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<br /> - � �'l�iiit'�R W!'1'�t aU tAe imp�uorv ar hnattet e�+ecleQ an�the p�aQ�±'�Y•and ilt esserdants.�ppuKla�n�.'es.
<br /> . � aud�norr or barcafkt a p�rt,�t t6a pnp�qr: Mi rept�oaaasts and.addiuoef shwit atsb be covee�od�y d�is Seruri�t:.' ;, .
<br /> . Jn� AR of tl�e[o�esoieg is rcfemad w in t6is Se���ity/aso�umrnt ac the"Pmperty." . , ._ ,
<br /> t . • BORROWEtt C�1V�1�1AN15 tM�t Horro��et is.lawfully seistd af tht estuo hete6y oonveyed aud f�s tt�t ti�t ia gnd�
<br /> �nd coavey tt�e P�operty ar�i ttwt�he Pe�opasy is udeaca�e�rxapt tbr encum6rnces of�ecad� Bor�u+i��anA
<br /> � . _ . :-. .-�lckfen�l�e.�e�ttg�titk so-thePtupc�y,a�siast aIl el�ims and.dems�sub'Zxt w any cacum6r�oces aEf�wad.-- -- __ _ _
<br /> - � ' . 7HIS SEG'�IR11Y IIvS'IRUMEiVT cnmbirtes �fatm`cmra�ts for enicxial use ae3 tioa�ticiti�cm•aeaets w�► -- —
<br /> - Gmi�a1 vuiii'roas by j�uisd�n ta aort�titate a aaifaa�it sa�icy iastnaxte�t coYering tea�propeR�
<br /> UNIE�ORMC�OV6Nl1KIS. 8azuwrraadLender,covee�nt�dag�otaafoltowz • '
<br /> 1. l�jse�t ot trvcipd a�d i�te��reeWlwt s�1•�t� Bamw�stalt P��Y P�Y wbm du�the
<br />--= p�iocip�l of�od'uuenst on the debt evidenoedby tUe Note and anY P'�WY�and lue cf�arges due wder th�Na�
<br /> - 2 �s tar 13u�es ar Iwra� Subjecc to applicabk Ta�r ar to a wnuat walver by Leader.8ortow�er stnli p�y ta
<br /> L.eader oa the daY�Y WY�s art du�under the lVn�e.netil t6e Note is p�aid in full.a sum("f�ds")far.t�)yw1Y
<br /> __- nuces aod auess�ments whic6 may auain p�io�itY over tdis Sewticy instru�oeat as a liea an tt�e Property:(b)Y�Y� �
<br /> __�r,, - - . ptytnents or giam�d teuts oa it�e Ptopetty.tf at►y;{c�Yea�lY haz�d or po�ectg-iasaraece_permiums:,tQ�yeaflY ftood _ _ ---
<br />_:;�;��,� __ i�rance proaimns.�f any:(e)Y�Y�8a8a�uurance Pcem�ums.if anY:'aad(t�ar►Y swns PaYaate bY Borrower W .
