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__ _ ._ _ .__ __ ._ . __ ._. .. --F-�:. :. .,. :: __ . r.z •r : ; . <br /> :,� - . . . . ' 'r. .: --.: <br /> • ' � A/� <br /> �M� <br /> , iO�C'�'S . <br /> - ---;.�iwA.,w.�-,.r�--w�:ai�.». 'i1r► . . _. , 1e,►_awwrw - - i.��..-�_ . <br /> L��op�.o�b�co�v�a,�y�. U��x�hib�o��aavet�����a��� -- _—. <br /> p�o�t rv1 <br /> All in�unnoe Pollc➢a nd�oaewAt�tl�ll be�ooeptabb to Lenid�e y�rd i�U ieclude s wrdird�cl�wa l,aider <br /> �hdl h�ve the ri�ht to hold d�e poficia and Ruewals. Ir 1.ender requim�,earowa a�u prcmply ve a Lan�ter d�ieceip�s <br /> ot p�W pemivau and nanew�l qotkd. Ia tia event of taw.Barower�ll�ive pmnpt nt�cioe to d�e lasur�aca c�mer�nd <br /> I.cnder. Lender may make pmof ot toa if not m�de prompdY b7'Barowar. ' <br /> Unless Lerder�nd So�mwes Whcrwlca aprea!a wrltia�.lasuc�ncepr alull ba app!!cd to r�star�drm or npnir o!' <br /> d�ep�p�y dian�ed. if tho rostaruton or nspwir b acanamic�lly fwlble a�nd Lenderk�ectrit�r is not ip�ened. It die <br /> n�ta�arta�artion-or�epair i�not ecaiomicaUy feuiblo or t.enderti racurity waulA be le�enod�the inwranoe pt000ed+tlull be <br /> �pplied w tho swna securod by thi�Secudry In�dument,wlkther or not thcn due.with �ny excxas p�id to�wer. U <br /> Bonower�bandau the does not uuwer wlthin 30 d�y�a eotke from Lendar Uwt the in�ur�noe ourler lus <br /> odYiered w sdtle�claim.t1�Lendcr m4y wUoct tita inaw�nce ptoce�d�. I.endar mwy uce the prnceod�to �or re�tone <br /> ihe Frvpany ar q pay wms a�a.�ued b�r tl�b Securlty Lut�ument,whether or�at d�en duo. 11a 30�d�y paiad w 11 ba�in whp� <br /> �he rqtico is <br /> Unkss md Bonawor oU�erwiae�roo in writin6,anY aP catlon of procoed�ta principd shdl iwt extcnd or <br /> postpone the due date of the momhlY pnymart�refoned q in p�re� 1 �nd 2 or ch�nge the u�wunt of the p�yments. If <br /> under pan�grapb 21 the Property Is acquiied by l.eoder�Bonowerb right to Any insunu�ca policles and pm000de tiaulting <br /> •� fi+um dam�ge w tt►e Prnpe�ty pior w the t�cquisiHcxt zlWl p�ss to l.ender W the eatent of tbe wm�t�curod by ihir Socurity <br /> inwuma�t immedlately prlor w the�oqaisNion. <br /> 6. Oceopanc� Prisnrv�don, M�Intemace aad Protecti� of tke Property: Borro�rer'a I.o� Applic�tio�; <br /> . .l.ea�e6old9. Rorrower shell accupy.establish.end use the Propecty as Borrower8 ptincipal reaidenx w(thin tGcry days�fler <br /> ahe exxution of thiR 5ecuri[y Inswment uid siwll oontinue to occupy tha Propaty+w Horrowerl�principal re�idena for u <br /> leut one year after tha date of oocupancy. unlea.s Lender ott�awise ngroes in wrlting. which c�nnsent shall nat be <br /> unrcasonably withheld.or unlces axteauadng circumstances exist which�ue beyond Bmrower's contr+ol. Barower shall not <br /> dactroy.dama�e or impair the Propercy, �Ilow the Property to dcurlorate.or commit waste oa the PropeRy. Bormwe�siuU <br /> , be in defaWt if any forfeiwto actioq or lpaocxding.whether civil or crimin�l,is begun that in�dorb good faith judgma►t <br /> cauld result in forfeitune of the Pirop�.�rrf or ottierwise materialiy a��prir ihe Gen cneated by this Secudry Irutrumem or <br /> Lender�s socurity inte�es� Borrowar may cure such a default and providod in paragraph 18�by c�using the acdan <br /> or procuding w 6e dfsmissod wlth a ruling�hat,in Lender�s good faith deum�inedon,p�+ecludes forfeitwe oi t]�e 8arowor�s <br /> � Interest in tho Property ar other mourial impairment oF the lie� c�eated by this Secwity Inawment or Lcn�ler� securlty _ <br /> � inteas� Borrower shaU also be in defeult if Borrower. during tl� applicetion proveas. gave materially Palse or - <br /> � inacxurate information or sratemcnts to I..ender(or failed w provide Leoder with any meterial