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�----�-"e•�a•;_. • . . . c�= �-rn;�.'•s�17- . . .- - -----�---.- - <br /> � ' �� ' .. n .. � ��• �. -�,�,-- ..i- <br /> .. _��141u!!f.���a�'i9rk�1.�t IM o�flo�af��wdir.ll'�1;�iw�M ao'�w�lM�ir M�e■i1�ir�i��_ = - <br /> - �.� � ��r- <br /> -" . --'+—�l�-- �rw►���ar�ri/��ira��l�ll�� —_�_______--- __ <br /> ` �r��/1�/rd 1p�I�IM11M W��M�1i�IR.1r l0 p10�tl1�1�YOM/M�M�.11��..�......�...��;R`° A_ <br /> Mw�os�Y r000r�MO�MrYM a�q��►eW�rV���`"���'�"�"�M�Lalliir or apiloiU Lw. ' . . <br /> !.I�atlo�.L�ur iq.�ae�pl�n�M Meri�.apo�wl�a�die h+op�Ay. l�iir�M�M:ilw � <br /> .. roerow�r�io.�t Nie ti.r d a►piar a M i�tbe�dhia�rwo�bM a�wr ror eb�inp�otion. � .. <br /> N <br /> . i�. �w.7'M�+a�d��aMy awrd ar aMi�Ibr d�M�dina or oowqwMW. M ociwalow wii•w�r <br /> oe�d�a�on or wlret twWns d�nny part ut tba Piape�ty.a'fk►►�in Hw�o�condMaa��iw�iY wird Nr�d <br /> iW be p�id to L.e�dlr. ���ied!o tbe wais Ncurod by thit Security la�uwneat. <br /> ta t6e event of a toW WdK of the Propa9y.tba pn�oeed� <br /> whethx a na tlien due.with ary exceu pvd to Hormwer. Ia tLe evaM of�p�rtW ukie�of die Proper�Y in whk6 Wo hir <br /> metet vdue ot Wo Piupmty immodWely betoto the nl�n�is oqwl w a{reM�d�n the amo�u�t ot t6e�,loc�r�d bY t� <br /> gecwity i�numant immedLuely belore the takin�.unlas Bormaer ud L.a�der a�l�ar�vi�e apae in�vritia�.t6e wnw�e�oarad bY <br /> tbis Security bmuwnent �Iwll be reducad bY the amoun�of the prooeeds multipiled by 1he tdbwlt�fr�ctioa: (a)16e wtal <br /> �ewunt of the s�ao��ecured lmnodi�tdy 6eforo the hkin��divided by(b)the faie�aaricct v�lue of t6e PeeQaty iauaodi�tdy <br /> before thn hicin�. M►y b�lanoo�hsll be p�id w Hormwu. In tbe eveat of�putW tal�nQ of tbe Propetty ia whkb t6e finr <br /> anricet valuc of the PronatY immedWdY bofae the ttldn�is las tlu�a the�mount of tbe wms socurod iuunodi�telY befora the <br /> qkfoQ. udau Bormwer�ad�dar ott�erwise Agroe in writing or unle�applicabk I�w atl�er�vlso provWes. tbe praoeod��inU <br /> be appliod w the wm��tcared by thie So�urity Iaswma�t.wddber or nat t!x sums ue thn due. <br /> if the Pnnpaty is sbudonad by Borrowa.or if.aftor aotica by Lender w Borrower tbat the aondemnor off'en to mWca ao <br /> �wud or setUe�claim for dwnwga. Horrower faila w �nd to Leider within 30 dayr�aAe,r the date the notloe in�ven. <br /> [.ender iR AutMxired w oallect md�pply the proceeds.u its option.dttar w n�wration os reqir of tho PraQaty or w the aiant <br /> cecured by this�ecurity lnstrument.whdber or not tt�m due. afnll not actad or <br /> Unlesc Lender ud Bor�+ower othenvise�groe in wr+ting. any applicatian of proceeds w princip�l <br /> postpono tbo due date of the monthlY paYments referrod to in p�ag�aphs 1 and 2 ur change the anowu of wch p�ymaut�. <br /> 11.8o�rower Not Rdawed;Forbairs►nca By La�der Not a W�Iva'•Factension of�he tlme for payment or tnodificatlon <br /> of amordzation of th�sums socurod by this Secu�ity Instn�ment graotod by Lender to any suaxssor in interest of Borrower abd! <br /> not operate to telease the liebility of the originW Hormwer or Bornower's sua�essorn in iaterest. t�ender stnll not 6e raquired ta <br /> � eb,mmenco procealings a�ainst Any auccessor in imeresl or refuse to extend dme for payment or wherwise modffy amotd�ian <br /> �of the sums seeured by thia Secudty Insuument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower ar Bonuwec's <br /> , succeasors ia interest. Any fo�ace by Lender in exercisin�any r��ht