�f�t. .. .. �. _ .�� _ ' . . _ , _ . . '
<br /> -� �1}� � _t' _ - . ' __ ' - _. .
<br /> .-��� �-�- -_ . _"- , .. _.„'_ " _�, _ '_ _ - -- _
<br /> � ��! - - - . . , . �r g�,-- iQ���i
<br /> � . �_
<br /> —;��:��.,.:.��� � . • � -
<br /> ' Aq of tbe nca�oeda to tLe p�c�p�i�ll sot a�etl or po�tpoae sbe doe date oI tbr mootih►p,�rasu.tr�i�i� , . -
<br /> , , �e ere+ad to is pra�r�pit Z.ar c�e 16e aa�o�t ot s�tch�pryseots.Ao�►e�a�P�o��aa�mountreg�ri[ed to p! ..
<br /> � a�ia�bte��ma t1�e rroce.°a t�sec�icr ta�mm�,e.n ee�.ta co�t�e em�kpu�►ar�d�eerao. . ,
<br /> _ � �Fis.L�eodes wY�1ket iep aod cLar�es u�o�txed,b�r tbe Secretscg. � ` . ,
<br /> - • . ��: . .
<br /> . , !.G��wi tK I�todewYw�t Deit• . . .. �
<br /> — --_ _•_,_—_. ------.. .�- �=- --�----- � =-_ ..
<br /> - ------'—
<br /> � (a3 D�h�lt.Lender mr9.ezcepc�Smited 1�►�n�aoos�u�d 61 t1�e iu t7u case of psy►�mf defwiW.re---__`-
<br /> . ' qaut name�ste paymmt m tuII oF ilt w�m secureQ t�thn Soa�ity I�ammt if: - -
<br /> ` �o$n t�duC of�the�mo��hIY M7►meat,��Y Ps7�t�bS►��ri�►Imtnuneat pcior to -
<br /> ��� (�1�cmwrr defiEaits b7►fa�nt.for�t period of tmrty da»,to Daform+mY atber,obl�atioas oa�e�in tld�
<br />_ �. gecor�t�Iat�meat..; .
<br />;��_
<br />= � Aj�ic 14�iil�t C7neit A�n�al.Leuud�r r�T.K permitted b��.la�r aud with the D��1���Q�� -
<br /> '- � Secra�ry,requir�e Immedi�te payment in fnll of sll t6e anms seatrad bl►tlus Se�uity Inatru�nent ff:
<br /> -- � (i�yl ar pat af tbc pmpett9 is otliawise t�sfared totl�et tb�n bl►dcvisa a descmt)by tbc Bcxmwer.am� :
<br />, . (�Tbe pro�cy is aot occupied by tUe Oiu�cb�ser or graata as Uis ar her primuy raideace.ar the p�ot
<br /> � � �ptt�doetso acatpy t6e Propetty 6t�t lus or ha cre�i his no�been sppraved in ac�uo�rdaace�Yitb tl�e requira�
<br /> � : , of tbe Sec�ta�r. - ���
<br />_ �;�"� (e)Ns Wat�er.if:cacumstaaces oocur that Rouid permit Laidec to t�eqain immediace p�ymeat in fuD.but Lepder
<br />; . � doa not requin sacb M��I.e�der doa not�raive its ri�dts Mith��ta sab�oqoent erenit� ---
<br /> t��e�i�Y■��iH�JDBeaefa�l.Inmaaycircum:tancesnYotadoasit�b9theSaretar9�r�11imitLendet'snit�et: —
<br />. _< 9n tbe w�e of qyrnent defaWts w roquire immediate psymrnt in full and fanecbse i€not paid.T6is Saacrit�r.tasFiq- . ��--�
<br /> r,, ' meat doa not autho�iu aooel�oa or foreclosare if not permitted fsy re�pas af the SaTe�arS►. . r:; �=_f�.-�
<br /> � ti J.� ���,.
<br /> .: ... :,. 1�.R�ttalal.�1vC!hSS s t3�bL W 11C tE3A3tat[$if I.CIIdOf hiS TC�1qiiCd�1tC PaY�IEDL•��i3C Of °"`.a
<br /> ` SarroMer's fai(uce ta ysyr�ri�mount dve uader tLe Nate or ti�is Saauity Iostrumea�Tbis rf�ht appliea eraaG a�farcda`sure �`�- ��::.
