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-�!ww��. :_ _... : . .. . . ..,. -F•�'rtAif'C.`-,7.r .c . ..r-f.� . --° <br /> „ . . , , _ ° - . , ' ' . . . . ' , -� ... � . �`.r�•�_ .,. <br /> . _ . ' .. '. �1 �� . , .. "� .`- � <br /> ar ad�a�kirt d�r rt at IM��1�.ar�a►oo�wq►Ma M Wp af oo�OwMlaa�aR Y�Ir lIM��.��..___�-._•. <br /> �lMii M� wpt d��aW Wd�d tir rMop�lr.�M �WI b�ppiMd eo sM Nr Moqrd�Mi��Ilr� <br /> ___._ <br /> 7w��wr._�i�fii�Q�ut iiw��iw,.�!i�l►±�L � ta.Svu�wK. bti tl�e sv:at a!s�rt-- - at dre R�!�- <br /> � �i�b1�f ilfill�R Y�'1�0��opefty�19 ml01�OI��i�eqW�vv�r�pw�man w�ws=�i rs=w�r- _.LL .•- _ <br /> Mcured by 1Yt�Seartity In�lnnnent Na�iYely b�foie 1tw takloj�unle�8ocrowet ond L�ide�t odwwi�e ap�b t�wrMi�,� -- <br /> m � <br /> �M w+�ts�cwrd 6�r dda�y la�i�U b ndnad by Mis�rnowit d diepoaed�au�pifM�y�I�aiM�wf� <br /> fhcciaa: (�)�be wW�noui�t d the wa�a�a.�ured,imn»d�ei9 6efons tiw t�in�.divided by(b)tMn t�awiWt v�lw of dN <br /> Propary iromeai.b�y the a�ans. Any 6.l.noe.lua be Q.w w Bmvrar. m�he avenc af• p�al aido�af tL. <br /> in wfiich da b3r nN�ices valw d dio Prope�ty hantedi�lely beto�e the hkin�i�kw dun the�d�ie wnr <br /> �ec�n inroedWely bela�a tbnp�n�unkss Borrower and Leader a�6envLo y�ee in w� a unleas�ppUcnbr Iw <br /> ad�r.vLe provWe�.tbe pa�eed��hall i�e ap�plied b tbe w�m��ecuied by d�Securjty Iawumrnt whe�bor or oot tlie aMa�an • <br /> dru due. <br /> It da A+upa�ty Is�b�ndonod by Barow� if.�Rer notice by L.e��der b Banowor th�t tho caidemtwr ofrar to nA� <br /> tn�w�ud or Kttle�cl�a for d�n►�gei.Bo�mwa'fails w rapaid w l.ender cvithin 30 dayt aA�x tbe d�e tho notice is�ven, <br /> La�der is wtborizad W oolloct md�pply t6e proceeds.u lu apdaq,eith�r w ratantian or rep�i�ot tbe Plcperty ar w d�e <br /> wms iocwod ty this Sec�uity In:trwna�t.wdet6er or not d�ea due. <br /> Unlas I.ander�nd Horrawer athpwise�ee in writin�,�ny tl�on of procads ta p�iacip�l�not ex�a�d a <br /> �p�e�e due d�e of d�e ma►thly pay�pents ae(ared to in pau�t� s 1�nd 2 or cb�n�e tl�iurwunt of wcfi payma�u. <br /> Il. lor�awa' Not Rtiwed: Na�bea� S Iw�der' Not ■ W�iv�n: P�tension ot the time far p�yn�eM a <br /> awditic�don of an�oidzwtlan ot d�c auns�eourad by�Security InurwneM gantal by Lender to�ay wcauor in iiMae� <br /> d Bormwer shall not oper�oe w rc4�se�he liability of die atigLW Borrowcr or Homawerti auoaaw�s in iiuere�t. L�ender <br /> clwU not be uhrd w�nur�pr�ocadin6s u�alnst aay eucceasor in interau ur refuse w eztend dme far pyo�aV a� <br /> od�ervvlso��nortlzotion of the auma secured by�his Securfty Inatrument by rason of Any demand m�de by�be aiginal <br /> Barrowar or Hotmwer�aucces�as in inta�es� My forbea�nce by i.ender in exercisin�any ri�ht ar rcniedy sh�ll not be a <br /> w�ivcr of or precludc tha exercire of�ny d�{ht or remedy. <br /> 13. Suo�es�ora�nd A�s Boundi Jotot and Severnl LisbWtyi CasiO�en. The covenontc u�d�g�reea�ents of dua <br /> Socuriry Insuvrtrcnt ahall bind and ben�fit Ihe auccescors ond 4ssigns ot[.ender and Borrower.wbJect oo the pnrvisiota of <br /> puagrAph 17.Bornowarh�venants uid agrocnents ahall be Joint and aevcral. Any Borrower who casigno�ti►is 3aw�ity <br /> inetrument but does not euecute tha Nou: (+�)is ca-slgning thle Secu�Iry Instrument only to mortgage.grant�u►d convey t�wt <br /> Borrowerh ima+eat in the Property under tha tem�s of thia Securlty InstrumenG (b)is not per�a�ally obligated to pay the�wr�a , <br /> �cund by q�ir Security Instrument;and(c)ag�ees thet I.ender and any other Barnwer may ag�eo to extebd.modify.fatbear <br /> or rtwre �ny�ceonunod�tions wlth ie�ard to the terms of thia Seouriry In:dumcnt or the Note withaut that 8arowerh <br /> con�ent <br /> !3. I.o�a Cbu�es. lf tha loan secured by this Security Insuument is wbject to a I�w which seta maxlmum loan <br /> chuga.a�dwt IAw i�finaiiy in�iai so ihwi ii�c inicrc�st�'oiftar 1a�n ch�ges caflecied or to tsc rn!lc�ic�iss�c� <br /> wlth the Man exaed the permiped Wnits.then: (a)any such loan cherge shall be reduced by the amount neceasary to reduco <br /> the charge to the pem�tted limlt;and(b)any sums alrcady collected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limtts will be <br /> mfunded to Bomower. Lender may choose to meke this rcfund by reducing thc principnl owed under tUe Note or by making a <br /> dircct payment co Bomower. If a rcfund ieduces principal.