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-.,—x,. . . r,. ..� _ ,a... <br /> �.�., � � • . ���U� . <br /> _-- - 93, <br /> ��,.�`�� ;��.,���d!eks 4��ts�+�,sar►«�r�d4��d an�6a pe�p�y..m.u.r.00�a���w�..oM�.d <br /> _ .. — _----,-' _ . .. tpeMpw iw+�w qi i�wriv�i:w r.� .T. � �. � ��MM�Y�M� AIY� /Y�1�1MM ���rMl���� ��.�V - -. <br /> -- - - r..�_��»... �. ------- - .- ....,__ . -- :-.� <br /> Ip�nied.Af1 of It�b t�ro�o�u/ii�efened a ia thu Seaaity 1a�un�eat�tbe"Pr�opatY.' <br /> BD�tROweR cbV6tvMITS s6�t Boero�►�er i�tawlbii�.ei�.d af we ertMu ha�eby aoavay�d aae t�s th�ri�lu a�ec�t <br /> oonvep tla Property and Hat the Ptepaty i� unencumberad. exoept for a�nunbnnoe�ot rocord. Aorrowa w�mnts and wAl <br /> dMbad gaia�ily tbe dtle w the Propaty�in�t�11 cW�m�nd deinnd�.aubjxt w�ny�of rerad. <br /> m1S s8cuwr�r trtsTitvMBN'r ooa�bi�unir«m covawMa ror n.doe.�we�na aon-uniram oovan�s ww� ud1.d <br /> vuiation�by Ju�ion w ao�tlww a unitona�xur(ty inurument ooveriu�ral property. � <br /> UNlRORM COVENANTS.Bormwer ud L.ader oove�wN�rd�roe u follows: <br /> 1. hya�at ot P�i�clpd xod iMet+ati �'� �d LNe CW�s. Borrower �iyll P�M�Y P�Y wixu due tbe <br /> princip�!of�nd inten�t on the dabt evidenoed by Iho Nota and aY P�Y�����a dua unda the Ncta� <br /> 2, �1und�tor Tua�ad ipau�noe.Subjax w q�pNanble law or to R wriue�waiver by La�du, Borr+nwor�Fwll pRY w <br /> L�cnder on tbe d�y ma�uhlY payments ane due under the Note, until lhe Ndc u paW in full.R wun('Fwds")for:(o)Yeul y taxe� <br /> and ar�a�aiw which may pttain pdoriry over this Sa�urity Imtcummt s�a tien on the Property:(b)Yar1Y le�eiwld p�ym�ots <br /> m gnwnd nent�on tho Property.if ary:(c)Yearly haz�M or PropenY insurana p�+niwns:(d)Yarly flood inwr�noe prcmiums. <br /> if ony;(el Y�Y��ga8e inwr�na premiums. if anp:�i (�enY sums PaY+�ble by Borrower to aocord�na wlth <br /> the provitiom of paragrqph 8. in lieu of the pnymau of utoRgage iasurance pnxniuma.l'hese items are c�llod"Eacrow Ite�.' <br /> l.ender rn�y� at any time. collect and hold Fw�ds in sn�nount not to excxod the m�cimum�mount a laKler for a federally <br /> . nlatad rnortgage Ican mey roqoire for Horrower'r escrow xaount wder the federal Real Est4te Settlanent Procedu�es Act uf <br /> 1974 as emended from timo to time. l2 U.S.�C. Sactjon 2601«srq. f"RESPA").unleas another law tiwt ipplies to the FuMs <br /> eets a lescer emount. lf so, L.ender may. at any time, collect u�d hold Funds !n an r.mount not to exoeed the la�er Amount. <br /> ---- Lendcr rnoy estimate the amount of Funda due on the basia oP cument data and maaatu�ble e�tim�tes of eapeidituroe of fLhu�e _ <br /> - Qscrow Itcm4 or otherwise in accardance with applicable law. <br /> The Funds chali be held in an lnatitution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instnuneatality. or cntity <br /> (including i.ender.if Lender ia such an inatitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shali epply the Funds W pny the <br /> Escrow ltemc. L.ender may not cherge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,unntwlly an�lyzing the esc�aw s�ccAUnt.or <br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender peya Bornower lirtercst on the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender to mako such <br /> - a charge.However.Lender may require Borrower to pay e one-time charge for an independent real atate 1ax r�eporting servioe <br /> used by Lender in cannectbn wfth this lonn� unless applicable law provides ottiernlae. Uniess an agreement is nuide or <br /> appliable law roquires interest to be paid,l.ender sh�ll not be require�to pay Borrower any interest or camings on the Funds. <br /> - — Rorrow�r and Lerdcr:nay egm.c in writing,however,that interest shell be paid on Ihe Funds. L.cnder shall give to Borrower. <br /> '� without charge, an annyal acxaunting of the Funds, ahowing credits and debits to iha Funds and the pu�pose for which tacd <br /> debit to the Funds was mada.The Funds ane pledged os additional security far aU sums secured by this Secu�ity Insirument. — <br /> If the Funds held by L.endor eaceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by appUcable law.Lendr_r shall account to Borrower <br /> t <br /> for the excess Funds in accordunoe