_ ---r-�_-.;�— — -
<br /> �,�: — �=: �
<br /> . ��-- . �. ;}: a. _ _ Y _ . .. ,-f�.i ,tr- `' �-
<br /> • '`
<br />_ . .��,.t�csa'�..ci� . . .- _ ' - - ' — i _ _ . — ._— - _ . .--- -- _..�. �._--
<br /> - � . . . . i . - . ._ . _ .. .. _ ' ' . ' • � . �������l� . . -
<br /> . � p![!0!�tb1[j.q�lt i0�. 1tiC AOfIR�1CC CilTl�f''�O'VI�t11C YRSIRSiCO S�ll bC C�i06lR�f�N�►'tf SNbiCa i0��P� _ �
<br /> � , appiwal wfiich s8all eot ba uweasaeablyr arid�heTd It Barowa f�ifstu�nnin cavsrs�de�scn'6od s6o�ra t�awderieay.�t .
<br /> • �Leader�s aptiao,a6�trin oovas�e w p�otect Lende�'s rigi�ts ia drc Rvpnty ia aecard�nce witb prs�apb 1. '
<br /> � `AU�ae pol�aa and nnewals shal!6o aaceptaYte to i.ender aod shatt include a�r�d matgag+e ciaus�:l.endes` . • .
<br /> sfiall ba�e tt�right to bpW the pot�cies r�nd m�►rat�, if t.al�kr�9oirss.8ormv�ev sba1F peou�ptlY 8ivt ta laader all raotiptc
<br /> � of pid.P�emiuuas and rarwat aatk�s. �[n the evtnt of toss.Ba�co�er sivl!g'nr prom[A notice to tGe iacuance rarridr aod
<br /> __ -j-_ - .- _ ta�de�t�a.may�epntefo€losst€ac�m�t+n+mph�6!',6nron�er. - - - - -- . . -- . -
<br /> EJal�ss l.a�der and Bor�+awa athawise a�[et' sbali be a to c�"s►.aat�nn�nepair of . �
<br /> . m�tiag.i�cance proceeds __. PPr!� _
<br /> _ . .. the ptop�rtY d�mags�. if the taoo�ation ar tepair u e�000micalty ft�"bie and t.end�s's socu�iry is`adt iessened. IE tbe
<br /> nswration ar rtpair u not ecmomically feau'Dk or I�a�der�s+ecurity woWd be ksseoed,the i�ce pae�s st�ali be
<br /> apptied w the su�tis s�ocuced by thi.�Sxuriry Insawnent whether or nat t6m due with aay excess pa�id to Boin�v►�sr: If
<br /> Barmwa ab�dans U►e Hopecty.ot daes not ansr+-er within 30 days a notic�e fmm Lendet tAat the insurance carrier Lzs
<br /> affaod w settie:c1�6n,thdt I.enikr may colkct ti►e insutana�proo�eds. Leader may use the prooeeds to[tpvir or iestort
<br /> ,n�Pm��ty«�o pay wms soc�oa by th�s s�curity[�u�t�w�a not t�aue. �n�e 3oday p�o��iu fiegi�n�+
<br /> the naRia is given.
