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<br /> THiSD�EDOFTRtJ�a"I'i"�Y:��")�.�W1r.a�.:.MA1� .3�ST.,� .19��.9i; _.
<br /> � Tb4ii7R�toE;is, Ji35EPH M ML.�NAR;RMA:t�tilliT4t!?►::F:ML TNAR�: i-it���AAtQI J A!!1��i Nf IFE .
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<br /> • {�'Hort+ower'�-'Fbemtsta:is�CQMM�'IAL FEDERAL BAN1:i A F�,, q�, BA�K
<br /> - < .. �`. ;�"Tiustoa"!•'I'he beaefkia�is ,.
<br /> ` NORh1E9T MOFtTC,�l3{3�';� INC.
<br /> ,
<br /> '':.��r�ich is.o�aized'��i3tiia$under fbe tsws af... THE STATE-QF M INNE5R3'Eii ._. .aad wbota
<br /> ���. .: ,P.0., BQX 5137 DES M4INES, IA, 503Qb51 M7
<br /> , . . . ,' ' ('•�.eader'�:Boaovrer owa Lepder�tbe P�D�sim of
<br /> 'DoUus N.S.s�+t�t��+t49,668..04?.This dd�t Ls evidanooci bY Bonrwwer's note dated the same d�tc as this Secur3ty
<br /> Iastrumenc (••Nau„). wbi+ch Provides fot monthly,paymeats..�rich,the!'utt ck6t,.if not P�id earlier,dua and Wyabk on
<br /> - JUN� i ST, 2021:;. � .This Sacurin►,Instrumeai socure�ta�.aid�et:(a)ttfe rep�ymeat oP�he debt evideacrd
<br /> ` � . by tbe Note,i�W inter�,�aa�aU rene�vals,exteations and��ifi-(�s�ti�e,�Y�t of all oehet�aua�s.,witb iaterest, .
<br /> ad�c�uuder par�rsspicfc.ro lxvtcct tl�e secutit�!of t3us Sa�rjtY t�����t11a Petforaaace�nf Bocrawer's¢ovawnt�.�
<br /> at�d agreesaents u�er tti�s Security]nstrument aa��e Note.Foc tiiis,purp�.Hoaawer irtevocably eants.and,�conWoYs to,,.
<br /> � Truuee,in.tnfY�„with.the Power of sale�the folbwi�lS dacn'becl praP�Y�acpted in,,:
<br /> � ,; HALL .. :`,., , � CountY.•Ne4�asta:
<br /> � ` 'i'!iE NOF�TH FORTY-NINE FEET tN49�') QF THE,.NL'kTN TW4 .HtJNDR�D FORTY.-,
<br /> ; � � FOUR FEET IN244') QF THE EAST HAl.F tEl/2) OF:Bi:QC�l.:�TEN E 1GI , QF ;
<br />_�"� �HER:DAN 'PLACE� T N !HE �I TV OF GftAND I�tANA�.Hpl;l: CCUNT�/�
<br /> ,� NEBRAS}qf�;�:�OCA'f�D �N _TH� �OUTHWEST G!UAkFER QF TNE 50UTktEd�ST
<br /> OUA�TE�.. N�f+V3J4.$��/a? ��. $��TIDN �IGH7 tB> , TOWt�{$HIP ELBV�N tll)
<br /> NORTN, t'i#?!'�'G� NIf�'� l9) W�ST DF� THE 67M p.h1., HAi.t_.�Cf3F3NTY,NET�riA$k<A.
<br /> TBIS _IS A PUR�ISE MONEY SECDRITY II�S'PL2I7*�;� . , . � .
<br /> ; �
<br /> � .. •
<br /> - TAX STA'TEMEt�kTS SHOULD F�� SENT ;"Cli � • � , _
<br /> � NORWEST� r��xT��uE INC. , P.�. ��i� :����.?;.: DEa '�1t3�CdE�a, I�! a�'��U65S'= ` � �
<br /> -- ; ' wLlch has tAe st,ddress vt 2 2 2! WEST E 4TF+ 5"r^.�k': : `:.�;��+s�L���I SLAt�f O � " ls�;�.�wt�yl. _
<br /> - ` Nebruica b��ti�� (ziP�CaQe�,(••�ra�certy Address"); ;
<br />�r' �
<br /> 5 TOOETHBR W1TH all the improvements now or t�ereafter erected on thc property:and all eateme:ts,right�,aypurtmanoes.
<br /> - - rents,royaltks,mL►eral,oil and gs►s rig�Its and prpfiU,water rightg und stock�rtd ull fixtures now or hercafter a part of tbe. - -
<br /> propetty.Alt replaccmcnts and addirions shall alsv be_covered by-chis�5ecurity insuument.;�Al{of the foregoinB�ia nferred
<br />- to ia tbit Secudty lnstrument as the"Prnpeny." " - ' _
<br />_ `� BORAOWER COVENAN'fS t6at Borruwer ls lawiully�seised of the�cstata hercby conveyed gnd has the right to grant '
<br /> k,. and convey the Property and tAat the Prnpeny is nncncumbated,tsxcept for encumbrar�ces of record.Bonower warrants and�
<br /> . vrll)detettd generally the title to the Pcoperty against alf claifns ttnd demands.subject to any encum6rancrs of recard.
<br /> 1. P'ay�t ot Pdui�l.l�krest a�A Late Cl�at�e.Borrower shall p�y when due the principal df,and intetes!on.tha
<br /> debt evidenced by the Note aed t�te chugcs due�undcr the Natc.�
<br /> __ - �. iK�-R�y�isr�iT�.i�ocraadAJ�r��gd.�8anowtesbail.lnchzde�ara�hmontt�ly!1�YMen�,eoge�her _
<br /> ` wi�h the p�i�ipat aad intare�st as set tonh in ehe Note and any late chuges,an instaltmcnt of any!�}tsixes and special assessments
<br /> .,.
<br /> levied ar to be tevied agsinst Ihe Prnpetty,(b)kasehotd payments or ground rents on the Property.and tc1 premiums fur
<br /> . :..
<br /> insurance aquircd bY puasraD .4�. _. . -_ ._` _ _
<br /> �MM�NI tBA IWMW O�d M'ftrl•U!!
<br /> �-M�)A�e+� - VWYOIITOAOt/pM!�Iil�titiHOe�1110Mtb�lsf
<br /> �: - -- - - —
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