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� . ,�,, , ,� <br /> .v:.. s..rh •,,.�';.� . ' ' �� ���1/V� ... <br /> - --- . �'�.'��f�i�fV��A��M'r1 M�'�!'.(�i��Or �Nf1 Q�l�M�IOpMtr OI'�11y�IIIIfNr MI k <br /> . �{��w!1�(Of U• VIM�1�1 V�O�f�OM�Of��N�Of(fW11�Af1�YAd��IYOt�QMY1��f1011�W�I� <br /> ;w�ui�i priiw wi ia i�wa�i� L�wwia'.�q"'� w '.xi�' , f!!!�wM��t �fult d aU �r a�owi 1w.iia .� -.— _ <br /> � lieueity t�rt�unwa.Ha�wwr.d�aptk���11 na br�r�ncUM�l.o�it sw�cln V prohibihd by IbdKr I�w r of 1ji� <br /> • of dda§�cur8ty In�ennMnt• <br /> U Lador exerciw�Ihb optlon.t.endm A�li tire �onnwer ootice ot�ooeforatlon.The natka�fuill pavld�r�pWiod of eat <br /> lea tbati 3a day�irom Ihe dNe tho nolfoo i�deliverod ar melled withln whlch 8ormwm mu�t py �!t war iocurod by U�I� <br /> �eurity lauruit�aa. IlBo�rowe�filU to p�y tbdo wmr ta Ihe e�tpirMkin oP lhla parlod�IwedN�Y��� <br /> m <br /> pantilfed by Ilti�Secudty Immtrua�ent wilhaut fWrtha rrol or,demrnd on Bacmw�er. <br /> i�. fNet+owa�'� Ki�MI.t� A�Ull�ta [f 8ot�ower mxa oeruln uutKlWotu+� 8orrow�x �f�Wl Iwv� tha daht w havc <br /> a�faroema�t of this Saurity� " tli�Caetint�d �{'any tlme pdor to tho eulier ot: (�1 S day�(or wcb aUrer parfod n <br /> +�pplfosbk law m�Y specify foq I ),befasa ak of the Prope�ty purawit W�ny Power of wle caMdned in t6u <br /> Savrity Gntn�roent3 or(b)aw�ol�a�u�ut enWrd�thb Soarity Insnument.7baee owdltbw�u+e tlut Horrowa:(�)P�y� <br /> le�der�II wmt whid�thrn w o u T d�b e d u c u n d e r I h i s S a c u r lry l�w�umen t u K J.�d a N o t e�n i t n o a o o e l e r a t i o n h d o x u m e d;(b) <br /> cu�s ar�y def�ult of aay oti�er oovenans or a�noementa; (c)pa �a11 eapcneea inourrod ia enfarcin�this Sa,udty Imp�unent. <br /> inclu�,but not limltod to.rcASOnable attornc�rs'foa;+ud(d�ukea wch acUon at Lender moy �+eawn�bly roqu ico to��wro <br /> tluu ttre Tirn of this Saudty lnstrwnent.L�ender s dghte in the Property iuxl Bormwer's obiigatbn to pay tho sums aocured by <br /> thlo Secut�ty InwurtraK, �Iwll oontinue.unclmaged. Upon �einstatement by Bonawer. lhis Seiudty In�trumrnt �nd the <br /> obli�atiotu secuted IKxeby�Iwll rertwin fully effective�s if no aaeleration had aocurred.However.thi� d�ht to roitut�te�iWl <br /> not apply in the case of�o�eleratiaa under p�ragraph!7. <br /> 19.SAIe ot Note; Chu�e ot Loan 3ervka�. 7Le Note a a p�rtial interest in the Note (Wg� wlth this Sa�ritY <br /> Incuument)rr�y be sold ora or more times without prior notioe to Borrower. A sale may rcsull in a clwnge in the entisy(known <br /> a�the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthlY P�Y�due undcrthe Nou and this Security Inshument. Thero al�o rrwy be oae <br /> or more changes of the L�an Serviar wuelatod to a s�le of the Nae. lf therc is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Borrower will be <br /> given wdtten notice of�he change in acoordance wltb psuagreph 14 nbove�uK1 applicable law.The notia wilt state 1he raune�rl <br /> _ --� edd�of the trca I.aan Servicxr and the adcircss to which paya�ents shoulal 4e nwde. The notia wlll �Iso oonhin my other <br /> informatia�required by.applicable law. <br />- 2p.HAZardau,y Spbelanoesq. Homower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. disposal. storage.or rclease of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in thc Property. Botrower shall aot do, nor allow anyune else to do, anything affecdng the <br /> Properry that is In violation of eny Emironment�l�Law. '1'he prexding two sentences ahall not a�Ply to the pcesence,use.or <br /> storage on tMe�raperty of small quantities of Hazardats St�bawnces thet are generally rocagni7CA IO 66&�PDP�91C (O IIOr1Y18� <br /> rasidential uses �d to maintenance of the Property. <br />-� _ - Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice af any investigation,claim.demand.lawauit�or other actlon by any <br />�- governmental or regulatory agency or privatepurty lnvolving the