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. . � -° ° <br /> __r' . �� ' / . ..__ <br /> t"� <br /> . .. ._... _. ._ <br /> � <br /> _.r..; --� --- - ' '^'--- - <br /> � ._....._ ,:�� � .. _. <br /> 93• �� <br /> - - � ,�....�..�.��.���.,.�.��-.,�.�- -= <br /> - - �a�r�.,.q.�::, r�s�--...���c:�re�__ , -. <br /> �ppio�val wldce.Iru noc e.uir.�oew�i�► wrYlwta. u e«�oM►er r,W a�wJaw�ia oorwye dM�'t�Md.ror..�l..�ir oiq►,M � � . <br /> � Lrd�r1�optioa.d�Wo ooranip w proMCt l�endKL ri�lw in dr F�ap�ty in�coo�dmo�wW��p�tA�npM 7. . <br /> All irour�ce poliolea rd reoawalr�hll b�oo�p�bIe w LradM�ad sWll bclwM a�n�Ad�ed�olawt. lw�d�r ' <br /> �Iul1 b�ve tbe ds6e w IwW dio policies�rrd�a�aw��. If La�d�er�quires�Barower.h�u p�a�ap�ty��Ive a t.�r�Y�o.ipr <br /> •� of paid pra�ivan��ad ranewal natk�es. In die event at la�.Botrower�hdl�iw p��notkr to Ils YMiirMa aqi�t M/ <br /> Len�kr. Lander msy mdce poof ot Wa�if mt a�de P�P�Y bY�'p'. <br /> __.—_— — uNa.t�enaar,�ee eoeower oa�awLe as�ee jo wri�.ia�u�pe�ooeed�tb.0 as a�pliea q.aantlo.ur np�ir a8' <br /> R��it die nuo�at�ou a nap�ir i�eooaoa�icdiy fedble wd t.aide�h�o�ariq is �ot I�d !t dm. <br /> ar i�not eoo�aom�aUy twl6le or Lenderi��ecurity MauW be lewa�d.;{Ae irMUr�noe peooeed��Ib�bu <br /> .ppliaa w tbo wm.,a�uea ey�his sa�ity la�aumed.�uhetl�c or na droa due.wit�,�.y�:� a 8a�a+nor. IE, . . <br /> &cNtawa ab�udoas tUe P�opaty.oc does uot a�wer wW�in 30 d�ya s aotice 6an La�{e�r d�ot�ba ie�uanr.e c�Iwis <br /> offe�rd w�atle�cldm.dim I.enbr aa�Y oo1la�;t the in�aoe p�oceed�, l.ender ns�y usa the pooeed�lo or re�M�na <br /> tbe Propaty or W pay ams�ecurod ty Ihi�Secwity Lw�uma�t.Mhelher or not tt�ea daa 71re 30-d�Y P«� �1r� <br /> the aotiae it�ivea. <br /> Ualaa l.ender�ad Ba�mwer atheivrbe aWee in wridnj,any�plk�tion of pmce�dt to priectp�l th�U oot e�Aend or <br /> poupooe the due daoe of d�e modhty p�aw ro[and w la pnnp�hs 1 aod 2 a cbtia�o die�rnount of d�e It . <br />-- undcr pvsg�spl�21 the Propaty���ad����1�w�6a���eaued�9acu�:, • <br /> fi�m dmuge w tl�a Prop�aty p�ior <br /> --- t�c immedi�uelyp�ior w die <br /> �u �natfo� ' �■i Prol�etio� d tie Pnp�fyi �re�a'"� [� Ap/MtWlp, <br /> �. Ooaip�c� <br /> -- - La�cioW� Bo�ower stw�ll occupy.esab�sh.�md we tbe Pt�opesty a Boernwer�p�a�cIpl mddeiwa wldan�ay'd��a�s� .. <br /> the cxavtiva of thlr Seco�ity law►aaent aod a6�11 000tiaue w o�cupy the Propeap,�Ba�oNer�prinaipd tesid�a�oa fot ut� <br /> least one yar �Ra the d�ta d oxup�acy. � l�der athe�wise a�oes in.w►it� which oon�art �U not 6e <br /> unrcawiwbly wlthheld o7 unlats extmwtiag cl�noa�euttu whic6�re beyood Bar�o�rert vo�d. Hon�awer�ha8 oot <br /> desmuY.damRga or imp�ir tl�e Property,aibw tbe P��y w dete�iarate�ar oorumit�waste oo Ihe Pnupaty Borru�er�Il . <br /> be In defautt if any forfeiture�ction or pn000ediag. cfvU or�rLnind,is be�n tWt ia l�ea�der��ood faitb� <br /> cauld n�ult ln fafeiture of We Propacy or ad�erwls� mataially imp�ir die lkn tara�ed Iry t�Sxurity Irottnma�t ar <br /> Laiderl�secudty interest. Bonnwermry core auch a defwlt aod ninatate,�a povidyd ia'cau�in�the�'tlon <br /> - — or pnooeeding w 6e disa�ssod witb a ruW���Iwt,in l,a�der�s good faW�de�adn�doo,R'ec�a(eipre of d�e Bono�er� <br /> _ - intmcst in�he Prope�ty or other m�inl Mpa�a�ent of tbe Ifm cRatod by this S�ah►rity In�t ar LandaY�ecurlh► <br /> intennsG Bonower ahaU also 6e ia ddF�olt U Bormwa, durin8 � ��P'P� P'��I�ve m�taially tabe at <br /> inwocurata�blfamaHan or staoemrnts to irrade�(a fajled to pmvWe L�a�der wUb any naterid ieto�on)in oonnedion wit�e�'. <br /> :';1 the lvam ev3de�rod by the Nou. including,but not limited w. oepiesmtalions'�Rarrowal� oaa��cy d d�e <br /> - p�operty as s principd�eaidence. If tiri9�CUrity i�pument is on a 1e�reir�td,8.r�vw��Car-�1y vrii�s�ilaa�rsv� <br />...�� af die lease. If Borrower acquires foo tiUc to the�a kaceiald md the feo ti�k rb�ll uct�e uaiete l+ender agiees <br />` .;Q;. !