<br /> -� a u�t
<br />. � ?.�� � �iooeediap aca3asptuted.To rc�ce the se�utty Ia�eat.BorroNrer:hsA teader ia st i�mp smu s�:.�ats� --�`���:-.:���
<br /> :.. �'==�"�.�f: ��w brins Bo�'�s auuobant curreat includinj,to tLe a�tmt tisey sue o6ltgauoas of Borrmver aader tms 5xuiity In�t, . . .�`:�"�
<br /> �.s=
<br /> �`"� foreciosure ca��rr�uon�bk and cu�amary.auameys'fas and exP�s P��Y a4soc�tod,a�a tLe farociosute praoeed"a�- .=f•`r`.. —
<br />:,��;... � _,�;��:-;:—
<br /> t1Pon�lri►BatRi`�vrer.this SecwitS►Inatnuaeat�ad the obli�tions th�tit aavres s�temain in effect as if I.endec ".._
<br /> -==-�
<br /> 6d iwt req�uiroc��paydneat in fWl.Howevar.IRnder is nat rcquired ta pamit rei�tatement if:(i�Lendec lys ac- �.�._
<br /> = eepted remstatemeat�afres iF�c commencema�c of forxlasure procadings+�ricdt��ye�s immediauly praedins the eom- -•.y.+.'.;<_-
<br /> meacxment of�cu�ie�C���u�e PrQCadins.fi�reinstatement wll!preclude fanx�e c��ffermt�ouads ia tbe.fstu�e. x�;�---.
<br /> - or fii�re�.�eat a�C ersely affect tbe priurltY of the lieu creaud by this'��'R�-_�,t. _ . - . _�._��
<br /> :�� . . _-}�.��_.: `-.,:------��
<br /> : -: `:�',��;�
<br /> ' �:,::;r_,:,. il.tan�.�es:!Vit Rdeyue�:Forieaaue a!LeMer Not s Waher.Fate�nsian 4f the#ime flf jrsYma►t or ma�bn ��°�:`-:..� - ._. —
<br /> ,::��•:t,�;�� of aatort�tkxs af ttYe s�ss sxared by this SavritY Instrumeat grantod by Leu�to any succasor in�si of Bosrower '� ;��-
<br /> ,. � ' sdaD i�a operate to re3esse dM'{e liabtlity of the origtnai Borruwer or Borrower's successor in interat.La�.s'nail not 6e ra '�j�r
<br /> . ��A�, � x=
<br />,s . 7;• -� - quirod to comr�enoe Fcaoea�inSs a8ainst aay suoeessor in interesc os sefiue to extend ttme for payment ot�;�Fierwise mod�fY . �;�=_
<br /> oe
<br />;: � � '��,��'� amortization 4f r3�e suns�ecured bY�s SecuritY Insuument by reasen of anY demand made by the origiaai Bonower or Bor- � �.�; .. -.. �-
<br /> r o M e r's a n c e e s��s i u i��A n Y f o t b e u a n c e b y L e a d e r i n e x c r c�s A S�Y ri 8�t or r e m e d y ahall aot be s�waiver of or p reclude . :'�.. -
<br /> .t: �
<br /> • `�=,�-��,s, ihe rxactse o!aay rigt�.or remcdy. . -y��'`
<br /> - �- =
<br /> " IS.S�ae�oti�M il�i����d:JW�t s�d Seven11L1�fIHy:Co-$l��ee��TCxe covenaau snd aaraements of this Secus3ty .. . . 3:::. _
<br />- "" "'�' lnatrument ahs�ll bind and benetit the successors and assigns ot l.eader and�ns�er.subject to thc proviaions of pua�rapb , . ' '`f'.� _
<br /> ', ' � �-` 9.b. Horrower's covenants and agrameat�ahaU be ioinc and several.Any B�s:rower who casig�u this Savdty laatrumeat
<br /> � �*;,.,;> ; �: ,-..
<br /> r ',�%:s.^;�;r�i�, , - :: �
<br /> .?`:����'�,��;!� but doa not�ecute the Note:(a)is c�ila�this Security Instru�t on1y►to mortB�e.Sraat aad convey ths�t Horco�.a.'s .. �;.
<br /> • ��}s•��Yi lnterat ia the Praperty unde'the teri�s rnf thfs Secudty Jnstrumea�r;f��)is aot person la ty oblisated w psy tbe sums se�a:.� , __�.;� '
<br /> ,.��� b y thi�Securi t y Instrumertt;,a�d(c)agras that Lendec+as►d aay other 8onower may agra to eatend,raodify.forbrar ar.s�x ;.:,;-:
<br /> • any a¢commodations wich r�8ar d'to t he term o f t�is S e c u rity Ins t r u m en t or t he N o te w i t h o u t t h a t B o r r�-��'s c o a c e s c:�� �. , �W�.,�.._-
<br /> . . ,�,.��.
