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..� . -.. . . . . . ;J; . r. �s.. � 1���.. . <br /> .. � . , . . . . . _. � � � , r.-,.t--„r._ :y�, r�`..- <br /> 'I�O�HBa M11'EI!�1�1 II�IOYMI/M�tWM of�MM�it�IrC/�10�IV p1�1ff•�1����.�i� I'.r�--- <br /> — ,, � l�MI Ar MIIMII�R • p11� 0�1� p1�OMfly. � 1��0/AEM� � �O�f � �0 M ailV�.�,���.� ;;:;�._i� <br /> 1rl�i�.A��iMO�I�1*[rird b ir tmll�Vk�►311�M1�r I�L'�A0�1•� • . i� <br /> � Al�fis tMt ro�to.rr i�M�wlbup,+«a or�e«pr.iwrbq oa.}�.+.�.�d M�ll�.d�4#It :�Aliiif�.:._;,_.� <br /> — :�::.t�:��:.t��'`.��°.�..h::�.�� �!y:.!t-=-- ..-, -�.'.�..- ,"`. <br /> aetene�emenity d�a atle to we rropeity,�pin�t au alaa�,�oa ee�nr+et�w�e�t to�I!eodaa6rNn�oe�c�l,MOO�a, <br /> 71�18 8H4URiI'Y INST'RUMBNT ooaibine�ud0onp oovMt�otr tora�tkwl�Me rqd�on�il�xar ocrra����M w��1�f11�. � �., - �,-. <br /> �w�iaetoo�by jwi,dictton w ooa�tiwte,unttonn zea�dty iowum�eac oovori�ro•�p�opeety. . . .. <br /> U1VII�M(�OVB[VI►tVTS.1ldro�aad irender ao��a�nt aM a�roe�folitwrs: �, <br /> i. �nit �t ni�ci�i ni I�1ee�Mt � �d 1,.1.c'i.r�ar. H«rowro�sh�u P�P'�!ra► �rbe. a.a ar. <br /> p�iodpd of�nd inte�at an tha debt evkiaaed by Ibe Nate ujd�ny pt�yment�nd We d�es due urdes the T�te. <br /> 2.[+Y�ad�for Tue�ard lrrnooe. Sub�act to appUcatile l�w ar to a arivan w�ivu 6y I.a�der, HoRaw�ab�11 pW ta <br /> Lender at the d�y montWy p�yipe�q�ro duo uoder the Natc.wKil the Note Is p�id la l�Wl.�wm("Puadu')ta:(�)Y�Y� �, <br /> and aaenmentt which mty�ttain prlority ova thb Sa;urhy lnpiuman as a lia�un fhe Pmpaty; (b)Y�9�P�Y� <br /> ar ground�au oa tla Proparty,if aay: fe)Yauly hwN or ptnperiy ina�nnoe promtuau:(d)Yarly tlood ina�tanoe p�. <br /> it aay:(e)Yarly mortg�e inaianoe prapivau. if anyr: �nd(�anY �P�Yable by Bo�row^u[o L.eodeq in�oeoidna whb <br /> t6e provi�af pu�gnph 8. in I�eu of the psyrnat of mortga�e insuriu�oe p�niuw.Thae itame are ealbsl'�c�ow Item�." <br /> . I.a�der may. u any tlme� ooQat aa�b 6old Funds la m�mouot not to excaed tho muimwm �nount• lader for a fala�lly <br /> rielued mungage lan qny tequintr far Bamowar'i eacrow accou�under tha tedaal iteai Bctate Settlat�eat Waoedutns Ad of <br /> 1974�t�mended fioe time IO Wne.12 U.S.C. Soct�oa 2601 et aoq. ("[tE5PA"1�uNa�s�rothn'Itw diat�pplies to dfe Funds <br /> �ets a lara amouat.if so.i.eeder�y tiaoe.oollect ud dold Fuodc�L an�nourk not to excaed ths les�er amouat: <br /> ;�: <br />- -- I.aider any atimatt tl+e amoum of Punds dua on Ihe tmsis of cun+eat d�1a ai+�rtasamble estia�ates of ra�penditunes ot Irenn+e <br /> Bscrow Ite�p�or otlxrwice in acconduio�e with�pplieable law. , <br /> 'ilie Fu�ds shell be held in m i�nvlituUon whose deposits are inaurod by a federal agan,y. inst�umKaWitY. a'� <br /> _�_ (iacludiag i.ender.if l.ender is wch m 9nstitatbn)or ia aay Poder�l Home L.o�n Haalc.[.enda shaU spply 1Ae Fund�ta paj tbe ., •;.�.�i,;' <br /> F.scrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Faode.annually analyzing tht'escmw aoc�nt:c�i' •;�'. .. <br /> verifying the F.scrow Items.uNas Lrnder paya Horrower lnterest on the Funds and applicabb law permits:Lcntlex to da�ke such; .'�' � : •.: <br /> a clwrge. However,I.ender may require Banuwer to pxy a one-time charge for an i�dependent rcal estate t�i roportiag ocrvlca,,• .�,, . <br /> used by l,ender in oormoction with tPda loan, unless applical►le law provides'btherwise. Unleas nn agroement is . <br /> Applicable law roquima intenst to bo paid,I:¢hdsr shall not be nequirod ta pay�orrower any iatec+est or��minga on tho FuMs. <br /> --- Borrower and Lender snay agree in writing, however,that interesl shell bc pa�ca nn the Funde. l.ender shall give W Aorrower. .', : :. <br /> without charge, an annyal accounting af 1he Fu�da, shawinX crodits and debits co tbe Fund� and the purposa for which each . ' <br />_ debit to the Funds was nladc.The Funcls are pledgaf as additional xcurity for all sums saurod by thit Savdty insdumeqt.