�t`:i to d�e mager in writing. <br /> 7. Protectioo ot LeadcT'e ItigKs la the Properly. IP Bomower fAil�w perfarm the covawnts and agroane� <br /> `=. conteined in �his Secur�ty Inswment,oa lhere is a legal proceeding that ms�y signff'icaatly affect I.a�derk right� in d�e <br />- �'�P��3'(sucb as a�ing in bankNPu!',pmbate�for ca�demnatfon or forfieiwn or to ed'oroa laws or regul�tian�).dian <br />_~- I,ender mxy do and pay for whatevcr is t�aessory to protect the value of tho Ptoperty wd l.enderl� righis in the PropettY- <br /> '� L.ender�act�ons may incl�We peyit�g anY swns aecured by a lien whlch Aac prbrity aver itis Security L�suwne�N,�ppwin8 <br /> in coun,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to m�ice repaks.Alfl�oug6[.ender anay talce�ctian <br /> under tliis paragraph 7.l.ender does not bs�ve us do so. <br /> Any amounts disburscd by l.ender under�his paragraph 7 shall become addidona!debt of Bormwer secuied by dde <br />�:�� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower ar�rl Lender ogroe to other terms of pxymeqt,dti�se antauus ahaU bear intm+e:t fnnm tbe <br /> _.� date of disburscment at the Note rate wtd ahall be ppyable,with lnkrest,upon notiCe from Latda to Bonower requeking <br /> . payment. <br /> - y�, & Mortgage Insut�nce. !f Lemler required mortgage insurance as a cond5tion of mWting tha loan secural by this <br />�,,:�; Security Inswment,Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requlred to maintain the mortgage insusanCe in et�xt [f.for�ny <br /> T ^ �� reason. 1he mortgage in�unun:e coverygr rr.yuiic�! by Lender lapses or ceascs to Ee in etTect,8o:set�es �ha!! pay the <br /> •� � pnemiums requiad to obtaln coverage substantially equ�valent to the mortgage insurs�r�ca previously in effec� at a c�st <br />• ' ;�-:"`..� substanuelly equivalent to the cost to Horrower of the mortgage insurance prcviously in effeci, from an altemate mort8+i8e <br /> J q1�V'Li�il:w•a• <br /> „�%.-�•--••,:� insurer approved by I.ender. If substantially equivnlent mortgage insurance coverage ia not av�ilable. Bormwer sfiall pay to <br /> ��, : .:�;��:� <br /> Lender each momh a sum equa!to oRe•twelflh of�he yeariy mortgage insurance prrmiurn being paid by BoROwer when <br />_:.,�- . �?;.'���''�', insurance covernge lepsed or ceASed to be in effect. I.ender will accept.use and retein these paymems as x Ioss reserve in lieu <br /> • �. � .�;�'°..�i5'tt� of mortgage insumnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be roqui�ed,at the option of lxnder, if mortgage insurance <br />�;,� „ :,., . coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender agein becomes <br />-_ .� ; � avaflable axl is obtained.Borrower shsill pay the premiums required to maintain mortgege insu�na in effect,or to provide a <br /> . ��' �' '��' �' los�reserve,until the reyuirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance wi�h eny written�grament betwcen Borrower <br /> �•!' �nr�'� '��:� '•,. and Lender ar upplicable luw. <br /> , �;�,• ` •'.�.+ 9. Inspeclbn. Lendar or its agent muy make reasonuble entries upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br /> � . . •A:. <br /> _. , • ;.�t;�;� give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to c�n inspection specifying rea.ronable cnuse for the inRpection. <br /> - t0. Condetnnatbn. The proceeds of any aw:ud or clnim for damoges,direct or consequential,in connection witM any <br /> . , ���F;`i. <br /> .� ., ; � Singk F�mily--Fonde Motll�eddk Moc UNIF�ORM INS7'RUWIENT••Uniform Coven�nts 9I90 fpope 3 afb po�esl <br /> h.., <br /> {� (i�ea I�ka tW�e�Far.Nc■ <br /> �► �, � . Tp OMI►Gk 1.�0610i910 O IAX�1�7Ytd111 <br /> �.�.�, <br /> i�. � �,t�;i��. <br /> ', '� "���Y: <br /> -:`y.�. . .;� -'i��ny:r <br /> rt ���� - — <br /> - t+"�\' � � : y.f��.'��i �p�YAH::..r.t.w�pn��Ai1�IRkLF+Anr�wr+'w•..----� - <br /> � .. .. �:I�{��.��. . . . ...� <br /> . <br /> , ...,., � <br /> s�:�. .- , - ... � i .'� p� ::- ; . - -��AS��L]fJ�i�Sr.t2S:�_J�_t �i9�o..� -- <br /> ' ____ <br />. i• _.•• __.__-`___ __._.. _ __ _ ._.__ __•._•_ _. _. _ _'_ ___...t.._._ u. - <br /> ___ . _ _T__T.. .____�_—_'—_ -_____-_.__._____ ___ __._ __:r.=-- -_ _ _' __._.__._ ____.____.__—_ _ . _ <br /> ' . ,�C�� ,1`C,'"`�yi -T'.+'T.fis'r -- - <br /> 1'.1 V - ` ` .. .t. 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