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<br /> .. . .-{A-1 .._.. '� ' . �' . " _.' '_"" -......_. -...,:. . .
<br /> _- 4 ,... _ ..- - _-- . . . __ __-_____. ._. _ --.
<br /> sa, . ' .�t�� , ' -
<br /> � � ; _ _ . _i�340� ..
<br /> ��, __�.�- . - - - -
<br /> - - _ .. - .. _ . : . . . g�-- - -
<br /> � '" r«ioa�cy.lb>.�4!�t�)siag��wdse ortde�t amou�s.»re.io.�b+x a�.re+.. ` .
<br /> Each�naAtB1�►iiat�Nee�mt
<br /> bg Leade�.pids+ara�oiwt wt�icieat w aa�intaia aa additioaal b�isooe of aa more t�ao aa�w�h oE the ax�mttad�- :.`
<br /> . �- Tl�e tWl.��a�Ni�mowat for e�item al�be aecumW�ted t�►Lesder`Mitbis s P���o�e teoatb befae au ilet�la, , .
<br /> , bocaneddinq�.Lesderst�f�oW tbe�aou�sollecxad m crux co pay itea�sts),(bf,aod(c)beforet�►becoioedd'u4�t-�`
<br /> .. U at say t�e tbe tad of tba�p�Y��1�►Lmdec for�tems tabtl►?.�ad{e):to�eti�er witli t b e future m o a t l�Y D��s
<br /> f_4c3�b��to teedec Oria cLe due d�ta of such items.exceeds bY more than one si:th tbe atimuad aaauac
<br /> - - ——Q p� -- - — --�ai�ff��ca�tht-3'IotCase-e�eat�t _ ' ---- .
<br /> -- - - - t�eaoestaves o��of titie a�m�tcd pa�a�eats sn cndit shs s�ucesswrec oee�sixti�of the�imaSed PsYn!��fo��qucnt _
<br /> P�Y�bl►Haro+�er,at the a�cto�rof Horcawer.if sbe toui cf the psYmrnts msde bp Borro�rer foc aaa t■).Ib�or(c) . .
<br /> is inatfticient to F+Y tbe itan when due.tlieit Bar9wa sI�11 pUr ta I.eader aay�t�Y to maTce up tl�e defic�eocY
<br /> oa or befcxe t�e d�te the kem haooma due. ,. . � �
<br /> As used'vt tl�is Sautitp Instzument,"Samacq"nxans 1be Soc�etat7►of Hous�ud Urbaa 9�!►�or bis or ber �
<br /> de�ee.M�t Sa.wity I�trua�s in�e�5Y��are instuod u�ider progaa�s w�ch rr.q�ue adYanoe P�7�of
<br /> the�+�t��I�wn.lf this Soc�uitS►t�is a�vr�s iasured unda a projram�rbich�d not re4uire
<br /> -- - - advaoe p�Ymeet aitTie�ue nno�cp�I��tExss a��IY paY�a�o u�chxlEatt�er•�an�a�aot .
<br /> oftbeaaAwii nwrtt,�a�sacep�e�w�to 6epaid U7+T��w ti�eSecrauY.or('n�a a�onthlY c6ar�einstad of a awrtP�e
<br /> ;nsuraooc pnmiam i�'ihis Secaricy_tnst�ume�a u hdd by che Sa�recu�.Each mo�nehty inuillmrnc of�he mor�aye insunooe
<br /> pranlum atall.be in��t snfficimt to xcumulate ti�e ful[annuat m¢rtaage iasarance prciai�u►witH I.ender u�e manth �
<br /> prior to the:date tbe fWl annwt.mortgs��c insu*aace Pmnium u due to t2ie SecretuY.or if this Sewdqr�t is hdd::
<br /> by the Se�+etsr7►,dch monWly ch��e shaU be in an amvuac e4w1 to ano-twdith of ane-tr�itP��oP the outst�nd�P�a�p�l�
<br /> bd�I�.d�re oa tUe I�iot� : • .
