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_ _9_ _ __ <br /> ,: r,;,•:. •� r� ..,r: . . _ { � -- <br /> `x��`'`,'� �93� �0:�►3 :' � . <br /> 1T.'iln�fir a�tM P�ro�a�IatN+�M b B�nwir.If�I or pR of the Pmpe�ty a�r Iat�eoa�t M��k ••. <br /> i�sold ar pamtaned'(ar U a intao�l id Homower i��old or tnrofatod�nd�rrowa i�nat�a�d�nd paroa)w�itYort <br /> Lender'� pria wriva�coment. i.aWtr tqRy� �t iu opion. requine immedWo p�ymeat W fWl of dl war �eau�ad 6y IW <br /> 8acudty Inttwnent.Ho�rev�r.thfs option�11 not be�by Lmoder if e�a�ia p�nhibited by tederd law r�of eM O�M <br /> — ����� <br /> U l.eodar e�aeci�s tNs aqbn�L.aidec�hdl�Ive Barower notibe ot�ooeler�tion.Tho aotioe�IWI prorkk�pee�od itf nut <br /> --.. <br /> -- --_= M+.thn� if1 dw�Mre the d�Ma tlM notias ic ddiwad or m�qad wUhin�rhidl Bomnwer mwt P�Y afj�ds aCrlii 1�y�bb11 <br /> Socudty Inst�umau.1P Ban+awu fails to p�y thae wm�prior ta the expinition of thi�paiod.Laide�r roay im�oke�qr raa�e�dia <br /> penNttad by thfs Sec�uri ImWme�t wiU�out tW�ther noUee or daa�ud on Bormwer. <br /> ls. �rsrre��� to ReinM�te. U Honawa meeu oertain oonditio�a. Bormwer �hall�have the d;ht W have <br /> enPoroanaa of thi: Imaua�ait di�aootinued#1�ay time prtor W the ea�iier of: (N)S day�(or wd�Mfkr period a4 <br /> �ppikabk law mwy �pecit� far roimtuaaa►t)befonc ale ot tbepnnpe�[y purauiat w my pnwer of s�ta oonulmd in d� <br /> Socudly Instmmeau:ar(b)rnuY of�Judgmart e�tforclns this Security � -nRtrumau.Thoie oonditiau aro th�t Bonn�er:�a)p�n <br /> LeMar�1) sums which then would be due w�der this Sau�ity Ituuurnau w�d tho Note u if no�ooeler�tion had octvmed;(a) <br /> cures ury defwil ai�ny ather oovcn�nu or a�roen�ent�;(e)p� �dl enpen�ea inaimed in eafon�in�thi�Secudty ImtrumaK, <br /> including.but not Umited ta. roasanable attorete�s'fas:�ad(d�Wces such action a I.o�der may naaon�bly roquine to aswm <br /> lhat the lien of thi�5eourity I�u�umem.Linder s dghu in the Property ard Borrovro�'s obligation to pay the wm�saurod by <br /> Ihis Secutity Inst�ument �t►nll oantlntio unchonged. Upan reinstatement by Burrawer. this Security ln�tiuma�t �nd the <br /> oblig�tions sxurad horoby chall��n fully etl'ective a�if no aooeloratbn iwd axumed.However. this�f�hc w reirw�te�hall <br /> notapply In 1ho cace af aooeler�ation wder pamgraph 17. <br /> er <br /> 19. Swle ot Natw Chtu�e ot Laoa Servkw. The NcNe ar a pattiel interest in the Note(together with Ihje Sa�ur�ty <br /> Inct�ument)m�y be sald ono ar moro times without prior noticc to Bormwer. A sale may result in A change in the ent�ry(known <br /> Ac the'Lown Sorviar")that oollects manthlY paYmcnts duc undcr thc Note and this Secu�lty Instrument.-`ll�en also nuy be ona <br /> or moro ahsnges ai tha L,o�n Servicer unrcloted w a s�le of the Notc.If Ukre is a changc of the Loan Setvioer. Borrower will ix <br /> givcn written notice of the change in accordnnce wi�h par�grAph 14 a6ove and applicable law.'It�e notice will�tate the mme:nd <br /> _ -.--- addms of tho new[.oan Serviar and the add�►to which payments should 6e roade.'I'I�e notiae will alw oamWn my other <br /> = infornuUion nqulred by applicable lsw. <br /> � 20. Hsuardousi Subst�nce�. Burruwer shall not �suse or pernutt the presence.use, dispasal. storagc,or r+elease ef�ny <br /> ,_;�:� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bomowa sholl not do, nor ellow enyone else to do. an�ing Affect�ng the <br /> ._ Property that is in vidatian of any Envlronmental Law.The preeeding two sentenoes shall not apply to prcsence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazar�dous Substancrs that su+e generolly recogaized to be appropriete w nomwl <br /> `'�� �;� residential uses and to maimenance of tha Property. <br /> `__�. "' Barrower shall promptly givc l.ender wntten ratice of any investiga�ion,cla�m, demand. lawsuit or other action any <br /> govenunental or regulatory agency or private purty involvjng the Property and any Ha7ardous Substence or Env lro L aw <br /> _�:�;i��y�*� of which Borrower has actua! luwwledge. If Borrower learn�,or is nai8ed by any gover�unentel or regulatory aulhority.that <br /> -- _- any remova!or ather rcmodiation of any Hazardous Substance afTecting the Propeny is�ry.Borrowor nhsll�romptfy�alce <br /> n � ail necessary remediallctions io acrnrdance with Envlronmental law. <br /> _'� - �� � As used in this p:uagrnph 20. "HazArdoua Substances" are