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- F "'�' .. . <br /> - , � <br /> .. . . — - <br /> - --- =--= - - .._.. _.�. _ . ----_ <br /> 7. . . .. __ <br /> . <br /> - �r'`)�'•� ' ' � LL'• c,. , .a,r o.. ,_ <br /> .�_�x 1� ... ^ . . .�. • y� .:. , --.__ .����.�, K �.��ia�'.t�:��l'�_'— — ._ <br /> . y �I 1���M���YNR"�!! �.�rir...i - <br /> �.e�y�+ -"--- <br /> . a.►+�f�et dr � �P1M��la�o�t�s�1r� �_� <br /> �w�� � a]ai� o�uql+l�. N�q oI .�.._.:. <br /> �irri� -" . .__._ � . ���-_r.---. <br /> - = -- ___T�_�_ ..�.. <br /> _ _ _ -,- —- <br /> ��w iwdiwiw�1��iarrt+i�or Ir ID/bn►M�M b1�M�A_=�"��--�;;,� _,n - <br /> � hwwat eets in a000id�wld��+y wrhM�+�nM�t Mt�s Uarr+ow��i.+r0u as�iMl�►'.", .."�" .—�: <br /> !.�elbs.L�ar P� n�ay��������A�IM�M/nlr:���1�1r:�,�Y,� <br /> ��o�nolior 1t Mie time ot a b aa f rrl�orMi�owM lior M i�F� � .,•�"' <br /> . �,�,;.�=� <br /> 1�.Cw�inrwiw.Tb procaedt ot as�r �wMd or drm I�nt d�M. din�ct a eew�lwli�l. i� ----- <br /> �a adia aldas at My prt oP tiN P�a�erty�vr Wr cw�wyw�w iu{iw o(ccodem�tlac..aac����,-,•°.--.- <br /> �WI be�id b Lad�r. ;, , �^'':,."`.'�•°----�. <br /> la tpe eveat of�toW tal�o[tbo Prnpaty.tbc pnxsed��lall be+Ipplled to ebe amt�enrrodyr tW Soo�ri�j iaM�w�t. •':3,'. <br /> whetber or not tbat due.witb my euanp�w Barnower. In t4a.aveat ot s p�l t�iClni o[d�e�capaty is MYici t4 Il�i� <br /> m�rltd vilue of the Propaty imr�edLtdy 6eforo die Wcin�i�ec�ud w ar�tb�o the unornR of 1Me��ecare�by Ab , <br /> Seaurity I�Uumau itnmodiaidy before ILe Wtin�,uniaw 8arnovl+a aad Letider ad�erwireq�e in w�ritin�.dle�ta�M�e�u�ei hr <br /> �his Se�w�ry UuhuroaK�ll ba roduued by the�ouiM.�of tbo pn�ueeds aaul�p(ied by�be falLoriqr firction: a)Ur to4i! <br /> �a�oant of the am�s�av�od hmnod�ely befa+e�be Wcln�, dlvided by(b)the fair aurket value of the Pnipaty <br /> beforo tha Wciny. My b�lance ib�ll be pid ta Barowtr. ln�tbe eveat of a patial Wcla� of the Propeity in whicfi tb <br /> _ muket vduo of the f'nnpe�ty lm�odi�tdy before�he n�ia�i�less than�he�nwwit of th¢wnr iecnrod immedi�tdy befa+e tAe <br /> takin�. unle+t�Hormwer�d La�der otherwhe�roe in wtitl�oc unkss applicable law aherwhe p�ovklw.�bp poceed� �1� <br /> bo�p1fed b the wms�avred by this Sxurity Impumau whah�r ar not tbe wmt are tl�n due. • <br /> -if tAe P�ope�ty ia�l�udoned by Borrower.or if.aRer iwtice by Laxler to B�rnwer dat�be ooadmmar Affen to aWce an <br /> •w�ud or sdUe a cLim for dnn�ges. 8orrower f�il�to tcspond w l.aider withio 30�day� sRar tbe d�te the uodoo is�ivaa, ' <br /> I.e�da it authatiud to oollect md�pplp the prooeecls.