<br /> If Borroxa taders to Laidet thG futl p�ymeat of aU swns saurod bS►this SauritY�tsumtllt,Barrawa's account sb�ll
<br /> = ,be.ccedite�d.rith tbe b�ls�xe temaiain8 fo`r all�ins�limepts for iWms(a),(b).and(a)aad�ay,mo�"t�e insurance P�°°��
<br /> -:�: �feat tLat Leader 6as not become oblissted to paY to the Secreta�Y,and Lender sh�U Praml�3►�wY acecss fuads
<br /> - — �:.t::�:`:w,BoaaM►er.Immeai�tely�prior to a forecWsure sale of the PropertY or Its acquisitioa by 1.ender..So[io+r��aacount shalt
<br /> � .�;�''.�c:aodited witb any Iwlanve reaiainin8 for alt instaliq4enu for ite�as(a).(b).and(c)• .
<br /> ;:� �..-`-. � 13.Afjlk�alioE ot h9�nts•Ail FaS�m�,nnder P�B�P� I and Z sT�ali be apptiac!b3►Lea�a�fotlows: �
<br /> �m
<br />,���z. . F'ust,to tLe martgASo ir�vvrance Premium w be Paid by Leader to.tls�5ecretarY or to the monttil�c�Se by the Se�retar�►
<br /> - instead ot the mo�lq mortg�e iniurance Prentium,ualas Borrower p�uS:ttu entire moctgage insc�aitoe Premium�hea this
<br /> ,� -.:, ' SocurIty Instrument voas SiBned: � ' ` other_haz�iiuuraace '
<br /> .r:_ ' �.w anY ta�ces.speciatx�essments.leasehold paynzsnts or ground reats,atrc€�tlovd� .
<br /> _' �-•,. MemiU�ins,as requirod; • � ''. �
<br />=- � Tldrd,to Intaat due under the Note; , .
<br />--__ Fau to aawrtization of the principaF6€the Noce;.,:, _ .
<br /> - � -�-tftlr:to late chuges dtu�undcr�the Nu�:. .:. . . . - . ._ ..
<br />��.CB.�. _ . .. .
<br /> 4.Ffee.Flood a�/Otrer Raz�d I�$orrbx��all insure ail improvements on the Pa�bperty,cv�rethtr aow in
<br /> • existence ot subsequaqtly erected,against aagr l�zids.case�a7ues.and cor�:�s8encies,including tire,fa�which'�:etsd"er requires
<br /> �su�nce.This insurance shall be maintainc�a?y'�e amounts and far tKe periods that Lender rec�cnie's.Barrower shall aTso
<br /> t
<br /> insure ail improvemeats on the Prop�rtY;R���;riow in existence or s�t•sequeatty erectcd,against I�"s by floods to the eatent
<br /> . required by the SecretarY.All insura�ce s!r�t�Ce carried wit�comyanies approved by i.ender.The ii�vrance policies aad any _
<br /> � renewats shall be held Sy Lendcr�;ac�shatS?�ciude foss pagabla clauses in iavor af,arrd in a forin acceDtable to,l.ender. _
<br /> ':'`''', , in the evrnt of 3flss,Borrower shall gi�;e�ender immediate notice by mail. Lender may ma�e groof of loss if no[macte _
<br />'_��;;:,� � promptty by Borrawes.Each insurauce oompa.'cy�concemed is hereby authorized and directed to�taake��saYment for such loss _
<br /> •'"° ` directly to l.ender,.i�stead of to Borrower an�to l.ender jolntly. All or any part of the insuranc�pc�eeds may be appliod _
<br /> , j� by,I.�der,at irs.c!,.�ion,�[ther(a)to the reduction of the,�debtedness under the Note and tdis 5�ri�tasuumcnt,ilrst to
<br /> � any,ddiaquqat�4unts applicd in the order in paragrapT7 3 and then to prepaymrnt of principaYsiirF��ta t�e restoration
<br />- or r�of t3x�aiaSed Property.Any application oi the proceeds to the pdncipal shalt not exten�4i pifst�oii�e�tie due date �
<br /> ;;r"=i of the monthty}�;a�mts whlch are referred ro in paragraph 2,or chang�ct�s amount of such paymea�.Any exsess insurance -
