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._.__--��.'�[.:l':...�.._l��_•� �—.— �1 �� . .. ., •_ . <br /> �e�law awy yiedfy tar�)Mlone NN a�dr trop�ty pwswnt b�ey p�al yM aawird fa�W <br /> tn�teuro�e�or(b��ry at a �allorcia�d�S�ritq lo�u�mted. 'iUae caAdWom�ee dW sanow�r: (�) <br /> .Ir�Y�1�id�t�il�w�i�a �b�t�er��� apd We l�1o�e as!t�o�+�r4erado�!�d <br /> - �_ _ ... ----- <br /> -- oc�aa�(b)a� aetnm d owy a�er oovan��an�(c)p�y��l u�paNes mcamea is�raicin�i��e�nr - <br /> 1ma'+m�ent►buciudin�,h�t not liddted 1Q��aiuo�t�te�t�o�yt'faMt �ad(d)ntes wch �ctioa os l.adar nu�y iaroo�bi' <br /> raquim 10 awre tb�t tbe!kn d d�is Secutity Ia�pn�nent�l.aidn�ti dYhq in die PropeAy�ud Bortov�ti obli�dat w p�y d�e <br /> wuat �ecurodby t6is 5ecurity InWumont �hall oontltw�e �ad. Upon � bp 8a�so�� d�lt �Y <br /> iYaa�m�ant�nd d�e obUpdo�r�ecured baeby�Inll�ada fully efYecdve u it no aoalradoo hd oocund. Ho�r�vw�dd� <br /> rigbt w rainctato�haDl nat tpply ia the ccsc ot�talernion t�der p�n�nph 17. <br /> 1!. SiN nf NoMi�r■/e�f LaM&nio� 71ie Nate ar r in�erat tn the IVote(W�ethe�with thi�Sacu�ity <br /> Iao�rwrbat)m�y 6e iold aie ot aiae limes wid�out prior aotioe W anower. A sale msy rduit ia s clwye in Iho p�ry <br /> (kaown u tbe"4an Savloer"1 d�st ool{xb mo�thly psymaw due wder the Noee and thL Sec�ity Inst�umau. 7'�ao dw <br /> may be aoe ar mae chm�a of 16e Lo�a 5ervba wu�el�oed to�ule ot t6e Note. if tha�e i�R ciw�e af the[.a�a 3erviar. <br /> Bamnwer will ba�ivai writ�m notloe af d�e chan�a in�cccndanoe wUh p�nip'aph 14�bove�nd�pqicaMe law. The notbe <br /> �u wr�u,��.�a.aa�a�peM►�s«w�oa.�a ma�aa�.w wm�n P.yo�a�fqu16 be aade. 71ia aotioe wW <br /> aUo canlaia u�y dher infonnadan�ulrod bY applicable law. <br /> ZI�. Hant+dons 5i�b�faaaa. Bo�mwer�h�ll not cause or pe�mic the piesenoe.uce.di�poal.�taaBe�or�elase of my <br /> Hua�dou�t Sub�anoa oa ar in the Prope�ty. Bamwer sh�ll na dlow�nyone elce to do.anydUn�,t�ectlag tbe <br /> Ptvpaty tbu�in v�al�tian of my Fnvhwunmt�l Law. 71ie procading hvo Knt��hall not�pply w the pras�nca.we.or <br /> :tan�e o01he P�opeity of snwfl quuuiNes of Ha��dou�Subonunoa Ib�t n�e�encNly�eoo�nized w be�ppropriate w uonnd <br /> �tidaui�l ttses�nd to m�inten��a af the P�operty. <br /> Bonowa tlWl I�PUY B�ve Leoder wr(tta►rwtice of aay investigWon,cWm.dan�ud.lawssuft or ad�er�cUUon by any <br /> govenm�auat or reguluorY a�e�cY or pr(vaoe paKy involving the Propaty�ad any Huaidaus SuMUnce or Environmeaql <br />_ .—_.._.. -----�-- �w of which Bamower lus �cwal knowledge. If Bamwer lwns.or is �olified by�oy govemma�tal ar�egul�tay <br /> authariry.tiu�t wny�emoval ar wher remodiuion of any Hv.udous Subcuuioo atiectin�d�e Propaty is naxswry.Barmwa <br /> ahail prontPdY Wce all n�xssaty�ea�dlwl wetiaw in aecoMu�ce with EnvimnmenW I.�w. <br /> As usod in thie puag�ph 20."Harardous Subsqu�ces"a�a�hose sub�del"u�ed�w wxic or hsu.rrJuu�ewbs�a��oae 6y <br /> F�vlronnrontal Law and the followLig subsances: gasoliae.kemseno,other�lam�ruble a waic pehc�leum p�odaca.wsic <br /> paticides and herbicides.volatUe solvents. materials cuntaining asbestos or forn�nldehyde,and radioacdve materials. As <br /> � used in this puag�Ph 20,"EnvironnKntal Law"means fe�dernl law�and I�w�of the juricdtcl�on where the Prapetty fs laca�ed <br /> —= tltu relate to t�ealth.safery a envlronme�tW protecNon. <br />-_ =-° NON•UNIFORM COVENAlV1'S. Borrower and Lender fuN�er covenant and agRe s�s follows: <br /> = Zl. Acakrafiaai Remedks. Lealer:6a11�ive aotia to Borrower pdor to acaleration tollowin�Borrower's <br />_- �i bre�cb ot wy covso�ot or agreement in tbls SecuMty I�sqvment(but�ot prtor to Aacekratba uader pAra�r+iph 17 <br /> �; YIIICSS AQ�lllqbl!IA�CC�M'OVIdlB Ot11l1'WI5!). 