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_ .., <br /> _ � ,,, � ,:� ,t• .. . , ��, •. . , . .. .. _�. � . .,;,.�� <br /> 93� 5�:�'�� . <br /> � p«iaM rw l�hqolNS. '11»Y •o�ni�r pa►idio�tlr i�eMa�WI b�cM�en by Harra�wi�oe a I.wdKl� <br /> .�provr wai�a�tra aoe br�ww. y wwtaW. If som,.wr e�ir tio a�ao�h a�auuie�►..1,e�dK wq►.�t <br /> t.�oa�rt apt�o�t,obMi.�cor�+rt a proMae 1.Mdorlr�M.ia�ot�ty tn��oordMw� i�6 pr.�v.pM 7. <br /> _ _--- _ Ail is,�s�+��13�.+iu a��s�w�la aWl ha a�re�h�e l�ei�r�a�ieeiria a M�e�rd soetra�sdwM. L�ir -_ : <br /> _ f rAdl iMV�e drr rijtrt�a hoid die policia�nd no�w�ls. �t t.erd�r requhe�,Barower slwll Par�ptly�ive to L�ler aIl noeiph <br /> d prd pna��w�roaewd notice�. In dr evant at laa�Bamowec�Uall�ive pnompt a�tla b the�nce s�nier�d <br /> L.«dK. landec mry crolm pioot'd lo�it uat mtle P�oa�x1Y bY earower. <br /> Unl�t L,awlet Nnd Borrowrr othenwLe�aroe in writia�,inur�ocepr�o�ds�li be�pplied to ralowtioa or�ep�ir d <br /> the it the rerwe�tiao cr�ep�ir L�oonoa�iapy faribk wd Le�brti�u�iry i� aot kuened. It die <br /> n�t�or�t L aot aca�a�la�lly farible ar l�endati raeutLy wouW be les�uad.thc irmu�nce p�a�eed�t6�A be <br /> �pplied to the and��ecurod 6y tbia Security imuwna�t,wl�ether ar not Ihen due. with�ny exuas p�M W Ban�nw�er. it <br /> Barww�er�6�ndom�the P�npaty.a doa oot arowa wid�in 30 d�ys �notke from I.eoder dut tbe i�wuanoe carria�b� <br /> of�ered to xale a cWm.dim t.eoder nu� ooltact the uuunnoe pooceed�. l.rnder may um the pooeed�w rep�ir or�ato� <br /> im <br /> the��iv�a�py���� ��y lroonunaW.whdha ar aot dKn due. The 30�d�y period will be�ia wheo <br /> Unku Lenda and Bor►ow�x o�hawl�o�roe ia writin�,mY��P�'�s�P�PV�WI aot extad or <br /> u�par�graph 21 the�the mo�uhl9 W9�s mfe�nd w in p�rageplu 1 �d 2 oc c�nge tda arrwunt of tbe pa If <br /> from d+unye ro tl�e Pmpaty� p�ior a tbe�aoqu4b iti�on�Il� ps�a 1�w�hey�w�m.�ecured��ty <br /> In�lruman immedi�tely prior w ti�eacquisitlon. p�p�yt Borrawa�� I.ou AppYaido�i <br /> Ooe�p�c� Praenatlo� 11�i�te�a�ce wd Prokctio� ot tMe <br /> Le�e�ei� Barnwer�holl occnpy.establish.and use the PtoQa�ty u Barrowerl�princip�l nesidence witbin�ixty dsyi aRer <br /> the axecution of thi�Securlty Insuu�r�ent iuW W�11 cantinue to occu{ry the Property as Bonnwer�principal re,�ideace for�t — <br />_ kast ane yar after the date of oavpancy. unla� Lender ott�nvr►jae a�oes in wridng. wAkh cansent shall not be <br /> �reasonably witlihdd.a unkst extmwtiag circwnsunces exist which m beyand Borrower�control. B�nower�lull not <br /> deumY.dsmage or imprir the Property.allow the Property to deterlorate.or commit wa4tc on the PmpeAy. Bormwer sl�ll <br /> be in default if any forfeSpu+e action or proceedinQ,whether civil or criminal,is be�ua tluit in Lender�i good faith judyrrKnt <br /> - cadd rcsult in forfeituro of the Property or otherwise nwterWly impair t6e Uen created by thls Security Inatrwaent or <br /> I.ender�sauriry Luecss�Bomnwer may cwe such a default aad� providod in pvagraph cau�InQ the�ction <br /> -= oe pmceeding to be dismissed with a mlln�� Lenderl�good td�h determinatbn,procludes fort'eidue of the Na�mwab <br /> Intetest in the Prupaty or other muerid impaim�ent of the Ikn created by this Securiry instnunent or L,enderle security <br /> inte�st Boirower sl�all alao be in defQUlt if Borrowcr. duting the loan appliceHon p�ocess. gave mataially falce or <br /> inx:curate infanw�on or w�tements w L�ender(a failed to provlde Lender wilh any rnaterfd Wortnationl in coru�ectton with <br /> _°-, the lo�n evlck�ncrd by the Note� includi�g.but not limited 10, rep�esentations conceming B�rowerh ocxupw�cy of the <br />- - Propetty ac a principaL realdence. If ihis Security lnswment is an a kasehold,Borrowar shrll comply with all the p�ovlsians <br /> _" of the ksse. If Borrower�cquires fea t�Ue W Ihe Property.the ta�ehotd and the fea titk shNl not merge unkss Lender�g�oees <br /> ��e;� �o thc�acrger in writing. <br /> � ' 7. Protectioo