Y� r•' _ ' E- = .:•rz-_ --
<br /> �� t -�. `�- , _-
<br /> -�.-•_.,�_�.., ' --— - _
<br /> -- - —
<br /> -�-s---�- � � ; — - - - - - '—--. --- _ - . . —__ --- iQ. ^,r - -
<br /> . , . . . . . . � .c . .... �. ._. . . ����i ���A . . <<.. :.
<br /> . :. . .. _ :. .. , _ . . _ . ..
<br /> -, ;. . . ` . . . _ ... � _. . .. .. . . . . . , ..
<br /> ' �p�lOip Of d�1Cf 1�101t�OE�OY QfR Of dIC�j�.10f fot CdDY0Sti11CC Yf 1iGt10��.ale heRlsy���11d. ` .
<br /> - Sb1�U b�pYd W l.lOder ' '
<br /> in the eea�s d a to�l nking of d�e PkupMY.the po�eeds slWt!De app�Ciod to the seims secured by�tiiis S�c�nity =
<br /> �saumene,�r6etl�rr a�nat dKn due.r�t�aey eaeess paid to Bormvrer. In t�r event of u por[iat taRin�of tisc Propc�ty in .
<br /> ' whicD th+e fiu�aa�ica w�lue of the�toQaty iam�ati�ori�befcxe the tai�iag is cqual to or greuec tl�tt.ti�art�ut of the s� .
<br /> secmed by thus Securitg lrtsutanebt imme�aoei�6etute the tating.ankss Aomuwer and Lender nt6er�rise agtet in rwtiting. .
<br /> _ _ -
<br /> -'- -=t�esc�ssscca���bS � ' !.l�ie�d�rct�l�aheamaaataEttr.�nncced�,�ipL`�t�_f.41��� ^; - ---
<br /> ` frxtio�: [��tbe tn�al�m�uN of tlle stpns secuRd immedi�eiy 6efae ttre tatcing,divided ii?(M tGe lair mari�et v�Iue oilUe
<br /> p�e�ty n�uned�ately be(ar the taticg. Aey 6at�nve s1W]l 6e paid to Bamv►tr, tn�hC tveqt of a p�tia��r+ng of the = -
<br /> Ptopaty m v►fiich the fair muket value of the Pr+aQesty m�ediatdy befar�tbe t�icing is less than tAe amount of ttu sums
<br /> .serurod inu�trdiat�ely 6efaR tbe rating.unkss BcKrow�ei and:l.ender utl�ctv�rise agree�n writing ar vr�as�pp}icablc laac ..
<br /> othetvrise p�ovides,the p�uoeeds shall be aipplied to the sums 9ecut�*A by this Securit}�Tnusuntau wh�ther os iwt the sums att
<br /> tha�doe.
<br /> If the Ptopeety is aA�ndo�od by Famw�r.or it;after notioe by I.eader to Barowtr that the candemnor offets to rnat�s
<br /> an awacd a s�ettk a claim fa dartnges.Bortow�er fails to[espond w Ixnder within 30 days aftet tUe due the notiee is given.
<br /> - - Eendes is yttbae�ed toroltxt and appty-the_�cads,�rts.optio�eifhet w restcKation c�iepair of the Piapetty ur m ehe -- - —
<br /> ,�securcsll�r tbis Sec�uity Insaumen4�whether or rrot t6ea d�
<br /> - , Un1e��.ender aM•Rarower atluivvise agroe in vi�ipng.anp applicadoh.bf p�ocoods to pcincipal sbatt aot ext�a�d os
<br /> poslpa�re thc duc dab�af�monthly payrnrnts iefeRad ta lt��agrapi�s i a�i 2 archange t!rc�nount of such payrt�aus.
