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� . � � .- _ _ <br /> ---. . . , r . „ . <br /> � � .� � 9� za�rrrs . <br /> --- �d�t�..od�r�u�e.. '1�i�woo.mi�r p�a�v�Qi�d�i�a�a►�.0 bo�b�►�w��...a�rti -- - <br /> �ppnwrl wbid��q aot b ueiwo��iii�r wMii?Mid. It�or�aw�!tlM to a�i�ln dNCrfb�d�Uov�. �q►.M � <br /> �U <br /> !.�o�a.a�la to�et l.e�h e!�!�!!a Peo�tp 4s����lk�7►. <br /> _ - - - -- — n�ia�iir�o p:r�::�.���si:�.ai;�v -..._.. ._::.�:.:�::i�:�!�:.c�tr,;=.�'.i.��'.�:�:::�:. 5..:.:.: <br /> �il fnve d�ri�ht w hoid the policies rfd rensw�Vl,ender requira,8arower�lnll PocoMwlq�ive to Ladrr W nooipb <br /> L.tod�e�. l.�onde�r w m�ko p�+oot of{ow twde p�atp�tiy by Botrowes�aY°P°0��wlio�b dr Mwaao�eMri�ad <br /> Uak�LaWer aad Bar�owes otba�wLe+�ee in wdtln�.iaa�uaooep�ocee�1�RhW be applbd w�auo�Mlon ar np�it d <br /> d�e�ro�ty d�d.U tbe miWr�tbn or ro�ie G econaNc�lly faaibb and L.a�derk �ty i� not iewa�ed. Q die <br /> na�oation-ar i�nat oa000miaily fauibb a Laderl��a.vrity wouW be k�ed.the i�wu�noe p�a+eed�vp116e <br /> spplied to the wim �ytbi� does�wt�wlthin�ys notjcc fi�an L.a�ki th�t d�opinaaaoco carr�er�6t� <br /> Bamower�bandarn the <br /> otTaed w xttle�claim.tup�I.ender may ooUect the inw�nce pn�ceed�. Lender may u�e Ibe qoceedt w�r or natone <br /> the o�ar�pay Amu sec�uod by thL Securiry laionrnau.whedxr c�uot dKa due. The 30�day peiiod wW be�in wheo <br /> � <br /> Unless I.enda�and Borrower atlKrwise agroe in writin�.my lkatian of procxods w prin�ip�l rhail not eatead ur <br /> postpone the due dau of the monthl9 WYmente rcfemed to in pua�is 1 �nd 2 or ch�n�e�he m�ow�t of the paymaw. U <br /> under puagraph 21 the is acquir+ed by Lader.Bormwexl�ri�ht w any inwra�tce polkiea ud p�ooeedt resultia� <br /> from d�mage to the Prope�ty�or w the acquisidou�hall pass w L,endet to the eale�t of the wms Recurod by tl�Securiry <br /> Impwaa�t immed�+tely prbr to the�cqui:itioa. <br /> 6. Oocop�acx Praa�tioa, 1N�intena�e�ad Proteclba d the Pnoperty; Borrower'� I.a�n AppYatior <br /> l.eate6old�. Borrower ah�ll oecupy.euabliah.and u�the Pnn�erty�Bormwcrb principa!oexldertce witbin sizty days aRer <br /> - --�----- __ the exavtion of this Security Inatnunrnt and sFiall contL�ue w occupy d�e f�i+uperty s�s Bomnwerl�princ�ptl nalder�oe for u <br /> ----_--- --- la.�t a+e year after Ihe dau of occuponcy, I.ender ad�erwlae agroes in wripng. which conaent ahall not be <br /> - unrcasaabty wlthheld,or unless extrnuadng circumuances exl�t which ane beyond Barowerk cantrol. Bonower sh�ll�ot <br /> .. aaavr.aamage or impair the�ow uk Pnnpeny w decerioraoe.or commic waste on the Pmperty. eornnwer shau <br />. __ -= be in defaWt if eny forFeiu+re action or proceeding.whether ctvU or cdminal.ia begua thnt in Lenderi�good futth judgment <br /> -= Could rcsult in forfeitune of the Aroperty or otherw(se m�teriaUy impAir the lirn created by this Secur[ty Instrument ar <br /> — Lender�s se.curity inte�st. Borrower may cure such a default and pmvided in parAg�aph eausing tLe acHaa <br /> _', w prooading to be dismissed with a rul�n�thu,in Lenderk gaod faith detennination.pRCludes forfeitum of the Bamwerls <br /> ?� interest in the Property or ottKr nwterial impaim�eM of tt�e lien crcated by this Security lnstnunent ur Lender�s secudty <br /> _ interest. Bo�rower shall also be in default if Barower. during �he loan appUcation process, geve materially fal�e or <br /> -_ - inaccurate information or su�temrnts w L.ender(or failed w provide Lender wlth any awterial infoanation)in coiuucdon wlth <br /> _- the loan evidenced by the Noto. including. but not limited to, �ep�sentatlons corcerning Botroweric occupancy of the <br />.:=_;�� Fropeny as a principei�esidence If this Security insaument is on a kasehoid.Borrower shaii compiy with ali dte provisione <br /> • of the lease. If Borrower acquiRS fee tide to the Property,the leasahold end thc fee tide shall not merge unkss Lender agt+ecs <br /> �'��, to the merger in writing. <br />�.,; 7. Protectba of 1.ender's Rigl�ts In the Prapert�t lf Borrowcr feils to pe�form the covenanls and qgtaements _ <br /> _ canlained in this Secwity Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding�hnt may significantly atTect Lender's r�ghts in the <br /> . Plroperty(such es a prooeeding in banlcruptcy,pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or�+egulations).then - <br /> L.ender may do and pay for whutever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's tighrs in Ihe Property. -- <br /> '�� Lender�s actiona may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prlority over this Security Ir�suumen�appearing <br /> in roun,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Propeity to make repairc.Although Lender may wke actian <br />' __ w�der�his paragrnph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this - <br /> �`�� � Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and l.ender agRe to other terms of payment.the�e amounts shall bear intenest from ttie <br />`�-'� date of disbursement ar the Note rnte and shall bc paysblc,with intenest. upon nodce from L.ender to Homnwer roquesting <br />:,;�{ PaYmen� <br /> `' �' '' S. Mortgage Invurence. If Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> , ' `�i- �:�':,, '' Security Instrurnent, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintnin the mortgage insumnce in effect. If,for any <br /> r ��� reason, the mortgage insurnnce coverage required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effecG Borrower shall pay ttie <br /> � '�~'�� remiums u�red to obtain coveru e substontialt uivulent to the mort u e insurnnce reviousl m eflect, at a cost - <br /> � ��:� P �9 � 8 Y�1 B 8 P Y � - <br /> '� •�'� °�'''�� substuntially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurance previously in effect,from an alternate mortgage <br /> i:'�,'�`.: �::.: insurer aFproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverAge iz not available,Borrower shell pay to <br />