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....,: --�_,.�,�.. _. ._. <br /> ��_,.,,.,:.,::.�`--, • <br /> 93' io.�3 <br /> ---�-�--�_ - �. �era er rra�ty i�e. Soemwer eh�1! kees,c�ee lnQrov�s row azt�lo� «heraRer erec�.�a 4a t6. . — <br /> - -- . — n. . . . . ....�_,... .....__......b, jw.+.�{..r.. <br /> �y ����n���IIM71K1{�� NItIW�p�Wp� �GJ1tG1YR�W�Na1�v w'w��n�ww. .wr.r� «..��---7 _-.-._ <br /> '-_r-"� <br /> Ibodt or floodinj. tar whkh L�ader roquira ituwnr+oo.Thi�jnwrmoe�116e nuitaained in the wnou��nd Pot the perbds — <br /> th�t LeMer roquita.'1'fie inwrmoe carrler providin�tl�e inwnnoe�11 be ciw�a�by&►nuwer wbJoct ta l.ender'r�pp�nval <br /> whicti�II not bc unrcasombly withheld. If Borrower fiJls to maintain vovtra�e dacribod�bove, t.ender m�y. at Lada''� <br /> aption.oblain oovaqe w protea L.aider'�ri�in the ProperiY in�cootdiu�ce with p�ra�r�h 7. <br /> Ali iawra�we poUcia�nd tenewtic�iwll be�ooept�bb to Lender�nd �il includa a �lordard mortQa�e clause. L.ondor <br /> - - �lull iuwe the�ipht w hold the polickr and renew�lr.if Lender requircs.eorrower�iul�pmmptly�ivo to Lemier all�ipt�of <br /> p�W prcmiwns�nd rer�swd notioa.ln the event of lo�s.Barrower eludl Rive prompt iwlioe to the inaranoe carrier�ad l.arkr. <br /> L,ender may matca proof of las iP twt mpde promplly by Borrower. <br /> Unleso Lende:r�nd 8orrower dherwlse�e in wddng.incurance pr000ed::iu�l be applied w rcatoruion or repilr of tf�e <br /> property d�nwgod.if the restantion or rspair ia eoonomically fe�sible u�d Lender's secu�ity ia not lesrened.If tha Ratototion or <br /> i+epair is not eoonomically feasible or i.en�ler's aa�urlty would ba les�ened.the inwr�wx prooeeda �ell be applied to the aume <br /> sewred by this Sxudty Instniment, whdher or not�hen due. with pny cxcesa paid to Borrower. If Horrower sb�uxlonr the <br /> Property.or does nat answer within 30 days a notice from I.ea�der that the insuranc:e��rricr Iws offered to settle a claim.tlyen <br /> L.ender may collxt the insuran�e pnooeeds. L.erder may use the ProcaAs to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> �ecured by this Security lostrument.whaher or nat tt�en due.Tho 30-day period will begin when�he notice is given. <br /> I..endcr and Borrower otherwise Agree in writing. any applk�tion af proceods to principal shall not extend or <br /> poatpono the duc date of the monthly paymentc referr�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge tho anaunt of ttie payments. If <br /> —�- under parag�aph 21 the Property is acquirai by L.ender. Borrower's�ight to any insurance policies and pra�s rcaulting from <br /> --. demage to the Property Prior to�he acquisition ehall pass to l.ender to the extent of the suma securcd by thi�Security Insurument <br /> - - immediasely pr�or to the acquisitbn. . --- <br /> � 6.O�ecap�ncy,Freservation,MAinteaAace a�d 1Nrotectfon ot t6e Property;Barrower's I.opn Applicatlon=I.easeholds. <br />;;; Borrower shall occupy.eswblish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sizty days after ihe execution of <br /> this Secu�ily Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residonce for at least one year after <br />-- the data af accupancy. unless L�ender othcrwise agrees in wrlting. which consem ahall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless <br /> •� , extenustiog circumstances exi�t which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall nat destroy. damage or impair the <br /> 'n�i Property. allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower Ahall be in default if any forfeitua <br />'r fi action or proceeding.whether civil or criminal, is 6egun that in L.endar's good faith judgment rnuld result in forfeiture of tha <br /> Pmperty or othcrwise materially impair the lien crCated by this Secu�iry Instrument or l.ender's securfty interest.Borrower may <br /> -- cure auch a default and reinstete,as provided in paragraph causing the actian or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> � � that. in I.ender's goocl �'aith determination, precludes forFeiturc of the Borrower's interesst in the Property or ather material <br /> impaimiBnt of ihe lien created by this Security Instmment or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> • Borrower,du�ing the loan application process.gave materfally fulse ur ineccurate information or statements to I.ender(or failed <br /> -t.. to provide Lender wlth any materiul information)in rnnnectinn with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but nat limited <br /> " to, representations conceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property us a principal residence.