Property and any liazazdoua Substance or Envjmnmentel Law <br /> - of whSch Borrower has actual knowledge. If�orrower Mams, or Ia notifial by any govemmentel or�egulatory authodty. that <br /> - any rsmovel or athcr remodiation of any Hazardaus Substar�ce affating the Property is flece.gsary. Borrower shwl�prompdY w�e <br /> —�- • �II na�ess�ry romodiAl actians in accondance with Bnvironmental law. <br /> _ -__ <br />-���;,�„�,a� As used in ttus paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substancea"are those substanccs defined as toxic or hazardoua sub�ian� <br /> - � - Environmental Law and the following substances: gasaline, kaosene. other flammable or taxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticidea ard herbicides.volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos ar fornialdehyde,and radioaclive matenals. As used in <br /> r this parag�aph 20, "Environmental Law" means fed¢tal�lawy and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated that <br /> - rclete to heallh,safety or envimnmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender funher covenunt and agree as follows: <br /> 21.Acceleratlon;Remedles.Ixnder siwll give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon fdlowiqg Bomower's breACh <br /> af any rnvetwnt or agro�ment in th(s Security Instrument @ut not prlor to accekrAtlon under ptragraph l7 ualess <br /> appllcAbk Iww provides otherwlse).The nottce shall specWy: lo) the deFauk; (b)the aMlon requlred to cure the defs�ult; <br />- (c)v date, not lers thon 30 duys i'rom thc dAle the noticc is glren to Ibrrnw�er�by whicb the default must be cured;nud <br /> (d)that foilure to cure the defi�ult on or before the dwte speclficd In Ihe notice may result in acceleratlon ot tfr�e sums <br /> secured by thts Securlty Instrument and s;ale of the Property.The noUce shall iurther Inform Borrower ot the rtaht to <br /> ��'� - rrinsMte aBer acceleratioa And the rlgi�t to bring �r�►urt adlon to uccerl the non-exi�t�ence oP s� detoult or any ot6er <br /> � defense af Bon�ower to accelerntlon And sale. It the default I� nnt rured on or betore the date speclAed ta t6e aotice, <br />�' � Lender,pt its oplion,may require immedi�le puyment in full oP all sums s��cured by tbis Secu�lty Inslrument wlthout <br /> fu�ther dempnd s�nd m�y invoke the power oP sal¢ and any otA�r remedlc.w per+nitted by applirable law.l.ender shall be <br /> catltkd ta rultcrt�t!.��Sn.s�:tnramed in peee�ufetg the eemec8es provEd�!in thf�puragraph 21,inrludFng,M�t nM Itmlted <br /> to.reasoiwble attorneys'fecs and costs ot tllle evidenec. <br /> } It thepo wer of sale Is im•oked,Tructee shall recard a notice ot default ln ench count3• in whlch any part o�ihe <br /> '� � PropeKy is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescrlbed by appltcable Is�w to Borrower and to <br /> � ,:���a��,-..• <br /> ;,,a a;.�„ the other persons prescribed by applicable laa.After the timc required by applicable law,Trustee s�hall give pu I c not ce <br /> of sele to the persons And in the mAnner prescrllxd by applicable law.7'rustee.K•ilhout demand on Borrowe�,shall sell <br />�`: •- the Property M public suction to the hiRh�t biddcr at the time and pluce and under the tern�s designated in the notice of <br /> ''� .,;. sale in oae or more parcels And in any order Trustee delerrnln��.Tn�ter mav postpone�;ale of all or ony purccl uf Ihe <br /> Properly by public annoencement at the tiroe and pluce of an�• prcviou�l�� scheduled ss+le. l.endrr or its de.signee moy <br /> '"�°t+�'"` pur,cfwse the Property at any sala. <br />;.ri�,. .1.xi�,��:. <br /> . � `�:"-:i,� a <br /> .—� /� " <br /> - ����'�.�\�. _. <br /> r.�. �6c�.,�.�a..1::' <br />`� '� Fortn 3028 8180 <br /> - �,,.� �' '`�r""' Pp�6 d B <br /> � s.�',,.:}.;i�Ir,S�`. <br /> :,.' , :�:;�. <br /> � °.:;:p.•"•;�.w��.t <br /> ,.����. - <br />._ ''''F'.`;,���j�.. ... , . .. 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