with the requirernenls of upplicable IAw. if the amount of the Fu�ds held by Lender at any <br /> - time is not sufticient to pay the E�row Items when due.Len�r may so notify Borrower in writing.and, in such case Borrower <br />: shall pay to l.ender the amount necescnry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deflciency in iro mo�tiwn <br /> twelve rnonthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by �his Security Instn�ment, Lender shall pramptly rePond to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender.]f, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property. Lender,pt�or to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.endcr at tha time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums socured by <br /> thia Security Instrument. <br /> '�° 3. Appiication of Ppyments. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise,ull payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> .�:�;:: ' 1 ancl 2 ahall be applied: first, tn Any prapayment charges due uader the Note: second,tu amounts payable under paregreph 2; <br />= a. .��!�':> � interest due;fourth,to principal duc:and lust, to any late chnrges due under the Nate. � <br /> '�'%�f��.'���°,l^;�' 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all laxes, assessments,rhurges, finec und impositions aqdbu�able to the t'roperty <br /> � � ��4t which rnay attain prioriry over this Security Instrument, und leusehold payments ar ground rems. if any.Harrower shull pay <br /> ��.:, .':. <br /> :! s;�.l. . -' ! <br /> �a 4+i' ,,��,:� these obligations in the munner providcd in purugroph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Bonowcr shull pay�hem on time directly <br /> ,�':.'�_«: : -�;r. <br /> =:�:_ ;; .., .�, ta the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumi�h to l.endcr all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrnph. <br /> ":,.��:i:-:�� If Bnrrc�wer mukes these pnyments dirccUy.Borrowcr Fhall promplly furnish to Lcnder reccipts evidencing the paymenta. <br /> Borrower shull promptly Jischarge uny lien which has priority over Ihis S�.�urity Instrument unless Borcower:(a)agrees in <br /> .:;,;�,.; ..� writing �o the puymem of the obligutian uxured by tiic lien in u manner acceptable to Lender;(b)conteals in good faith the lien <br /> •�".;`;',.; ,, by. a defendx aguinst enfarcemcnt of thc lien in. Icgnl proccedingti which in �hc Lender's opinion operatc W prevent the = <br /> w y enforcernent�f the lien:or(c)secure�from the holJer of the lien an ngreement satisfustory tu Lender suhardinutin�the lien ta <br />_-�. ....';��.' . �_. <br /> �. ',~�'1 . �.' this Security Instrument. lf Lender detern�incti that uny pan nf tiie Pn�perty is subject to u li�n which may at�uin priurity over <br /> rr� <br /> '�"'� this Security Instrument. Lender may give&�rrowrr•r notirc idcntifyin�;the lien. Bormwer shall satisfy the lien ur wke one or <br /> more oFthe actions set forth a6ove within IU dnys of�he giving of M►tire. <br /> =;�: -. <br /> • form 30�8 91�0 <br /> .. . - . Pp�2 a18 <br /> e <br /> yy':: F'. <br /> �E�.i,_ . <br /> �:1:.� <br /> . . .. .� <br /> �, <br /> �..�r� .:,.�..: . � - � , � - � � , .+.. <br /> . , , . <br /> . Y: . ...... . _ .. • -• ' <br /> „ , _ <br /> ":'�Yt�� i� <br />_s . . . . . . 'ees;.e�--`�-'` ----�----...-- ----- ----- ; .. _� , _ .,'- _ __:-•��!i+i,r - -ca�'it t 'rk'� - - - <br /> . ; , i l�� <br /> ._ � �~'�� ------- ----- -_._. ------. .---- -- ----_ -_ -_ ;---- - -_--- _ -_ � - - --:_^ -- -�,t-- - --- - ---- - .- <br /> . ,: <br /> � , <br /> .,. �... ... ... , .� <br /> ; <br /> __ ' <br /> • � <br /> `�"�.,r4dt�-u f' ' <br /> � r-.� <br /> � �,i• �� •,LN;•, • ' , <br /> �� ���;�'" . . . , • . -- - - - � - • . --- . <br /> p ��.`.'.�tt•,.,•,-_'a•`.�`� �� ..4i <br /> �4"..i.l:ii�ti."�i� - .. � � � .. " .. . - . � . <br /> .. -�:��}c.r��'��.', . ' _ .. . . . . . . � ., . . <br /> .�..,:.r_?•�r..- . .. . � - _ � � ., <br /> �.i1�:.�.d�,.,�f4 yi .. . . . . .. ' .. " . <br /> �_�� :�nu . - , � . .. . • . ,. .. �. <br />. _A;. , .., , . �'_'• a <br /> , �.. � . - . .. ,. . .. .• � ,-e.. <br /> . , <br /> M:S::yi:......�-�.� .�� . .. .. ., " - <br /> . .. � <br /> . _ . . _ . . ' ' , <br /> . , . � <br />