1Le uotia ehall specify: (�)t6e defaniti(b)tbe�ctlou requira!to cnre t6e <br />:�;; detealt;(e)e d�te:nint M��Iun 30 da�s Arom U�e date t6e notke is given to w6fc6 tbe default sYrt 6e <br /> ;;�. cu r e d;s a d(d)t l u t�d lure to crre t Ne d e fau l t on or b e fore I Y e d A te s p e c i f l e d In the aotice ma y rault(n sccekrado�i <br />- '�• the suma secured by fbis SecuriRy Iosirument and sak of We Property. The notice slwU f�urther intorm Borra�ver d <br /> � `� the rigdt to relostata aRer�caleration pnd the rigdt to bring A cou�1 Actbn M naseR t4e nomexistenoe ot a detault or <br /> wny other defense ot Borrower to accelerAtton Aad sale. If the detault is not cured oa or betore t6e date specifkd in <br /> the notke.l.ender at Ne opttna mny requfre immediete payment in I�ull of all snma securcd by t6is Secnrlly Iostrumeat <br /> without tl�rt6er denwad and may iavoke the power of sale and any other remodfos permitted by applicabk law <br /> Lender stwll be entided to collecl all expenses incurred in punsuing the nmedles provided in thi� pa�rapr 21. <br /> includinQ,but aot limited to,rea.sooable attorneys'fees and cost.9 ot Ntle evWeaa. <br /> I�the power ot sate ts iavoked,7Yustee shall record a notiee of deioult in each county in which nny part of t6e <br /> '_� property is loaited aod a6a11 moil rnpies at such notice in the mnnner prescribed by applkable law to Sarrower aad to <br /> the other pen�ons prescribed by applicAble law ARer the time required by Applicable luw�7Yustee shpll gtve publk <br /> notice of snle to the persons and in the manner prescri6ed by upplicable law 7lrustee,without dema�d on Borrnwer, <br /> ahall sell the Property at public auction to the h(ghest bidder at the lime pnd place�nd under the terms designated io <br /> - �..�;'' t6e notke of sale in oae or more parcels wnd in pny order 7lrustee determines. 7Fustee may postpone sak ot all or any <br /> parcel ot the Property b�•public announcement at the fime ond p1ACe ot any previously scheduled s�le. I.ender or ifs <br />= de�i�nee may purehase the Property at any sale. - <br /> y��<E _.. Upoe receipt of payment of the price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the - <br /> �:��:` ; � Property. The recitals in the 7Fustee's deed Rhall be prima facie evidence of the truth ot the statements made therein. <br /> `�`��'E''�' 'Ilrustee sdall apply the proceed.5 ot the sale M the Pollowipg orders (nl fo all casfs and expenses of exercisin�the power <br /> i��.21:,�;�'$�� <br /> ' .�•t_, ' <br /> 4��. <br /> + t r{�'} <br />- - �a�ti�0l�-��Y �- <br /> i i F�N' _ <br /> `1 _ h".��:t �'�'� "- <br /> •�r. },��••xr. <br />=- 4. i:�� <br /> l h�F1'�i�., . <br /> ' ..vY.1::... .. <br /> �'�� _. <br />.. _r . �����.�:.....�...�� _.. <br /> . ,„ . 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