice+hull be directed to�he Property Address <br /> �-��'' � or nny other address Borrower de,ignutes by nodre to l.cnder. Any noticc to Lendcr shall be given by first cluss muil to <br /> ;, �,•a�. . <br />-� �, Lender's s�ddress stuted herein or uny ��ther uJdress Lendrr designute�by notice to Bnrcower. Any n�itice provided for in this <br /> �, �°�•�� � � Security Imwment slwll be deemcd tu huvc tx.rn given to &irruwer or Lencicr whcn given us pro�•ided in this parugrnph. _ <br /> M��-�' 'R� l5.Governing I.ow; SeveruMlity. Thi, Security Ins�rument shAll be guvern�Kl by fecleral law and the Iaw af the <br />-__ , `'•'�� jurisdiction in which�he Property is I�xateJ. In the event that uny pn�vi,inn �ir cluuse nf this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> ��r� _; <br /> � '� conflirts with applirc�Me law, tiuch conflict�hall n���ul'fiYt ��ther pruvi+i��ny ol'�hi�Security Inxtrument or thc Note which c:m be = <br /> .,;�.: � <br /> :•+°° '.i��'-"•-• :c^ given effect without the rnnflictinF prrn•ision. To this end thc praviriuns nP�his Security Inurument und the Note are declared <br />%a'•� „'' . ., tu be severable. <br /> R,:,.:. -° _...w._. 16.1{orrower's Cnpv.&�rmwer�hull tx:gi��cn nne c„nli�rnaYl copy�if the N�xe und of thix Security Instrument. <br /> ;_;..,. . . <br />- „ Form 3028 8180 <br />— 4 - � Peqe 4 ul B <br /> � . . <br /> °l.� . <br /> 'j,,' ,fr..y . '... ' ' "'' � -_ <br /> ` � .... . .� ���`: .. ��� . I.�filiirr-�m .i7�rP� �.��I�t`,rtF'.... . .i.�..'�!,�M ti. . {��1.j;����'^�` <br /> ;�( 1�i�-yJ�(,qry•ai{itsw i(,rl- 1� ��i`-:fi . ..��Ij ��+'t i .i: , - .:'�t(�!r'��� , .., .. , .�� . . . <br /> y S� � i � ,i ;,� � °.� . . . .. - ' . .. r: <br /> .t � .. . �1��,i. i.� � ��i� � "I .. . � . .. • � . . . <br /> •�.•. . <br /> , . � , . <br /> . •�..: F � ` • '�' <br /> � . , .. . � . . . <br /> . .. <br />_,�a '� � ,• <br /> . . � . . ' <br /> , . ���. <br /> -- = j , ... �.�- ---•-- �---- - --- -.�_:._ _-_�. -- -.,.. --- -_---- --- -- - -- -- _ _- - <br /> ,. . <br /> _.,.... . <br /> - . , ; � . .. <br /> , <br /> • •n <br />. i�� " .. _ . - . � ' . <br /> � � ��;s.:�a„�:.. � - , . ; . . <br /> � <br /> :��""r'"-: '� .. �,. , � .. � "' . <br /> !�s� _a�^.,a... ,,.'�z _ � ----. ... . , .. , <br /> �:_' �� • .'#F�i: ` � .. . . <br />- . ;�J�aA�•-, , esryi�`• � _ . ' .. . r. . <br /> 'i:�s �` . . • - <br /> ' ��;"' :�.' . . .. , .,,,. . , . <br />_ � �.��.. .a'� - � '_-- � � ,. ' , . 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