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_______ _ __ <br /> .ur��v�cs�a��� - . � � . . . . . ' . .. . ..t.A'��_ <br /> .. • . �� ��' � , • <br /> qc�d�oa cr wMr takf�d airy rt af�M PrapMly.v 1or aa�wyMa�tiw d ao�i�wMo�.�w�ri!►�rii�ri rtl <br /> - -�-brpd�tlQ3�pdar-- --- -- -- - -- --�--- .. . -- �-- __—.. <br /> 1a IM�af'a wW td�y o11b� Piqt�y��e�p��� rb�l be �p�iNd wv tlr,.ww� ��S+crrfy} <br /> �� —� -- M.�e�t,ar6�i�r.or aot 1Mw�dw.rL�+�Y�ow P�lQ�1�41�lt. kl�t!1!�llt ui a A�!�i� ..." <br /> whk�die t�ir nu�kai value t�tbe PropeRy fnune�Maiy befaie tbe nkiaf t�apW to ar��Mih 9r0 iMfoolet af mr�am� , - <br /> �ecurod by dd�Seanity Ia�t imiaedialely betae t6e hkh�,uo{ar B�n�ower�ad�.ender othawi�e yc�e M n�rki�. <br /> the amu�ocurod bY d�is Secuti�Y Mr�un��II be roAuced by die amau�N d d�rpoc�awkipliedby die idb�i� <br /> fnction: (r)ilie wtd�unow�t ot the wq�s�ecwrd bnm�lately bcfore t6e atk}n�.Mv16sd by(b1 ehe fti�tt merltet whse ef 1ho <br /> �Y�Y befae d�e t�ldn,�. Any b�W�oa�all ba paid to Nanowa. In tho ewent at a p�rtirl aldas uf 1be � <br /> Roppty in which Ihe fair uurtet v�lue of ths Property immed�tely bef��tYcin�is ka tluia tlie�IharN�d� <br /> recured immedi�sely befara die trcin�. unleu 8ormwu�nd t.cnda �pee in writ}n «unba ti�r <br /> oli�viee p�ovWa,da p�oceod�dyll be�pplied to d�e a�ns��ured by thi�Sec�iry lo�rnen whel6er ar sot tGe saos rs <br /> tbea due. <br /> If the PmpeAy b abmda�ed by Bonnwu.or iP.aRer aotice by La�der w Banvwer dat tba oondunnor ofias to m�ka <br /> an�rvatd ar sdtlo a chim for daian�ea,Aort+nwer f�ils to tespoad w Geader�aithl�t 3Q days atier tAe d�te�l�e ndioe�{Iven. <br /> I.aider i�aut6o�izod W oopect snd apply the p�oce�d�.u its optiao.eWrcr to�atorMfoa a repair at the P�opaty a to din <br /> wm��ocu�od by diis Socu�ity lnwua�a��whether or not tha�duo. <br /> Unkst Lender�nd Barower dberwiso ngroe in writing.any appUcatloa of pmcoeds to princ�l dWl rwt exornd ar <br /> poctpone�he due date of the monthlY PeYmen�refated w in p�n�s 1�nd 2 a chmg,o d�e amount of wcb��p. <br /> Il. �rnwer Not Rdea�edi Ror�eara�ce By I.e�der Not • Waiver. Factentiion ot t6e time fac pymait ar <br /> modlfkatian of�inon�dan of the aums aocwod by thLt Securlty Instruma�t�ued by l.eoder w any successor in iaoerat <br /> of Barower�U oot ope��te a rekase the liabillty of drc origia�I 8anewer or Bortowati woxatars L�inten�t. I,ec�des <br /> �fWl not bo requirod w oo�anmenco Procoali�88 aYainat any successor ln intenst ar rofuse w extend tLae fvc p�yniau or <br /> odiawise modifY amortiziuian uf U�i�wi�seciu�d by tlus�ecurity Inca�ument by�rA,aon af ony de�nd made by eAe oriLiae! <br /> � — Bix�owa a&xrower�s swxxssas in inte�es� My farbr�rwxx by L.ender in excnci�in�any ri�i a�r�cmody abaU �rot Lx a <br /> w�iver af ar poclude the exercise of any right or rcmedy. <br /> 11. ��d Aat�Boundi Joint wd Sever�l WWlity;Co-a�aas. The covrn�ks�ad�empatas of dds <br /> Socuciry Insdume�t shall bind end benetit the successors end assigna of I.ender a�d Borrower.wbjoct t�►the pvvisions a�' <br /> p l7. Barower5�rnvert�ntc and ag�oements sh�fi be joint and several.My Bomower wAo ca-si�s this Sawity <br /> L�t but does not esecute the Note: (a)is co-signinB this Security Instrurt�ent only w mong�gc,grant and convey tdtt <br /> Bortower�s interest in the Prupe�ty uede�'tho terms of this Security lmaument; (b)Is not personsJly obllgated to p�y the aums <br /> secu�od by this Security Inshument;and(c)ag�es Uwt L.ender and�ny other Borrower may agree ro o�ctend,modliy.torbe� <br /> or make any acoommodwt�ons with�eg�d to the tem�s of this Securiry Insdvment or tlu Note without�hat Boitowa�s <br /> cansenG <br /> _ !3. i,�e Ch�r=ee, If thr �n r,ecurod by this Security Inswme�t is su6Joct to u Iaw which sets maximum lan <br /> chuges,end lhat law is finally inte�reted so that the intenst or wher loan charges collected or to be colleclod in conneetlon <br />- - wlth the loan exoced�he permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall 6e reduced by the amount naxssary to ieduce ' <br /> the charge w the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wi!16e <br />- rcfunded co Bornnwer. Lender may chuo:�e[u make this refund by rcducing tht principAt owed under the Note or by meking a <br /> - direct payment to Borrower. (f a refund reducee principal,ihe reduc�on will bc aen�ad a�a panial prepaymem wi�hoa� any <br /> prepaymenl charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Noticea Any notice to Borrower provlded for in this Security Instrument•ehall be given by delivering itor by <br /> mailing it i�y first class ma�l unless appltcable law requires u4a of another mathod.