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Iw�i��r W� <br /> �, ppe�t6e d aqy sde. . • <br /> . .., ��ap 'tecdpt at p�ymat ot tYe prloe bld� Trwtee dq�ll d�eNYver to tYe �et'I�stN's �aa�rl� <br /> ',::':,.� P�ope+'rty:.�!'ee redt�t�tlie Trwa+e's d�ed�ball be pi�ficie evideooe ot tM t�th of t�e st�e��is-�- <br /> .. . '�wtee thau•ppy tl�ib p�ooeea�ot t6e sde in th�toUoNias«+da�s(�)a,�ll oo��ts,�na e�+d.6it a�e�__-- <br /> de,and t6e de.iodud�t6e PRY�t at tLe Trwtee'a feao�Ily incnrrd,sat W e�ceeal�� o! �50.dp _ <br /> at tbe p�i�dpd�+ou�t ot t�e aote at the Uoe ot tLe ded�ntioa ot dd��d ra�4Nn�ble at�arfey�'[+ea a��- <br /> bY Uaw;(1�? tn aU�.secu�+ed br fl�S�auritY I��ad(c)a�y e�coe�fo tYe�iun r�1�1�__- . ... <br /> tt. ; <br /> ?,2.R�ounvey�oe. Upon pryment of all sums socurod by this Security LaWment+ �rnder sltall.�quat T-""==: <br /> rxonvcy the Property and ahall surna�der this Security Insuument and W! n4tes evicfpfcing debt sxurod by tftis =_-: <br /> Instrument to Truak�.Tcusta shall remnvey the Property witt�out warmnry:a�d•withoue clwr�e w 1he peraon or pe�a�--_ <br /> entided ta it.Suc.�pereon or persona shall pAy any recor�d�tion ooses. •; . <br /> 23.Subsdtute Tru9tee.Lender,at its option,may from time to time �+emove Tnistee and tppolqt 0 sucixasor`.='_- <br /> any T�ustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rororded in the rnunty in which�his SecuNry Instrument is r000rdal._""` <br /> conveyance of the Prc►peerty,the successor tmsta shall sucaod to all Ihe title.power and dutks oanftsted apon Truuae`_. <br /> and by applicable law. ' <br /> 24.Reques�t for Notic�. Borrower roquests Ilwt copies of the�wtioes of defrult ond eale�be sent�W.�ormwer'a=" <br /> which is�he Propeny Address. .�• <br /> 2S.Ridere to thls 3ecurity I�ment. If one or mora riders are executed by Barrower and rernrdod witq <br /> Sacudty Insirument,the cavenants and agreements of each such dder shall be incorporated irno und�hall�anknd ud_�=r'� <br /> the oovenu�ts and�greements of this Sxurity Insuument as if the rider(s)wer+e a part oi this Socudty I�umeat, ' <br /> [Check applicable box(es)1 <br /> � , <br /> Adjustabic Itatc Ridcr Condominium Rider 1�Family Ridu <br /> aradu�ted Payment Rider Planned Unit Development Rider Biwcekly Poyment Rider <br /> Balloon Rider Rete Improvcment Rider Second Home Rider <br /> V.A.Rider Other(s)[Sp��fYl Aekaowledge�ent of Power of Sale <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower uccepts und agreev to the terms and cavenants mnlained in this Security Instrument <br /> in any riderys)executed by Bormwer and rccorded with it. � <br /> W itnesses: ' ' � <br /> % , <br /> v n renton .. � <br /> ` �� -- <br /> Sonn e C Scsnnton •- � <br /> lSe�ll .- <br /> -Wvmwcr - - <br /> S7'pTF.!1F NF.RRA.�+KA, qn11 County�.�: <br /> The foregoing instrument wus acknawl�gecl heli�re me this 19Ch day ul' April . 1993 <br /> bY Elvin L Scranton and Bonnie C Scranlon <br /> Witneas my hand and rwtariul seal at Grand Islsnd in id Cnunty,the datc�ii.�_- <br /> MyCommission8xpircs: �/ � - - _-__ <br /> ���,��� Ndury Puhli� <br /> • . • �.�.� ' <br /> � . Ppe 1 oi 4 Form 3028 <br />