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.. ___. ,^ _...�s;. ...j.q}` <br /> •'g„a .w•y. ... � . . . . ' , ., . �?,N G'1'�/"�+' n r�.'•:.�• :�rFA������ -- . .. <br />� -' _- <br /> � ' • . . . ' , . . . . � � a•_J .1�.. __.. <br /> •.�.� <br /> . - . . ,�-�-.-•,a7-. <br /> . �:t sv <br /> . . . . .. _ .. . ^; 3.�4�_. <br /> � . • � �. . ,�..' <br /> __'— --. ._ _. .- ... . . _ . . . ..�.� __"'_ <br /> - __—_+r.w.�.�MsMM� �_` • ' ' _' �3�.�=1i:!�'° . _�ti�ff�'� - __ _ __ <br />. _ _ �}�.'s�T_�' " _ <br /> iity �iw�ww�or(b��►d�wMe1y,��iy►�M1t�w1. 71f0A Iw�t�fre�i�t � <br /> - . f+a►�� �.. I� �..,�r s�q.iry �,M r �r r�e� .�J , <br /> n -"�?�,. <br /> ooearw�(a)crr�a�de�w�M d+rq�+ad�tor+r«�or�naw��M uOwM�lroNArd r�oi�M� . <br /> L�ea�.feeYdl�.b�l oo�q�d��0.n�o�W MeoreNp��ka�and(�rk�es wdi aoMeM�I.w1iC� <br /> Mq.h�e a a�wne Mrt AM tf�a d 1��eity�.�et.twad�l�ri�¢ts id tM�ep�lr.M�aro�t aWMYeR a 4 , - <br /> ` . nam �ec�ed d�k 3a�r�' � � onMkMw �d�i�vd. Upon � b!r �uno.�. IW h <br /> �y Nw s� <br /> �na�eat Nd�s oWtption��ed har��M11 n�a fidly.�ive a i��suai�tbo 4rd wx�+rr�d. iiawrov�t. � <br /> �i�6t ib reiml�le dwll oot�ppty in tfie c�af�ooelantlon roder prap�17. , , <br /> 1! 9�1e�lYoMi�'��of��BerHoer. 7'he Nale ar ap�d i�Ma�r�t in ttw No1a(�q�q!�r wid�dis SroMr[q <br /> ia�onm�ant)n�tq'be�oW oae a more fLne��i0�ool piior txltbe b aH �ra�MOr. A stle m�y raWt in a clw�Ap N Ilw at1eX „ <br /> (Icaawa�s thb"I.o�n Spvber")d�ooUecu mo�Mbly p�yra�ea dre rode�the NoMe Md dd�SeaKity 1n�rnaet. 'ltieae�Iso <br /> msy 6e oaa ar mo�cl�S af die l.u�a Servioer u�al�bd to a sda ot'da IVale. It d�poe is a e6tn,o of tl�e Lo�Se�vioer� <br /> Bonower wW be tivea�rrittee rKxioe af Nw daey�in�000rdnxe w�Nh p�npb 14 above aad�pplic�ble Is�v. TM uotiw <br /> wiA�e the mmo aod dd�a of the oe�v l.o�a Satvioa and dyo tldra�t a�wMoA pa�nneata�I�ould ba nnda 7'be nwia wslf <br /> ala ao�M�ia imy othor infam�tiaa nquirod by+ippliaa6la law. • <br /> ]�. iiastHora S�bMa�cis. Bortn�er sM�ll aot causa ar pormii the pt�eaoe.use.diapo�l•�ta�r� eriea�e d�oy <br /> H�raNam SuMw�oes aa ac in tbe Property. BortovMa sddl bot do�nor albw wyak eire m dn.�uy�hini�ffactl�i thd� <br /> F4opaty tbY is in violadm of any Fnv�on�aenW The pa�oding two seiMenoes�h81 not y to die pre�a� <br /> �torase aa the Propat�r ot s�qaantities of Ii�za�dous Su6itana+�dut ir�e geoenlly �o be apptapriMe ro no�mal <br /> �idaWd uus�nd tv m�tau�nce of the Propaiy. <br /> Bamw�r shel!P�AUY Sive I.endu written notioe af anyr Lrvestigation.claim.dem�nd.ltwsutt or od�a�ct[an by anY <br /> govermoeml a tegu4tory agencY or qiv�te p�tty involving tl�e ptoperty and any N��dous Sub�tanoe or F�v&omnmtal <br /> af w6ich Bamowa Its�actual knowlodge. U Bomow�er k�s. ar is aotifiod by my�overnmaaW a' ee�uWarY <br /> authoritY.Nnt any removal or otl�er remedi�tion ot�oy HaTardous Subsou�ce affacting the Prape�ry ii neoas�y.Ba�to�� <br /> �11 psmnpliy Wcc aq teoasarY rcmodid�ctioas im�oea�danoe with Favi�ontna�ta!l.