-��3l�'�. � _ �,.--
<br /> �' �,j`- . .' ��. . ; - ,- �- - — --- � : . - . �...s��i�!���. _
<br /> �k t..7�� .. . . �
<br /> ' .. � . . . , � . '� . " . . ' .. � ', ' � ' ' . � .
<br /> � tK�i-UNIIaORM COYENANTS�.HorROw�er�d`Ircadec fi�t�ei aoae�t a�d.apae�t falfoMS:•, � .`� . � . : � .
<br /> ... , ` fT.Fiwel�eh�ai���I�w�fni��eMt�■t1�tii�irMra�a�i!•rwiw�i�NiieieM*rr -
<br /> � ...�[s�lefri t4���lR M��'��!�/��Uw.I�eMR ii le e�lUll�M aNett�/a�le�t�e�M t��M�� .
<br /> tMt r�is�iee tlts!ra{t�i 17.i�dr�t+Mt.��IM�1r.rw�!���M/MSels'te�s ari aM�K Yrs t�Yt�ee. '
<br /> ___._Jil�M�rv rt�ie IE t�n�lyd�__?rM1ee ii renei��Ntoe�t ieh�it Y e�ei�+�tl Y wYci a�41Mt�t Ire h+�/wb .
<br /> — ----- ...�,.r..�- ---�
<br /> _ . ___-
<br /> �rwa�i�i��ire��,a��e�-A� __ _ �— -
<br /> - Yiw.Afis#IK tl�tqie!b!M!�Yw..TewM�e_ii�!����t�ie N lie Mr�
<br /> ��e��wa�db�!liaMelaw TtMee.�MM*���aM�nwe►.�iisipist�+N�►�N�irc�lii�': .,
<br /> • M We�t�ellt M��M Ire M�e s�/illoe sni:�ies Ih�le�s�etpMe�I�fre Mlies�t a�lt!�Ns��Mt�rc'�i�
<br /> � is��nler.Tr�M�e ida4�.�ieiei�re��I�r K ksK����t�e tiM�*�!at�s�~t�t ..
<br /> :N�tlwr a�i M���/rerNM4
<br /> U�n�i�t�i/q�e�t�[fie Nies M�?��he�W ri�fr tl�e wreY�e�TtwMds�eN oMrell�Ire l�+rlM!•
<br /> 'tlie i�ei1N�Y/Me Tr�c's ieN�i�e l�ir tae�e�Meaee�t t�e�M N die�iesers a�ie IMetr:Te�e ii al1�
<br /> ----- - ,.._��s!_!�-s1e�!l�i�_�iet:t��ti�eyera�f!�e�le.vei�.MR Mi�iM�1�r►Ti�'!Mls
<br /> -- IM�/��ieM b�l1��Itw t�i�eaM■iis aq�e�tee��if M f�i�s setta�t�y Ws 8�7�L�arifetM�= -
<br /> • aaeers M 1Me lar�K�eRS�s 1e�!�q i4
<br /> - 1i.iaa�nel+�!ts.uPaa►psX!�ofaUsunaacc�odby►tlusSa�uityJ�.Lreridashdlm9uat't'rwteetareoonve9
<br /> . � tbe Piope�t9�3 ah�U mmeadec-L�s Seeudry�Na�clt�wnt�bout�c6ar�o tbe�n�r per:ons kpltY�
<br /> to Ttwtee.T��:sb�l rec�+ht't�e�o�CY
<br /> to it.Soch Pa�son or P�'�:�JF:?nl!.�oor�ation oaus-
<br /> .. i!SiMi1�1e T�Mee:I:�a3ei.":.at.�t�.msy fram time to time renwve Tn�tae and ap�point a a�asor wstec te
<br /> .. a�y,Trwtae�OP����?��recor+dedintheoo�yin�thitsecwitgl�n�isneooraea.W�
<br /> �qqvXyranoe ot tLe Propaty.ti���cee sbsD socreEd w aU t6e titk.i�owei�aod dutiea cqnfetr�al upou Tiwta l�e:ein ,
<br /> �x�itbp applic�ble{a+v `� ...,-,.-:..,";;.� . . , - , _. .:.
<br /> ., ths�t o!the no�ia�;of dcfautt aad sak�sent to Borrowee's addn�ss. .
<br /> L�]Rs�LMpa,,t tMr N�Bees.Botro+r�cr.t�ts c�D� -,
<br /> �lwl�fi�ii����•._ ' .?y!t_; . � _ "' _ ' �r' . . . . . — .
