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,�-�';;� _v- ,, <br /> .'t.��u�� .fit � i k -- '{Y <br /> _ � -- .�_.,.�u.a'l9t1'Y - . .� <br /> _----- - � i0��5 <br /> —- --- - --,..:�-.:.:.o:��ot�ar P�as�a tea�asr��s rat c��.y�C.M�w.o��ion..n h�br..�ie..a..d _ - <br /> -- - - - i�tl be pid bl.aidlr. . <br /> Ip qN avwtt M�tatN t�kinQ ot tba 4�ropenY� ihe�proueab �hdl be Npplisd w the sum� seoured by d�b Secwity <br /> Imtr�anent.whettar or M►t then due.wlth�ny exa,�pW W Ba�rowu. In the event of�p�ttW t�klna of the Propa�tY in <br /> whkh the fdr m�icot vduo of Iho Prcipohy Immedluely baPae the takin�is eqwl W or�rcwe�tlu�n tha+imount d tbe wms <br /> �ecurod by Ih1�3ecurity Uuuument immedi�tely beforo 1he qicin�.unks�Bottowet u�d l.eMer otherwi�e a�oo in wridn�. <br /> Ihe aums�ecured by thh Securiry In�qumau xlull be roduced by the�rt�ount of diep� multiplkd by the fdlowi�� <br /> fr�on: (al du total amaunt of the sams eecurcd immedineiy befare�be tnking,divided�bay�(db)the fdr rtwri�et vdue ot ihe <br /> PrapeAy immedlately befaro the uldn�. My b�hnoe�th�ll be p�id w Bomnwer. Io the event of a p�rd�l W�in�ot�be <br /> Propeily ln w6ich the fiiir miulcu v�luo of the Property immodi�uely bofore tia tAking ia les�thm tite amount of the�uma <br /> iecwed 1p�mediately 6etoro tha t�king.unlea Bmrowe��nd Lander othcrvvi�e a�nee in �wdtin�or unla� appiic�bla i�w <br /> od�erwi�o provider.the procada�11 be�ppNed to tho wm��ecwed by thic Secu�ity Inruument wl�ether or not the am�iu�e <br /> tba�due. <br /> U tbe PropeRy la ab�ndaned by Borrower.or iP.pRer notico by Lender to Borrower lhat tha condemnor offers ta m�ke <br /> �n�wa�d or settle p claim for damaaoc,Borrowcr f�ils to rcspond�o Lender wlthin 30 daya aflor 1he date the naice ia given, <br /> L,aider i�authoriud to collcet and epply�he piocoed�,at its option.eW�or oa rccwmeion or�p�ir of tha Property or to the <br /> wuW xcurod by�hie Socurity Instrumen�whcther or na theo due. <br /> Unlaso Lendor and Bortowu otherwise agrea in writing.any applkation oi'procoods w pdncipAl ahall not exterd or <br /> po�tpone the due d�te of�he rowuhly paymenis cefe�ed ro in paraQrapM 1 and 2 or ch�nge the iunount of such pnyymienus. <br /> ll. Bort+o�va� Not Rdea�ed: Fbrbaur�oe By I.a�der Nd � �Yalver. Eatension of tAc time for p�ymcnt or . <br /> --- modifipulon of aniortizMion of the sums sawod by Utis Security Inshunnent gmnted by Lender to any Ruccessor in inurest <br />_ of Bonower ehdl tiot operate to mkasa the li�bility of the originrl Borrowcr or Borrower�successors ia interest.Lender • , • <br /> ---_��--�--� �1W1 not be required to commence pmceedings against any successa in ioterest or reinse to extend time for paym�:at ar <br /> ottiervrisoe modify Mmortization of the sums securcd by thia Serurity Insuument by reason of any demend made by�he originu! <br /> Hamwer or Bormwark�ucceasors in intercst. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising any�ight or remedy sh�ll not be n <br /> — waiver ot or proclude the exercisc of any right ar rcmedy. � <br /> 12. Sua�orn aad Ar�as Bound;JolAt and Severa! Liablltty;Casi�nero. 'Ilia covenants and ag�+eemen�s of thia <br /> Secu�Ity Inam�ment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and 8omawer.subjxt to the provisions of <br /> p�uag�ph 17.Botmwer�s covenants und agreements shall be joint and several. Any Barrawer who casigns this Security <br /> Ynstrument but does not ezecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only ta mortgage,grnnt and rnnvey�hat <br /> - Borrower�intercst in the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instrument; Ib)is not peraonally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secuied by lhic Secur�ty Instrumenl;and(c)agrces that L.ender and any other Bomower may ugree to extend,modify,Forbear <br /> or mal�o any�ccommodatiais wilh regard to the terms of this Security Insuument or the Note wi�hout that Bomower's <br /> cansent. <br />_ 13. I.oao C�es. If the loan secured by this Securily Insaument is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan <br /> charges,ond Ihat law s 8nally inter�reted xo thut the intet+est ar other loan charges collected or lo be colkcted in connecdon <br /> with 11ie loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loun charge shall be r+educed b3•the amount necessary w reduce • <br /> the charge W the permiued limit;and(b)smy sums already callceted fmm Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> —.