�t iu aption.eithar to r�atoradao oc rep�ic of tbe P�opedY ur b the auoo� <br /> iavred by thin Secu�ity Iastrumdnt,•wliqUer or not then due. <br /> � Unlai Lender and Borro►ver Mherwiso ag�oe in writing. an!' �PPllcation of pr000eds to princi�si�ll aot ent�4�d or <br /> _ poetQone tlie due date of tde monthly paymentg�+eferred w in 1 and 2 or ch�nge the�moa�o wch p�yoxnts. <br /> �n <br /> 11.Ban+uwer Not Releuedi�Forbarance B�La�der ot a Wdver.Eaeenaian of the dme for payrtrent or modifiwtioa <br /> of�moctjzWion of the surtis savrod by Ihis Socurlty lnst�gnu�ted by La�der to any�'in intetest of Borrower shW <br /> not op�rnte to rclease the liability of the o�iginal 8orrower or Borrower's sucotssors in intaest.Laender slull aot be roquic+ed w <br /> oomm�ce pmceedinys sigAinst any sucassor in interest or rotbse to estend dme for peymept or ot6erwL�e modify wnc►rtlz�fon <br /> of tfie surns sacurod by this Security Inswment by reason of Any Oem�nd nwde by the origiral Burmwer or Borrowa'e „ <br /> successors in intcrest. Any forbearanoe by L�fu in exercisin� any dyht or nmedy st►all not be a waiva of or preclude�he . <br /> exercise of wny�ight or remedy. <br /> 12. Suood�ors aad Ass��Boundi Jdnt and 3evenl Lisbpity: Co-s�oe�• 7Ue oov�rnd a�roaaa�ts of dtis �. �;'�. <br /> Secudty instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower. aulsjax to d�e pmvlsiom of , <br /> parngroph 17. Borrnwer's covenunts and agroements shell bc joint �nd sevcral. Am Bormwer who o�aigns this Sea�dty <br /> - Instrument but does noi eaecute the Nae: (a) is co-aigning this Sacuricy inrtrnrtKr�i ma�tu rK►riBw�e.8���Y'� - " <br />_ :. Borrower's imerest in the Properly under the terms of this Securiry l�anumrnt;(b)is not personally abligued Wp�y the amm , <br /> „ secured by this Security lnstrument:und(c)agrees ttiat Lender nnd any other Borrower m�y agroe to extr.nd.awdi yf .faebe+�r or <br /> �-` rt�ke any accommodatfons with r+egud to the terma of this Security Insdumrnt or the Note without tlwt BomDwer's a►n�ont• <br /> = l3.LoAn CMs�tges.lf the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subjxt to a law whieh�ats muimura lom c'�sr(pes. . <br /> _. and lhat law is finally interpr�ted so that the ineerest or aher loan charges collectad or to be collected in com�ectian wittt d�e <br /> an <br /> loan exceed tho permined limits, then: (u)ony�uch toan charge si.all be rcducad by the amoum �rod��� � <br /> to the permitted limit: und(b)3ny sums already collected from Borcower which exceaded pem�it[ed�iml la vv�U be rel�ndo�ta ,. <br /> . Borrower. Lendar may chcxise to mpke thi� refund by re�fucing the principul owad uider the NutG or by m�� dhect <br /> puyment to Botrower. If a r+efund reJucex princip�l. the reciuction will be tre�ted u a parei�t �rcpaYment wlti�out a�Y <br /> prapayment charge under�he Nute. <br /> � t4.Notices. Any notice to &�rrower provided for in this Security Instrument shal!be given by delive�ing it or by msillna <br />_—� it by fint class mail unless applicuble luw requires use ot'another me�hod.The notice shuU be dire.cted