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�,. .. ,.,,.�. <br /> -- - ....:� - . - --- .. - _ - <br /> .�_L_ . .�� ' . ., .. .. . � AiT�`� ��� � ��_• <br /> `''' � ..{:.��.4° . -•-'� <br /> '13�i� � be Add in a�i�la� �r�d�po�M�n biw�+1 by � aA�e�e�t , Ir�.��1lit)� �r� - <br />- _�I.e. ,, .N C�3.-r b����or!u �!��l.�_ � -- - - - <br /> _---- sq F°�CS'.e�- - - - _��,_�`����r.�.� <br /> - ow�vw -�a��wq w���nar+w�'�-wo�� � •.�+.:�.�...7�.—�v --,.---—� _-- <br /> 1hl�iyl{����f�pi��W�OM[.�IM��/�Ofl�OW�K�IM�O/l0A�0 1 � ��MI 1.�0� <br /> ' Y�.f1oM�0Y�l.LfldOr tpry�eOf�OwM b�►�O�fMlO�Of�lO R!f M�1�00���Iri Mp01�_� , <br /> wed � l,a� in oomectioa wki�diis brn. ud�w �pplkabte ia�r pro+►lder all�ri�s. UdeM �n apwiw�t N adr�f <br /> y n <br /> �ppiio�b�le I�w roq�iira i�Maat�o be p�drLa+�der�hdl rot b�r�ired w p�y Borrower aoy inl�e�t ar ary�i�M�M. . _ <br /> Borrnwcr�ocl L�der ary qroe i� wrkin�, IwwevK.t�t inMeat iU bc pid o�tM Pred�.l.ead��w�o�1r. ',� °' <br /> - wit}wut rJ►�r��nn�wl uc�catwlr�ot tba Fwds.tho csadita and�w dx PurMs tnd the pa�Oac[er wMeh e�s�+ , <br /> debit ta ebe Fuad�w�t n�k.'tLe Fwd��n pkd�ad r addi�reauity for dl pun�eaeed by d�k i�aKity LMt�Nwwt. - <br /> If tha Fuad�held by Lender e�coeed �be�mouots pamitted w ba beid by rpplia�bla I�w.l�ender tlrll�cro�t q Daa+�' <br /> for tbe�ow FuM�ie sc�ord�oca rvkh tGe requi�aaaw a!�pplM�ble lawr.if ti�e amount ol'tbe Fwids beW by l�Md�r at rq► .. <br /> Wa�e i�mt snf�icknt a py tbe F.x�o�v Items wUen due,l.aider m�y�o oodly Hamwer ia wriii��aad,ia wc6��or�w�c <br /> �11 pay m l,n�kr the imount ro m�ka up d�e ddiclmcy.Barrn�rar Y�U m�ce up 1he�cia�b m�o�e ir <br /> twdvt rao�YWY p�YmaMs.u L,nder'� di�creNon. <br /> Upon payman in fult of all auaas aa�ned by this Secur�ty Ymuumanl. tetder�lull pro�tiptly rcPond b Bonnwec�sy <br /> F�mdi held by I.e�der.If.unda p�b 2 l.Lender sh�U�oqtdro or te11 Ihe Prope:tY.La�der. ���qu�i�itioe��� <br /> o� �y aoy held by I�eoder at We dme of�cquisWon or ufo in a t <br /> n <br /> a.��too ot Udas�pplirabk law prnid��he�lse..0 ayma��ooavoa ey�..a�aa uma�,�s <br /> 1 wnd 2 s6�11 be appliad: �st,to utY P�l���due uod�er t6e Nde: second�to�pyable andor p�papM 2: <br /> thi�d.W inte�t ptinciptl�:+�ad I�et.W�oy la�ecl�rges due under the Nate. <br /> 4.Ciau� I.le�s.Haemwa �I! pq►all wrss.a�we��rr8ec.fines ard impo�itiomc aqributa6le to the Prapaiy <br /> whi�may auain prioriry over chic Socnrhy Inst�vmaat,and Ir�cehold paymaus or�ound�ts. if aay. Borrower sbtl!pry . <br /> tlKae obligation4 in the�pmvjded in p�gn�h 2.or if not p�id in th�t manaer.Horrower slWl p�y thent on time dlrecNy <br /> _ w the pensoa owed prymeot.Bu�rovra slWl pcomptly furpis6 to Lender aU twtioes of�roouas to be pid urda this p�r�ph. <br /> If Barrower malces tl�ese p�yments directly.Bonower shatl pmrt�ly fivaish a I.ender�ecuipa e�ridencing�ho paymaae. <br /> Borrower ahall promptly dischar�e any lien w�ulch fiAS prioriqr.,o��r U�is Seauiry In�at ualess Bormwa: (�)agrea in <br /> writing w tha payment of the obligation saured by!hc lien in a manner pcceptab{e to L�rnder:(b)oot�ests in�ond fiith the liai <br /> - by. or defeids against enfotoement of the lien in. legsl pmceediqgs whirh ia the Le�der's opinlon opentc to pre�a�1 thc <br /> enforcemeat of the lien;or(c)saures from the holder of Ihe Ifen xn qgree�nent saflsfactory to Lender aubordirauing the liea w <br /> this Socuriry lnsuument. If T.ender ddermines that any put of tAe Property is subject to a lien ahich nyy Mtain priodty over <br /> this Secudty Instrument.l..ender may give Borrower a notice identifying tho lien.Borroww sh�ll ratidy tho lien or Wca one or <br /> moro of the acNans set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notia. <br /> s, Hs:ard or� I�ur�nce. Bomower shall keep