<br /> -- - - -�IakssFsn�t and B�a dlxn4i-��gnx�in wiinng.any applicmion of p�oeoeds to p�rincipal.xhait aot extend nr_ _T---
<br /> - po�tpwr�th�due date of the nwathiY PuYmeau cefemed to in paragrapl�s 1 and 2 ar change the aioount of tTie paymertt�:�ff. --
<br /> 'uater potxgtap�21 d�e Ptopaty is acquired by�.ender.Bo�rownrk right ta mty insuranoe p�licies ana Pmcads rauUing
<br /> -- ��mage tu tbe pnnpeRy prior to thc aa�uisrtcou shall pass to t�ender to tbe eutent of the suurts�d.by this Secw'it�
<br /> __ - inst�ument immadi�oeiY P�LO����uOO'� �' r
<br /> i. poe�pMC� pRServstiow, Ma�ten�mr �d profect�oa d tbe 1*ropertv: Borea�rer s [an Applkatioo: -
<br /> - Leaeehoids.Bouov�rcr sfiau accaPY•estaMish.aad use the Frope�ty as�rnrower's prina{�at res�e vvithin s'ucey days afur
<br /> - the txecut�on of tips$eaciry Insuvmrnt aM sl�aU cartieue to ocxupy tl�e Pm�ty as Barcawer's•principa!residence far at _
<br />_ - kast a�e y�aYafies i4e date of occupancy. nnkss.Eendec ad�erwise ageees in wtiting. which cansent shaU no1 be -
<br /> �_- ��r.�,or w�less actrnuating circumstances exist whicb are 6eyand BoRUVeerk cantmL Borrawer shaU not , � _
<br /> j�°FN demuy;,�ee ra�.u�iip�ir the Properry.albv►�the Property to de�eriorate.ar cammit waste on the Ptope�ty- Bar�ower shall - -
<br /> �� be in d�ii�.i,��Y farfeitune actian or praceeding.whether civi!or ctiminal.is begun than pa,l.eodcr's•good faith judgmrnt
<br /> could,�r��gt forfeinm of the Property ar alherwise mareriatiy impair ttie lirn cmateci:bv�`:this Security Insm�ment or �---
<br />. .� Lendac�y�arity�tenest. Borrower may cure such a defau[t artd n�nstate.as provided in��M�h!S,bY causing the xtion _--
<br /> `�, ". o�.proceai'r�g to 6cd�smissed witA a rolittg t!�iu�les+de�'s good faith dete►minatian.pc�e��tflf the Borrow'ers . --�_�._
<br /> ; in��:��p b p p t y or o t h e r materi a!i �u r e n t o f t h e l i e n c re a t e d b t h i s S e c u +�:��s�n t Y '��'�_
<br /> Y �Y -�
<br /> � �,. ...:.. e�.-
<br />- � � wer shaU also be in defautt if 8vrso�er. during the ioa» application.p� ga�•:x�terially false or � -__
<br /> �'`:i�° --=-_-
<br /> ' uraoai�.�tfo`rmatiat ar statemrn�s to L.ender lac fa'rted w pmvide Lender with any materiai�irr(�?tmationi in cortnectian with �.�=_'
<br /> �, the t�`�?tknced by the Nae.inclading. but'not IimitecE tv.m(xesentations conceee►in��;I3+i�tnower's occupancy of the �-�,.-�---__-
<br />-,, Propciity�:'.as a prineipa!iesidenre. If thi�Securiry Instnunmt is vn a teasehold.Borrower sfis�91�r�ingly witt�aU the provisions �K�;;;o,:
<br /> of the fiestse. If Baica�c7r aeeNic�es fee titte to the Propecty.the leaulwld and the fee title s6alT'�tot merge unless I.ender agrees �
<br /> to the mNrg�er in writ'sng. �-
<br /> . � 7 p��'���'a Ri�hts iu tYe pfopert�; �f Borrower fails to perfnrm the covenants and agreements ��
<br />° cantau�i;in this Sceuriry Ir�strvmen�ar there is a lega[ pcoc�eding that may signific�ri�;'.�ect Lender's rigMs in the� s'°=°"'"-`._
<br /> .; ptope�t�}�''s-�ch as a proceeding in 6ankruptcy,prabate.for coiideinnation ar fodeiture or to�n:�laws ot regulatians),then �==�=�_
<br /> Lendei1t�i�ay do and pay for whatever is necessary tb protect the value af the Property a�:�erk rights in the Froperty. �-='��'°--`
<br /> ., ?� ,� -_-„
<br />� . . '; 1�erKters actions may include paying any sums secured by�lien wbicb hac priority o�•er thi��i�ty lnstrumen�appearing , .�i,,: �y._
<br /> _� in court.paying reasunable attameys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Alt�u;i�i 3�ars�'may take�ction ���t�,.�
<br /> �, under this p:vagraph 7.Lender daes not have ta do so. , � ,''. ' ' ,' ��,x.
<br /> A,ny amounxs disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7.hall become additionai deba�a�f.iUm,strrbecured b�°rfi;+.ti „�,�,�_
<br /> • Sew�'�yi lnstrumen� Unless Bormwer and Lender agec to other tcrmc of paymen�.these amou+zcs sha(1 ioear inferen t'ru�sf:iiie. _-• �`�r�'�;�°
<br /> darey�",8isbursement at the Note rate and�hall be payable.«ith intefcst.upnn noticc from l.ender to Borroiver requ�:xin:� �. �����~�-=
<br />. :;t'.'�=
<br /> PaYr�,�n�• .'_._s=:= .