tv the Property Addrcss <br />:�•:�� ar uny other uddress Borrow•er dexignutes by natice to Lendrr. Any nwice to Lender shall be given by flrct cla4s mail to � • <br />°� ti�' Lender's siddress sUNed hercin or any othcr uddress l.ender designates by nc►tice to Borrower.Any notioe providod for in dw <br /> r�' Security Instrument sholl l+e deemcd to hsve been given to Bortower or Lender when given as provided in t,'iis paragraph. <br />?-v lS.Covernin�t Law; ScverabllNy. Thiti S��:urity Insaument shull be guverneci by federal law and tl�e law of thc <br />- jurisdiction in whieh the Prc�perty i, I�xutc�l. In thr event that any provision ar ciau�e uf�iii�Scxd��ty:�st`wacnt or itse !'.� -• --- <br /> � '� � conflictx wi�h applicable law,such c�mflict shalt not aiPect other prmisions of this Security Ins�mment or the Note whicb can be <br /> ' ,�,,;,s;;�;• given effec�wi�hout�he conflKting prmi�ion. To thic enJ tbe pr�►visions nf t6is Security Instrument and the Note sre decl�ed <br /> •^•°•'�. to be aevernble. � <br /> � �<�`'?�•�•. . <br />= l6.Borrower s G►py. &►rrower shull he given onc confornatii copy of the Note and of this Seeurity Inswment. . <br /> ��? • � t7.Transter of the Property or a Beneiicial Interest in Bnm�wer.If ull ur uny pan of the Property or any intercst in it <br /> , ,��••'�.�,;;�.9 is tiold or trnnsferred(or if a I+cneficiul intcrest in Barrawer is soW or�rAnsfeneJ und Bormwer i�not a natural person)wiUwut <br /> � ��''" ^ l.ender's pri��r written cansent. l.ender muy, at itti ��pii�►n. rcyuire immeJivte payment in full af all sums secured by thfs <br /> ' � +^``Z x"{^'� Security 1 nstrument.Howevcr,thi�nption shull n�x be exercisecl by Ixnder if exerc�+e is prohibited by foderal law as of the dpte , <br /> '' � `� � �if this Sccurit Instrument. <br /> v,r.' ,�11�+,'.` *g . Y <br /> ,'.� . IP l.�:ndcr cxcrcitic�this npti�in. Leixfer shall givc Borruwcr nnticc of ucr�lerutian. Tlk n�Mice shull provide u period of not <br /> �i� ::•�f:�`:;-' � • Ic�s than 30 duys from �hc Jatc thc ix�ticr is Jdivcred ur nwil��l within whi�h Bormwcr must pay all sums secured by this <br /> . ,. �..:r.�; . <br /> � .; �, ��:r,,�;,�;;� Serurity Instrument.lf Bnr���wcr falls tu pay thetie �um�priitt�n Ihc cxpiratiun uf this periixl,Lender muy invoke any re►nedies <br /> ';��,�`. •; ;` •. ,; permittcd hy this Security In�tnumnl wi�huut funhrr n���icc ur drmanJ��n F��rr��wrr. <br /> .,,;,. ', `•��:. 18. Borrower'� [tiRnl tu Reinxtate. If Burro�ccr mcct� rrnain ronditiun.. Barmacr .lull hawc the righl to havc <br /> .�}�' f -� : enfi>rcement uf thi�Srcuriry In,trument Ji,r�m�inucd ut uny Iime priur tu the earlicr ��f: la►S J•ry. I��r such other periixl :�. <br /> �`. . '.�. , aPPlicublc law m�y s�xciFy ti�r rcinxtatemcntl hetitte sale uf tlx Proprrty purtivant t�, any ��wer oP wle runtuined in this <br /> ' r.;;�;:+;�r.'