�w. <br /> As nsed im this paragmpb 20."Huardous Subw�oes'm thooe wbweoa det"med�wxic a IwArdaus wbsnnoa by <br /> F�vlror+mo�ual l.�w u�d die foUowing eubsurrees: gawline.tao�aK,ad�er fL�ua�mible a toaic petrolaap produets.toslc <br /> pesticides s�nd liabicides.voWjle solventa.mueri�ls contair►iog asbestos or formaldd�yde. and �adloactive m�teri�lt. A►� <br /> used in this psas�ph Z0."Envlronmaual l.�w"means feder�l la�►s and 1�►wc of the juriadictlon Mha+e the Pnopaty i�lac�tod <br /> tlyt�late io health,ssfetY or environment+d pmteedon. <br /> NON-UMRORM COVENANTS. Barower and l�ender fiuther covqwnt u�d pgroe�s follows: <br /> 21. Aooekratiooi ResKdks. l.eoder �Iwll iive notloe to Borrower prbr to acaderaHo�tollowla�Borrower's <br /> • .br+each d m9 aovnawt or a�e+eemeat ia thb Security lnslrument lbut uat to a�ooda�Noe��pwqrapM 17 <br /> : aoias appii�aibie ia��'avid��es�'L�� '!'!��slrs!!�: iss)!!x�:!�?!!�ast[oa e�Ie�e�!e e�a!!�e <br /> de�aalt,(c)a dat�.iiot kss thaa 30 dwys fran U�e dwte the�otia ic giveq to Borrower�by wYtc4 t6e dehalt mmt 6e <br /> cored:w�d(d)that tailuro to cure!6e default on or beta�e tie date specNied ia t�e aotice awy re�lt la aooderatia o� <br /> t6e soaB�aecund bq this Security Iaslrumeat nnd sale ot tl�Prap�erly. Tbe notice a6a11(W�er intors�Borwwer ot <br /> t6e rlg6t to ref�state aRer�ccekration aad the right to bring p court actbn to�ssert the aonex6teoce ot a dda�k or <br /> nuy ail�r de�en,e oP�orrower to Aocckratlon end eale. It t�dtfault is r+ot cured on or 6etot�e t6e date specifled in <br /> the notia,l.ender at i1s option mi+y requtrc ImmedWte payment in tull of all sums secuned by Wis Securltq IostrumeW <br /> withoat tWrthe� dempnd and may ipvoke the power ot sak and any other remedies permitted by applkable 1��►. <br /> L.euder ahall be eaHtled to co11eM all expeoses incurred in pursuing the remedka provid�d in t61s para�apb 2l, <br /> induding,but aot limihd ta,rea�on�ble attorneys'fees and casts oT title evldence. <br /> I�the power ot snk is Iavol�ed,7lrust�ee shWl record a ootice ot detault in eacb cauaty In wbtc6 aay part d the <br /> pmperty ia bdted and spall mail rnpies of such notke M the manner prescri6ed by applkable Inw to Borrower and to <br /> the other persans prescribed by appUcAble law Atter the time requlred by applkabk law,7lrustee aba0�ive public <br /> aotioe d sale to tde pensons and in the m�nner prescribed by applicable�aw. 