infornietion)in cannectian witQ� <br /> . � the ban evidenced by tha Note. including. but not limlted to. repn;sentations conceming Barrower� occ y of the <br /> . p�p��y�s a p�i�C�pP�reai�le�oe. if thia Secur�ty Inctnament is on a leasehold,Borrower shall camply with all t e proviaions = <br /> of the lease. If Hormwer Acsquims fec dde to the Pmperty.the leasehold and tho fee tide shall not merge unlese Lender agras - <br /> w the merger in writing. - <br /> 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Rights in the Property. [f Bormwer fails to perform the covenants and ag�+eements <br /> contained in this 3ecu�ity inawment, or there is a Itgal procoeding thst may Rignificandy affect Lenderg rights tn the <br /> PropeRy(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,t'or condemnetion or forfeiture or to enforce lews or nguladons).then <br /> Lender may do end pay for whatever is necessery to pralect the value of the Property and L.ender's dghts in the Property. <br /> I.ender's actions may include paying any sums securec� by a lien which has priorily over this Security Insuvment,appearing <br /> in court,paying reasonabk anomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaira. Although L.ender may take a�ction <br /> under this paragrapfi 7.L.ender does not have to do so. <br /> My amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paregraph 7 sfiaQ become additfonal debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Insuument. Uoless Bomower and Lender agrec to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear iMercst from the <br /> date of disbtusement at tlie Note rate and shall be payable.with interest. upon notice from Lender[o Borrower requesting <br /> paymen� <br /> S. Mortgage Insumnce. If I.ender rcquired mortgnge insurance s�s a condidon of making the ban secured by�his <br /> Security Insttument.Borrower shall pay U�e premiums required to maintain the mortgage insnrance in efiect. If. for any <br /> reas�n. the mortguge insurnnce coverage requirecl by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower s�all pay the <br /> premiums rmquired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effbct, at a cost <br /> substuntially equivaknc to the cost to Bomower of the mortgage insurwice previously in effeat,from en altemate mortgage <br /> inswer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent monguge insurance coverage is not uvailable,Boaower shall pay to <br /> Lender ench month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insuren�:e premium being paid by Hanowzr when the <br /> insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. L.ender will accept,use and retain these paymenu t�s u loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of I.ender. if mongage insurance <br /> coverage qn thc amount nnd for the period�hat Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes <br /> availAble and ia obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums mquired to mainlain mortguge insurnnce in effect,or to provide u _ <br /> loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurence ends in accordance with uny written agr+eement between eornower <br /> and Lender ar applicable lew. <br /> 9. I�spechon. L.ender or its agent mny mnke reasonnble entries upon und inapections of the Propeny. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonuble cuuse for the inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of any nward or claim for damages,dircct or consequential, in connection with any <br /> Single Famlly—Ftinnk MadHYeUdie Mac UNIN'ORN INS7'RUl1fENT••Unifortn Coven�nts 9/90 Ipupt 3 oJ6 pogts) -- <br /> firat L�ke�Buetr�e�Fann.Nc.� -- <br /> TOOMQCdk I�OOb30-09f0 O YAx 6167Y1•113/ "u <br />