<br /> ' ..8. Mo�e I�.wranca lf I.ender rcquired mongagc in�urancc;►�a candition of making the loan sccureA hy Ihic .;: ,,':';_ :;,;:;;.�_,.
<br /> •� _ �x��v inctrument.Borrowcr�halt pay the premium�required to maintain the mongage in.�urance in effecK. if.far a,nj :,.� ''�� _
<br /> , � r�ia,-.the mongage insurance ca�srage requimd by Lcnder lapseti ur crarer to he in effect. Barrawer ahall pa}=�.t]u: .; ,��: �
<br /> premium�: reguired to obtain covera�,�e substanually equivate�t ta the mangage imurance previaucly in effect.at 3.�xir•s:�'..,�, ,`�.�,,• �'.•1,;".'
<br /> . ' ��•t substantialty eyuivalent to the co.rt to Borrower oi Ihe mortgage intiurance previau�ly in cffect.from an aitemato moR�a�i• �. , �.:� ' ����.f�s��-
<br /> insurer approved by l.endcr. li'substantially equivalent m�rtgagc insuranre ruvcregc i�nut available.Borrowcr shall pey co . .. '�='�;'•.:,.�
<br /> � � �, ` Lender each manth a sum e uat to ane-twelfih of the ead mort a e insurance rmium bein aid b Borrower ivhen the ';'�'y��
<br /> ����` q Y Y s S P SP Y �;.,.�::f��`,���
<br /> ��'�:;�� , insutance coverage tapsed ar re:�sed to_he in effect. Lendec will accept.utie:md retain these payments as n loss resene in lieu . . ,�f�,���_
<br /> ' ' of mortgage insurunce. l.ars resecyg paymcntc may no langer he reyuirecl.at�hc uptian af Lcnder,ii martgage insaranre. ' '�-�';=_
<br /> ' , c�er�,s,�(in the amount and far di�:�ririal that l.ender requ"cras�provided by an imurer a�st��vcd by l.ender s�gain ba��inw� , -
<br />;, ' as�ilafii�e and is abtaincd.gorra�iar'�:fA�J�t S�2Y,��ir:firs:miums st�riircd ta maint:�in mc+n�age.y���t�nce in cifixt.rn to pm�id�";� � , �
<br /> � :�:�,;� ;Y, .. . :�.��.•,F�,ts�n..�erve.until thc:r,�quin�ment i��ir.�n�rt�a��n�*iu-ance crid�in u�tiurdance tvith any�ri�1i��:a,gre�.hrrc�ii:i��•een Bnnaw�er . . • .
<br /> ; .sutd i;�der at ap,pJi cirle.law.' �,�:';��. '. . . ; ' .' ' . : ': •
<br /> {,` '.. a'�`,�.' :'E • ���.:/nspectu»e. t:i��de�rur�fis..agent may mskr rearnnablr cntric�upo7:utd inrpu�ihn�af the Prd�x.ti�y. Lrnder�hall
<br /> �.,,. , . •
<br /> �.; , f ;',.� • .�i�ti��um�cr•ernociccat�ir��,�i�K:bi���r�rinrtaanin�pertion�pecifyingrea�anablerau.�a�ii,�h�impectian. ,�
<br /> .. . . � ',�:�f'�,;'�`►,'ondem�al`;i�i�: 'fi'�'piixJ:ed�nf any:�wurd or claim.far damagr+.dir��:�.c�ru►h5�.�+;uenti�l.in cunnection with anY ,?',::�,•;
<br /> '•;�i ? ,' .5initc P�umly..%aneie t1ae��reAdk�/:M l�lil)p�1 I�5fR1�tl?'�T-t:ltjfiii�i('�ncn:urt� 4.lI� i�u�cr.t�1�,�t�ur.•� • �
<br /> � _ . }l� . .a,::`" !''' '•. �' � rtt.A t:Ls.Ri.dare�ia�.tac ■
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