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_ . .. <br /> �-�.,aa.:. . , _ , <br /> -�`a1➢.�iit�'.:!'+� ^ �«.;-'R'='� <br /> - "_- -- .. � ��� � ,l�i rr.'�4.-_._. <br /> ��1�{L�1�1[1l�II[0�. TM�C�f POY�YI�l���II EO CbO�I�BOf�MI�d 10 I��Y <br /> �4prew�)wLioh�I!not be une�an6ix.wid�hsld. U bortower t�il�10 indnt�in dMCdbed aixw�.L.a�da'nyy►M _ . . .. <br />_- - �---- --- ' G�Y��pr�l.audCrti rla3ts!q!!se Pla�atlr!��ea�o�r+a� <br /> �--.� �\�(�` ��y��y ��� /� . _a(L.3_..�. <br /> .. . _ _. _ �����w1A��Y��o�e����'�NY�Wi.��`�w� � -.._. <br /> tlMlt trve�he�Sht b Nold die'policia�nd raKwds. It l.aider roquirot,Batr�wer shdl p+anplly�iva to L,ender�II tac�ipq <br /> ot pRW p�emiw�u�nd renewd noNoa. In 11�e event of lou,Barruwu�WI�ive peanpc nwioe w the ir�wr�noe e�rrler�nd <br /> Lwnder. L.ander ta�y au�ioe proo(of lan if wt ewde panpUy Barower. . <br /> Unks�t�.ondor and Bamaw�er otherwi�e yroe in writlu�. proc�eed:�h�ll be�ppliod w�euuo�tlon or re�k�ot <br /> ��� raty d�ed�if tha�ettontlon or npNr is econanicaliy feuibla a�d Lenderlc�ty a nat les�nod. If the . <br /> ar u not eca�on►iailly feasib{e or t.rnderl��ecurity wauW be kwawd.�he in�a�arce p�ocaed� elWl��e <br /> �pplied to the �upu aKCUred by Ihb Socualty Inq�umm�.whelher or iat tl�en due.wlth�ny azas�p�id w Borrowrr. iF <br /> 8arrower aba�dau the Property.or doea not wwer wlthin 30 d�ys�notioe from Lender�h�t the in��a c�rrler b�a <br /> offared to cetlle�claim�tha�l.ender may collect�he(nw�nve procoeds. L,ender may u�e tha p�ooa�ds to or m�ooro.. <br /> the��ven�y����lhii Savrity Instruma�t.wl�eliKr or oot N�on due. 7be 30�day p�iad U beRin�wha► <br /> Uaks3 Lerda and Bort�uwer otherwise�roe in wrldn8,anY oPPlicalan oP proceeds to principal shall r�ot eatend a <br /> poetpooe die due due of the monlhlY paymena oefentid to in prra�phs 1 aMl 2 or change the arr�t of fhe p�y eAts. if <br /> w�dp�pnagraph 21 ttie Properiy is acquirod by Lenda. Horrowati right w nny inwrRnoe policka and prqoeedsmn�ulNng <br /> from dana�e to tha Property prior to�he++icquisitian dull p�ss oo Lender w�he extent of the�w�u securod br Ihip Sacurity <br /> Lauwnrnt immediuely prior to thcacquisidan. <br /> 6. Oecupaacy. Praerv�don, M�Inte�s�oe a�d Protectlon ot t6� Praperiy�Barrower'a I.o�,Applkalbni <br /> l.eaeerold�. Borrowar ehall occupy.estabUsh,u�d use the P�+nperty ss Burrowery princ� t+ecidanx wl�hin siary days after <br />_ the eaece�ian of tdls Security Instrument end elull co�Ninue ta oocupy the Propaly as Botrowerk principal reeidence far,�t <br /> : teast ane y¢ar after U�e date of accupancy. unless Lender otherwisa ag��v in wridn�� which cansent shall rwt bo <br /> unrcasopably wi�hheld.or unless extenuating cir+cumstw�ces exist which are bayond Homowet�cunaol. Bonower slWl not <br /> deatroy,danwge or impair the Property. allow the Property to deterlorate,or commit wsrste an Ihe Property. Borrower shall <br /> be in default if any forfeituro acdon or proccxding,whetha civll ar begun that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> cauld rcsult in fodeiturc of the Property or otherwise muerislly impa�r the lien crcate� by thie Securiry Instrumont ar <br /> Lender�secu�ty lnteresG Bormwer mAy cure such a default and provided in pazagrnph causing the x6on <br /> or proceeding to be diamissed wi�h a ruling that,in Le�b$ood fallh determinatlon,prccludes forfeiturc of the Bornnwer� <br /> --l� interest in the Property or other matufal impairment of �he lian created by this Secur�ty Insuument or l.en�ler`s security <br /> inter�es� Homower sholl also be in default if 8orrower,dudng the loan opplkatlon process, gave materialiy felse ar <br /> inaccurrue infexmation or statements to I.ender(or failed to provido I.ender wi�h any msterial information)in connection with . <br />- the loan evidenced by the Note. including. but not limited to, rapresentatlons conceming Borrower�s accupancy of tt�� • <br /> _ — Property as a principal residence. If Ihis Securi�y Instrument is on a loasehold,Bortower shall comply with all the provisions ' <br />,._� ui ihr k�se. it&�rru.vcr,x�yuird�frx titlo to Ux Fro�ny,the�hoid wid ihc fee iitie sheii not tnerge ustess Letider agrees , . <br /> � to the mer�er in writing. <br /> 7. Protection of Le�xler'e Righta