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IA� ' -• ..a;�..s�:.— _ <br /> ��yi�1 <br /> ooadenru�don ar oldr taki�ot wy p�rt d the P1�naperty.�t for convera�e in lieu�of candanr�t� Mnry a�i�ned Md .. <br /> dWl be p�id to I.�ler. � . <br /> -- !a tlte�sat�t a tesa!�a!tl�e!°�e�eax��S!!_bc sq�pl�ed tQ�e n+�.eec�.r!��Bees� . <br />---°- - -- -- ��'w.wn1'w�w iww a1Wt tMtC.M'ipt IM7y oi►�caa pw w as�w�nwai. m mY v��aw.n�pw.nw���....�• � — - . <br /> wlrich d�e P�ir mdckt value of tWe Property inane�dletely befae ilie akin�ia eqwl to or�th�n the amount al�e �ira+� <br /> �ecurod by tbis Secudty InwurtKnt lmrnedfakly before the teking.wkre Ho�rower and L,ender aherwfu��+ea i�t�wridn�. ., <br /> �he wnu eecwoi!ry thii Security Luoruma�t�h�ll be roduad by the,�tiount ot thopra multipliodby thp fdbwins <br /> fnelion, (d dK lotal�tnount o[the wms�ecwad immediately betocc the takin�.divided b�)the f�lr muket vdue d tha <br /> pmpeny inurKdlatcly fseta�e the tnking. Any balance shall be patd to Borrower. In the event of a parde! takin8�nff� <br /> �in wbieh tha fiir mulca v�lue d t1�e P�opeRy immodiately befoi+e the taking is ku th�n tha�unowu of tbo wms <br /> irtwnediMely beta+e the t�king. unlast Bomnwer and LeMer otherwise a�ree in writing ar unles�applicsbla I�w <br /> olherwi�e provldes.the proc�ods�hall ba applkd to the r�nu iecumd by thie Secwity Inswment whatikr or nat tha wms u+e <br /> tlian due. <br /> ' If Ihe Propnty i�ub�ndoned by Botrnwer,or If.�ftar ndice by Lender to Borrower thu Ihe condemnor offera w m�ke <br /> an�wNd ar�eale a cWm far d�ma�a.Baro�cr feils to nespond to Lender withln 30 d�ys aRer'the date tho notica ia givrn, <br /> Lender is Qutlwrized to colkct and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to rc�toratian or rcpair of the Property a w d�a <br /> wau secwrd by Ihis Sacurlry lnctrument.whe�her or nat then duo. <br /> Unless Lader md Barower dherwfse�+ee in writing.any eppliantlon of proceods w princip�l slnll nnt extend or , <br /> postpone tho duo date of the monthly pnymenta rcferted ro in ptuagraphs 1 and 2 or changc�ha amount of such pay�t�eut.s.. <br /> 11. Borrewer Not Rdeiacd; Fbrbe�r�na By Leader Not a Waivd: Eatension of tht dme for payradM or <br /> modif'kytion ot a�ortlzation of the sums sxwed by thia Securiry Insbvment gnnted by l.ender to ony suceessa���tue�est <br /> of Borrower shpll not operate to i+eleaso the Uobiliry of the orlginal Borrower or Aorrnwerl�sucoessors!n interest,,�nder <br /> sh�ll nat be requircd to commarce proceedinga ag�inat any successor in intercst or refuse to extend time fa payment or <br /> otherwise modify amortization of�he suma�d by this Secu�iry Instrument by reason of eny demand made by ihc original <br /> Baaower ar Barower'a auccessors in interost. Any fabearwnce by Lender In exer�cisin�any right or r�medy ah�li not 6e a <br /> wdver of or precludc IF�c eaercise of any right or r�emedy. <br /> - 12. 5ucceasors sued Assl�ns Bouad;Jdat aad Sevenl Li�biltty;Co-sigeeea. The coverwnts and agrceme�it's of this <br /> Securi�y Imtrumrnt shsll bind and benefit the cucassorx und assigns of Lender and B�rrower.subject to the proviaions of <br /> �graph 17. Borrower's covenants end agreements shull bc joint end scvcrnl.Any Borrower wha eo-signs this Secudty , <br /> nsuument but does not execute the Note: l�)is casigning this Security Insuument only to matgage,grant and convey Ihat <br /> Batrower's intercst in the Property under the tertns of this Securfty Instrumen� (b)is not personaliy abligated to pay the suma <br /> secured by�his Securiry Inswment;end(c)agrees�hat L.ender und any other Bomower may ag�ee to eatand,modiiy,forbear <br /> or malce any �xommodatfans with�egerd•to Ihe tcm�r of this Security Insdument ar�he Note�.i�uithout Ihat Horrower�a <br /> COIICeM. <br /> 13. l.oan Cb�ea If the loun secured by this Serurity Insuumenc Is subject to a law which seta�makimum loan <br /> rl�+rges.end that lew 4§f3nnlly inte�+rete•i�n�hnr the i�terpw!