<br />- - E.r�d�.Ia acvocd�ce with the provisior�of par�gr�ph 8.ia lieu of tbe ptymient of ma�tF�B��P�� T��
<br />'`^�.1;,�,r� iLems ace plkd°�SCmw items." Leadee may;at aay tiune,colket and!�k�is ia��niouat aot to eacee�tbe no�imwn
<br />�.,,�� - emo�mt a ta�der for a fedetaIty�eiat�mnttgage laon may roquite fur B�awec's esciow acsount undet the fe+deral Real. __.�--
<br />- • F�aoG Scutemeot Procedaces Act of 1974 as�nendN from time Us tim�EZ U.S.0§?•60I el s�q.("RESPA"1.unless arwthes
<br /> ia,v�o tbat s�pplies m the Fwrds sets a lesstr�nonnt. If so.Letcder may.at au�►ti�e,colioct�hoid Tvnds in an amount na to = -_--
<br /> - :��,oee+d tbc Ies.ser amawrt. I.ender mag estim�te the amonnt of Fa�xis due an thc b�sis of c�un�t data and tpsoi'iabte �;�,�-
<br /> t�-<:<.`y .esti,rnates o€expe�d�cts of futuoe Fsccow[tems ar adteswise iu accor�dance witti apptIcabte taw. �� ---
<br />-a�._:•.= � � 1b.e F�tids si�aU be heW in aa instiduian w6ose de�its ate inw�ed by,a federai agee�.y.itts�uma►tality.ar enttty r:�:�___
<br /> '..:� " �(i�eiadiag t�eiit�er if Lender is sact�an institoUon)or in aay Fedent lioi��t.a�n B�qtc. l.ender s6alt apply tbe Funds to pay �;�=
<br />� ... - • :t�jie.Escrowdtaa�s. l,eoder may nnt¢6acge.lioaovrer fq=tiold�m8�ocF?ppiYinS the�unds,am�lIY�Y�S��w -=_---=_-
<br /> ..qjapount.or verifying the Es�cc�aw ttems..u�e�i�tWe�''�3u�s Bomnwer incerest oa sfiie�'�ds aad applica[tt�taw P�� ���:�ii�_-
<br /> :��ckr w malce such a ch�� .Hawe�ec:�e�.�ag r�jiire Barower to pay a a��e for an independera�eal � F�r�� -
<br /> - estate ta�c�se�victi used b y[.�`�w�ec�',�-sr.+�tbis k►aa.unlessapQla�if'�f.zav p�v�Fdes o�e�wise• UNess aa I�` _ -
<br /> , s�aU na be��.��,l3amuwer any interest ar .'' ;�.
<br /> agroewCnt is�etc'.or applicaWe IaRr te.�ii�.t�i�SS:Kest to�Oe paid.le�:.,
<br /> - e
<br /> � qrnings oa�ire�itds.BoaoWer,autt�Jair��y.aSree in writing,�+rvi�+iaa:tbai ap�ne9F sha11 tiz�on the Funds. Lender .=,�� `
<br /> =�- , ,. . �of ttie rr'.. �s;sho �ts and debits co the Funds aud the . �"
<br /> ,, sha11 givt t4 @Wiiawcr,wiE��r;�ri:sr�;sial acco' #t'} w!RL. -����i
<br />.. �a�se for y�;7�eaeh deb►i�t?r,:r.�L��s�v�#s made.�T��"r,iinds are pledged as a��a1 socurity for all svms secun�d by �` .r � _
<br /> : •.t ,.�" . :�.����-��'` :�' `ex: "�3i''�amoWi�s 'tted to be held by applicable iaw. [.ender shall aocount to !�� _
<br /> � , ,;.. r�thG:�held bx�es��er c� Qe�
<br /> , °-,.. .;�S�'�.'I��wer fa��l�'excxss Funds in accor�.�i�:ovith the cequimnents of applieabk law. If the amount of the Fu�held by , �_"-'�
<br /> . ' . � : : �'"r' ;u��3er at any time is not su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so ratify Bomnwer in writing.and,in , �-''�--`_
<br /> ;.:•�'':'''�•`'1`, �case BoQOwer sholi pay w L.ender the amount�sary to make�up the defciency. Botr�nwer shall taalce u the , . ,�
<br /> �� ,�. p �:��.-;�-
<br /> �« 'ci�:^iency in no tnolt than tare Ive mont h lY PaYmenu;a t�d e r§so t e•di s c r e u o n , .,:.¢;�:°- ���,
<br /> � . Upon payment in full of all sums secure�!by this�..-urity Insuumen�Lender shai!pomptlY cefund to Bersower an��•; , , `'.�'��'',,'
<br /> -., _�.
<br /> t%��.r-�r.