<br /> . , �:., .
<br /> ' 1,3.Noli�es.My notice to Botrowe�provided for'in this Securlty Instrument shall be given by deliver�i�or by c�in8 ,
<br /> � � it by faat class m�il unkss apDlicable law requires use of another method.The notice shaU be directod to the Proputy A�as �.� � •��'���
<br /> . • E , ot smny other addras Borrower deslgnates by noHce to Lender.Any notice to Lrnder ahall be glven by first ctass ma�7 to I;�da�'s � . : ---.J< _
<br /> address atatod herdn or atty addres9 Lenaer daignates by notia to Bonower.Any notice lnovided for 1n ihls Security instris- �k;,` •• .
<br /> '� �-;:�y_r ment:hali be damed to��c>C ban given to Borror��er.oe Lender when glven as provided in this paragraph. k;s�.
<br /> �~� ' r 1�.Gover�i�I,�;�ev�rabllity.This Security instrument shaU be goveru�i;►�y federal taw and the law of the jurisdicdon '°� ...
<br /> ' " �- - ��� in whkh the Property is tucated. In the cvont that any Dtovision or clause of thls Security lnstrument or the Note conllkta f • •
<br /> � r •,:::� �rith sppliabk taw,sucb Conflicl ahali eot aftect other Dcovislons of thia Securlt�j lnstrument or the Note whicA can be�Iven ` - -
<br />. = � • � eftact without the conflicriag provls7on.To ihis end the provisions of this Secunty lnsirument and the Note are declued ta �
<br /> s'� � hr severabk. •
<br /> ., I
<br /> . �.�,� ; ,. � " ts.eormuer's fa�7:�orrawer ahall6e givee one wnformed copy of ttiis Secudty IastrumenL ! .
<br />�` , � - 1f.A�t ol�.Borrowea unconditionally assigns�d t�anstrrs to Lender all the rents and revenues of the Fro- !
<br /> -' � pd�ty,Bocrowa autbmiz�s l.,ender or Lender's agcnts to collect-t3i��ents and revenues and hereby d'uaKs each tenant o�'the �
<br /> � � Proparty to pay the r�nts to tettder or Lender's agents.However.prior to Lender's notice to Bonower af Borrovrer's brpch � ,•
<br /> ' of aay covmant or agram�t in the Secudty lnstntment,Bvnower shaU cottect aad receive all rents and t���enues of tht Pro- �;�
<br /> �;+�.�-� � � _ � perty as trusta for the bme�t of i.entkr aad Sonower.This assignment of rents constitutes an absotuta assignment aad eot ;
<br /> , =.,P..;.�.... .._,. � aa assisamcnt!or addllional securiry only. . �
<br /> �. _ Ii Leader gtv�notice af breach to Bonower:(a)aJl rents received by Botrower sha11 be held isy Boaower as tr�stee for � _
<br /> ' '�_��, " � � � bmefit of Leader onJy,to be applled to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b)Lertder shall be eatitled to coIIect ;
<br /> - � aed re�elve all ot the rents of the Property;and(c)eacb tenaat ot the Propeny shall pay all rents due and�unpa�d tn Lender " �� . �
<br /> d
<br /> � � " - � or Lender'�asen!an Lender's written dem�nd to the tenant. ; .
<br /> � � Bono�ver tus not executed any prior assignment of the renu and has not and will not perform any act that woufd prevent
<br /> . � Lender from exercisiea its ria6u under this paragraPb 16. , ' • .
<br /> � - . .. �..• �
<br /> � - � - i.eadet aha11�wt be required to mter upon.take control of ar maintainthe Property 6efnre ar after glving nndce o!breach , � � :�...
<br /> - -- .—,��.�------ �
<br /> � to Borrawer.However.Lendet or a Judiciatt���pofnt�recelvee may da so aiarry ifime�here is a irreach.Etny appticatio�r --,---�--------=-
<br /> . � � ot rdus ah�U not cure ar walve��uy defaWt or InvatIdate any other rlght ar remedy of Lcader.T6ia assignmmt of renu of
<br /> : . � „ . the t�ropeny shall terminate when the detit s�rurcd 6y the Securtty instrument is paid in full.
<br /> ' . ' - .�
<br /> �. .,.. . �_ :. i�eloJ� t.
<br /> �. , � ,
<br />. � � S
<br />