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Address or nny dher address Borrower designates by noGce to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by F rst c l�ss <br /> mail to L.ender�s eddress atated hercin or uny other addrecs l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> � in this Secu�ity Insnument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowcr or l.ender when given as pnovided h thls <br /> ra h <br /> P�1S Governing Law; Severt+hlllty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federel Iaw and the lew of �he <br /> ••• jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provixion or clause of Ihis Security Instrument or the Note <br /> �y"" conflicts wi�h applicable law,such conflict shnll not affixt other pmvi�;ionti ot'this Securiry Instrument or�he Note which cu� <br />- be given effect without the conflicting provixiun. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Nate aze <br /> `,':'` doclared to be severable. <br /> '� �`'>'��` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower xhal l be given one canformed copy oi'�he Note und of this Security Instrumen�. <br /> :�; <br /> .,a:.::,_,r�; 1?. 71�Ansfer of the Property or a Reneftcial Inieeest In Barrowcr. If a!!or any�part of the Piroperty or any intere�t In <br /> � �• ay� it is sold or uansferned lor if u beneficiul interesl in Barrowcr i,wold or tr:mtiferred und BoROwer is not a nutural person) <br />°=;� without Lender's prior writlen consent,Lender muy,ut its option,require immediate puymznt in full of ull sums secured by <br /> � .����.:;: this Securiry Insuument. However,this opt ian xhall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law ws of <br /> � -.""•'�; '� the date of this Secu�iry Instrument. <br />-=��M:��""'��t::; If Lender exerc:ises this optian,[.ender shall give Borrower no�ice of ucceleration. The notice xhall provide a periodof <br />.,��r:��b1:f ' . <br /> �,�:._•.,;`;: not less than 30 days from the date the natice is delivered or muiled within which Bortower murt pay all sums secured by this <br />..`;;�����' <br /> �„�,,... �; . . �:;, Security Instrument. If Borrower fuils to puy thesc sums prior to the expirution of�hi. period, Lender muy invoke any <br /> � '��L:';� ,. -�, „�• �emrdied permitted by thix Security Instrument without funher notice or demund an�orrower. <br /> ' ° • 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borcowcr mee�s certuin conditionx, Borcower shall huve the right to huve <br /> .n. ; <br /> .;��"�1`�� ° enforcement of lhis Securily lnstrument dixcontinucd at any�imr prior lu thr rurlicr oE (ul 5 days (or xuch other period as <br /> , •s�c�r.�:._.: :;, ;. <br /> , '.�,�•; Singlc Family•-Fmnlo MrdFYeddk Moc UNIFORM INATRUMF.NT••Uniform Covenanu 9/90 1►wgel.,Jnpucrsl <br />:y�', •u:Kj:n�=�r'• n'��,' . <br /> y ' .,! <br /> 4�: - <br />- ;li�t.��'"•����i <br /> •, •'!;r';i�.'t'��l �., . r.+.:C}'ye" :jt•_�7.;;n:�^��X'�'���i'•_`.s;`• .,:i:-d..Ke..fJ':riF. r �ri11���u�.�r��y�� (�Q' ��yy+.p.::•,i'my1 <br /> �' ti�.t.<. �'. � ;:_�� . - . .,�t 'f•?°\: , . _ . y+=�{�.. } �`1'!r7'!'�, .�'-T'�_�_�Q�� . ..�. �' �°��r�'_' ._ <br /> i ,'f._�\. . . � � �ti`l.. �T ��� ��. �' ��� . <br />..i, w� .t . s�.' -. , -, . ; . <br /> : . . <br /> - .., .. � ,• , - � - <br /> :r�t:.�wr_. u.�_ _-__ __. . __ ____—_._ _ __'.-: i _ __ .._ .____ °.. . _1_.•�r_. . _�".�11_L.'.iut� ��F:1� _ .:�.-. <br />-,,iw- '. 1 .':1t1� . _.___-_--____ .r_ _ . '_� '�'"_"—' _ _. _ __ ._--.-- . .---_,_. __—___ _ . . -.-- ' _- �; -___-__. <br /> . <br /> r r**i7"�'„� , • ' ' � ' <br /> 1 � �.�kf�Yk'�� ;�p�y'. . , y� •i <br /> ,i �`,,�h., :...:.t i- . ��4�A. „� • � • ' . , ` ��. ' . ' . <br /> +i ,+e�'--a;:.�ad�1�i'��,C • �� �ti-' t , . <br /> �-(i� .��3�`�'."`� "' � � '° � ' - � ,. - � . . .• . <br /> _ �,r �.' ,�i � ,��f;;� .. . . �. <br /> — �r��`r',l.a.. �7'i{�„ .� . .�.:�ir',. . . .. ., ' ,-' " ' 'i� <br /> .._. __ �••:- .4 - � ,::i.� . . . ,.. . .. <br /> --- f 4-`_-, __.. . . �}.:�:t'•""-i "' "'_'.'• . . � . . � .. . � <br /> ��:.'�'•'J�� . .7�1: . .� . � � . . <br /> � .. . .. : '. . . . _ _ <br /> ��,;��� a���� � . . - . <br /> -���e��31:a6�:3;�a�.,v. ' .. ' ' . ,s . . <br />- ..T.s. . . �� � <br /> ``���.�.�.���n....��. :ieJ.:iM;� „ �.,. � - .. 1 , q.. .. . . 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