in the Property If Borrower fa11s to perform the covenants and a mcnts <br />__- conudned in this Secudty tnstrumeM, or there is a lagal proceeding that mAy significandy uffect Lender� rIg ts in U�e <br /> Propeny(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,prohu�,far condemnuiion or forFeitur�e or to enforce laws or negulntions),then <br />- Lender ms►y do rnd pay for whntever fs necessary topratat tha value of Ihe Property and Lender's rights in�he Praperty. <br /> . Lender�uc�foac may lnclude paying nny surns securBd by a lien which hu.c priority over this Security Instrument,appearing <br /> in court,paying rearonable attarneys'fees and pntering on the Property to make rcpairs.Althnugh Lender muy lalc$acdon <br /> untkr this paragreph 7,Lendcr dces not havt ta do qo. <br /> My amounis disbu�sed by Lender under this parugmph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> —j%��—��� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender agree to other termti of puyment,these umounts shnll be�r intemst from the <br /> `� date of disbunsement ut the Notc rote and tihall�tx payable,wilh interext, upon notice from L.ender to Borrower Ryuesling <br />- payment. <br /> S. Mortgage lnsurana. If Lender requirod mortgage insurw�ce u�u candition of muking�he loan secured hy�hls <br />� Securiry Instrumem. 8orrower shall puy thc prcmiums reyuired to muintuin the monguge in+urunce in effect. If, for uny <br /> reasan, the mortgage insurunce coveruge required by Lender lapses or ceases iu be in effect, Borrower shnll pay �he <br /> premiums requited to obtuin coveruge substuntiolly equivulem tu �he monguge in�urunce previously in effect, ut a cost <br /> �ubntantially equivnlent to the cost to Borrc►wer of the monguge insurtmre prcviawly in effect,fram un ul�emu�e mi�rtgage <br /> �:�,�, �" insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully cyuivalent mongage inxurance wvcr•rgc is not avuilable,Borrower sholl pay to <br /> ., '"� Lender each month u sum ryuul to one-twclflh of ihe yearly martgage insuruncc premium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> ''"""'""'' inxurunce cavem e lu eed or ccused to be in effcr�. Lender will acce t use rnJ retain�hr.e a ments•rs u lo�x retierve in lieu <br />^; ,M.�::;�.,�; . 8 P• p• P Y <br /> _ � of mongagc insumnce. Loss reservc puyments muy no longcr Ix reyuircd, ut �he uptiun of Lender, if mortgage insurance <br /> - ,;r��:���i coverage(in�the umount und for�he perial thtU Lender reyuire.l provided by un in.urer iipproved by Lender agnin beromes <br /> "�;;; uvuiluUle und is aMaincd.Bormwer shall p•ry�he pRmiumti myuired ta mr►int��in moriguge insurnncc in effect,iir�o providc u <br /> ��;,'�i%�?r,.s., <br />;,r,;�� !s,;..,.•, loas reserve,until Ihe requirement for mort�uge in�urunce end,in uccordunce w ith uny wriucn ugreement brtaeen Bomower <br /> ---- - -' ;;;e�; und Lender or applicublc luw. <br /> ' � ' "`�-;•',�;�,,;;••. 9, inspectton. Lender or its agent may mukr reas��wblc enlricr upun ancl im�xc�iom of thc Pro�xny. Lencier shall = <br />��L '^ : .._' ,'n"•, , give Borrowar no�ice u�the time of or prior to un in,pec�ion tiprcilyinE rw,onahlr rau,r ti�r the imprction. <br /> ' � •�"�";`. 10. Condemtwtion. The prorceJs of uny uwurJ�x rluim tiir damu��x,Jircrt or ron.ryuentiul,in ronnection with nny <br /> .�:.` ::.�r :�, <br /> �-`'�� ,, Singlc f'.unilY••Fwmlc►1ae/FYeddk Nnc UNIFONN IRti7'RUNt:\T-•Undi�tm Cu�encm�. V/90 ryN�,¢r.t njn p,rer.r� <br /> T�+,n`+. `r" <br /> •�-�sr •, �. larat INn�Hu.rl�xm Fnm�e.Ix � <br /> d'�}-•.4j` in Ihdrr 1"�II IJMM�9:Y►7:11A f 1 FAx lil�i4'll4 til . <br /> . .�r,�u:� . . <br /> -,� •,�y,�.,** • <br /> �'f qRSs i t �mT <br /> .. � 1 � l�Y `-' '. _ ..1 .�� .. • . ��r�J11\ .�� JM4� �—..�..-� "l.,(��%��Y.i�..+ 1'���.��.. <br /> iilu«ew ;�;,, • � •� . { �ti i . � ,:c' <br /> ,�'���, t��!*w + � � , . , � � a. .�fti,y�ti:` .. . <br /> _ �,}��~'_.•�n`� � +c .3 i .1�; { .'�_ yy'f..Y.. , i- <br /> . ... . <br /> �..d �. <br /> ,. _ �. --� ...� . . . , - : <br /> .i�" _w. �' � J ' _.... <br /> . <br /> . • ��.• ' <br /> � •ddOd•e�i.�v1lil.slLe.' I'_- • • �• . . <br /> � <br /> '�r•'.•_' ,_�_ _ _ '. y _•._..- .5..'_''�MLilul�.�j..f...= ..�_�.i� . 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