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_-_.._.w.. � .. _ � ,..! <br /> , . , . , �.._.,3: <br /> .� . .. . � 93- � �,�� . � � � � <br /> � _ ��IDl�W I���44�u�r a�uiM��ewd a IIMe A+op�t�Md.W�N� �P�•:---�--- -- <br /> �wf tlsewe��o�v a h�awller a pr�t d�Me p�ap�ty. All�a�d�ddMf�drD�Mo—�iww���w�► .. <br /> �. - -— - - - i��rssd ta ta 1t�C�ty�at 1l�c"�e+�peslY•' .� <br /> �,�q�a�f. A�U af i6s kt+�rit� ._ <br /> -- - --------- . -- - ---- - - - <br /> . -- <br /> Bt�ROVV�t COV�NANTS tl�t Bon�o+wer b lawfi�lty�ti�e0 M t�e atnee I�ae�Y�y�O�ia��ri�i�r�o p� : "=- : <br /> �nd raave�r t6� �ad d�st dia Propaty b uaeaciunbend.exoept[arer�cutabrwcer d reoarl. Ban�►w�w�rr�r�d �� <br /> �del�a�a p��dde a d�e Propenr y a i n�t�Il cl�aad eaa�d�,wbjxt p+�ur eecu�br�oa u�noad. • <br /> 77�D3 SBCURI7'V INS7RUMBN'I' con�binw aaifcrm oo•a�ar fa uatiorwl wo ond noa•uaifonn aovaunas whh <br /> liniited v�rLBoos by j�rl�ictbn to conlipae�udfam�e�wity inrtr�rr�ea�oovaioi�e�l ProP�y� <br /> ' ITMP�RM�OVENAN71'3. Barow�a�nd l.a�der oovoaru aad�pee a fallow�: � wha�dw tha <br /> 1. h�weM d MNei�i wl War+Nti pnMl��LM�t CM�e� Bomower P�Y P�Y <br /> of aad iaMr�st aa the debt evidenoed 6y the Nate and anY P�Y��lue chwraes due wda�the Nale. <br /> Mras <br /> ��a.��...a w�..� s�a�c�.�u�u�a w.�u��Ya��.�►��n.n ar a <br /> I.erder an the dey moathly p�yments a�e dae w�der tbe ote.w�tii Wa Nate b p�id in full.a wm("Fiutds")far:��ki�d <br /> wces aqd at�accna�ta wNich aNy�n priaity ovar this Security IrWrument as�lia�oa U�e PropcAy;(b)Yearl! <br /> ptyme�s or Qround re�tr aa tbe Properiy. tf any: (o) Y�Y �� a ProP�Y � P�unu: <d) Y�Y f� <br /> impu�oc�pnemiwas. if�ny: (e)Yearly mo�t8+i8e inaura��oe pr+emiums. if any:wd(�enY � P�Y� b�► 8a�ower w <br /> I.aKkr.ia acoond�noe wlth tlie provfsiaas of pir�gaph lieu of the pymau of matg�ge inwr+nce P�anlans. Thesc <br /> iWns aro aallal"F.scrow Itean." I.a�der n�y,at my t6ne.collect ud lwid Funds in aa�nount not w exoeed the muimwn <br /> �s lcmder for a fodeta8y rolated mottgage lom may Rquiro for BunowerSt escrow account under tbe fadet�l Real <br /> psate Sademptt prncedures Act of 1974�amended from dme w t�mo.12 U.S C.g 2601 er s�q ("RESPA'7.unlas�w11Kr <br /> Itw that applies to the Funda aet�a lesser amoun� If sa.l.cnder mry time.colloct and hold Fi+nds W aa aroount mt w <br /> ____-__ .- __.._� _._----- exc�eed thr, kx�amnu�a. I.enda may atintste the amouat of Wnds due on drc buis of cun�a►t dats wd�eauo�uble <br /> �..__— — estImates of expendihn+ea of fu�ure��sa�ow(tema or otha'wlse in a�.�cadance with applicabk law. <br /> The Funds shaU be held in an institudon whosc depoeits are insuRd by� fedetat agency, inawmenWity. ar cntitY <br /> (inolading[.e�tder.if l.ender is sach an instiwdon)a in eny Federal Hom i.oan B�nlc. Lender slwll apply Ihe Funds to ptY <br />- tfie Fscraw Items. Ixnder rnay not charge Aocrower fo�holding and �pplying the Finds.a�uwally amlyzing tl�ac�ow <br /> •ccou�t,or verlfying the Escrow itea�s. uakss I.ender pays Bonower intercst on the Plmds and applkoble I�w pe�mits <br /> Lender w malce such a charge. However.l.ender may�equine Borrower to PaY a a�e'w�charge for An indepa�dent�eal <br /> eatate taz reporting servla used by l.ender in connecdon with thla loan.unkss ppplkable law provldes otherwlsa. Unka:�n <br /> agroernent fs nwde or appllcable luw requires intenest to be paid.La�der sball not be�oyu'vod to pzy Borrower any inteiest oc <br /> earnings on the Plmcls. Borrnwer and Lender may agroe in writing.however,that iritenest ah�U bo paid on the FY�nds. Lender <br /> �Iwll give to Bon+nwer.without charge,an annual aceounting of tbe Nlmds,showing c�+edlts end debits w the Funds md the <br /> _ putperse for which each debit to�he Punds was made. The E'unds a�+c pledged ae additionnl security for al!auma�ecu�ed by <br /> :- Ihis Secudty Instrument. <br />__�; If the f�Unds held by Lender ezceed the amounts permined to be held by applicable Iaw, Lender ahall eccouot to <br />_,fi, Borrower for the excess Funds !n accordance wi�h the raqa�rcme�Ns of applica6le law. If.the amount of the Punds heM by <br /> l.ender at any time is not sufflcient w pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so aodfy Borrower in writfng.and,in <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender �he amount necessary to muke up tbe deficiency. Borrower ahall m�ke up the <br /> - deficiency in no more than twelve monthly L.ender's sole discretion. <br /> - Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secudty Insuument.L.ender shall promptly refund w Borrower eny <br /> - FWnda held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shaD acquire or scll the Property,f..eader.Prior to the acquisitian or <br /> • s�le of the Property.shall apply any PWnds held by L,ender at 1he time of acquisitfon or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> securcd by thia Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3. Appltcatbn of Yayments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments reaived by Lender under <br />-- paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounta payabl�under <br />-� paragraph 2;lhird,to intercst due; principal due:and last,to uny late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. CharQcs; Liens. Bortower shall pay all taxes, ussessments.charges. fines and ImposiUons uttribufable to the <br /> Property which may anain priority over this Security Insuument,and leaschold payments or ground rents,if any. Horrower <br /> R~ �� ahall pay these obligations ln the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in�hat manner.Borrower sh�ll pay them on <br /> �=� �ime direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paragraph. !f Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidenefng <br />_ the payments. <br /> ��{�� `='� Borrower shull prompQy discharge any lien which has priority over�his Security lnsuument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> itM.�u'.. �. <br /> - in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in n manner accepuble to Lender,(b)contests in guod faith the <br />_1' ' r• ti lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which fn the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> •• ��� � enforcement of the Ilen;or(c)secures from Ihe holder of the lien an u&reement satisfaclory to Lender subordinadng the lien <br /> '^`"3`��''�' to this Securiry Instrument. If Ixnder determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attein priority _ <br />--� .�a:�aT�.. :,q1 � over this Security Insaument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyfng the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tnke <br /> �''`i �'`'�,` one or more of the actions set forth nbove within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />,�"° �•�•�'�:`,,� 5. Hazard or Properly InsurAnce. Borrower shull keep the improvements now existing or herenfter erected on the <br /> , :.-„_ <br /> �� . � Property insured against loss by fire.hazards included wilhin Ihe tertn"extended coverage"und any other hazards,including <br /> `:�;t. <br /> f�"'"' .��a; -:. floods or tlooding, for which Lender requires insumnce. 71�i� insurance shall be maintuined in �he amounts and for the <br /> ., '?�?:"'e.•'• <br /> . nMr��e • .�''�f <br /> • .'"`,,.a+w s.,� Form 3DlB 9I90 IpuRa2 oj6 pagesl <br /> ri • . <br /> � "��t�_l•tis�`a: �: <br /> a` '.� `T' . <br /> lA� <br /> r, �i o. .� <br />.. �i.. �1..�v"��y:9�:f <br /> ._ .��,�� <br /> Y Z� ''. �`ibj1.' , ' . . . . .. . .- .rt" :'�n, • . . j"�:: -T ..— -.. - . <br /> -- 'v�::m i �� .S . . •��' 1 <br /> � . .� <br /> ��� � � . "..1�� � . - <br /> , . <br /> _ � �� . � <br />-- , ..• <br /> `-- -='"nxL''a'. - '' '''�'-- -' ._ --- `- _._ ..-- --- - - -- - - -t4i�`,ytiMSrdtiLlf.� l��li ��t"° - <br /> ,. , �... �> . -�t ;� <br /> F_= . _ •. ...'_ . _---- _ ._._________-___ -.-___._--_—_-_=__ _ .._-___-_ __ --._-,__._._-__. ,.-...-� . _--_-- --.,.- ._.-.-.-� _. - . <br /> !!. 1�-�', ��t_ . t.. � . � <br /> ¢� C!'7�A�����`�-�}:ai'.*1.L.... � .i , <br /> ) 7�' ' ..d� ' ,`.. <br /> 1. <br /> �. �����"��;^" .' . " , ., � . .. <br /> _, . . <br /> \ !.� .,�� ' - i <br /> � �iei�st��_�_��v wi�-:��. . . . _ .. . .� • , . :- � - � . <br /> � _'�„+u11��-�F.�T.\y.j�:, ' , _=�'r`. _.. ... . _ "".. . ' ' � . ' -r., ' , . . <br /> "S{.2 <br /> �i.� <br /> —°°,:eiY�y�T.�i� ` .. . . . <br /> -- =--- :.<.... . . � .. n .. . <br /> •:>� �''�i• . " ,. 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