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- ------ i� .. . . , . .i .a. "!1".. . .c•.-�t,��,�J- - : - _. � " . .� -� -_ --.:�_--°_._. <br /> .__--�.-"___ ..^ .. . ' . � .`r� �Y� ^ �'C_..� <br /> . �� _ ' , <br /> ,. L11wd �� " ,,, <br /> - - --— - - - - T4T-`— ��s7l�en�.� _,-.R. --• <br /> -- --- ---- -- ----� --_-_"— <br />_ _ ..-- � _� . ' --. 'r :-"`. ' .. _._—..., <br /> , �r1�W�/11� _ , � . . " i�ti!� q dll l�IS MO��YJ��� ,,. .'-�_ <br /> �{��Yr 0�i M01�1 t��O���Ii0pMQ4' <br /> �llrlbl�M�I��Cr M0!IwM�r MI�1 M�t�J�OIM 19�d110rY'tf. I��N�M1l 0/i pYl�1���i � . . <br /> • , �d�e tWr�rka v�iuiA at Ibt N�opat�r iarr�edlMeyr tbe��s�a�1h�IM wor�� <br /> Me�red by�+is�awitY In��at h�d��r a���d��'�'Han�wer l.aeaer cd�wi?i�io�ni�, <br /> IIM s�ns�d!ry d�k�eu�y MMI�++M�!M nldraed 6�►dr�aet o��be �y 11M thik�wi�,� <br /> �n v{�ed� by�(b)�awioet'wlne d tW <br /> tt�tioa: (�tl�e totef in�eeaM d�he++� �ecirrd ia�aiedl�ly 6afaa dr aic�li,di <br /> � �, �p�� p�, /1o�r 6d�not da�ll b p�id b�1n�DrMer. LI tbs evwlt of a p�ti�i�d ti�s <br /> RopMgr is wbicA ths feir o�k�t vdw of dM Property�!be[ae�6a titie�b Mn duN die�a�omt d wm� <br /> ��y��i�tl be�ppli�d Wtw �raac Mcrr�d by d�u" S�cu�Y�la�trws�w6nher or not�a�rt <br /> IMe dne. . <br /> ll We Propaty b�i�ndoned bY HoR� if.aRer aotico by l.e�da oo Barower dut tho ooaaan�or of�r�o mdoo <br /> �a dw�l a Reala a elaim for danq�.Barow�er t�ib ro�poad to l.ender within 30 d�ys dler d�e dak ttie aotke is�ivon. <br /> !�b wthaixed to oolbct�nd appl9 the P�oceedR u it�optlan�eit6ar to�ataratiao a rep�i�d tlt,Prope�tr or w dk <br /> wms�ecwad by d�Security lawiunoot.rvhedwr or not ttKa due. <br /> unku eo�uwer at�aw�e�roe in wda»�,.ny ia.tion or p.oeeoaa w prjncip�l sWU noc eaeeaa ar <br /> po�Rpone die due�a of de p�oothiy p�ymoiM+refened�u in l aad 2 a dun�a the aaioua otwch paynr�. ,, <br /> 11. �+�e� Nat R�Nwd; FYrbes�s�oe e� I.ader Not a ViQ�ire' Bzaasioa of da tlwe tor pynront a , <br /> wodlflaKian d�tna�i�d tbe wna secwed by U�is Security�uuua�n��n�d bY Lender to my ar�ssor ip iMes�at <br /> ot Qa�nrrer sbeU not apen�te�o uleaa tbe UabiUty of die u�Baae�wa'or Barowetl� suoce�aa ia inoevat.L�ler <br /> � �all aot Ee to camne�oe petie�edlags qY�inct aaY ��n��oi n�demmd msde by be <br /> ad�ise modi�y m�imonl�an of the wins sawed by this Seciuity In�d�m�eot bY Y <br /> BoROwa or Bamwerl�a�coason in iniaat. My farbe�a�e�►Y�,e+d�r in exa�tin�aay�t ar ranedy si�ll uot a <br /> w�iva of ar proclude tbe exereise of�ny ri�ht or�+nedy. C� 7'he oovr,�aiw aad s�nxmau�af this <br /> 12. S�oees�on s�d Asdpu ooundi.Idn��d Sieveral WWBtl+ � <br /> Security Int�nment�hall bind iu�d benefit the suaoes�as�nd�sai�ns ot L.ender md Bortowar.subject tn the pwisions af <br /> �17.Bonowerl�covenants and �rnte sha11 be joint atd soveral.My Borrower wbo oo-signs �bis Secu�ity <br /> t but doa not e�ecute tha Ndo: (a)is co-signi�g this Secudty Insuurna�t anly to mo�tg�e.�nt+nd aonvep d�t . <br /> _ Boimwerb interost�►the P�opaty under tt�e terms of ti�is Securiry Ituuuma�� (b)is not P��Y�i��D�Y�� , <br /> �ecwed by thia Security Incdument:and(c)a�+ees�hat L.ender ud my otf�er Borrower may��+ee w eata�d.modif�'.fa6ear <br /> ar m�ke my �000mmoduiuns wid� te��d w the temis of thi� 5ecurky Inwumant or the Note widaut da�t Bono�►�eri� . ' <br /> aon�ent. � <br /> - 13. 4av CUu'i� if Ihe loan secured by thic Securiry inatrumant is subject a •Iww wbicb sets tnaxiawm loau , <br /> - char�es.�nd thu law is tin�lly interpneted so�hat the inte�se a aher lan charges calia.;�c�i isr t�be c�-��c�.