those substences definod as toxic or hawndous subsinnoes by <br /> ''-"- -- Pnv�ronmtnta! Law end the following �t�b�ta+�c� gamline, keracene. othcr Oammable or tozic petraleum products. toxic <br />; ` �r� � pesticides and herbicldes,volatile solvents.materiels containing asbestrs or formaldehyde,end redfoactivc materials. As usod in <br /> '� �u,�t this �wregra h 20, "Environmental" means federol laws sind laws of the jurlsdiction where the PropeRy is located that <br /> ma p <br /> •�''. �•;�.;;. �elate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> = NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowee and Lender further covenant and agree us follows: <br /> +�; 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies. I.ender shall glve notice to Borrower prto�to oeceleration following Borrower's breach ' <br /> ' '+- of any covenwnt or a�reement in thts Secu�ity Instn�ment (but not prlor to xceleradon under paragraph 17 ualess <br /> _ r applkAble IAw provldes otherwise).The natice shell specify: (w)the default; (b)the Action requlred to cure the detault; <br /> ,,r (c)a date, not lesg thpo 30 days from the date the notire ie�given to Borruwer. by which the defwult must be cured;nnd <br /> - (d) thet failure to cure the deiault on or before the date specified In the notice moy result in accelernt�on of the sums <br />- ... secund by this Securlty Instrnment pnd swle of the Property.The notice�shall iurther Inform Barmwer ot the right to <br />�� retnstate atter acceleretian and the r(ght to bring a cou�t action to acserl the non-exislence of a detAUlt or aay other <br />"�r� � �"`t;^°°� detense of Borrower to accelerotbn and sak. If the defAUlt iR not cured on nr betore the date specified in the notice, <br /> �, h � :�Y''' '� [.ender� At ps optlon� may require immediate peyment in full of all sums secured by thts Secutity Instrument without <br /> _- ��� turlher demand and may invokc the power of sale and any Wher remedics pennitted by appllcable law. I.ender sludl be <br /> -� ' �:"'�"'" `� '� entitled to collect all expen�fncun�ed in pursuin�the remediec provided in this paragraph ZI�includi�,bul not limited <br /> :�'� �`�,;::,7'.j� to.reasoneble attorneys'Pees and costs of title evfdence. <br /> _��'":'� �� ''''• � If thepower of sale Is invuked.TruFtec shull record a natice of deiault in canc�aunty in which any part of tt�e <br />. >, . •�. ,.•: <br /> ;� r;�,1.';� ;;�1���;i Property Is locuted and shull maH copiPS af such nMice in the manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrow•er and to <br /> •r ± '• ,y the olher persons prescribetl bv epplicable IaH•. Aiter th�limc required b�•Applic�ble luK.Trustee shall�i�e pu68c nolice <br /> ��, ,;�. . ::, of sale to the persons s►n�i in t�e manner prescrihed b�� eppUcable law.Trustee.without demand on Borrow•er,�hall sell <br /> � ,, .�� the Property at pubflc auction to Ihe hi�hest bidder u�the time and place and under the termc designated in Ihe notke ot <br /> , sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Truxter mny po�tpone sak of all or any parcel ot the <br /> °� � "r'"'�'�'� Prope�ty b�•publlc announcement at the time und pluce of um• prevMush• +chedul��d sale. Lender or its d�ignce mav <br /> : f•,�,;,, <br /> :;;�. ,.�::;..a. s' ;.t, purclwse the Property at any sale. <br /> ;. r, � ' �,�4'•;.' <br />�. �,� � .��C.',t �:;�� <br /> i� :i?` �''rc� :•�,;�; <br /> _ '�<<';F. '��`,:i� <br /> ' , ;, <br /> - ;iti.` ,• . • �:,!'' Form 3028 9190 <br /> -'• _�' .�,f � . .''1!��1�i�' Pap�8 d 6 <br /> �,f, •�r$.r'L ,c <br /> o.- f.i.,::>.1� <br />'�1i!:'�•• � rii�.:1'°.�,.. <br />��.;;-, '�i yy���•. : �, , � <br /> 1' ��t�i�f. � _` ,r <br /> f ` t''.��ia.ri� ��+°�jr ��. ;;.- � � � --- - r - - - <br /> } 1, y-e .,/ �r . , ;. " ���','__. =_�_� r—�;�et i!I ;�''ILx-i��_' , . .. . �i}����` '�q 1'iCl � - — . <br /> 1.., l 4. ', �;,'1" . 1 i i� , � ti ';. t.•• � :� " • . l,� � <br /> x �� .�.r'\..,tJ<.1..:.C� �'' '14i�.��.,.'� � P• � � .�l�.l� , 5 �.,i��' � :��C'.. , �i � - <br /> -_:• �';'�1ri � ' ' . i(��- ' ,'� . � � � ' ��f � � . • � • ii:�. <br /> --un! A�i.i: ,y.ilfjL- —_1_. � ' i- ti ,. . � _ t.:... <br /> v� c_.__ <br /> - ---- ---- --- --- --- -- -- ---- -`'- <br />.. -- t . - - ------ -"-^� - ---'-"----- --- '— ---- —�n�� � "'-- ^�----- -.� - ---. -- ---- <br />.__' � � AS.�.� �.Y. F .`.�.. 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