<br /> �_ . -. ::.��._. : -. :�:.. , .: ___.. , . .NEF4. `�
<br /> `-:°r=�:
<br /> A�eaelen�io�Cie�Bnnc�r+er�g,rGa that should this Savrit�►Iamumai�:afiid the note saaued therebY not be elipbk
<br /> ' for�nsuraaa uader the Nation�I�H�'�ct vQit�in !24 IIAY3, from the date bereof.Lender msy;.pt
<br /> its oprIoie aad mt�vit�anYthia�i�s-�`�a�sPh 9.raiuire imms�ai��nt in full of ail suma secured bY this Sacqti��'
<br /> InsO�vmeot.A.irritten sqtemau of aa�r��ut of tl�e SecrA?ug���.�t to 12C1 DAY5 �� ' �;�:',
<br /> ��:tUe d�te hereof.doc1�6 W.insuc�:�iais.Saairitg Instrument and'ti�ap�e�ed therebY.sba11 be daiued��
<br /> — pr�tof soch ineiip'b�itY•Notw�tt�tands�;�te forejuin�.tbis npian maY�.ise'�ticisal by Leader�vhea tTie uns►vs�7ab�Y
<br /> - - of iosurance-is:s�aldy dae ia Leada's-�..�o remif a nfort�e ttt�u�e�ea�iuw to thc aecretuY. ' .. : .
<br />:_ ��`1�:Ud�See�lt■���f oae or more riders arte�ted by Borroxer urd:tecorded together witb�s -
<br /> Sesurity►Instra�bicdsi;tbe�of e��uch r�der shAll be incorpor�te��n�to an�1 s�all amea�;a,ad sappkment tbe omreaant�
<br /> - and a�eemees�i'��1s�?�t as if ihe rlda(s)werc in a paR of thit Soauhy lamamen�(Check aDPlkabk bos(a)l
<br /> � O Gaa�ominium Rider O Adjustabte Rate RIder �Growin8 Equity Rida
<br /> - O Pl�nned Unit Qevelopment Rider O Graduated Paymrnt Rider �Other I1IFA ADDBliDDH
<br /> - �,;�, „ OMAHA, NE 681;�70UdU '
<br /> - _ ` �, �,1"BY SIOMING BELOW.Borrower a.�e�S and agras to the tem�s contaitxd 9n thts Saurity Insuunxnt and in aaY dder(s) ' v
<br /> exavted bY Borrower and rerorded vri:h't�.� . ; _
<br />- WiUtesses: ' . . � `'yt� � • t�' -.
<br /> lr�
<br />- ' � �.�.(.�E`' i: MLINAFi -8orropee• :•.
<br />_ � �:� � � `�YI�Q�v�na�- ts�1� -
<br /> bQNIVA D ML I NAFt , , -��*
<br /> �s�ry�, � — ts�f a
<br /> - � •���n . . _�,�� _
<br /> -- �a�.af4 ..
<br /> ,;
<br /> - ' ACK�EUWL�qG'�!'EiVT
<br /> 1/Vffe., ,t"Tr�sto�").un ertain Deec!ci Tncst�i
<br /> ZgIA1,S ,("Ueed of Trust")to be�entercd i on8 Trustor, ' '. °
<br /> - ,r•rrusree'•i ai�d� �
<br /> ("Bene�iciazy")cavedng th�following describe4 pro�:
<br /> ' �EGAL DESCRIP'fION:
<br /> herebq scknawkdse thu it 1�underscood (a)the Oeed of Trust to be executed by 1'rustor is a trust dad and not a mottgage
<br /> and(b)the power of sak provided P the Deed of Trust provides substantially difPcrent Nghts and obllgacions to the Trwtor
<br /> � thau a mortgage in the event a dePauit of brcach nf obtigatlon. �
<br /> "��� Trustot Atkt�awt that tfiis Actcnowtedgment was made priar to thr executlnn vt the Deed ot'trust.
<br /> Executcd an vered thls dny of . 19 �
<br /> j�t rruuo� '
<br /> .
<br /> �� _ . .SIYie 4�-�ieMii�t�i.. `:',�l�;�-� . . . _ . t�AtlMY�ts: . _ _ . _.
<br /> Ihe foresola�instrument was�knovvkdged bcfore me this 31et d:ry of. MAY ,�g 91 •
<br /> � bY d05EPH M lA.IIMII AI�iD .DO�NA D 1�II.INAR, HU5�At�1D AND WIFE •
<br /> . _Witeess_mY hartd ant!ntft�ria{st�11 at_ �� in sai8 County,lhc date�fotrs�id.
<br /> --- -- - - - _ - �Eat){A!ib►�nf34�it111t71�i - -
<br /> • ' FGAHETAI.OILLOM `��, l�; _ � :�, _�. _ . . _-
<br /> � M�r Cotn�ls3ioe Expire�: � � ` Ey 1rM�191Q
<br /> . Notaty ubl'
<br />