� , :' � • <br /> - If the FundR held by L.ender eacecd the amounta permittod to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Bonowor; �:. <br /> - for the excess Funds in aroordance with the rcquirements of appllcable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lca�der qR Any <br /> time ie not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, l.ender may so rwtify Horrower in wdting,and. in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the umount neassary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shnll meke up Ihe deficiency in no more th�n <br />- - twelve monthly payments,ret Lender's sole discretion. <br />- Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�i�y Instrument, I.ender shall pmmptly refund to Borrower any <br /> - Funds held by L,ender. If,under paragraph 21,L.ender shall acquirc or sell the Property.[.ender,prior to tho acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds hekl by l.ender nt the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit ageinst the sume securod by <br /> — this Security Instrument. <br />- '���I 3.AppllcAdon of Payments. Unless applfcable law provides otherwise,all payments received by t.ender under paragraphs <br /> _ 1 and 2 shnll bc applied:first. to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to artwunte paysble u�der paragraph 2; <br /> ,"� interest due;founh,to princfpal due;and last,to any lete charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Ctu�rges; Llens.Borrower shull pay all tnxes,assessments, charges, tines and impositions attrfbutoble to thc Property <br /> " which may attain priority over Ihis Security Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any.Borrower shall pay <br /> thc�se obligations in the menner provided in purngraph 2, ar if not p�id in that manner.Borrower shdl pay thern on time directly <br /> to the person owed payment. Burrower shall pmrnpUy furnish to I.ender All notices of s�mounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> � � �%. if Bormwer makes�hese payments directly. Borcower shall promptly fumish to L.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />°'-�°'-°�'''�".�� Borcower shall prompHy discha�ge uny lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (A)agr+ees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u munner ncceptable to L.ender;(b)mntests in good faith the lien <br /> ,� --._� by, o� defends against enforccment of tMc licn in. Icgal procecding� which in the l.endcr's opinion operate to prcvent the <br /> �� ��� ��'-"� enforcement of the lien;nr(c) secures from the hnlder of the lien un ugreement sutisfuclory to Lender wbordinating the lien to <br /> F-'��- this Security Instrument. If Lender determinex thAt any pan of the Prnperty is subject to u lien which muy attain priorit;+over <br /> -��;.. <br /> r '�` �• this Security Instrument,Lendcr nwy give Burrower u ne��ice iden�ifying ihe licn. &irrowcr shull �•rtitify the lien or take one or <br /> �• more of the actions set fonh above wiihin 10 dayz af the giving of notice. <br /> :...n �r <br /> .�..,. <br /> `�;:;;:,_ . fam 3028 8/90 <br /> J�ry=;,�.'.:I. . -- P.o.zde <br /> '�:'s�._, ..`C',,-, <br /> 4 d:si1°:�:.1;;t�t+:�:,o���.. <br /> �� .L"'r��''b�:�:�E'• ' _ <br />_ � _ <br /> ty '� . . .. � ,. -�-ma'¢�'c•1''r-'�� 4 r,a•-,. . � <br /> � i�._rR'693f,ft�'�i;i�' '.;q:r�i� . . . ��'. , . �1�S:,y,.� �. - . _u'�.'.`F'°...m r�c+n►vr..,....s--�_�. <br /> _ .�es{..! . , . �)� .1' � t'�•:i' J/,r..'. . . .�..��,�:.7r._-,�a <br /> � <br /> _ . . .. ....s' . <br /> �a ...;� ,�._ ...: . . , . , .. �.��.�,�;z,., . � . .., .. 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