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_ .. : . __ <br /> r . . .. . . . . .. ti .c. -- <br />.. .-.�-- - .x�,� " . � ' ' ' ' . � .i r -{; _- <br /> ----- -�. .. � 9�- in�'s. . <br /> . . . . <br /> _ _ _�,:� ---- -r.;ii.+�a.tiw�Sr.��'.t��tt�l�rale.ot�hc rra�tg p�tc ss5►�al.ula�M!� <br /> _ - "�Tq�71MMqF,a(b��ot�,iaaplwt:ptaf�il�al�Sea�riiy;�aawm.. ran�O Q+am�u4s«Q ii�.i B�.n.wo:�, -.-_ - <br /> pipn �raider�Il wrtu whiah wouid be due undar qd� Secutity ir�t aad the Na�s a� if no wa�etMlai b�d . � <br /> oa�edi(b)��ny dof i�ult of yry aher davaLatt,ar�p�toeen�M,ic)pYs�11 expauw incumed in mi[o�ctns tbb 8eourih► <br /> Iea�ntrnant. lncludln�.lwt not limlted�wn�bb�ttomeya'laa��ad(�pik,es auch actlan �LaKkr�aay tenon�t►ly <br /> requi��e ro R�wre�b�c tee lia�of a�Sauricy la*tnunau,l.ender�ri�dts ia the Aia{�ercy me Bomowerl►obtipda�a p�y the <br /> wmt �ecurod trY dds Secwiry In�nent �I!cantinue uacl�ed. Upon �by Harawer. thii Secarlty , <br /> hu�mnt etRd ti�e Ablia�tlon�eermed liere!►y eh�ll nert�ain fi�lly effective w�iP no�ooelKatlon had occuned, Hownver.tld� <br /> ryht to r�fn�uos�lall tbt q�piY W the c�e of�an uMer pv�p�aph 17. <br /> 1!.S�le d NoYi Clw�p ot I.o�o.8w�vioeK 7fie Nota or a�1 intemt ia tha Nata tto�edKr with this Security <br /> Inp�umrnt)m�y be sold one ar mpne dmes wi�t piot nada+to er. A s�le may nsult in�clunQe in the aqity <br /> (known u tho"l.o�n Serviod')du�t'FOIIe�t�m Y P�Y�u duo under the Nooe�nd.this Socudty l�utrumeN. 71�pe dw <br /> truy ba one or moro ch�ngeo oP tbo L:o�a►Serviat tfnml�ted to t�aln o�'tbe Note. �f there!��ciwige of tho Lom 5avioer� <br /> Bom►wu will be given wriuou nodce of tha ctuia�e in�ocadmca wlth puag�aph 14 above wad�ppliabk IRw. 'i�e notioe <br /> wUl suue tho nuae and addnss of the tiew Lo�a Sorviccr�nd the�s to whic�h payn�►t�should be made. The nodce wlll <br /> aLo conuin aqy other informatton roquirod by appltcable taw. <br /> 11.I�arardous 9ubdaoca. Bmrower�II not cauae a pem�it tho p�esence.use.dlsposwl.stuage�or release of�ny <br /> }Laurdous Subcw�cea on or in tbo PmpeRy. Homower shatl not do. nar allow anyone else to do.wything�ecdng the <br /> -= propwq��6�►t is in violodon of any Bnvlronmenwl Law. The proceding two senteaces ehall�ot apply ro the pnesenca,uco.or <br /> j stp�ge co the PNOperty of snwll quoatldes of Hezudou�Substances theu aro�enerally�cogniud to ba�ppmprl�te to normal <br /> raidentW uses and to m�inten�nce of the P�operty. . <br /> _ •� � . Bortawrp�shall�mptly give L.eader written nadce of any inveatigadon,claim,demand.lawsuit or dher actian by�n,Y <br /> _�__ -_ • goverinmemai or�egul�tiRy agency or prlvau party involving the Property end any Hazardoua Substopce or Bnvironnaoeata! <br /> � Law d'wh�eh Bamower tias s►ctual knawledge. If Borrower learns. or is notifiod by Ar►y govemmcMal or regu[aoo�� <br /> _ au�horiry�'ihat any rcmoval or other r�mtdladoo of aAy Hazardous Substance t�ffecdng the PropeAy i��wuy.Borrower <br /> _---_- - � uhqll promptly take aU neressery reme�iu➢actioias in uccordance with Environmeatal Law. _ <br /> qs used in thia paragraph 20."Iiar.arAo�as SubstaneBS"ar�e�hose snbstances defined as�oaio or hazaMous subswnces by <br /> � Envirnnmental Isw and the following subsunces: Basoline. kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum produeta.toxic - <br /> pesqc�des aiul heiMcides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde. und radioactive mwterials. As <br /> used isr►►this paragraph 20,"Envlronmantal Lsiw"means federal Isws and