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_"", "�-�-.L��il . ..__ •- <br /> �'� . <br /> ' •.� �=-� . . <br /> a. � ' " .a ___ ___ <br /> "=w ��Qll�3 . -_ ._. ..>,_--_-__-._-__ <br /> .. .-_ �.y�� j�y�...l__.. �- _ - .-.__ ._ .. . <br /> • ( '.. <br /> . _.--"-_"__ ___'-_"___"___""_._"-"___—______ _"--_—"__._" ____-_'— ___ .. _ ._ ___�_"__-"_."_- - <br /> _-���:�,.� � "°•..__�.-,___r��.-t,,,.��.�..�.,�,_�,,e <br /> • � .._.�::.,v�'+�: <br /> � 93- <br /> apaic�ble law m�y�paci(�tar�idta�eet)baforo�ale af die Pmpaty piu�wnt w�nY Pu�wr d d�t�. I' iis <br /> �Y�er(b)�ry o/s a��3ectirk�r IaM�eei. Z��edidas�ar�t1�t M�� (� --- <br /> P�ri l.rndet rll �uw�wbieh dMn wou�d�e uader tbi� Secu�itir Ia�truroent and Iba Naoo n it no acoeie�atlon Mrd <br /> _ _ __ - --. oocue�IW�.v*t qY def�it oi�Y oti���+�t[�}P�ri•ti e+pa,.w f�ww��cl f���t�� <br /> lmurtnnaK.imclu�n��6ut not ibt�itod W��eawtwDis�o�eeYs'tedc ano (d)ploes soch�rricn u mty _ <br /> �eyui�e a.saa�e u�t tne uen or tbl�Sec�aity ima+paan,L�enaah d�ht�ie the F+� 8o�roM►erti o61i�,.dou w p.y�ne . <br /> wnn �ecw�edby thii Security In�trwr�a�t �iwll �o�tl�w�e w�aG. Upon neinwtement by Bcxrowar. thi� 9acWtY <br /> °--_ Inctrur�ait�ad tGe obUgatiorw cccw�d hcreby ahalt teraain fuliy eftxtive as�f ao sccelention hsd oeeurnd. Nowevet,�is <br /> rlslM w r�ta�o�1ult uot appiy la tht caaa of�ooeleradun under piur+�nph 17. <br /> 1!. Sak�t Nolti C�a�e of!wv Benker. The Nate ar a p�dd intare:t in the Nate(to�W�er wIW tdi�Seeurity <br /> I�trumau)may be rold ooe a more 8mes widaw prior aaloa w�arower. A sde euy rauU in a cMn�e io the e�tity <br /> (known a tla"t.o�n Savicer")dyt col4tcls woiMhlY P�Y�due under the Nate aad Wit Sacuriry InanprKtM. The�+a�Ita <br /> rtwy bs ona a more ctw�ges of tl�e L.oen Servfoer wae,Wed w a�ale of fhe Nate. If Iher�ia a clwige of the l.o�n Savkxr. <br /> Borrower will be�iven wriueo nodce of the cMnge in accoNance wlth pu�rapd 14�bove aad applia►bk law. 7Ue nodce <br /> will�ue the�me and�ddras ot�he aew L.00n Servker and the�ddnecs w wdicb paymetiu:houW be made. 'lbe aodce wll! <br /> aiw conWn my other iniarnwim iequinod by�pplicpble law. <br /> Z0. Hstudous Srbaa�ea. Bamnwer�hall rKx cause or pemiic the paaence.use.dispoal.stor+8e,or rdea�e of uty <br /> Hua�dous Sub�w�ces on ar in Ihe PropMy. Bomawor shall not do.nor dlow anyanc els�s to do.anythinig�ectL��he <br /> Praperty that is in violuion of any Bnvinomnenal Law. 71�e precedLig two aentences�all not apply to the peset�ce.use.or <br /> ata�go on tho Ptcperty of smaU qwnddes of H�aa�+dow Subatanoes tl�at u�e generWy ra�niud w be�ppiqxWe w namal <br /> residendd uses and to mainten�nce ot'the Ptoperty. <br /> Bort�pwor sb�11 promptlY Sive Lender wrft�ten notice of�ny investigrtlon.cldm.dem�nd,uwsult or aU�er ution by my <br /> govemmenW or�egula�ory agency ar pr�vate puty involving tho PmpMy�nd�ny Ha�.�rdous Substtmce or Envim�uneatal <br /> ---- ---� Law of which Ba:mwer has acd�l k�wwtedgc. If Horrowcr leams.or is notifled by any governmer►W a re�utuory <br /> _ -- -� auU�orily.Uwt�y removal or aher remediadon of any{l�zuduus Subswnce at�'ecdng thc Property is naxssary.Barmwer <br /> s6a11 prompUy talco all necesaury temedial Aetians in accordar�ce with Envitonmental Law. <br /> Aa used in�his puagraph 20."Hozardous Subswnces"anc Uwse substanas definod as tozic or hnzardous wbatanas by <br /> = Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene.other flammrblc or tuxic petroleum proda:ts. toxlc <br /> -- pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvenis. materiels containing asbcstos or form�ldehyde. and radioactive muerlals. !