[f this Security Instrument is an a - <br /> � leasehold. BoROwer shall comply wita all the pmvisions uf the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titic to the Property, the __ <br /> �' leasehald and the t'ee title shall not merge unless Lender ogrees to the merger in writing. <br />- <-�.�. ' 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights In the Propetiy.lf Bormwer fails to perform the cavenaMs und agreements contained in — <br /> �u .. <br />" �-,,�„�'ti., .� this Securit� Instrument, or there is A legal proceeding �hut muy significan:ly affect I.ender'x rights in tho Property (such as a <br /> - "'•;- proceediag in bankruptcy,probate, for condamnution or fixfeiture or to enforce luws or regulwtinns),then L.ender trwy do und <br /> � �`'°'���' for whatever is necessu to rotect the value of the Pro rt und I.ender's ri htx in the Pn� rt l.ender's actions ma <br /> °^ � �;q,,.:,'t`::.:'�. PaY •ury p 1� Y B Pe Y• Y <br /> - =.»vr'�'r.,<�. . include paying uny sums secua•d by u licn which ha+ priority over this Security Instrumem. appearing in couR, paying <br /> �'9�`.„��• .,. �_ <br /> ±�'�" ,"a.."R;..' reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make mpairs. Althuugh L.ender muy wke uction under this paragraph --- <br />" , MI ♦1 i.. *_. ��[� <br /> •..i. , ua. 7,Lender daes not have to do so. —_ <br /> ��y'"' ' ° "�' An amounts disbunsed b L.ender under Ihis aro rr h 7 shull beconie udditional debt nf Borrower xcured by this = <br /> . �, .. . , y Y P 6 'P <br /> �"f��=°'�``��. �".'�' ' Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower nnd Lcixler�grr�e tu other tenns of puyment, thesc amounts shull benr interest from the <br /> �t�'��..1 " date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payuble, with intere+t, upon ndice fmm Lender to Borrower requesting - <br /> ��:xt., .,' __ <br /> „�..�,.. - payment. �- <br />>.� � ••, • S.Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender�eyuired mungage insurunce us u�oixlition of nwking the loan tiecuned by this Security � <br /> �' ..,,�..,t.�. .::7k„�,`',�., instrumeM, Borrower ehall pay the premiums requircd to maintuin the mnngage insurnnre in eft'ect. If, for any reasnn, the _ <br /> ,;,,:..., mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by Lender lupses nr cea�+ to t►e in effc�t. B�irrowcr�hall pay the premiums rcquired to <br /> - �:�;�•a, ..::.., <br /> _ �-•r., ,.��. .. obtain covera�e substuntiully equivalent tn the monguge insurs�nce previnuxly in effc�t, at •r cast.ubstantiully equivalent �o the �-��< <br /> �;�� rnst to Borrower of the mortgs+ge insurance previously in effect. from an altemute mim�agc imurcr uppmvecl by I.ender. If _ <br /> ►'�?'�� . ''� substantially equivalcnt martgage insurunce covcruge is not avuilable. Borcowcr tihull puy tu l.cndcr earh mon�h a sum equal to � <br />= � one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium txing prid hy Bnrcower when�he inwrrnce crnera�e IAptieJ��r ceused ta �F•` <br /> � � . _ be in effect. l.ender will accept,use und retuin�hese u lo�s rcserve in lieu ul' munguge insurnnce. la�sx re+erve <br /> ' �=-' " Form 3028 9l80 <br /> . F'� <br />. '� • Pepe J al 8 tl:-�. <br /> ��. <br /> � � �i. <br />. ' ��.1"' i I�. <br />. ' .�.I�,V.ti�i.�,:�,�i�.S/'. , <br />���� �..�.,�I, ��tll•�� ' � . .�.s•4' [� 1�1'�S� .. . � :1• . . .� . TC'.T''..�wL�/:�� . . .. . . .. . `�-�F7v'�4:_'� <br /> • . � <br /> •-1:�.� /.'_ <br /> t• "ti.�. � . -. �.. . <br /> . � ,.� i . �. . <br /> .. .. <br /> .. .- -.� J .. ' �. . <br /> -_" r . . � <br /> �Gt ��, ' --�. _ ,.,- - <br /> _ - - -- -- - -�—•-• - <br /> , -�e� ��' •,,-,. -_ _; __ - -.-..-.—.-----_ -__---__ `�:' __ - �- - -- <br /> � k,x w,.J 'ts�'' i,1':a� �� . :� ` . ' ' <br />.. .r i 1. '.�c, ' �'_'�J�� ' .,�� . . . .. �d , .. <br /> ; ��e... 5. . . . . ':� �, . . i �j:.: ' <br /> �- ���i`.��,- .S.r ,a .- :��•�if.:�� . . . �,.��! , - . � .. . ... � <br /> - �'�� ' _ j+ __� { \ .,1 . , !}t,.t, '. ;',., ' <br /> _- �.�II��.L�'.:}•ir�y'.�f��A�S•-• �%��.1��' ,� • � . �. „ �`i;1''�.1,;r' '�� . • � <br /> '�� � � •�,���i.�. . 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