'I�u�tee,wildont demand oq Borrower, <br /> sbs�B sell ihe Property at public auctton to the Nlghest bidde�At the time and place and under the terms designwted io <br /> the�wtlee ot ss�te in one or more parccls ond in any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee mt+y postpone sak o�all ar ony <br /> _ _,__, p�rcel of tlie Pro�ty by public anna�mrment pf tbe time s�nd pince�f uav�nvlouslv ccLeduMvl+qple. l�n�k�nr itR , <br /> desipee may.pu�+cnASet6e PropeNy at Any s�le. <br /> Upod reeeipt of payment of the p�ice bid�7Yustee shall deliver lo the purchaser 7tustce's deed cooveyiag the � <br />=�j-�� Properly. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shaN be prima facie evidence of the truth oP the statemeats nwde therein. <br /> _=�__= 7Yostee shall ppply the proceeds of the sale in tt�e iollowing order: (a►to all costs and expenses of exercisin�the power <br />—:�:r..w <br /> T"*s7 <br />:a�.�� <br /> --ra <br /> -•�ri-:� <br /> ____� — <br />�;;i�� _ <br /> -f�� <br /> ,��.t,: �ermJ028 9/9B I/wxr s��/ApaRa�.r1 <br />��N_^fY b •4A. f. — <br /> � F <br />-�i�� <br /> P,7Rr4�^�c . �tl✓�::'•�a ,. . -- •�. .a.� :�. ,.. ,y. .. �r ';�res 4" •. <br /> — . <br /> n �.. . .. <br /> �+�c i�ia -..f,11 "- � .. . ' �:t_. ,•�gx� �t,�,`.�-c,' ",-�`��c`� 4"��".��5�,� .�si'.'�.°,�'�`... <br /> . . <br /> . . _ <br /> --- }r+!a.. ti��^ . .1..' ,_ . <br /> — l�a.J7' ,j � . ., . . �y �J. ,�[ �j���� ���.���. <br /> . ' <br /> ._. . ) <br /> _.,_._�_�ii�t'.�h._:rL'_ '_.__ _. '_ .0 _��. ..____ _. .�_.'`i.L••Y_S� •RC`�l� ."Q. ..�l4 fMS��.'r�'°�°'n"' <br /> � <br /> ____ __ __ ___"_ <br /> _._..""" .:'�-.. . __-_"— _ ._....-._ _____ <br /> .{..��., . . <br /> ���°�i�`• � . , v�:'' - ,... .-_. _.___ -_ _ . _- . ��( ..r�,f1,r.11o R�.. . 'tt,tt�t �� . �Y�- 11 sf �ii • <br /> r�"7� P <br /> 1( �lfr <br /> ' 4..!'jt'�.-_ . . . ii,..� • . - .. ' � NrS����'�[1"i1 '_A�.t�i�A�t�� ..titt � �i::"�--��,_�._`,i:.. <br /> � t <br /> _'rte's..��i�L_S�{ . .., . ' . : ��d..����:�;"�`� r_ . _ i" � �f� ��.�t� <br /> - 1J�14 . � � " - ] . ��1J:14]Y. �Yi �11 ' " � t ' <br /> - � � -.- •.'+Jtr..:1'A�r..._� . .. - � .�i . .._ . " . . .. � _-.—.---•_.=,.�� _.._.__ _ F,. .._ ''_. <br /> Z�� . . .. . . • .._ .. 2. . <br /> .�l,'�� . .� � � .� ., .. ' �` ' .. - <br /> "___��..-=.�n.b'...`{.t '. J. . . ., . . .. v�i�.� .a . .`. . <br /> _ . .-�).. . _ . . - �. •(�' <br />- �Y;Y�Y�si�roa�.s�'`�•;�y.y. . . 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