<br />--_-_- - . IL 6orraRer NaE Rde�d: ForbearaKY s�_itadee Na�t� W�vea. Faco�sian.of the time fac payment or
<br /> Y=- - _ . maW'r�tlart of aa�actirrtiat of the sums secund by ttus 5ecutit}�tnsd�umeat grantrd bq Leakr m any successor in intercst
<br />__-�.. - . af gortvwee sball oot Qperate to rckase the Uability of thc aiginat°Barrower ai Somowet's suc�sars in intec�st.l.e�der
<br /> _- - ' sbalt no�t be,tequuod ca cammenoe Frooeedin&s agau�C anY s�cesso�r in imerest or�efuse ar actesid,tiene for p�y�nent or
<br /> �° dberwi9e modifY�morti?a�on of the sums secuted by Hus Secutity lnStrumeat by ce�son of atty de��d m�i�y tbe origu�al
<br />"'"��'' 13viinwer a Bamv�ers�uccessors In inte�est. My fabearance by I.ender ia e�cerc��aay right,or rert�edy shali not be a
<br /> _' - ,,i:a�rct af or pKClude the eae�isr af any right or nrt�edy. ' ,. ' .. .--
<br /> ---- ::� ; < <_of tltis :,
<br /> - , 1L S�cee�ors�d A+�i�6ars�:Joi�t a�d 5evtr�l Lia6�d�,Co�si�ers'•'�'Cie cureran�s'aas�ag�a�ils --
<br />` - .;:,�s.,' Security,h�,irtunent shall bind attd bepefit the successas�d�signs of.Lender and Samwer.svb,�'t�1t�11�?.ac*ti�+iais of... ___-
<br />. � paragraptr 1�Bormwer's wvenants a�a�eeements shall i�e jaint ac�di several.Any Borrower w���x��Securiry . ��;.-:,._,
<br /> --- - Instrument but does not tseaste the Nae:-ta}is co� t(us Tnsuument a a ty_m�g�:L��.�:�'�that �±.. :_-
<br /> �gn�..�.�_ .
<br /> Ba�ower's ituetcst ia the Pmpecty u�der the tetms of this.Sswticy�uin�t: Ib)��KF�na3i�Y�."�`�'"��`ri,r�?c�e sums � ��,s�•:-
<br />:�. ,.,:-. : ���-�•-�
<br /> :::i �bY this Secu��Y im�n+men�and(c!agrees tt�at�r and aa�s�er Banuwac�say agree tb;extend��*c�;•-�.far6ear ,.� _ _--
<br />. . ar make aa�'a�sommadatibns with regard to thc terms of this S�'v�•;Ins��or the Nate without ttiat Borrower's `"'__ _
<br /> consen� • . � . • • , . . , ; .. `e__�-
<br />. �, �Ch�r�es :iE tl�e to3n secured by�his Sesy,tit�r.teLwwa�t is sabjecs to a law which sets manimum toan , _-_ ,--
<br />;�` cha�ges.and that faw is fm�Iig.�terpreted so that the i�gl a�t��an charg���{�sted or to be collected in,cannection __-
<br /> � ., v�th,the loan exceed the p�d timic5.then: (a)ang�r.fSa�[i c'�i�e shall be��it;t�i:�3�,,`t11e amount necessaig,to�rduce -------
<br />.......
<br /> - � d�e"sharge w the permitted tiinit;and(b)an9 sums a��r:i3lie`cted frum Borrower�:ii'v,-�,�at:eeded Perrt►itted Gmi1�will be ---__-=_-
<br /> ' - cefu�to Borrower Lenckr may cl�ovsetv.make t[eis�by neducin$the principa(bwed'ar�.wt�e Note a�i�,!�friaking a �_��
<br /> os
<br /> dicect payraait to 6oma�rer. If a i+eefuri�t�es PrirrcFpeJ:.t6�reductca��r.will be treated aS a puii:il:fn�iaymenz,�;+ithout anp :�:�_�-
<br />. P�Y�nt charge under the Note. `::_ '.;::; � _r , ::.�., ii����e=�:=
<br /> . �i;::;.>: . .. �:.-:�f���:-
<br /> _ �, ° , _,. 14. Notkes. Any natice to Borrawer provided;��ir�this Se¢urit lnstrument shall be i�7ei3�sy deiit�ui .it or l ,�, •«.
<br /> Y S � b1` .���,tk_
<br /> � mailing it by fir.st class mail unless applicable law requires use of anottter method.'ilie notice shap be directed tQ1f1�Property N�. ��:r�'•'�.`_,
<br /> �� .�s ower desi ates b notica to l.ender. Au no[ice to Lender shaU be giveri by;tirst cta�.s , �k,��;,,:r ,-.
<br /> Addn�s or any other addreti Barr gn y . Y ,. ,., ,
<br /> ��'��� ' � �''�,; ' mail to LerMex's address titated hcrein or any other address l.ender desi��ates by notice to Bonower. Any notice prov�ded fas:��.' . •. � .
<br />��•'rf�=:�:.?' " in this Sec�i�iry Instrumertt shall be deemed to havc been givea cY�3rcower or Lender when given ati pravided in�his�,� , r..� �`�
<br /> $%rh�!,. r:• �,..:;-.` . . , . :
<br /> f , P�S�Ph• „�.4.�_f-;.:.