or nemedy shall not ba A waiver oi or p�+nclude Sl�e�, <br /> � .pxerciae of�ny right or remody. of this <br /> � 12. Sueee�cor:arid AsslQns Boundi Joint and Seva�al LiaWWy: Co-stpas.The covenunis and agr�oemcius <br /> Security Instnunent shsll bind and beneGt the succe.csors and assigns of Lender ud Borrower, subjoct to the provisions of <br /> para8raph 17. Borrawer's mvenants and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs lhis Secucity <br /> Instrument but does not execute tho Note: (a) is co-signing tMs Security Instrument only to mongage.grant and c�nveY that <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the tertns of this Security Inswment;(b)la not personelly obligated to pay the sums <br /> securod by this Security lnswment;and(c)agrees thnt I.ender and ony other Horrower may agree to extend.modify.forb�ar or <br /> mWco any aocommodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Nae without thw Borrower's oon�ent. <br /> 13.Lo�n Ch�ges.lf the luan secured by �his Security instn�ment is subjert to n law which sets ma�cimum loan chsvges. <br /> end tbat law is flnally interpreted so thAt the or other ban chorges collected ar to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan excead the permitted limits, then: (u)any such loan churge sha!! be reduced by the amount necesssuy to roduce the charge <br /> to the pennitted limit; nnd (b)any suma alreudy collected from Borrower which exrevdod permittod limits will be rcFunded to <br /> Borrower. L.ender muy chaose to muke this refund by reducing the prinripal awed under the Ncxe or by making a diroct <br /> 'payment to BoROwer. If a rcfund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as u partial prepayment wilhout any <br /> prepeyment chnrge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices. Any natice to Borrower pmvidcd for in this Security lnstmment shull be given by dclivering it ur by mniling <br />= it by tirst class mail unless applicable I�w requires uxe oP anather method. The natice shull bc directed to the Property Addrcss <br /> or any other address Borrower de►ignutes by notice to I.ender. Any notice to I.ender shall he given 6y first clnss mail to <br /> Lender's address stat�d herein or any ather address Lender designates by nntice to Borcower. Any nntice providai for in this <br />_ Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lcnder when given us provided in this paragraph. <br /> l5.Governing i.s�w; SeverabfNly. This Security Instrumem shall be governed by federnl law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provi,ion or cluuse of this Security In.r•trumeM or the Nate <br /> conflicts with applicable law, such mnflict shall not uffect nther pmvi�iom��f this Security Instrument or the Nate whlch ran be <br /> given effect without the conflicting provision. To this cnd thc pr�rvisium o(thi�Security Intitrument and�he Note are doclured _ <br /> to be scverable. <br /> 16.Borrower'a Capy.Borrower shall 1�given ane contiim�cd copy of the Note and uf this Security Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 8/80 <br />- P�p�/018 <br /> _-{f+�..+n�v�-.r-.. ... .. M�•�°r• T . ._- _- � �'. _._' <br /> _ ��'. n -��P,... . ., 7fx��..+�'^^'�{'R+^�R�-n+ <br /> » ^- <br /> �. � .l 1 <br /> . <br /> ���ly.�. �\ . - ' :` ' � , . -' , -, <br /> . •' •_1JfMi . ' .� . . <br /> i <br /> . _'.w�a �fAhty.. . . . <br /> - _."���.� ..ii.i'_l.._ ��SL...�1•:Z.J�i4� : __.Ll:. 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