<br />.. ���unds hetd by l.ender. If.under paragraph 21.L.ender shall acquire or setl the PropeRy.l.ender.prior to the acquisition vr. . !,;'.s�,�� �� • ' -_
<br /> : ' sale of tfie Praperty shal!appty any Funds heid by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agaiast the suias �: f���• • - _
<br /> ,. � secund by this Securiry Instrumen� � . , --
<br /> ' ' ' 3. Applicstion of Payments Untess applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by L.cnder under =.`;,... . _
<br /> pat�graphs 1 and 2 shaU 6e applied:firsl.to anY prepayment charges due under the i�9te:second.ta amounts payable under <<;i;�:. °. -
<br /> para�pt�Z:tt�irQ,to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and 1ast,to any late charg.es 3ue under the Note. `'��'"�'"' . _ -
<br /> � T„�� �• 0. Charses; Litas. Borrower shall pay al!Iaxes. assessmen�c.eharges. t"angs and impositions atiri6trta6k w the r, -
<br /> ':<!�';,::,!�' - ProPenY wt�ich may attain prioriry over this Security insaumenb and leasehold payehenu or ground�nts.if any. Bormwer '
<br /> �.�h�•_.+',, '�'� �:.'�.'„ , '..j.
<br /> ;�t�� shaU pay tfiese obligations in the manncr provided in paragraPh 2,or i€not paid In�3 manner.Barrower shall pay them on 4 , ,; , �'.
<br /> : , time directly ro the persan owed paymem. Borrawer sh�{!�S.vmpdy Gunish to I.enui�x�notices of amounts to 6e paid under r -�;y�,j�,, .. �•
<br /> J���. (f Borrower makes these payments dir��:.Borcnwer sha ll prmq�lv-�nish to I.ender m,cci p ts evidencing ,,. ' ;;:;�i,�rs{a'ti,f r,<<��; _:.
<br /> . .. , �., , � ,..
<br /> ' • �i�t�� . Borrower shall promptly discharge any 11en which�t�as priodty ove�thjs Seccuii)=:C�.�+.�trument unless Borrower.(a)agrees•�•.� .,. �
<br /> , e�,�:��'.• , . . ,�n writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien m a ma�ra�r�C�t�I�Lender.(b)cantests in gaod faith the ---
<br /> r. .: • '�
<br /> • • lim by.or defends against,ent'acement of the lien in.legal proceedin�wiii:sh ut d'r�,�.ender's apinian operate to prevent Qce., °, ,
<br /> ����nfonYn�ent of the lien;�G;�b secures from the holdec of the lien an abrna�.mcm¢s�ai;:t�csory to Lender subordinating the lien�'�: _
<br /> � „co this Savrity Insuumenc i��'.ender determines that any part of the Pivperty is��if?j�.�t to a lien which may attgia priaaty - , _-_
<br /> `•ovet this Security I�strumeri�l.cnder may�ivc Bonnwe�a natice identlfying the iiaar.;•;f3arrawer shall satisfy the lien or t3ke„:. . _
<br /> ,, ona vr moro of the acdons set forth abave within!0 days of the giving of naNce. ' ;,-.;:.: . . `� �, . -
<br /> �="'•r:�- � S. Ha�rd or Yeoperty I�uneca Bonower shall keep thc improvemcnts naw existiq'Zi;�sr�feereafter erected on rfs� '' `' _ .
<br /> - i�r: ....sc� . ' `
<br /> ;�:,,�;�.�:.•..;:, ' ' .property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within thc term"extended cqver�c"an�t`.�Sy���iher hazarQs.includip�', :: I. ,
<br /> ' ',#;�;�;•�-�`' •• 1��odv or Qooding,for which Lender requires insurartce. This insurance shall t�+rr�ntain�+d:u+�ise amoartr�a�d'Par ds;�:;;'` � . ��`
<br /> �� �YI, ' '�.�� , • � . ' ��'• ''`� ` � ,. ', � �
<br /> Y,•'', �
<br /> �i�r'41,. '� � �.•�(y�l�. �!�•�rf•.t� .� � . . � � � - �Farm:3n1�! lN��rpa�zZ�Jes�raiv��� . . . .
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