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'�TF _. .. . .i;�:T'. �,... 3�:: :�...�..... . . . .. .. . 'i°-l3f.-�wSR�-h' <br /> . .. ' - , ' �n � � ' - .hr•`�S�k� , <br /> � jy. ... <br /> f. 11�'i ��ey 1M�I�ef• 10eoM�t �WI blp tM i�pe�pv�ts 11o�r�atMiq��r�t�Y�MrOMd oll i� ' <br /> Piop�ty hwnd.�I lo�by M�h�ord�f�ed�d wW�is d�Mrm"�sand�d avr'en�"Md�r+Y atY�irsrbr.iad� <br /> -- -- tloeAs a�ae@Gnj.f�aF wWob-i,�d�r�q�w�.'!'W�#a�+o�on t6a1!!�a�Fn4daed�a sbe aiaea�sand toe��!� _ , �;",�; <br /> tht I��d�r w9�dn�• YM iawr�nor e�e�rlet pvvidi�da�r�ao��11 be cNo�ea by BorroMer�ct b i,«d�'i�ppt�oval � � .' <br /> "�"�.�2M��'�':�. !��..�!"!II°���il-.w.,n.1�.1n�r.�.i.w.4.r!�il+r�l ii+�re, /wei�.�w�w,ar i�sAerh�•. --°--- - <br /> � ..t.« .�....,..,.� <br /> oytie�,abWn oova�e to prneee,t l.rrler'�dRIMs ieip��ia�aoondmot.with p��raph 7. <br /> All inwnMOe policler�nd�+enewat��h�ll be w L�aider aod�hdl inch�de a M�d�d�a6it�e cl�we. Laidet <br /> NMII tyve the d�t b Mid tMa potide�ad r�a�a� L�en�ler ra�quira�Borrower dull promplly�ive to Lunder YI reoeipta a( <br /> P+� P�unr�ad rciKnvd notiaa.le the evait ot taa.Hono��ball�iv�e prnmpt notioe to the inwr�noe c�rrier aai t.ader. <br /> twider mq m�k�e prnotof loa if aos m�de peompUY bY�an�Ow�• � ' <br /> Unlea I.onder and Bornaw�er othervvl�e�eee in arldua.inwr�noe praeedt riull be q►plled w n�tor�tian ar roqir'of the <br /> Ptopetty danu�ed,i[the ratmadon a tapair i�eoanontically tadbb and Lander'�iaoudty i�nol leupied.If 1ha rbitor�tba a� <br /> �pair i�not eoonomie�slly idttibk or l.ander'��eat�ity would be lawred.the imunnoe pinoeedr�ull be�pplied La tf�aur� <br /> savred by thi� Soa�ty In�trurt�ent, whether or not tibn due�witb aoy e:au paid to Barower. If Aonnwec�don tbe <br /> Properry. or Mea not�u►swer within 30 days�noUce from Le�der tha the inwrmoe canier b�s offa+ed to seale�cWm. thpr <br /> C.arler muy collect tho inwanoe proceeds. Lender may we the qooeeds to �i�or�tare the PrQperty or to pry auar � <br /> s�eaaied by thie Sowdty Instrument.whdher or not tM;n due.Tha 30day period will begin whm ti�e rwtice is Qiven. <br /> Udas l,�nder and Borrower otherwi�e yree in wrldn�� +u�Y +�PPliaqion of prooeeds to prindpd �lWI not extaid or <br /> p�oKp000 tl�e due d�ta of the monWly paymeats mfemed to in pArng�phs 1 �nd 2 or ctunge the�murt of the payrt�ents. If <br /> nader pva�r�p6 2i ihe Property iQ�oquirod by[render.Bo�mwer'�right to�ny in�ut�noe polcfec md pnocaods r�a�from <br /> d�a�qe w the Propc►ty prior ta the�cquisition afwU p�ss w l�nder w tLe extent of the wms iocurod by d�Seeuri�r Iu�tnmaa�t <br /> inmediately prior w thc acquisiNon. <br /> 4.�L�IijlpOfys pllill'VAf��O�lYfOOC i0d PI�OZ@d�0i1 Ot u1!��"s�W7nW�P�i I.0#A A�j1IIpHO�j�.l�ft�Obi. • . <br /> Bomnwer shall oocupy,establish,and usc thc Property as Bomnwer's principal residen�e witliin sixty days after the execudon ot <br /> _._ thh Searity I►�dument iud�lwll wntlaue to occupy 1he Property as Borro��er's priacip�l irsidence for at Iwat one year after ., <br /> the date of uccupancy,unless I.ender otherv►rlse agras in wdting. which ooasent sfudl not be unreasorubly wlthheld.or unlesa <br /> exknuedng ci�unstance.4 exist which aro beyond Borrower's contrnl. Borrawer sdail not destmy, doawge ar impair the <br /> Property. allow Uie Property to dcterforate. or commit waste on the Pmp�ty. Borrower sholl be in defiwit if any forfeiwre <br /> acifon or proceeding. whether civfl or criminal. ia begun that in Lencter's gaad fsiith judgment cauld resalt in forFcitune of thc � <br /> Pmpeny or otherwisc materially impair the