►s <br /> _ used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means fedet�l I�ws and laws of the jutisdiction whete the I7operiy is loc�ed <br /> thu rclate to or enviranmental protection. <br /> NON-UIVIFORM COVENAIVTS. Borrower and l.ender fuN�er covenant and agree as fvllowa: <br /> 21. AccekrndoA;Remedles. Lender s6W1 give notice to Borrower p�(or to s�cceleradon �dlowing Borrower's <br /> =- breach of aay wveaaal or�greement ia this Securily lrotrumeot(but nM prior to acceleration eeder p�ra�apU 17 <br /> ,.= gatess�¢lkaDle law provlde9 othtrwisr?, 7'ht nNi4w Rhall�ecify: 1al the default;(b)the action req�Ired to cnr+e t6e <br />,:.A; detault;(c)a date,out kss than 30 dwya from the dnte the aotke is given to Borrower,by whk6lhe detwit must be <br /> ° cured;nnd(d)that fi�ilnre to cure Ihe default w or betore the ds�te specified in the ndice awy result in s�eceleratton of <br />:,:�, the surre secured by lhis Secudty Iostrume�t sad sale ot the Propeny. The notke shall fbrther infam Borrower of <br /> �. the right to reN�statr a11er acceleration smd the rig6t to bring a court action to�ssert the non-existeaa of a defaWt or <br /> � apy otl�er dd'c�se ot Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. IP the detauit(s not cured oa or before We date spedAed ia <br /> the notioe,Lxader at its optbn may reqnire Immediate paymeat in full oi all sums secured by this Securlty Inshvmeat <br /> wilhout fLrther demand And may invoke lhe power oP sale and eny other remedks permitted by Appltcnble aw <br /> I.ender shall be eatitled to rnllect all ezpenses incurred in pursuiag the remedies provided in this parwgraph 21, <br /> ' inclWding,but not limited to,reasonable pttorneys'�ees and eosts of tttle evidence. <br />�� if the power of sale Is invoked,'Ilrustee sball record a notice ot default in each couaty in wbkh aay part o�t6e <br /> ,� -=--=;�ti�;— Properly Is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the ma�ner prescribed by ppplicAble law to Borrower wnd to <br /> - - 't�:{ the other persons prescribed by applicable law After the Nme required by applkabk law.71�uslee shall give public <br /> notke of sale to the persons and in the wanner presc�ibed by applicoble law 'I�ustee.wilhout demAnd on Borrower. <br /> '� ' shAll sell the Property at publk auction to the highest Mdder at the ttme And place and under the terms designated in <br /> `,_ �1��� !he notke otsale ia one or more parcels�+nd tn any order'IYustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> _'.•� parcel of the Property by public annouacement�t fhe tlme nnd place at�ny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its <br /> ,4 '�'� desiQnee may purchase the PrupeMy at any sale. <br /> ;,;�'C;'�� <br /> . , Upon receipt oP payment aP ihe price bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the purchasrr 'Irustee's deed conveying the <br /> -_- ,�,,,--_� Property. The recltals ia the'!}�astee's deed shull Ge prims fncfe evldence of the truth of the statemenls msde thereln. <br />_ ' 7�rustee shtdl Apply the proceeds of the sale ip the following order: (a►to all custs and expenses of exercislnQ the power <br /> -;�- •,• ... <br />. <br /> ;°;�- <br /> '�;:. <br /> ��� —�`T„' <br /> ,},•y <br /> _ r=..., . � <br /> ur r. t� . � <br /> .r�.;, s::. <br />_ :�.y'�,:. � , r: <br /> _• . F'am J�t�t s�90 rpue,s ul6 na.Krv, �: <br /> f;`•'` . .' . a <br /> ••�'y,� _ , [�. <br /> ' V:f��:.i <br /> 1 4�.r�• ..� <br /> - n):A?'.„;'f/:.':. , �.. <br /> . 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