<br /> -Y�f , procceds over ui:a�ount required to pay all u�standing indebtedness c��er�he Note and�hig�iy lnstrument shali he.- _
<br />�`'-�'` paid to the entity:.eBa1�Y entitled thereto. ��'
<br />-''�`� in the evrnt of foreclosure oi this 5ecudty Instrumeni or other transfer of titte�'to the Property that extinguishes the -
<br /> .,'`�°- indebtedness,atl xight.tide and interest bf Rortower in and to insurance policies in force shal)pass to the purchaser. _
<br />~ s,pn�nrstias o�d M�inteiaece ot tLe�roperty.l.e�eMoWs.8artower shaQ not commit waste or destroy,damage or
<br /> substantiaUy change cha ProIIetcy or altow ihe Property to deteriorate.reasonablcs wear and tear eacepted.Lender may inspect --
<br /> the Property it the Propeny is���cant or abandoned or the toan is ih defnult.Lender may take reasonable action'to protect
<br /> and praerve such vacant ar abandoned Praperty. li'this-.Security Instrument is on a lea�ehotd.Borrower shatl comply witb ;
<br /> the provlslons of thc Rea�e.!f Burrawer acquias feQ�itle to the Propcny.thc leasehold and fee title shall not be mcrScd unless
<br /> . Leader agrees to the nserger in wdting.
<br /> - � �,G�es tu go�rower a�prot�ecUow ot Le�der'a WRYts I�tbe Property.Borrower shalt pay all g�ti•ernmental or munlcipal
<br /> . . chatgcs,Pmcs and imgositions that are not included in paragraph 2.Borrower shall p�y these obligations on time directty to
<br /> the entlty which�owed the paymcnt.If failurc to pay Hould adversely affect Lender's interest in the PropertY:upon Lender's
<br /> . �� requdt Borrower shaU promptly iurnish ta Lendcr:cceipts evidencing these payments.
<br />;;.`;,, � • ]f Borruwes fails to make these payments or the payrtaents tequircd by paragraph 2.or fails[o perform any other covenants
<br /> Yh attd s�reements coetalaed in�his 5ccurity Instrumem.or there is a tegal proceeding that may significantiy afPect Lender's righi�
<br /> � in the Propeny(sueh as a proceedieg in bankrupfey. for condemn�tion or to e�force faws ar regulations),then Lender may
<br /> --- - - - da arn!pap Khatcvee is necessary ta psotect the value of the.Property and Lcndcr's rights in thc Property.including paymcnt
<br /> 4 •�- of taxes,huatd insurance and other items mentioned in pazagraph 2.
<br /> � �� ` Any amaunts disbursed by Lendcr under this paragraph shall becomc an additional dcbt of Borrower and be secnrc�t
<br /> � by this Securiry lastrument.That amoun�s shall bear intcrest from the datc ot disburscment.at the Notc tatc.'and at�he
<br /> � option of Lender.shall be immediateiy due and payable.
<br /> .,
<br /> - - _ _ ?�C�Ae�n1UsM.-The praceeds af any award oc claita tor damagcs+direct ar cnnseyuential.in cvnnCCtion with any
<br /> -:`�•-� condemnation ar othet taking o!any part of thr Property;or ior conveyance in place ot'ccrtdcmnaiimr.�re herebr:ns;�necf
<br /> aad shall be p�id to�.ender to the extent of thc ttdl amount of the indebtedness.that rcmains unp�id anda�the Notc:u�d this
<br /> 5ccurity tnstrnment.Leader shall app1Y such proceeds to the reduction of the indebiedne�s under�he Note nnd this 5ecurity
<br /> " --- --Insuument,first ta any tklinqu+ent amountsapplied in the arder pravidcd in puagraph 3.�t�i�hen to prcpay�ment of princlpal.
<br /> - Page2oJ1
<br />