the im�rovemenu► now existing or henaRer emted on the <br /> Property i�um.d against oss by 8re.hazards includad wlthin the tertn extendod coverage" And any other hazards. incl�dfng <br /> iiu�xi�ur�iukiing. iar�uh€ch Lender rcc;nires insurance.Tlsis i sl:s!!be malnteisxd!n tht emo+!nta end f�x�he periods <br /> rx;;; that Lender requlres. The insurance carcjer providing the insurance�bc all be ehosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approv�l <br /> which shall not be unraasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to rtraintAin coverage descr�bod above. Letdet anny.wt La�der's <br />_'!� option.abtain ooverage to protect L.ender's rights in the�perty in accadanoe with pua8reph 7. <br /> AII insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender ar�d shall include a stendard mortgage elause. l.e�der . <br />-- shull have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If l.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lxndec all r�eceipts of <br /> _= paid premiums and renewal naices. ln the event of loss,Bornnwer shell give prompt notice w the insurance carrier u�d Len�ler. <br /> Lender may make praof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless l..ender and Borrower rnherwise agree in writing,insurance pra�ceds shall be applied to restoration or repair af the <br /> ' Property damaged.if Ihe restoration or repai r is economirally fearible and I.ender's securiry ia not lessened. If the�tmtoration or <br /> � repalr is not eronomically feasible ar Lender's saeurity would be lessened.the insurance proceads slwll be applied to the sums <br /> � serurod by this Secudty lnsttument,whe�her or nat then due. with nny excess paid to Borrower. If Horrower abandons thc <br />-- Property,or does not answor within 30 dnya u notice from I.ender thut the insurance carrfer has offered�o settla a claim, then <br /> � Lender may collect the insurrnce proceeds. Lender may use the procceds to repair or restore the Prnperty or w pay sums <br /> , �I.� secured by this Secu�ity Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bormwer otherwise ngree i� w�iting,nny opplicntion of praceeds to principal shall not eatend or <br /> � i �4r l ,t-;. postpone thr.due dute of the mcMthly puynients referred to in p•rrugrnphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amount ot'the payments. If <br /> ;Y. - �� " under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acqu�red by l.ender,&�rrciwer'�right to any in.ui�u��n�w{{�ic�a+�1 pr:.c::..�s rcwlting irom _ <br /> • z.-x;. ;_>'' Jamage to the Property prinr to the �rquiai�ion shull puss to l.endcr to the ea�ent oi'the sums secured by this Securiry inswment <br /> � � '�' `�� '` � immediatel r�or In the ac ui+ition. <br /> r�,• ;.� YP � 9 <br /> f - , ' 6.Occupancy.Pre.servation, Maintenance and Protection oP the Property;Borrower's Loan Application:l.easeholds. <br /> �� ` Borrawer shall orcupy,estubli�h,nnJ use the Pr��perty as Borc��wer'ti principal residence within siaty days�fter the execution of <br /> ����� �+J.d�"±'�� this Security In+trument and shall continue to�xcupy the Propcny u+&�rrowcr's principal re�idence for at leact one year nfler <br /> •�- =�rt�: the dnte of accupancy, unles�Lender otherwiu agrees in wri�ing, which comrnt shall not be unreasanably withheW.or unless � <br /> '����: • • ' extenuuting circumstunces exi�t which ure bcyo�xi Bormwer'�rumrul. Borrow�er shall n�K destroy, damage or impair�he <br /> _" �::."� ' Property, aUuw the Pmpeny to Jeterioratc, ur c�►nunit wu+te on the Pn�pcny. &�rmwcr zh•rll be in defuult if any fort'eiture <br /> 'f• .�. ..,. ..' V acti�m or pr�kecding, whether civil �x criminul, i.begun that in Lcndcr'. gnai luuh juJgmcnt rould result in forfeiture af the <br /> A'. . . <br /> �' Ar'�'� � �'?'