lews of thc judsdictian whe��he Property ie located <br /> that�late to l�eallh,safery or environmentel protecHon. <br /> NON-UMFORIVI COVENANTS. Horrower and l.ender fuAher covenant and agnee as Pollows: <br /> 21. AcakraHon;ltemedtes. Lender afwN gtve aMlce to Horrower prlor to acceleraUon follorving Borrower's <br /> bre�ch ot su�y cuvenant a'AB,reement in tbi�Secu�lty Iastrument(bet not prior to accelerAtbn under parAgraph 17 <br /> �ol��p�Ipbk 4qt provldes otderwise). The nodce slu�ll epecify: (a)the default;(b)the actiop req�(red to cure the <br /> - defi�uN;{c)a dste,abt lese lhpn 30�Ays tirom Ihe ds�te tAe aotice is givea to 1lwrower,by whic6 the defpuit mas[be <br /> - cured;and(d)t6at fallrrc io cure the default on or before the ilate specifkd ia 1de natke au�y resnit in acceleradon ot <br /> . the�u�a secured by t61s Secur(ty Iastrement anti sale ot the Property. The notice shall fhrlher inform&►rrower'ot � <br />'-�� tbe right W refasfate aRer pcceleration and the rlght W briag o court actkn to s�ert the non�existence of�default or <br />=' aay otda�detense o�Borrower to Aaeleratbn and sale. Ii the defAUlt is not cured on ar before the datc speclfied in <br />- tf�e nodoe,Lender at its optlan may require immedfate pnyment in full otall sums secured by thts Security Instrument <br />-;-�. wNhout(Wrt6er demand �nd mAy iavoke the power of sAk and Aoy other remedies permltted by applkAble law <br />. i.eader shnll be mtided to colkct �II expenses incurred in pursuiag the remedies provided ia th(r puaQraph 21, <br /> indudlag,bul not Ilmited t0.reasonable atlorneys'fees and cosfs ot title evideace. <br />- lf the power of sate 1s invol�ed,'llrustee shall record a notice of default In exch couaty in which aay paM of the <br /> "� properly is localed aad sholl mAil copies otsucd notice in the monner prescrlbed by applkable law to Borrower and to <br /> thN other peraons prescrlbed by appltcable IaN AUer the time required by applicable low.'llrustee shAll give pubUc <br />- nodce of'sale to the persons and En t6e m�oner Rrescrlbed by applicable IAw 7lrustee,wlthout demand on Borrower, <br /> slwll Refl the Property at public auctlon to the highest 6idder at the time end place and ander the terms designAted in <br /> - the notke ot�ale in one or more purcels end in Any order'[ruatee determines. 'Irustee may postpone sale ot All or any <br />- porcel ot the Property by pubNe unnamcement al the dme and pince oP any previously xcbeduled sale. Lender or ita <br /> - —" ddiqa�ee tnay purchase the Praperty at Any sale. <br /> �;;<;ft�:=- Upon recelpt of paymeat oi'the prlce bld,7lrustee shull deliver to the purchaser 'Irustee's deed conveying the <br /> ,A, fi;�::�: Prop�rly. The recitsds in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evideace of the truth oP the�tatements made Werein. <br /> �' 7YYStee shall opply the proceeds uf lhe sale in Ibr Pellowing order: (a110 ell costs and expenses otexercisiag tde,power <br /> .�.p.��' '���� <br /> .�•. <br /> `'_�������� <br /> ,� ,� <br />._ iq���v �T.- <br /> � 7}.r .+J . _" <br /> ,F.� __ <br /> ' �t9✓.:��:•. ,i.: <br /> �.....•�..„ FormJO?8 91l0,tM+Ra1 uj6/ �'.. <br /> ��'„�l{i.,. .u _ <br /> +a���.�:. <br />. . ;V::�t''��' r - <br /> � <br />- ! <br /> ����. �.+. . . � •.���r-��'" f.;� ��.,� ... .. � . ki'a'4f�� � •�l��`�':.i.�^.-::��1' <br /> ' , �!t'--«tE�r 4„* . "�a • �, � �� . 1 <br /> .- _ ��...�e.�a,A w,1q+.xa. 1 .. . • ., �I' Y�c . � .. .'� . . . �..S`e\��} - . 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