at Lender's Rights W the Property. lf Borrowcr fails to perfom� the covcnanrs and agamcn�a <br /> ""' cuatained in this 5ecurity Instrumen� or there is a legal proceeding that may aigniCcrndy afFect Lxndeir8 rights in the <br /> � Pmperty(such as a procading in banlwptcy,�te,for wndemnation or forfeitune or to enforcc laws or regulations),thn <br /> _ Lrnd�K may do and pay for whatever is necessary[o protect the value of the Praperty and Lender�s rights in the Pnoperty. <br /> L.enderh actions may include paying any sums secu�d by A lien whkh has prioriry over this Security lnsuument,appe�ring <br /> in coun, p�Ying reasonable anomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make reps►irs.Although Lender may take act�on <br />�'� u�der�his paragraph 7,Lender dces not heve to do so. <br /> 6v� Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this p�ragraph 7 sholl become additianul debt of Borrower secured by tlds <br /> _ Securiry Inctrument Unless Borrower and L.ender agree to other terms of payment,these arnuunfs sMali bear inte�+est from the <br />"•, date uf disburscment at the IYote rate and shall be payable.wi�h interes�upon ndice fmm Lender to Borrower requ�ting <br /> - , Pa5'ment. <br /> r��� �': 8. Mortgage insuronce. If Lender requircd mortgage insurence as a condition of making the lav�secw+ed by tFds <br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any <br /> '•;� reaROn, the mortg�ge insurance coverage roquired by Lender lapses or ceases lo be in effcet. Bornower shall p�y the <br /> . y prcmiums reyuired to obtein coverage substantially equivalent to�he morigage insurance previou9ly in effect. at a cost <br /> '��'� �"�r substantially equivalent to the cost to Borruwer of the mortgage insurance previously in efFect,from an altemate mortgage <br /> ���:r��klfr�,: <br /> i�;t.•.�.-, . insurer upproved by Lcnder. If substantially equivalent mo�tguge insurance coverage is na available,Borrower shnll pay to — <br /> • Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelith of the yearly mongage insurunce premium being paid by Borrower w6en the <br />"`;�.' h-,yC�`•``� ' insurance covemge lapsedor ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> • � `'�:k of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> , - <br /> -- ,.:�. ` ' covcroge (in thc nmount and for the period that Lender reyuires)provided by an insurer nppruved by l.ender again 6ecomes <br /> ,��►`-. available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortguge insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> ,_= .�r'�tt.•'.., <br /> . l�,s:.. . ..� loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in uccordonce with any wrinen agreement between Horrower <br />�;, ta, t�y;,,�,.�... and Lenderor opplicuble low. <br /> • �•�+''.• '=� 9. Iaspection. Lender or its Agent may make reusonable entties upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shall <br /> ���,��•; give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspec�ion speritying reusonublc cuuse for the inspection. <br /> , •;;,,;' ,.' �A" � 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for dumagec,direct or connection with�ny <br /> �..,, .,�,•.;:;;;.;:. — <br /> • x.�. :."' • Singk Family••FLonk Modtl�eddk Mae UNIPORM INSTRUMEIY7'--Unifarm Covenanu 9/90 �puRe.i of 6pagesl — <br /> '�. . a... • — <br />. �r:s:.,.s�.t;.c��_ fiut 14td BWV�e�s�qme.lor.� --- <br />� y�.,;,.�; To Q�M Car;t�OP63DYf100 O PA1I 616'flf•11�I <br /> u � <br />_ 'r�`��'.� .`.=•? F <br /> .ui,i:' r <br /> ";.�q,. q� �l.•t •�rT�7 . „ . . • ,� t <br />-�Q '�' w �.: . ... :::- . �.� �l,���. ' .. • .. . . ::� . . ' - . -. . <br /> �' .... -. <br /> . , . , <br />-.-. . _ �. . �. . <br /> ' '�4:JlOiC�LJ':•th.•'-- -.�.� �:_. .a._'�. .• _ . . . <br /> .—..., .._ � _ - _- - '__'�_'__._-_-- _- ___. -___ ..__ ____.__ *_.._ ._ _.___- _._____. _ ___.__ ___-_____- -. <br /> �� 'L�k.��..}„;t. . " • _ .. 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