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� ------, _ .- :___ �_.,.. _ _ <br /> . . .. . _ ----:,. r ..:�.. ;�:�,..�.-.-�:;v. -- <br /> .. , . ..� �.:..----- T-- - <br /> , • • „ <br /> . . .. � � ,. �!�. ' .�,« <br /> .. �kwr w�►�ci[y,Jbr eeWtMwet)bel�on aNe o[IM PI+opMty p��o�st b apr..�oMrei d y11s ooMiM�!��is J , <br /> i�Mnrwk ar te) o(* �Eo�i�dis S�nxiq�i�nl�t. 71�+ooMlitioar�n tA�t DMrMwe: (� - <br /> _ — -- �Z�ir b� ' �is S�o�r�i _�_��F No�e a�iLp�A�pl�lw��_ti�_,_,,.�-_-_.:. <br /> �lsf�Mr9 t�es�u[at ae�y�ser cave�no ar q�aq�st RJ WYr�uP�����L��� -- --,--- <br /> le�ee��,i�ncwatn�,ew oa lim3tea w,ro.w�.aie.acmey.• ca)�Ce.euce.ct�on a�l�nd�r mhr+�a�o�6+r <br /> a�seC�rod � Sacu�itY I�u�a�ant �b�il ccntinue�unclMt��ed. U ���ma►t by 8otro�rver��L aS aidt�r <br /> LWnmMOI rrd lAe oblipelata�ecuied baeby�bW r�r f�t�lty eRanive as it ao�ca+{er�dan had oecuirdd. �Wwever.� <br /> ei�bt b reiatab�Mnl!aot�pply in the c�o o!�ooele�fae uMe�prryr�ph 17. <br /> 1!: SrM d Na1ei C��t of Lew&ttlar. The Na�1e or•q�I interest in d�e Nate(to�with't1�L Sccurity <br /> tawun�l m�r be�old aoe ar mare dmes�diout pia aotiro to Bamwar. A s�b a�y result in a chm�e ia tbe eadry► <br /> (knowa ss die"l.o�n 3erviaY')tbat coikcu a�oatbly P�Yma�p due wwkr the Nae aad thir Seaidty Inaaument. 71�ane alw <br /> ao�y be ane oc mora cbnl�es of O�e I.o�n Saw�aer unrel�tad w a sak di the Nate. If then it a cfange M the Low Se�vjoer, <br /> Barower w1U Oe Riven writte�notke d tAe ch�nja!e a000nd�nca witA p�r�gr�h 14�bova and applicabk law. 7bc aotice <br /> wW wte die nuae aud addrcas d'tho oaw Loan Servioar�nd the addrr�s to which payrttaw thaWd be m�de. 'IUe noHce wiU <br /> +�k�o�oatdn eu�y ather infa�m�tian required bY+�PPlic�bte I�a. <br /> 20. Hwrdou,s 6rb�tucaR Barower sMU nat c+�we or pertoit the p��e,or rola�ae of any <br /> Ha�rdou�Su6sunoea oo ar in the Piropnty Barrower siwll rat do,nor dlow aayone else to do.wrydiio�+t't'ectinB the . <br /> P�opetty Uat is ia viol�tion of�ny FAVi�onment�l Law. 71ie precedfng two eentences:ball not Rpply m tbe pnya�ce.uie.or <br /> stan�e ao Ihe Ptope�ty of sm*II quantftks of H�.ordous 3u6�tmcaR th�t am�enet�lly c�a�opmiud to be y�piopriate w oanul . ' <br /> residmdal n�es�rtd to msintentnce of the Prope�ty. • <br /> . Baanwex�al1 P�PUY Stve Lenda writtat nalce d sny inveatigiWoa.cls�m.dernand,lawauit ar odar�on!'ry' any • <br /> governmenml or reBulatorY agency or private party involving die Property and any Hnwrdous SubstAn�a or EaWtonmental • <br /> Law of which Bomowcr has actual luwwkdge. If Botrower Ieams. or is notified by any gov�tal or roguluary <br /> autAority.d�my rcmov�l or aher rcmediation of any Huardous Substen�;a aPt'ecting the Pioperty t�neceu�ry.�a�mwer <br /> �P�I�Y W�e all necessary retnedial acdone!n accordu�ce with Fnviraunental I.�w. � <br /> As uaed jn this pwagraph 20."Hazardoua Substances"wre thosc wbstances def'wed as toaic ar hazerdous aubst�itass by <br /> Environmeatal Ixw and tAe follow�ng subu�nces: g�soline. kerosene.other flemmeble or toaic petroteum�cic <br /> pesticides�nd herbicides.voladle solvenis.matadals conuining a�bestos or forrnaldehyde, smd rmdio�ctive matedals. As <br /> used in thi�pangrnph 20."Envlronmental l.�w"means fedaal bw��nd iawc of tho jurisdictlon whene the.�tape�ty is loc�tod <br /> ttut�elate to or env�aimer►tal protr.cdon. <br /> NON•U1vIFORM COVENAPT9'S. Borrower and L.ender further rnvenw-�t and ag�ee as folbwa: ' <br /> 21. Aeoelerndou; Reu�edles. Leader�q�{tre�otice to Borrower prior to sccelentia� tdlorvia�BoROwer'e <br /> breach of my covenant or��greemeat to tYs Secudty Imtrument(but avt prior to acoekratioo noder paragrrrPa 17 <br /> _ __ uoiraw+�ppiia�Wa i�w,prurjd�r uiher.viaie). 