�r Mher I�n�hurge.a callecied or u►6e collected�in connection <br /> wi�h the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any sqch loan churge shali be reduced by ihe nmaum aecessar�to reduce <br /> the cf�arge ro tix pe�mitted limit;and Ib)any sums already collected from Borrower which efcceeded pemiitted limi�s wlll be <br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to muka this refund by rcducing the princlpt�l owed under the Note or by melcing a <br /> diroct payment to Borrower. If a r�fund reducex principal.the reducrion will be trewed as a pnrtiul prepayment without any <br /> prcpayment charge under thc Note. <br /> — 14. Noticea Any notice�o Borrower provided for in this Securi�y lnslrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> — mailing ft by fi�t clasa muil unless applicable law requires urc of anaher method.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Address or any other uddrexs Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender siu►II he given by fir�t class <br /> m�il to l.ender's addresx stated herein or any alher addr+e�s Lender dexiFnales by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for <br /> in this Security Instmment shull be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given us provided in this <br /> __ Parngrnph. <br /> ' ls. Governin�LAw; Sevembility. Thiti Security Instrument shull be govemed by fcderul law and the law of�he <br /> _-- jtuisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event that nny provizian ar cluutie of�his Security Inswment ur the Note <br /> -.,, conflicts with npplicable luw,such conflict shall not affect other pruvisiuns of�his Security Instrument or the Note which cun <br />--_�a 6e given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the pmvisimm�f thiti Securiry Instrument und Ihe Note are <br />_.:�. declared to be severnble. <br /> m_ 16. Rorrower's Copy. Borrower tihall 6e given one conform��i copy ot'�he Note iuid of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 7�ansfer of the PropeMy or A&neticial Interest in Burrower. If ull or uny pan of Uie Prapeny or any intercs�in <br /> ".:'� it is sold or traacfermd lor if a beneficiul interest in Borrower ix xold or trunsferrrd and BoRO�ver iti not a natural person) <br /> __'� without Lender's prior wrinen conxent. Lender muy,ut it+option,reyuire immediu[e paymem in full of ull sums secured by <br />°�'� this Securiry btsirument. However,this optiun sfiall nat be exercixed by l.cnder if exenixe is prahlbited by federal luw as of <br /> -�— ihe date of this Securiry Instrumrnt. <br /> �-� If Lender exercises this option,Lender shpll pive Borrower noticr of nccelerution. The notirr shull provide a period of <br />-_:;� nw lesx than 30 duys from thc date the notice is delivered or muiled wi�hin whKh Bom�wcr mu+t pay ull xwm xerured by thix <br /> Securlty Tnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay thesr xum. prior�o�he expiration of�hi, periai,Lcnder muy invoke uny <br />'_''�•� remedies permilted by this Security Instrument without fanher nrnire u�clemunJ on Borrower. <br /> 18. 8orrower's Right to Reinsts�te. If Bnrcowcr mcets ccnuin cc.nJi�ium. Borrowrr>hall havc ihe riRh� tn have <br /> '-� enforcemeM of Ihis Security Inurument discominurd at uny time prior to the rurlirr i�f: Iu1 S days(or+:uch other period u� <br /> � Sfngle Family--F+Innie Moe�FYtddk M�c l'NIFUR�f 1\ti7'RU\tE\T••Unili�nn Covamum� 9/90 qwpe 4 a�A�kIgP51 <br />_-�� <br /> r <br /> :�� <br /> =-ii.•.�7 � <br /> '.d.\��,A... "-W/�-1•:..ty'.�: �K�1�,w��c.M'.:�R�.. .�''T�1 � �p�!"j � .11-_. <br /> � v.,�s-�w.�� i.��7.:�:w.�w; • / �. <br /> 1 LY- .. . _ .• . . � � . ' 1.�. ' � �- ,k � il . N-.w} il� d.+ t t <br /> .. _ . . <br /> c�..qy �tw �. 1 , __ — . I-1 •� . . .. yi�- -�`� - �. �--}., yl} . .• <br /> _�j �� . . ' " ' , 1. i � 4. - ... <br /> — _- �Sw.�..� , . � , ' - ,t . <br /> 1� <br /> —,�'� �=^u_"�.•.,i°.�_�_��-• - _-°' - -- �. . --' �- - -. .. . a�-:.•��i. 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