lien crcated by this S�.cur�ty Instrument or Leadcr's savrity inte�est.Bortowet may� <br /> cwe such a default ond reins� provided in paragraph 18,by causing the actlon or proceoding w be di�missed with A�ulin� • . <br /> tint. in L.ender's yood faith detern�ination. precludes forfelture of the Borrower's i�tercst in the E'roperty or dher mAteriwl <br /> irnpaimient of the lien crcatod by this Socurity instrument or Lender's secur�ty interest. Borrower ahatl also be in defiult if , �' <br /> Bomower.during 1he loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforn�ation or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> to provide[.ender wlth any material infornvition)in connection wlth the loan evidencal by the Note, including.but not limited <br /> to,repnsentations conarning Borrower's aavpancy of the Property as a principal residene6.If this Securlty Instrument ie on a <br /> leuehold. Bomower shell comply with all the provisions of 1he lease. If Bnrrowcr acquircs fa title w the P�operty. the <br /> lc�aehold and the fce tide shail not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> y.Protection of I.ender's Wghts in the Property.If Horrower fails to perform the rnvenants and agreemenu contaioed in <br /> this Security Instrument,or there is a legal pra;eeding that may significantly affect l.ender's rights in the Prope�iy (such as a <br /> proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for condemna�ion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations). then l.erKler may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessery to protect the value of the Property and l.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien whkh has prio�ity over this Security Instniment, eppesring in coun, paying <br /> �easomble attomeys' fees and entering on the Praperty to make repairs.Although L.ender may teke action undcr this paragraph <br />-- 7,L.ender dc�es not have to do so. <br /> `� Any amounts disbursed by L.ender under this paregraph 7 shall become additionol debt of Barmwer socured by this <br /> Sccurity instrument. Unless Barrower and I.cnder agree to other terms oF payment, these amounts shall bear intereat from the <br /> d�te of disbursement at the Note rete and shall be payable, with in[erest, upon noticc from L,ender to Borrower requeadng <br />-� paymem. <br />_� 8.MortRage Insurance. If l.ender required mortguge insurunce as a conditinn of making the loan secured by this Security <br />°— Instrument, 8orrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any m,ason, the <br /> rnortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases to t�e in effect, Bonower shall pay the premiums required to <br />`� obtain coverage sub.gtantinlly equivAlent ta Ihe mortguge insurance previously in effect, at a wst substantiAlly equivalent to the <br />,`,� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effi�ct, from an alternate mottgage insurer approved by i.ender. If <br /> substentially equivalent mortgnge insurance coverage is rat availuble, Borrower shall pay tu l.ender each month a sum equnl td <br /> .� one-twelfth of thc yearly martguge insurance premium being puid by Borrower when the insurunce caverage laptied ar ceased to <br /> _ be in effect. I.ender will uccept,use and retuin these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu af mortguge in�urance. Locc reserve <br /> Fam 30�8 91�0 <br /> Pape 3 01 8 <br /> r� . <br />.3' <br /> f '" 't� t�"�`�`���Y7"4�r�'TL'.(�� , I.i . Y'uiid�.s��v= y�,4 7 <br /> �`.� `�<i . . . . 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