�'��'�. � Security Instrument:or Ihl entry ol'a juJgnunt rnForring thi,Se:curity ln,trunmin. 1'I�o.e canditions are that Borrower:la)pnys <br /> ,�����,a>,�`.. [..:nder ull sums which �hen would he duc undcr thi.Securiiy Instrument and thc N�Ke uc if no�cceleration hud occurred;(bl <br />._ ,,;.a�rL:�;•. •.• � cures�ny default nf uny other rovenant, or ugreements:(c)pu��+all expcns�s incuned in enfiircin� this Security Instrument, <br /> :"'s!)�:.r . ;.'.�• • including,but not limited to.rca�nnuhle uttnrneys' I'cc�:und Idl takc�such uclian u+Lcixlcr muy reASnnuMly myuire to s�saure <br />°::�;•::. � ;."'. !S;'� thut thc licn oP this Scruriry Inrtrument. LcnJer'. right�in Ih� Proprrty und Rnrcowcr'�abliEution to puy the+ums serureJ My <br /> ` ��;.. <br /> this Securiry Instrument tihull ��mtinue unchang��i. U�x�n rein.tutemern hy Burruwcr, thi. Secunty Instrument und the <br /> .L' _4. .L..11 <br /> ..-- —�"�-_ _ _ — Ub��gAl1UI1S M:CU�eI�hC�fby tiI1�II 1'Ch1A10�Ully l`Ill'l'UVp a.u nn uceeieru[i�m n:�d�xcuRCai.i-iuWC�c�, uu�ii�,w iai Tcii��iuiC .n�au <br /> `� •�F � ��?,�., not upply in the casc of acrcicrati�m wxlcr paragraph 17. <br />� ��� . �: <br /> :v-•k;;,,,,y. . l9. Srle of Note: Chan�r nP Loan ticrvker. Thc N�xe nr 8 Pill'IIBI intcrr+t in thr N�+tc �tugctlx:r w•ith thi, Scrurity <br /> ,_:,� • Instrurnentl may be xold nnc or morc timcs with�mt pri��r nutic� 10 Burrnwcr. A�alc may rcxuh in a rhunge in the cntity lkmnvn <br /> �i:["�°�T—"'•. as the "Lo•rn 5erv�rer"1 that coilects monthly paymemti Juc unJcr tnc ivote and�h��Scruriry Instrumem, '1'lic�r.d.0�iw} hc o�i� <br />_..�; � '.'`.��: ��r more rhungcs of thc Loun Scrviccr unrclut�Yi tu a wdc��f thc Nutc. If thcrc changc uf th�Luan Scrviccr. &,rrawcr will tk <br /> .�� . , given wriUen notice of thc change in accurJunce with paragraph 14 al�»�r anJ .�rri���ni�I•rH.Thr nntice will,rrte Ihe na�ne anJ .- <br />_'ti� ��� �•• • uddress��f thc new Lo�n Servirer�nd thc aJdres� to whirh paymrrns shuuld he m:Klc. The n��ticc will al�u cnntain uny �Nhcr <br /> - .�,.�,.. <br />--�l ,.. infomwti�m rcyuireJ by upplicul�lc law. _ <br /> _ . �`.` l0. Ila�rd��us Substanccs. Borrowcr xhall nat raus���r permit thc prc+rnc�. usc. di�p���al. �tittagc. ar rcicusc��I'an�. <br />: - ' +� . Huzardou+ Substances ��n i�r in the Property. Burmwcr shall uot do, nur allow unyane clx to d��. om•thing uffccting thr <br /> �, . ; Propeny Ihut is in violatiun oP uny Environmcntal law. 7'hc prccrdm� tw�� ,entrnceti shal) nM uppla to Ihr prc.en�c.usc, ur <br /> �`• ��,�,,'•_ stnrnge c�n the Property nf sm•rll yuanlitie�uf HazarJau+Suh.tuikti,ihat arc gcncrally rcri�gni�cd N�br appmprialc ta nunnal . <br /> �,�:+a:, <br /> . ' residenlial use�und to maintenrnce ot'Ihc Prope:rty. <br /> ' ,,,,,,. �,,,a . Form 3026 9/80 = <br /> :'�."' - <br />