3'�e auiica adudi speciiy: (s)Ws def'adti(b)ti�e act�reQqirai to euro the <br /> defiulti(c)a d�te,qot Itas t6an 30 daya iro�a the date 16e ootice i�given to Borrower,by wOkb ths dFfaWt mast be <br /> cured;u�d(d)tWit fidlur+e to cure the default o�or before the date specif�ed i41Le noUce ma'resull in accekration af <br /> tbe aums secured by Ihi�Secu�tty laslruraent and sale of tde Property. T6e eotbe s4aU further iatona Borrower of <br /> the�igbt ta relasfate after accekration and tLe rlght to bring a court Action to�sert tbe non�exWence of a def�it or <br /> _ �ny Mher defense o�Borrower to secekrntion and snle, [t the ddault is not cured on or be�ae tbe date specified ia <br /> the notke,Lender at its option may require immedi�te paymeot io full of pll suu►�secured 4y tdis Security Instrument <br /> wlthaut further demand and may involce the power of sale and any other remediea perndited by appli�wbk IAw <br />- 4ender siwll 6e entided to coliect all expenses incurred io pursuing the remedie�provtdtd fa tbi� psirra�p4 21, <br />- includiag,but aot limited to.reasonable attorneys'tees and costs of titk evide�ce. <br /> - If the power of sale Ls invoked.7Yuatee shall record a notke of deioult In each rnunty in whkb any part ut tde <br /> Property is located ond shall moil copies oP auch nodce in tha manner prescribed sy applieebie law to Borrower nnd to <br /> the other persoas prescribed by applicwble law. ARer Ihe time required by,7lrustee shall give p�blk <br /> notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by ppplicable law 71r�stce�wifhoat denwnd oo Borrower, <br /> s6aU sell t4e Property At publk auction to the bighest bidder at the time aad place aad w�der the term4 designnted ia <br /> tde notke et s�le in oae or more parcels and in any order 7lvatee determines. 71�astee may postpone salc ot all or ony <br /> parcel of the Property by pubUc announcement at Ihe Nme And plare o�Any previously sc6eduled sale. Lender or Ifs <br />� desi�nee nuy purchnse the Properly at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt oi payment of the price bid.'Ilrustee shall deliver !o the purchaser 7�ustee's deed conveying t6e <br /> � ' 4 Property. The recltals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prlma facie er(dence af the truth ot tMe statements made therein. — <br /> :�r 'l�uatee shWl ppply the prceeeds of the sale M the foMowing order: �o)to all rnsts And expeases oPexercising the power <br /> m.,a.,a.,. <br /> - —:,:;r.+�?Ri� <br /> = _ — — <br /> _ _ <br /> —- -- -- <br /> -- -- <br /> — <br /> :��;:_.�.+ <br />- �,M1�, —_ <br /> M <br /> 3' �K�• p� Fam 3D271 9/9B (/�uKr t ufn�uxe+�� <br /> '.r,�+ ... <br /> r.�.sh:•�. <br /> �:��i�.:.n° . <br /> n <br /> -::; �.. <br /> _ —_ — — _ ,��. �r�w+ - .• .. -- <br /> ��„ r�� I' �� `.'°'v:�..-?s�:^��� :"" ' �' . � . _ .. <br /> �i� •i:.i 'i_�au.:k.o,r',�t.etit.,.�_._u._ .;'�� , _��.s�e�:t,�liec2+`:ifi:�Rfi4 ... •- k, _�^!iX•,:.;a'�E�::�a'�er:3iiE:►d.�1..����3n1 - <br /> - - _ - <br /> ��„� " . -'- - - - <br /> . <br /> - �—�� .. --._ --� - -- �- - -- - - - - s .,-,i -- .:.--T,.- ,_,, - -- - <br /> ------,.;�;,;r-- - ' <br /> =-:tA��AtilPlri[??...`.-m�r-. . •�� , , . . • �. � �� <br /> _� IPt;.:%�i. .._•.�. _� ` . ., ,. <br /> s;.��r� ,, , <br /> _ � .�^.,.:,-..::.`� . �a . • , . 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