� Pmperty or otherwiac materially impair thc lien rrcatcct hy this S�tiuriry In�trumcnt��r Ixnder'ti sccuriry interest. Borrower rtwy <br /> ' • � rure such u default anJ reinslate,us pmvided in para�ruph I R, hy ruwing the•rciian crr pnuccJing t��t+e Jismixsed with a ruling -- <br /> ' »�._...•;:.' �. thut, in LenJ�r's gixid fai�h Jctcrniinatiun, prcrludes lixtcitun��f the Burrowcr'ti in�rrr.t in �hc Pruperty ar ��thcr matcrinl <br /> ' ' impairmem �if thr lien crcatc�l h�� Ihi� Scrurily Instrunxnt ur lxixkr'� ti�curiq• intrreti�. Burruwcr shall ul,�� b�: in Jefuult if <br /> ' �� Bnrrowcr,Juring thc IOJfI:1(f�IGI'�I100 E11'�K'C��,guvc materiull�• tal�c�ir inar�urutr intiirmation or statcmrnt.p� L,rnJer I��r tailed <br /> ., ?• � ,:i.:.,r.; k+proviJe LenJcr a•ith any matrrial inli�rmetiun) in r„nnrrti„�i uith thc luan rviJcnreJ h�• thr N�KC.inrlucling. bul not limited <br />_ ,�i• ,,-•. ,•�,,1;;1,.:. to. repre�enl�tion�ranrermng HorruH•er'.r ncrupan�� ��I'ihr Pn��rty a.a principal r�+idcnr�. If thiti Scrurity In.trumrnl i.�xi a -. <br /> • •.�,�],. ; .,,:..:. . Icaschold, ei�rrawer +haU cumply ��•ith .dl thc pru��i,iun, uf' �hc Ira�c. 11' Burruacr ucyuire, fee title to lhe Pruperty, the ` <br /> . :,<<r� . �� leusehold und the I'�r tide�Null rr�t nkr�r unlc��Letxlcr:�grces a,the mcr�cr in writing, �_ <br /> - ' " .�'s'' ,'. • 7.Protecdnn of Lender's Rikhls in thr PropeMy.11'&�rrower fail� to perPorm the c�rven:�nt�und agreements contninal in = <br />,'•:t � , ��:.;'.'',.•F,� this Security Instrument, ��r there i.a Icgal pmceeJing ti�ut muy signilicuntly utTcrt Lender',right�in the Property (surh as a — <br /> `' "�'�°��` �"' ''��'�'' praceeding in bunkruptcy, pruhate, liir condemnation or ti�rl'citurr ��r t��cntirrrc luwa or rcgulatinns). then Lender ma�•do and = <br /> •�:';: ,`i:'.n':i'�: - <br /> _1,$ �uy for whatever is necex�ury tu pr�wcrt ihc ealue ��f the Prupeny and l.r�xlcr's right� in the Pn�peny. Leixicr'�arlinn�may - <br /> ... , ..,. <br /> .. . <br /> i� .�:.� �._.. � -.:. ...... .::". .c..':::T'�� �::::.^.::::��� . r�....ri��o in .�m�rt nnvin� <br /> � ,- � --T.�.`�-r ..`— IfIC1UUC PSylO�, :Illy 14111� �Ctui�ti i�Y ai ncii wu��u .w., j.i:.,�.� :.... . . , . �rr--...� _. . r — <br /> ��.a,,,�;;;�,.� rc�onable uUorneys' tce�anJ entcring�in ihe ProExny ai nwkc repain. Alth��ugh LrnJcr m;►y tuke�tion under thi.pari�gruph __ <br /> _''� ' ..Y:ri 7. L.ender dc�s not have to Jn tii�. _ <br /> ' -•��.':.��:•.�.�,�. Any umounts disbursed hy LcnJcr unJrr thi. p•rrugruph 7 �hall hccumr adJitiunal debl ot' Bi�rruarr �rcurcd by thi� _ <br /> =�:.T.*`z=<r.7r;._� �CCittliy' �DStrumcnt. 11n�c5`. Burrnwcr 3nJ Lcndcr agrcc tu�nh�r tenn,��t'raym!•Ill. !�u.'�C .Inu+����1� �h:�ll hr:n I111�`R�� I���Hll I�1C _ <br /> o date oF disbur�ement ut thc Note ratc anJ shall hc p���ablc. ��•iUi intcrc,t. upun niitire fn�m Lendrr tr. 13��rn�wer rcquc�ting — <br /> � payment. - <br /> �;y y,'� ''.. � 8. MortAa�e Ingurancc. If Lcixlcr rcyuircd murtgaEr insuruncc cu a cunJitiun ��I'making Ux luun .crurcd by ihi.Srcurity -- <br /> -•`��'" "' ' lnstrument. Borrawer zhall pay thc premium� reyuired m muimuin thc mongaEc in.uranrc u� c17cc1. II, li�r an� rcuwn. �hr -. <br /> � mortgugc intiurancc covcrugc rcyuircJ h�•LcnJcr lapsc,ur ccuuw ta Ik in d'1'crt. Borruucr xhall puy Uie prcmiurn� rryuircJ t�� - <br />-_ • � •"�� nbtain cnverugc suh.tantiully eyuivalent tu thc nxmga�:e inwr:�ncr prc�•ii>u+ly in cffcct, ut a rost tiuh,tuntiully cyui�•ulrm t��ihr ! <br /> " , �•; � ��• cnst w Bc►rrower of the mortguge insuranrc prcvi�wsly in cftiwt, from un ultrrnutr m��nguge imur�r approvcd hy l.rnJer. It' _ <br /> � :r.. ;���.. • <br /> $ ,,: � <br />' ��'� .r .. ' ' va�..7a�n FOrm 3028 9190 <br /> . � � <br /> .1t� _ -- _ , <br />