�he reduct�on wfll be tmated as a partjal�iepaymant wlthout any <br /> propaymont charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Nofices. Any nottce to Borrower provided for in thfs Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it o�by <br /> m�ling it by fi�st clesa mail unleas upplieable law�rquires use of another method.71�a notke ahall be dirccted to the Property <br /> Addrcss or any other addnss Borrower designntec by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shell be given by first clasa <br /> ma31 w Lender�s address statecl hetein or eny othcr add�+ess Lender designetes by notice to Harrower. My notice provided for <br /> in this Security Inswment shall be deemed to havc been given to Borrower or LendBr when given as provided in this � <br /> �1SP.hGoveroing LAw;SevernbNlty. Thia Secudty lnxtn�ment shull be govemed by federel law and�he luw of the <br />, ju�isdiction in which 1he Property is tocnted. In the event that any provisiAn or clause of thia Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicabla law.such conflict shull not a[fec:t other provisions of t6is Security Inytrument or the Note which can <br /> be given effect wilhout the conflicting provision. 7b this end the provisians of this Security Insaument and the Note are <br /> deslared w be severable. <br /> 16. Borraaer•s Copy, Bonower shall be given one confonned copy of the Note and of�his Security Insuument. <br /> 17. 7lrwnskr oT fhe Property or a Beneticiul lnterest in Borrower. If ull or eny part of�he Propeny or any intcrest in <br /> it is sold or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferned and Borrower is na u natural persan) <br /> wilhout Lender's prior written consent.Lender muy,ut its option,requirc immedia�e payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> thia Security Inatrument. However,this option shall nat be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by ftdcrnl law es of <br /> the date of this Security Inatrument. <br />, If I..ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleration. The notice shall provide e period of <br /> not less than 30 days from�he date the notice is delivered ar mniled within which Bcmower must pny all sums securcd by this <br /> Securiry Inswment. If Borrower fails ta pay these xums prfor to �he expi�dion of this period, Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument wilhout further notice or dernund on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstpte. If Borrower mects certnin conditians, Borrower�hall have tha right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discominued at any timc prior to the earlier of: (u)S duys(or such other period as = <br /> Single Family-•FLnak M�dFreddk Ma UNIF�ORM INSTRUMEIV'f•-Uniform Covenuw 9A0 (pa�qel ujb�x+Res) <br /> ___..�..�-"—.`ASE4II/11.t•i - <br /> --- ..T- �ll—''�J'r--rs-•. -- -_"C•I4^�Ctli�wN! � � . . <br /> _ . ._ _•� ' .. ;7r . . .. ..`i�r .. . . � -� 4�y,:. . , � .'L,-. " .. �- <br />—���! � i. . . . _o .. , .�'`' �:-.. .. ._. .. <br /> .-�N�. � ��.�y.��,�,��y� <br /> � 'w1-�.�- �L-.. �\� �9•:�• hi�illalYia\Y1t�.:iCa��1�s�-L�t-Ji14i. <br /> r w� •.. <br /> � �. � _ <br /> �. <br /> __ ..'_ _ -�r.� ."_-. "__ _ -" ' ♦_ � "_ - _ " <br /> . aa.�t�ii�^YP � .(��y.. _. .._ . _ _.____ __a"' ._.._., �.. . �l�iF.'u.�'�'r1'�: <. . . . . • ' . . <br /> .._ — -�JLI:�lY 1�._ 1. ��l. . .. . .i . 1 �' . � .. a�1. <br /> -__.lA`�S�_.�v.!..1�'w)�",�.r\/i3i%. . � .- .. 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