<br /> •� 15. Gavern Law:Seveeabill This Securit lnstrument �hall he a-f�b federal law and the law of ttie •-_ ���,t��'
<br /> in� tY• Y S.��. Y •,.",�r,sti��F,:_
<br /> � yUrisdiction in which the Property is lacated. ln the eveat that any pravision ar c1flA.�nt fiis Security Inxtrume�rr�i�the Nate
<br /> "=� conflicts with applira�le law,such canftict sha11 not affect other provi�ionti�f�his S��aF`�ty lnstrument or the hr+',�3:�hich can, �`���.�. `'•�'� _�
<br /> ��j_. �:-
<br /> _•�,. t3:Note are �, .. - •;'..
<br /> �� 6e given effect withoue the conflictins:pmvi�ion. To this en�i the pravisians of this Secumy In4ttpmene a�v1; � . - -
<br /> � .` �:. � declaredtobeseverabte. • � • ' ,': � '�`"�,•,`„ . . .
<br />•� •- '��r ;,�`'. �,_:�,� 16� �oetg�wtr'4 Copy. BoRawer rtialF�ae$iven onc canfatmed eapy�f thc Note and of thi4:?+�:ut�ty'l.li�i�srinem. '_' �-._:
<br /> - � '. 17. 'lt�sfer otthe PropeAy or a Benefidal I�rest in Borrown: If aQ ot any pan of the PaopcMy�3�`�t�f5"i�terest in (, . � r ;
<br /> � � - '�-�it;i�sold ar*sansfeaed(v�if a beaeficial intere�t in Borrower is sold ar tranyferreil and Borrawer i�no�a r��ur�t person) . ����� ` � t :
<br />�;,, • '-:;wixitoui.l.�a's��i:'cc priot wiitien con.�enl,Lender may.at itc.optian.reyuire imme�iatr payment in ful!nf all s�ii4'�x:cureA by � �;._: ._Y�;:_
<br /> ,",�kff _ this�Se�i y,'Iit�rcetment. iiuwever,this apion shall nnt b e excrcise d by L en der i t'exerci.e i�pro bi bi te d 6y fede�l law ac of ,
<br /> the dat�e R�'i��i4�ycrurity In�trumcm. +.. •,: .
<br />'�;t���,?,•��:: .. �- _ ... �,
<br /> �, , . ; , [f�ecali:ritxercixes thi�Qption.l.e�ecter sha11 g1V�C g01fOWCf t1�'tS�i.4;it":uceieratu�.7. Thc noticc shal)provide.��eriod�l: � ..c. ,:�
<br /> . '` '.;�.itf3t lesc t(�an-30 days fra�rtE,�i�date the notice iv detire�:ti°i�r mailed wi�tiin whlch Ucrr's�ier mu�t psy all vum�.se4a�rc�!tsy chis��'� ;; .`�• . ,, n�k , . :
<br /> � , �'�l� .4
<br /> ,.,;� ,; ;:',•.Y�urity lnctrument. If 8wniwer faits to pay tii�-Nutiti prinr w the cxpiratirn��o7;ihiti period. Lcnder insy,inyqke�y . ' . ., �F�,z:e.
<br /> ' ,�::� .: �',,,rc,
<br /> • � 'n.�:rrediespen�nitted by this 5ecuriry Instrument a�ith��ir t��.nt�er noticc or dcmand on�;i�aowcr. � ;: ,'� ,•,:��•:f;H} .
<br />:,�'�"i�,�; ''' 18�.l�iivCOwer's Right to Reinstair: if'Quch)�lcrmects certain condiuon... Borroacr<hal!have the right ro have - `�'...;"'
<br />����:.;;}� ; : ..�::. .
<br /> :�.i,.y� , eafotcerlum i�t,'�his Security tnstrumentiii4u�iuinuc¢:M�c any time pri�r tu the earlie��f: la!5 d�ys(or wcb athet periaf as
<br /> ,.�: , � - �:�
<br /> . �' . . , , ,� SmglcF.+mit�•-1'r,iiiniell�e�Fii+�ltt{Tacl"ti1F11R�t1�tiTRt�tEVC••4'nA��rmCu�cn�m. 9195 �perceJn/6pn�;rU ;�,�J'�y�
<br /> , 4 . , . ',�' �}f 1�
<br /> ';;,,1�.�•'j;;;
<br /> t��;
<br /> , = . , ���f �,,,: .
<br /> �.t,;• • , . . , �ti�;'!�.� .
<br /> �,�'f�' ,'r ��,;` , _. . .._..- - - • -�--�--- =rr�--,�I'.':,,•i�"
<br /> • �;� .�rr.,iG;�
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