± — refunded w Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> dircct paymenl to Borrowe�. If p refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated a.g u psutial prepayment without eny <br /> �� prcpayment charge under the Nate. <br /> 14. NWices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thic Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mnil unless opplicable law requi�es use of unother methad.The natice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addass or any other s�ddress Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by frst cluss <br /> moil to Lender�s address s�ated hereio or any other uddresx Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for <br /> =�� in this Security Insirument shall be deemed to hnve been given to Bornower or Lender when given a.g provided In this <br /> ��15�Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shull be govemed by fedeml law and the luw of the <br /> juriadiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event thnt uny provisian or cluuse oP this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts with applicable law,xuch canflict shutl not nf fect other provisions af Ihis Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> '; J be given effect without the contlicting provision. �b this end the provixions of this Securily lnshument and the Note are <br /> �• declarW to be severable. <br /> l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one confo�med copy of the Note uncl of thix Security Instrument. <br /> i7. 'Mmsfer oP the Property or a Beneficfal Interest in Borrower. If all or any purt of the Pmperty or uny interest in <br /> ��'.. it is sold or dansferred(or if u beneficial intcrcst in Borrower ix�old or trnnsferred and Bomower is not a nutuml pe�son) <br />_(;;�: + '4 without Lender's prior written consent.Lemier muy,•rt it,option,require immedit�te puyment in Pull of all sums secured by <br /> .; this Security Instn�ment. However,this option shnll not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br />"���� the datc of this Security Instniment. <br /> � ---uti lf Lender exercise.c this option,4.ender shall give Burrower notice o!accelerntfan. The natice shull provide a perial of <br /> x�'�-' not less than 30 days from the date�he no�ice iti delivered or muiled wi�hin w•hich Bixrower mu�t puy ull sums secured by this <br /> `� -��r�� Security Instn�mCm. If Bortower Fuils to puy thexe sumz prior tu Ihr ex�iralion of thi+ periad, Lrnder mny invoke uny <br /> :� �:�y;,;,;b• <br /> ?� , ,.,�,,.:.� . remedies perntitted by this Security Instrument withcwt further nWice�rdem;�ndon Bnrmwrr. <br />,+ , _�"�'.' 18. Borrower's Right to Iteinstate. It'Bormwer meets ccrtuin condi�ions, Bonower shull huvc the right to huve <br /> .�, . enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time p�ior to the carlirr of: lu)5 duys(or,uch other periad as <br /> � 4``'� Single Family••Fannfe Moe/FYeddk:11ae l:N1FURM INtiTRUMt NT--Uniform Covemnts 9/9B ( e 4 r b es► <br /> ,;y.��,Z.'.. MR �l IwQ _ <br /> ��;+:V Y;: it� <br /> •kj 1,�,Y • <br /> �5`�7�"t��1�e♦ • - <br /> 4. � <br /> . ��' � _.. . . . _ _. . _ -_ <br /> . _ ..,, . . . --.,-r,---- - {r- . --— <br /> �s� ,�;»r _-.- •.a ��Si�V - ., . . .�_ * � t M1r '�? <br /> �:i���f11ME6_�M.!'�� .:. -; , �. •. . . , ' " I rq�b3�V�::. .����'!f� . <br /> -• � t �.�, ' '- . ' ' .� 1.' . ' 11 <br /> _ ... ., <br />"_ :.. 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