-t�sa . <br /> • with the laau�eaoeed the pe�mitted limite. thcn: la)any such loan charge shall be roducod by the aiaount naxcswy t�orodux '. , <br />-- — tbe cMrge w the permitted limit;ond(b1 any:ums al�eady colkcted fmm Barower which eaczeded prnnitted limits wil16e <br /> �= refunded W Horrower. Lender may choose to mwice thic rcPortd by�educing the principal owed under tlae Note or by m�king a <br />-- di�ea;l pyyment to Borrower. If u refund ndu�cs principal.the reducdart w�ll be treate�d os�pa�aal p�sp�yment aitlaut any <br /> - prep�yman cha�ge under ihe Note. <br /> -- 14. Notloes. My notice to Bortower pr�ovided for in �his Socuriry Instrument shall be given by delivering lt or by <br /> mailing it by fust cirss mri!unless applicable law requi�es use of tuwther methad.71�e notia ahall be dirccted to the P�opeAy <br /> Addte:a or any other address Bortower designates by nwice to Lender. My notice to Lender shdl be givrn 6y fitst class <br /> mai�to l,enderk address stated hercin or any acher address Lender designates by notice to Bom�wer. Any nodce pmvlded fo* <br /> :� <br /> in this Security Insavmmt shall be dxmed w huve bcen given to Bomower ar l.ender wl�en �ven its provWed in thi� <br /> -�. �1S Governing Law; Seve►nbilhy. This Security InRtrument xhall be governed by federal law ond the law of the <br />' ,,z �, jurisdiction in which the Praperty ie located. In the event Ihat eny provision or clause of this Securky lnstrument or the Note <br /> -- rnnflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not nffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nok which can <br />�.°�;; be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisia�s of this Security Instrurnent and the Noto att <br /> • declared to be severable. <br /> �"`�'`� � � • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Secariry Instrument. <br /> . �^�•~ ^^ 17. 7�ranskr ot the Properly or a Bene�iclai Iatecest in Borrower. If all or any psut of the Property ar any inoaest in <br /> �.,,+: � it is sold or trnnsferred (or if a beneficial interest in Bosrower is sold ur tron�ferted and Borrower ia not a natural person) <br /> -' ' ��'``'� without Lenderk prior wrinen consen�,Lender may,ut i�s option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all aums secu�ed by <br /> -';s this Security I�strument. However,this c�ption shell not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by fedenl Irw as of <br /> ,.:��, �� �'••;, ' the date of this Security Inswment. <br /> • -! If Lendor exercises this option.L�ncler shall�;ive Borrower notice of uccelerotion. The notice shdl provide a period af <br /> .- � �r not kss than 30 dn s from the dute the notice i�delivered or mailed within which Bo�sower must pny ull sums secur+ed by this <br />- ,�r�,� - Y <br /> r <br /> ,�:_ ��• • Security Instnunent. ff Borrawer foils to pay �hexe+ums prior to the expirntion of�his period,Lender may invake any <br /> ��"`, rcrnedieapermitted b this Securit In�rument without funher notice or demand on Bortawer. <br /> -- '�;r..�.:t'�.;8.•: �y Y <br /> ' �.p•u�,,:;;,.,� I S• B o r r o w e r s R l g h t t o R e l n s t a t e. I f B n r ro w e r m e e ts certain conditions. Borrow�r sh�ll tuve the ri ght to have <br /> T�'. �.a�:;r���r� � enforcement of this Security Instrumen� discontinued at uny time priar w the eurlier of: (ol 5 days(or such other period as <br /> ..yl;r �-f;-�„�w••,, <br /> ,�w;sr»,� 5inQk Family-Fannk M�e/F1'eddkr 111oc UNItORd11NS1RU�fENT-•Unifam Coven�nla 9l9D /pa�rl oJ6 pagesl <br /> wx�_i'�•q;,fi;� ` I <br /> ';.r`S�YSt,�i.Q'' � . . <br /> '. � �y%a^:1L.'tr�.�,': <br /> .}:•. <br />'r•� i � . <br />:-l,l�e <br /> ,��1. <br /> . . -^T.�.�. x^��e.:�yk: �,tY��i'.:A�s.`.V€ •,-. ' _._.�.__. <br /> -_ 1A ,'f.�.:i"1''�Y.t� . . � . `•� . > f - -`7Pj�rt������".a+��Y`-'C -7�f�'4�'{� � <br /> . �ac:,C .,�.��_ .i.._.5..:�+��i �'` ( ' ,-_,._'rr��.`_'�Y«}{;�, �:.=i' -�''Y(�1�t�V?ti'� so'�- . <br /> _.� s �_�.T`ti -� }; . 1� i Sy !(1�� -�.. <br /> .�� <br /> . <br /> . .. <br /> : - <br /> ,ae_ . �w -r.w ._.. �k w...,., , i ,.1 _ �i - - - ��,'.�il�.).L_..� � ...': <br /> _�� ,.. . <br /> — �,�a, s_� �t?L� . . ,_ -_- :: <br /> .. ,.. •::• � =- - --�- , . <br /> _ ;t I ' _'_ .�.?t�t 3.liS 1�A�1��� fiLti�:.� _ <br /> _" - .-v.y - _-m..ti�. �_s. � _-_'__ —_._._ __ -_- ._ .__-.__ . . _ „ . .. . <br /> ... _._.�. .. �_ ___` _ �1 .r ..i���"'�..' ��.._ - ��.. .-. <br /> y�c�c r��.-.- -���� <br /> lwli� ( E� . � \- I � ' ♦ • �� j.Sf-! J � <br /> 'G. S' ti <br /> r�� .tir: r ..:�� . .r�l�. ,� . . . _.. . . �.i�'v,1�L. � �� �a.ti r' � ..�� a. <br /> ' -5':t�� ��f.,..,<�� : ' ,.,� .. ..}_...�.,�.. � �_i���.1��•s�. <br /> t. " - . . _ A: .... 1�Y � .' - . �. <br /> ! 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